What did your significant other do to piss you off today?



  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    My right hand won't grip the olympic bar properly. Too much lube I think

    "olympic bar" huh?
  • IamD1
    IamD1 Posts: 26 Member
    Nothing that can't be forgiven.....but sometimes the little things can annoy you.
  • dwyler21
    dwyler21 Posts: 108 Member
    check Facebook like 50 times a day ahaha
  • TakinSexyBack
    TakinSexyBack Posts: 300 Member
    Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

    Wait, he went to the ER without you knowing it? In an ambulance? For tooth pain. THEN got a ride home from some random girl who was smoking on your property?! That's just all sorts of No-no's. I'd ask for the doctors report.

    I agree, something sounds funny to me about all that. Ask for proof and verification. If I were married (and I used to be several years ago) and did something like that (drunk, ER visit, hospital meds, then random guy brings me home and I let him stay over while I'm drunk&possibly high on pain meds...) I'm guessing my husband would be pissed as well. Nothing makes sense about that story.

    I am sorry for laughing at OP's story but my goodness, you've got to be really naive to believe that :P An ambulance showed up to your house and you didn't notice? Then he got a ride from a random girl, who smoked in your backyard, using his computer at 4am, all while you were sleeping and you say "I know nothing funky went on" girl....

    Im not naive. He did go. I have the hospital band and his paperwork and prescriptions. My son saw the ambulance but didn't realize what was going on. I had taken a muscle relaxer b/c my back was hurting and was dead to the world. I have his hospital band and paperwork from the hospital. I also, at this point, spoke to the girl, who is engaged and swore to me the first thing he told her was he was married, she drove him straight here and that she asked him for a cigarette and used his laptop (outside) to see if her fiance had emailed her something and she left. She didnt come in the house. She said he did nothing out of the way but tell her thank you about a million times for helping him. He's never given me reason to believe he would cheat so I am just dropping it with a BIG KICK IN HIS *kitten* and making it CLEAR to him that even tho he should be thankful someone gave him a lift home when I was alseep and didn't hear him calling, nothing like this had better happen again......period.
  • TakinSexyBack
    TakinSexyBack Posts: 300 Member
    Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

    Wait, he went to the ER without you knowing it? In an ambulance? For tooth pain. THEN got a ride home from some random girl who was smoking on your property?! That's just all sorts of No-no's. I'd ask for the doctors report.

    I agree, something sounds funny to me about all that. Ask for proof and verification. If I were married (and I used to be several years ago) and did something like that (drunk, ER visit, hospital meds, then random guy brings me home and I let him stay over while I'm drunk&possibly high on pain meds...) I'm guessing my husband would be pissed as well. Nothing makes sense about that story.

    I am sorry for laughing at OP's story but my goodness, you've got to be really naive to believe that :P An ambulance showed up to your house and you didn't notice? Then he got a ride from a random girl, who smoked in your backyard, using his computer at 4am, all while you were sleeping and you say "I know nothing funky went on" girl....

    Im not naive. He did go. I have the hospital band and his paperwork and prescriptions. My son saw the ambulance but didn't realize what was going on. I had taken a muscle relaxer b/c my back was hurting and was dead to the world. So, I had no idea what was going on.

    I also, at this point, spoke to the girl, who is engaged and swore to me the first thing he told her was he was married, she drove him straight here and that she asked him for a cigarette and used his laptop (outside) to see if her fiance had emailed her something and she left. She said she made it clear when she asked him if he needed a ride that she had a taser and a gun. She said she was only offering help b/c he looked like he needed it. She didnt come in the house. She said he did nothing out of the way but tell her thank you about a million times for helping him. He's never given me reason to believe he would cheat so I am just dropping it with a BIG KICK IN HIS *kitten* and making it CLEAR to him that even tho he should be thankful someone gave him a lift home when I was alseep and didn't hear him calling, nothing like this had better happen again......period.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    That was me until our youngest child turned 18. Three weeks later I filed for divorce. Happiest day of my life up to now. We were married 26 1/2 years, and I kind of hate that I waited so long.
    been married to mine for 27 years...knew probably 2 months into it...bad idea. ..but still here. I bought a house ..he's still here. I won't leave ..he won't leave ...rut....he is a 5 year old acting 56 year old toddler.
    I have explained to him the door operation of how he can go out it and not come back in...but apparently he doesn't get it. Blah

    and ps when I started house hunting I went with the first one I liked that had an extra bedroom cuz I WON'T be in the same room with him.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    all these miserable relationship, all these people wasting their lives, is seriously sodding depressing.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member

    The worst thing my SO did today... We were playing PS3 (Saint's Row), he went to the kitchen to feed the cats, then stayed there doing dishes, while I was waiting to continue the game.

    How terrible to have a boyfriend who is more into cleaning than me (A)

    I thought I was strange for doing this...

    We never actually have serious fights just tiny quibbles that last like five seconds. I hate when he cleans too much as I would rather do most or at least help but he never gives me a chance :P

    Worse things to complain about, I am overall very lucky.

    Haha that sounds really familiar. For some reason he always cleans when I am least feeling it or when we are doing something else, and I don't like being occupied and drop everything to start cleaning.

    Oh well, if that's the worst thing that our SOs do, we are very lucky ;)
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

    Wait, he went to the ER without you knowing it? In an ambulance? For tooth pain. THEN got a ride home from some random girl who was smoking on your property?! That's just all sorts of No-no's. I'd ask for the doctors report.

    I agree, something sounds funny to me about all that. Ask for proof and verification. If I were married (and I used to be several years ago) and did something like that (drunk, ER visit, hospital meds, then random guy brings me home and I let him stay over while I'm drunk&possibly high on pain meds...) I'm guessing my husband would be pissed as well. Nothing makes sense about that story.

    I am sorry for laughing at OP's story but my goodness, you've got to be really naive to believe that :P An ambulance showed up to your house and you didn't notice? Then he got a ride from a random girl, who smoked in your backyard, using his computer at 4am, all while you were sleeping and you say "I know nothing funky went on" girl....

    Im not naive. He did go. I have the hospital band and his paperwork and prescriptions. My son saw the ambulance but didn't realize what was going on. I had taken a muscle relaxer b/c my back was hurting and was dead to the world. So, I had no idea what was going on.

    I also, at this point, spoke to the girl, who is engaged and swore to me the first thing he told her was he was married, she drove him straight here and that she asked him for a cigarette and used his laptop (outside) to see if her fiance had emailed her something and she left. She said she made it clear when she asked him if he needed a ride that she had a taser and a gun. She said she was only offering help b/c he looked like he needed it. She didnt come in the house. She said he did nothing out of the way but tell her thank you about a million times for helping him. He's never given me reason to believe he would cheat so I am just dropping it with a BIG KICK IN HIS *kitten* and making it CLEAR to him that even tho he should be thankful someone gave him a lift home when I was alseep and didn't hear him calling, nothing like this had better happen again......period.

    So he was drunk but they gave him meds? Alright.

    Something fishy but still, not our place to judge. I would still leave his *kitten* if he would do something like that. But then again, I respect myself a bit too much to stay with an a-hole that pulls *kitten* like that. Been there, done that.
  • GrnEyz80
    GrnEyz80 Posts: 121
    2 weeks ago today he dumped me after 2 years together. No warning. Blindsided me. So that pissed me off!
  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
    Wow some of the stories. I guess I got off lucky or just don't get pissed off easily. She wts under skin but never been pissed off at her. If I am annoyed I tell her and she stops.