

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    ok so I didnt go get that meatball grinder,I had butternut squash bisque and a couple of rye flatbread crackers.. whooo hooo, saved some calories there lol

    Oh, yummm! That sounds delicious to me, hope you enjoyed it (you've inspired me to make some soup!) :drinker:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    well took the boys for a quick walk and then had my russell stover marshmallow mini eggs(160 cal). well at least im quite a bit under my calorie count for today and got a bit of exercise today:wink: took a shower ,got my jammies on and lying in bed.. yahh im a big party person ,up all night :laugh:
    gonna mess around on the computer and ,watch tv for a bit...
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: thanks Lila for the name of the bra fitting place called "Victoria Classic Lingerie". I work downtown Victoria, so I should be able to get out there one day. The other one I found was called "Night Owls Lingerie" in Broadmead Village (that is a shopping centre). Google is my friend. Time to start spoiling the girls.

    :smile: I walked the full 10k this morning. Took me 1.5 hours, which is very very fast walking. All of the 10K training camps met together at Beaver Lake early this morning and walked/ran the trail around the lake. (Actually part of it is called Beaver Lake and the other part is Elk Lake). The weather shaped up just in time with sunshine. Parts of the trail were quite muddy though from all the rain we've had. I even jogged a short distance to get through some difficult areas. After the 10K we all shared coffee and snacks (and confession: I ate a brownie, yum). Fun to have so many motivated people together. I did have a very sore back afterwards and I have noticed this issue before. DD is suggesting I should see a chiropractor to determine if my stride is out of whack. This is actually quite possible, since I have scoliosis and my hips may be out of alignment. I already know my shoulders always are.

    The other aches and pains are muscles. It's a great feeling actually. And breathing in the wonderful fresh air was fabulous.

    DD and DGS are over today, so not much time for anything else. (they are both taking a nap at the moment). Darn, now that I am typing this, I realize that I forgot to post the veggie challenge and worse than that, I forgot to call my mom (and she's 9 hrs ahead so can't call her now.) Oh well, tomorrow is another day, on both accounts.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just a quick hello.Will catch up mon,when I have internet access.
    Keep doing what you can do.
    Miss and luv u all
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Gonzamm – love the goal of DH carrying you thru the door!

    Katla – indeed, they do put all sorts of temptations at the checkout. I try to read the sleazy headlines about the stars instead of looking elsewhere. Really, do you suppose any of that nonsense is true?

    CityJane – welcome!

    Meg – Soma.com if there isn’t a store near you. They are owned by/part of Chico’s, White House/Black Market, etc. Fabulous stuff!

    Joyce – I bet the doctor will see a big difference. Good for you! I see my cardiologist in June and hope they will cut the medication again. I still get so cold at night.

    DH and I shared Nachos Supreme at a local Mexican restaurant for lunch – delicious stuff. So I came home and did 30 minutes of aerobics with on-demand TV, then walked outside for an hour (3.5 miles) as penance. AND I made a date with my neighbor to walk together tomorrow.

    Dinner tonight is a salad plus Dreamfield’s pasta and red sauce – DH is diabetic. I am making frozen strawberry yogurt for dessert in the Vitamix. (1 pound frozen strawberries, 1 C Kroger’s carb-master yogurt and 1/3 C sugar substitute is the recipe. I’ll probably cut the sugar substitute in half to start and see how it is.) Hopefully it will seem a good treat – certainly low calorie!

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • reallymary
    Wow - you are all so inspiring! I am very happy to have stumbled across this lively group!!

    We spent the morning painting my home office downstairs - big room and of course, I have to do an accent wall and there's a lot of cuts. So my husband and I did all the cuts this morning.

    And then in the afternoon, we had to go to our nephew's 6th birthday party today.....oh, it seems so long ago that my 30-somethings were that little!

    They were serving pizza and cake, of course, and I was a wee bit stressed about it. But before I even got up this morning, DH roasted off some seasoned cauliflower, asparagus, sliced a beautiful red pepper and a cuke and added some carrots for more color. It was beautiful! And I just indulged (guilt-free, I might add) on the veggie tray. And there were a number of others who did as well.

    Mary - singing "hooray for a good day!"
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    bump for sunday morning.......
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Wanted to share this recipe for Healthy All-Fruit Popsicles. You might want to save this for summer time, lol. But it sure looks good! The kiwis are sliced so they show on the outside of the popsicle. I'll see if I can post the photo.

    3 cups watermelon puree (seedless if possible)
    1/2 cup fresh blueberries
    1/2 cup chopped fresh strawberries
    1 kiwi, peeled and sliced
    1 peach or nectarine, diced small
    handful fresh cherries, pitted and chopped

    Cut the watermelon into chunks and then puree it in a blender until smooth. Set aside.

    Set out about 1 dozen popsicle molds (amount needed will vary depending on size of molds). Fill each one with the chopped fresh fruit. Then pour in the watermelon puree until each mold is full to the top. Place a popsicle stick into each one. Place into your freezer and freeze for about 6 to 8 hours.

    When ready to serve, run the popsicle molds under warm water for a few seconds and then pull each one out.

    Hope everyone's having a nice weekend.

    :smile: jb in rainy Portland
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello friends--- :heart:

    As usual, I've read all the posts. I celebrate with you on your victories :bigsmile: and am sad for any setbacks:brokenheart: . I've laughed a lot at all the conversation on having a bra fitted!:laugh: I've never had a fitting. A friend did have a fitting some years ago and purchased several wildly expensive items only to find that actually she did not find them comfortable and stopped wearing them within a few weeks. That happens to me with shoes---I'll pick out something that I think is great when I'm in the store or if I wear them at home for a little while but if I wear the shoes for a long time, once in a while I find they are not comfortable at all.

    I went to my closet this morning and got out two pairs of black denim jeans that I haven't worn because when I originally got them they were just too tight or too small. Somehow I then became somewhat frightened to try them again. But today I did it and my gosh, both pair are now too large to wear. My fear kept me from getting any use out of these items. Fear of failure cost me some money for sure!:sad: :sad:

    Ladies, does anyone wear jeggings? I got some and I don't really understand how they're suppose to fit. I'm on the verge of taking them back. They are sort of hip huggers and when I look in the mirror the back pockets extend down below my behind to the top of my legs. Is that normal?? I'm thinking that can't be right. Maybe my shape just isn't right for these things.......:huh:

    Today was a cooking day. I made another batch of kale chips and then made some soup----it's a pea/lettuce soup and I know it sounds horrible but you cook it up and run it through the Vitamix and it's a nice smooth kinda thick soup and I adore it. But then my tastes in food are somewhat bizarre! :wink: :wink:

    I cooked some mixed beans/lentils to use with my salads. I will freeze half of what I cooked to save for another week.

    I'm set to make a new batch of almond milk in the morning. I was going to make something I like for breakfast but found out I don't have enough apples on hand to make the recipe; I need 2 more. Maybe I'll put that project off for a couple of days.

    Hugs to all you beautiful Vitamin F ladies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Just a “generic” note – unless you comment on more than 25 boards/forums a month – you really only have to ‘bump’ once as the ‘My Topics’ part of the Community tab keeps the last 25 places you posted to (NOT the last 25 posts). Just an FYI to save folks time and keystrokes (for those like me who have a bit of carpal tunnel ) :grumble:

    Renny – Congrats on the 10k!! Glad the weather cooperated (and you Earned that brownie ) I think your DD may be on to something about seeing the chiro – I know it helps me tremendously to get a periodic “tune-up” (bad back due to car accident). :happy:

    Gail - Love that you enjoyed your lunch with DH and then “earned it” with your excellent workouts. That’s what I do too! Your dinner sounds delicious, and thanks for sharing the dessert recipe (sounds yummy)

    ReallyMary – Wow, what a fine example of a DH you have (is he on this healthy journey with you or just being very supportive?) :smooched: How nice you could enjoy the “grand” b-day! :smile:

    JB in Portland – Thank you for sharing this recipe, sounds divine!!!!!!!!

    Lin – That is exactly what happened to me last month. I put on a pair of jeans I’d bought but never worn and went to run errands and ended up spending the day pulling them up off my “bottom” until I got back home and could change. Decided to call it a “NSV” – hope you do too! As for jeggings (or really IMO any low-rise pants) NO, if a pocket does not sit on your butt-cheeks (sorry, any other descriptor????) it does not fit properly. I wish I could send this message out to the universe so all teens/tweens/and 20-somethings could hear and understand it!!!!!! Just as I wish I could do the same to boys/men who wear their pants halfway down their hineys!!!!! :blushing: :laugh: :blushing: :laugh: Okay, off my soapbox now! :bigsmile:

    Brooke from Colorado

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I only set behavior goals, not outcome goals. :noway: That way if I stay in the limits I win and it doesn’t matter if I have water retention that day. I win anyway. :bigsmile: I really like it and I’ve been having good results. The scale is a fickle thing. :grumble: I hope you enjoyed your walk with DH outside. The bad thing about mall walking is that it is 100% on concrete with no chance of Vitamin D. The good thing is that you can walk there in really bad weather and the weather doesn’t matter.:flowerforyou:

    sherrimccarthy: I started here because of knee pain, too. It is improving as I lose weight and increase my exercise, but I am still careful to choose activities that don’t hurt. Walking, yoga and bike riding are great. I doubt I’ll ever be a jogger again unless running for my life.:noway:

    Sasha: I’ve never been a fashionista. :laugh: When I was a kid my parents couldn’t afford it, and I guess it passed me by. Even so, I appreciate feeling good in what I’m wearing, and I’ll be indulging myself when I get to the goal line. :bigsmile: Meanwhile, I have two pair of pants that fit, and two that are baggy. :ohwell: Tops are much more flexible, thank goodness!

    Brooke: My artisan wasn’t there. :sad: The people in the “office” said that he’s still in Mexico for the winter and will be along in a month or two.:tongue:

    Gardengail: Tabloid nonsense might be true sometimes-- you never know. :indifferent: The old story about monkeys at a typewriter could be true. I suspect some of the information is supplied by people who care more about getting their pictures on the cover than anything else.:grumble:

    We had a good day at Saturday Market today, even though the artisan I wanted to see won’t be back for a few months. :ohwell: It will give me an excuse to stop by over and over again. :bigsmile: The elephant ear I ate provided its very own punishment—a colossal tummy ache. :sick: I think it was made with real butter. :mad: I’m lactose intolerant so the cheapo elephant ears are better for me. :blushing: Yes, I added all the calories and will do my best to stay under my total. Which means I sacrificed nutrition for the thrill.:noway: I’m a bad girl.:devil:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • sarg010
    sarg010 Posts: 2 Member
    bump for now...
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Here they are! Pretty, eh?


    (see page 14 for recipe)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    They are gorgeous JB!!!


  • grandmagege
    grandmagege Posts: 42 Member
    I really don't understand about the Bump :huh:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    jodios - how well I remember going thru all of my father's things, only had about a month and had to be out of there.

    Jo - since Bryan isn't getting married in a church, I have no clue whatsoever just how they feel about bare shoulders. Is it only in Thailand that you can't show your toes? Wonder if it's the same way in Spain? I have no clue whatsoever.

    DeeDee - my mother always used to say "beauty must suffer"

    Sandy - how I want to build a relationship with Bryan and his fiancee, but Vince and I were talking last night. Vince seems to think, and I am wondering right now if there may not be some truth to this, that Bryan seems to have made a conscious decision to distance himself from our family. Why, I really don't know. Vince also is of the opinion that in a year, Bryan will have a different marital status. You have no idea how this is hurting me! I admit, I've been on a bit of a binge eating right now, I MUST get this under control. Pigging out isn't going to make things better. Vince was wondering (and he didn't ask Denise yesterday when we talked to her, but he thinks that he will ask her next time we talk to her) why she asked Dianna the date of the wedding and not her own brother. Honestly, I don't know how I can build a realtionship with them if they aren't willing to at least meet me halfway. As expected, Dianna hasn't accepted my Facebook friend request. Not that I'm expecting she would. But at least I tried.

    Going to go to yoga today, then stop at one store and get the Easter baskey for Jessica. I called yesterday and increased it from a small basket to a medium sized one. When I first ordered it, I didn't know if Chris would be here or not. Now that he is here, I'm figuring that the basket will be for the both of them and a larger one really is more in order. Oh, that reminds me, I'm going to buy some sweet potatoes. Last Thanksgiving I made a banana sweet potato casserole. I was the only one who would eat it. Well, Chris said that he likes sweet potatoes so I'll make that. It's also low in calories.

    Cheryl - one time I had a dream that was so vivid, I attacked Vince. He had scratches on his chest and I was really screaming. I couldn't tell you what the dream was about, but I sure attacked Vince. Good for you declining those donuts

    jodios - congrats on being in the teens! I can't remember when I was there, I'm so happy for you

    Lucy i DE - sorry you lost your pedometer. Oh, I see you found it, that's great!

    Last night at Golden Corral I took this one piece of baked chicken. Was it every salty! To the point where I couldn't eat it. Today my ankles are quite swollen, and I'm sure its from the salt.

    Welcome everyone who is new

    Did an hour of yoga today. Tomorrow I'll do a bellydancing DVD. In a bit of a hurry right now. Jessica, Kris, Vince and I went bowling earlier. then went to church. Earlier I made cornbread muffins for dinner, got the potatoes made, put the ham in the oven when we got back from bowling, made the glaze for the ham earlier (thank goodness I got as much done before I had to leave as I did), went to church, we had dinner (ham, salad, peas, carrots, sweet potato casserole, baked potatoes. Need to go help Jess pack her car for tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    What a day! I sit home alone almost every weekend and hardly ever have company. So Friday I come home from work and empty the contents from my large Foyer into my living room and prep it for painting this weekend because I had nothing better to do. Well long story short I had 3 people stop by unexpectedly for a visit! Go figure! Why is it people drop in when things are in disarray? Needles to say it put me behind schedule on my painting project, but time spent with special friends is to precious to give up! So the house may be in disarray longer that I anticipated.
    Wow, when I read this morning we were on page 13. I need to get reading!
    ok 12:09, just finished reading all the posts, whew!

    Sandy – Indeed, we sure can be our own worst enemies and Thank you:smile:

    Ma – Congratulations!:drinker:

    Liz – still sending prayers for you and your Sister:heart:

    Jodios – Congratulations to you! What exciting news! You Rock!:drinker:

    Lucy- So glad you found your pedometer, now do you know where I put my glasses? hahaha:embarassed:

    Cityjane- I like you idea of standing on one leg, what a great idea to help improve ones balance! :bigsmile:

    Brooke- Congrats on the 3.4 lb loss! WTG!!!!:drinker:

    Meg- That sounds like a cool plan you have there…tee hee hee:smile:

    Grandmallie - I like these: http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/open-faced-meatball-sandwiches and only 231 calories! Your butternut squash bisque sounds heavenly! :love:

    Sharon - Thanks for the update on the soup! I need to try this! :smokin:

    Renny- Congrats on your running the 10K, sounds like a fun day!:smile:

    jb- the popsicles look so delish! I saved the recipe and can’t wait to try them !:smooched:

    Good night Friends Love to all
    Carol in WNY
  • Rosalindgr
    Rosalindgr Posts: 148 Member
    Hi everyone!!!,

    Love this site I posted last month with goals, but forgot to introduce myself. I am married with 3 adult children still at home (not complaining), 2 grandchildren, and work full time. The fitness world is not new to me, it will always be a part of my lifestyle. This post is super inspiring, love to hear women speaking my language. Feel free to add me on your freind's list. I had to go back and see what goal I set for March and noticed OOPS!!! I fell off the wagon so for April, its "Dito" to March's goal I think page 17 or 18 on March's post.

    eat clean
    increase water intake
    workout 2-3 times a week.
    in addition break the ground in my yard and plant some flowers.
    Blessings to all with April's goals!
  • Rosalindgr
    Rosalindgr Posts: 148 Member
    That's what I mean by speaking the same language! Lol! "At this age" and " having the confidence"!
  • Rosalindgr
    Rosalindgr Posts: 148 Member
    Bumping in to this VERY busy spot!

    Great encouragement to adapt and adjust and go at your own pace. At this age, I think we have all learned that we do not have to impress anyone and have the confidence to do what is good for me as an individual. Thanks ladies for the reminders.

    Kate - i loved that feeling of being able to wear something from the 'normal' store! It was so elating! :happy: I have decided that some stores are subnormal - their large still only fits a stick figure - but those have never been for me and never will be. Congratulations to you!:flowerforyou:

    A bit of a set back in the advent of spring here - a little chilly....brrr! but it will come....right???:ohwell:

    This week was full of wonderful family time and activities.......time to get to work here.

    Glenda in Alberta

    That's what I mean by speaking the same language! Lol! "At this age" and " having the confidence"!