Man to Man: A Support System for Men (part 2)



    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Man! Good motivation casper, sounds easy... i found a 10k race that's on the 4th for $30 so I'm gonna register for it.

    Good luck and kick butt.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Good deal man, report back and let us know how it goes.

    Anybody who can run amazes me. I never could. Did it with a gun to my head in the mil and hated every step. Haven't tried again since I got semi-fit,,, should prob give it a shot.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    It gets easier Casper, honestly I was the same way, always huffing and puffing, seems like my heart rate goes up much more than most normal people... Even after I got better at it, I still huff and puff... I just do so for the entire hour while running. Idk what's wrong with me, my stamina is good enough to keep running, but I can't bring my HR down below 160 when I'm doing it.
  • rolyprince
    rolyprince Posts: 53 Member
    Morning Guys I haven't been able to post on here for a while but I thought I'd post my weigh in from yesterday.

    I lost 1.2lbs!!! Down to 236.

    Excellent I'm really happy weight is going in the right direction over 50lbs lost now!! I'm skipping round the bathroom

    I hadn't measured myself in about a month so I thought I'd see how they were doing thinking it would make me feel even better.
    But my measurements have gone up!!

    I don't get it. I can understand that my chest size might go up as I'm building muscle but what I don't understand is why my belly measurement would have gone up.

    I'm excersiing 4-5 times a week. Drinking plenty of water. Eating most if not all of my exercise calories. I'm using the same tape measure and measuring in the same place.

    Like I say my weight is going down nicely. I just don't understand how my belly size has gone up!!

    I'm sure you great people will know the answer.

    Thanks in advance.
  • onebeer
    onebeer Posts: 36
    Afternoon all

    Been away frm here for a while - too much footie on the telly, too much beer in the fridge, but seeing as the world cup is practically over, its time to concentrate again. The good thing is that during the last three weeks, my weight has stayed pretty static (actually dropped a lb - HTF does that work?).

    Anyway, back on the food, back on the cross trainer and the bike, time to let battle commence on this last stone.

    Have fun all
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    Well, I am a day late for the challenge and I did not make my goal. I actually gained a pound this week. This does not really surprise me since I was camping on the weekend and yesterday was my anniversary, so I haven't been eating the best. Actually I was eating okay, just too many brews around the fire along with some snacks. For my challnege weight I came in at 176.7. Missed my goal by 3 or 4 pounds, so not bad.

    I need to find a good low cal beer that I can drink around the fire since camping season for me has just started. Anyone have any recommendations? also keep up the good work everyone and Casper, congrats on another long ride to work.
  • thedeuce
    thedeuce Posts: 2
    Hey guys. Just joined today and found this group. Looks like exactly what I need to get started. Look forward to learning some things here.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Welcome 2!
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey Guys

    I have been sick for a while and away from MFP, but I'm back now and just wanted to stop by and say hi!!
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Welcome back, gr8 1!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Birthday for me - 43 today. Red letter day so far.

    Woke up at 05:30, bounced outta bed like a superball. Walked dogs, got on bike and rode for an hour in the nice cool morning - did my usual 15ish mile loop through town and was back home by 06:50. Looking forward to time tonight w/fam including D-inlaw & Grandson, garbage can pizza & Guinness for dinner :drinker: .

    I feel so much much better on my 43rd B'day than I did on my 40th,,, or even my 30th if I'm going to be honest about it. So glad I made this change. It's a very very good thing.
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    Happy Birthday Casper. Enjoy your night with the family.
  • operator
    operator Posts: 53
    WASSSSAAHHHHHH guys. I have been off the site and off my work out routine for a while now. Figured it was time to shape up....
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Birthday for me - 43 today.

  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Birthday for me - 43 today. Red letter day so far.

    Woke up at 05:30, bounced outta bed like a superball. Walked dogs, got on bike and rode for an hour in the nice cool morning - did my usual 15ish mile loop through town and was back home by 06:50. Looking forward to time tonight w/fam including D-inlaw & Grandson, garbage can pizza & Guinness for dinner :drinker: .

    I feel so much much better on my 43rd B'day than I did on my 40th,,, or even my 30th if I'm going to be honest about it. So glad I made this change. It's a very very good thing.

    Happy belated birthday, Casper. I hope the pizza and Guinness were great!

    When I was facing 30, I said I wanted to be healthier at 30 than I was at 20. That didn't happen. Now I'm 39 and I will be healthier at 40 than I was at 30, or 20! :bigsmile:
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    The difference between my 38th birthday last year and my 39th this year was like going from 80 to 30. It is amazing how different I feel.

    Today on my modified 300 challenge I did the following:

    25 Bodyweight Rows,
    25 Pushups,
    25 24" Bench Jumps,
    25 Floor Wipers,
    15 each Arm 135lb Dumbell C&P,
    20 pushups,
    25 Bodyweight squats,
    15 Bodyweight Rows,

    (Mostly without rest between)

    Then did 2 15 rep sets on the Nautilus Ab Machine and 1 hour on the elliptical.

    Getting almost to the point to where I will try pullups again :)
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    The difference between my 38th birthday last year and my 39th this year was like going from 80 to 30. It is amazing how different I feel.

    Today on my modified 300 challenge I did the following:

    25 Bodyweight Rows,
    25 Pushups,
    25 24" Bench Jumps,
    25 Floor Wipers,
    15 each Arm 135lb Dumbell C&P,
    20 pushups,
    25 Bodyweight squats,
    15 Bodyweight Rows,

    (Mostly without rest between)

    Then did 2 15 rep sets on the Nautilus Ab Machine and 1 hour on the elliptical.

    Getting almost to the point to where I will try pullups again :)

    You are a machine! It's great to hear that so much can change in a year. While I'm pleased with my progress, it's only been four months.

    Let us know how the pull ups go. I checked the two playgrounds near my house to see if either of them had something that I could use as a modified pull up bar, but they don't. :sad:
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I wish I was a machine, Then I could just grease the creaky parts and make the stiffness go away :)

    Will do, The bodyweight rows are a good replacement currently till I can actually do real pullups but they are not the same.

    The day I actually complete the 300 as written, I think I will scare people :)

    That day is still just a twinkle in the far distance.

    I went to our first football officials meeting last night and this year our crew had to replace our clock operator. We got a 20 year old that is friends w/ our referee's son (who is also on the crew) and this kid just got finished with a freakin Triathalon. So on our crew we have 2 20 year olds, one currently in Afghanastan who once returned at the end of the month will have like 0% body fat and another who is a tri-athelete, Now there is some motivation if I ever saw it.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Man, that's a rough neighborhood to be hanging out in. I'm the only guy in my circle who can see his feet,,, no motivation there.

    Great job on the workout, you'll be a beast 'fore you know it.
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    Umpire - WOW!!! Incredible man - I mean that is an awesome workout............

    Casper - Happy Belated Birthday!!

    I know how you guys feel wanting to be in better shape than when you were younger - I can honestly say that at age 47 I am in the best shape of my life........and I am loving it - I am fighting now though not to get discouraged - my wife and I started this together and she has all but stopped going to the gym with me and the right eating plan has been thrown out of the window - I am just vain enough to push myself because of how good I feel about myself but also because I am just healthier and feel great.
    Any suggestions from anyone to help get my wife back on track?

    Yesterday's Workout:
    3.2 Mile Run 27 min
    30 min group power
    30 min step aerobics
    30 min pilates
    45 "real" situps
    10 reps @ 30 lbs standing alternate arm curls
    10 reps @ 30 lbs standing alternate shoulder press

    10 reps @ 30 lbs shrugs