What is a strange fact about you?



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Really odd, but I cannot stand water dripping off the shampo bottle into the shampoo I pour in my hand. I have to "dry off" the bottle before I pour it out. Totally stupid and I have NO idea why I do it.
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    I have this thing about whistling, it's like finger nails on a chalk board. Really makes my skin crawl!
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Just posted a quick one that came to mind in a rush, but here are a few more:

    -I have and enjoy having something called ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response, here's an article http://www.vice.com/read/asmr-the-good-feeling-no-one-can-explain).
    Basically what it does is makes my head/neck/back and sometimes arms have these really pleasant tingles. It's brought on by "triggers" that vary greatly, but my personal favorites are soft speaking/whispering, light tapping/scratching (you will almost always see me tapping something), personal attention, i.e. when someone is close and explaining something like a teacher would, or getting a haircut, anything that causes people to be close, when someone lightly plays with my hair, crinkling sounds (another thing I'm always doing when I have a crinkly bag!). There are quite a few other triggers as well. There are all sorts of YouTube videos for it as well :)

    -I have a really irrational fear of bees. Wasps/other stinging insects I can deal with okay, but bees really get me. If there is a bee in the car, you better pull over because I will most definitely have a panic attack until it's out. Though it's unlikely it would be there, because no matter if it's dead winter, I always check the car for bees.

    -I've been diagnosed with OCD. It's nothing weird but most people don't have it, I guess. So there's that.

    -I can't just have one hand wet. If one hand gets wet somehow, I have to wet the other one. I also can't stand it when the back of my hand or palm is wet, but in between my fingers is dry. I have to wet it so that they're soaked so I can dry them.

    -I, too, am a righty that shoots with her left hand. I also use my left hand for a lot of things most right handed people don't like opening doors, playing with my phone, wiping (TMI! lol) etc.

    -Back in 2006, my grandpa visited me in the form of a happy little green orb a few days after he died. My grandmother and mom also saw him. I haven't seen him since :(
  • LoveAlwaysAlisa
    LoveAlwaysAlisa Posts: 111 Member
    I can't stick the tip of my tongue out because my frenulum attaches on the entire length...so technically i'm "tongue tied" but I never developed a lisp! A speech therapist was even curious how I never developed one....i speak normally...:tongue:
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I can't stick the tip of my tongue out because my frenulum attaches on the entire length...so technically i'm "tongue tied" but I never developed a lisp! A speech therapist was even curious how I never developed one....i speak normally...:tongue:

    My fiance has a tongue tie, and though he did go to years of speech therapy, he never had a lisp. He just mispronounced words for some reason.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I get sick touching dead bugs. Like, I felt something on my leg a couple weeks ago, scratched it, then discovered it was a bug that I had killed on my leg. I ran into the bathroom and threw up. I couldn't even talk about it for several hours without throwing up!

    I broke my arm when I was three by jumping off the top of a pop-up trailer with my cousin. Now I'm so afraid of heights that not only have I gotten stuck in a tree, but I can't even stand on something that's an inch high without thinking I'm going to die. This has caused me to almost get fired from a couple jobs because I couldn't handle going up ladders to get things...

    My chronic knee condition causes me to be able to move my kneecaps around. I think it's awesome, but it freaks people out :bigsmile:
    Mine are...
    -I hate squirrels. They freak me out! Especially the big fat ones. Gag!

    That's so sad! I love squirrels! They're so cute and I want one for a pet!
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member

    My chronic knee condition causes me to be able to move my kneecaps around. I think it's awesome, but it freaks people out :bigsmile:

    ^ This would make me throw up. Seriously. I can't stand for anyone to touch or even look at my knees - and I hate anything to do with knees. My husband had surgery on one of his knees and I couldn't look at it or think about it or I would gag.

    ETA: Just typing this post about knees gave me chills and I almost threw up in my mouth a little.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member

    My chronic knee condition causes me to be able to move my kneecaps around. I think it's awesome, but it freaks people out :bigsmile:

    ^ This would make me throw up. Seriously. I can't stand for anyone to touch or even look at my knees - and I hate anything to do with knees. My husband had surgery on one of his knees and I couldn't look at it or think about it or I would gag.

    ETA: Just typing this post about knees gave me chills and I almost threw up in my mouth a little.

    Haha sorry! :flowerforyou: Feet freak me out, but not to that extent. I just don't like them...
  • slflorian
    slflorian Posts: 33
    I am scared I might see a ghost. I wont walk around my house alone at night because I'm scared I will see one, seriously if I wake up in the middle of the night I make my husband get up with me.. Weird huh? I also read tarot ( not something most people would think when they see me)

    I read Tarot as well! I also have a sixth sense, although I don't see things, I physically feel them. For example, when someone close to me is nervous, my teeth start chattering.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I'm the only 30-something Canadian woman I know who is obsessed with Korean pop music. I can also recite/write the Korean alphabet.

    Meet me....

    I speak Korean.
  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    I will only go bare foot in the sand or in my own shower/bath. Otherwise, constant slippers, socks, both - whatever. I have baby feet. I have tons of shoes, boots - love high heels.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I really like insects (well, except for roaches which just gross me out) and actually considered becoming an entomologist at one point.
  • DonnaNCgirl
    DonnaNCgirl Posts: 372
    I believe the country has an evil, evil side to it which we're not being shown.
    However, I won't go into specifics because, well... That's a debate I'm willing to discuss on this website, never.

    ^^Yeah, about that...:drinker:
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    We all have them.
    I'm curious, what is one thing about you that others might find.. odd?

    I'll share mine first.

    When I was a child, my biological father attempted to sell my soul to Satan, before he disappeared. Sometimes I wonder if that's what is wrong with me these days. Hahaha.
    Wonder if he knew my Father who tried to name me Sin DeVil

    sounds like both of these guys were way into Ozzy and Alice...or Megadeath....geez...Louise.....
  • rce884
    rce884 Posts: 47 Member
    what i once thought exciting and exotic about myself has, due to time become banal and common.
    but i am a bipolar borderline personality disorderd lesbian with green hair. i am afraid of birds, i have had major heart surgery and three major knee surgeries all before the age of 15. i have the most well adjusted biological family of all my friends. the 2.4 kids, mom dad and small dog (the .4 :))
    i have had the same girlfriend for the last 15 years. we are faithful but dont live togehter and will probably never get married.
    i have published a book of poetry.

    but other than that i am pretty boring
  • trying4real
    trying4real Posts: 113 Member
    Birds freak me out.. little @%$#'s , and swimming in water i cant see the bottom .. hello people!! there is stuff in that water that will touch you ! lol
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm a strange person. :laugh:

    No seriously ...

    - I really like cleaning
    - I'm not into chick flicks .. Much rather action/horror
    - I can work on cars
    - I know how to weld
    - Although I have a girly appearance, I like to get dirty (not in that way, perv .. well actually yes but that's not how I meant THIS)
    - When I was younger, my birthday wish would always be to find a dead body. I dunno .. thought it'd be cool. I'm a weirdo.
    - I also wanted to work night shift in a morgue. Now I'm too scared to & if I found a dead body, someone else would find it & me together in our cold, blue dead state.

    Uhhhh That's all I can really think of right now. Everything about me is probably strange though. =)

    lol, other than the first one, we could be behavioral twins! I'm the same way (yeah, I weld- I do metal sculpture)... after I saw the movie "Stand By Me" as a kid, I always wanted to find a dead body for some reason.
  • rce884
    rce884 Posts: 47 Member
    Birds freak me out.. little @%$#'s , and swimming in water i cant see the bottom .. hello people!! there is stuff in that water that will touch you ! lol

    exactly with the swimming thing too!!! i dont like things coming at me from multiple directions. no above and below. thats just too hard to gauge. front and back, ok, side to side, ok, below and above, no thank you. lol.... good to know i am not alone!
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I can write with my pencil.pen.......brush my teeth with my toothbrush ........with my toes . No I don't do it regularly...only when freaking out my friends. Or making my kids laugh!
  • Annawhat
    Annawhat Posts: 7 Member
    I used to want to be Lydia Deets when I was a kid and pretended BeetleJuice was real lol