

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Happy 4th everyone.

    I went thru my skinny clothes dream box and was able to wear about half of the stuff.:drinker: :drinker: I also tried on my wedding dress and it looks so good. I wish I looked that good in it last year when I got married. I had to wear a big ol suck'em up to get it zipped and yesterday I had no underwear at all on and it looked awesome. It felt so good and DH got all interested:blushing: if ya know what I mean. I am planning on enjoying my BBQ today and not sweating over it.

    I have two very frightend dogs. Cowereing in corners trying to hide because of all the boom boom going on outside (DH isn't helping:grumble: ) This is Bodi's first 4th with us. I hope he survives:laugh:

    Have an awesome day!

    Robin, (and anyone else dealing with unhappy critters due to fireworks noise)

    If you are not already doing so, try getting some background noises going inside the house and it will mask the outside noises and make the doggies more comfortable.

    If you have a loud exhaust/aka over the stove fan, put that on high. In my case, that, along with a radio in one room and the "white noise" machine that I keep in the bedroom to keep outside noises from disturbing my sleep, result in doggies who hardly notice anything from outside, even at the height of the :explode: bangin' and boomin'.:explode: Poor babies. :sad: I am glad this only happens ONCE a year!!:grumble:

    Anything that will make noise inside the house will help. A window air conditioning unit is good. If you don't need it to cool, just put the circulating fan on without the cooling feature active. Breezebox fans are also good options as they also make noise.

    Hope everyone is having a good day. I need a nap because Mai Li was very disagreeable last night and would not stay asleep. I even gave her one of "my" sleeping pills:noway: --let me explain--I call the pills she takes for pain "my" sleeping pills, 'cuz I get lots more sleep when she takes them!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I have made it to church and picked up the rest of my dessert makings, and I have about two hours until I have to leave for my parents' place, so I think this is a good time to rest up. Hopefully the doggies, especially Mai Li, will agree.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    Happy 4th July to those in USA :drinker:

    I sympathise with those whose doggies are frightened by the noisy fireworks:frown: We have the same thing over here from Haloween to bonfire night with fireworks going off almost every night. We do what Barb advises and put the tv up really loud and try not to make too much fuss. Even so some of the loud bangs make me jump never mind the dogs :explode:

    :smile: Well tomorrow I am going to Bridlington for 3 days I am really looking forward to it. My dad wants to set off early to miss all the traffic but it only takes just over an hour to get there so we'll be there around 7:30 a.m. :huh: We can't get into the bed and breakfast place until about 10 a.m. so I hope the weather is good then we can have a walk about and take in some sunshine. I think an early night is called for tonight.

    :smile: I will try to be good for the 3 days I'm away I'll not have too many ice creams :bigsmile:

    :frown: I won't be able to check in with you all until Friday so have a good week ladies - I'll miss you :drinker:

    Viv :heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Finally got online--
    Have a safe holiday!
  • pxgabriel
    pxgabriel Posts: 21
    I love your picture.
  • pxgabriel
    pxgabriel Posts: 21
    You can do it baby!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I actually have a few minutes here!

    Someone (sorry, don't remember who!) asked about my trike--I put a (not-very-good) picture of it on my profile photos page if you want to see it.

    It's been an interesting and fun weekend so far. I went to a Rainiers game last night with my brother and my son. I actually caught a foul ball that was hit by Jack Hannahan!. I wasn't able to get it autographed, though, because of the special fireworks display they had after the game. It was a really good show--AND the Rainiers won and I did not have any ballpark food except for some peanuts (unsalted and in the shell). We had a good time.

    We are barbequing some ribs and I made a low-fat pasta salad with lots of veggies in it. We also have a veggie tray and the only dessert is a fruit tart from the bakery. We've had it before and its not bad--lots of fresh fruit and I'm not going to worry about the calories much and just have a small piece.

    I hope everyone here in the US has a safe and happy holiday and that we all have a great weekend!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: we had our little person bbq for the 4th----chicken with peanut sauce with salad and steamed veggies.....we still haven't cut the watermelon

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, thanks for posting the picture of your trike.....I think I would like riding that.....I had a bad fall from a bike when I was in my 20's and that was the last bike riding I did (except for the stationery bike in the living room :laugh: )

    :flowerforyou: Today we went to a band and chorus concert in the park......it was about 50 degrees, cloudy, windy, and drizzling. We wore warm jackets, wool socks, and hats and brought a blanket for our laps. The concert included "the Star Spangled Banner", "America the Beautiful", "You're a Grand Old Flag", and "God Bless America"........the band played four John Phillip Sousa marches including "Stars and Stripes Forever" (my favorite because I played the piccolo in high school), a portion of the 1812 Overture ( without cannons), and the Armed Forces Salute with the songs from all the branches of service with an invitation to veterans to stand when their service music was played. We'll watch fireworks on TV tonight (or tomorrow since we'll be recording the shows from New York, Washington, DC, and Boston) :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: A friend of mine had a tens unit many years ago to deal with chronic pain and he thought it was the greatest invention of all time.

    :flowerforyou: After all the energy expended moving furniture from room to room and cleaning closets and shelves, we are relaxing watching "Independence Day"......it was DH's choice......it's not really my kind of movie (hence I'm posting and watching at the same time:laugh: ) and so far I can't figure out what it has to do with Independence Day.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    tcac - so glad Chloe is OK. What a scare for her AND for you! You know, yesterday I was over on my calories by about 100, I thought for sure the Wii today would show a gain, but it didn't.

    I really don't understand it, I logged my food for today here, and I'm already over by 50 calories. For breakfast I had a chicken breast patty (100 cal). For lunch I had grilled tilapia, steamed veges and mixed fruit, then I added what I'll most likely eat for dinner, a terriyaki chicken thigh, someone suggested a breast instead of a thigh so I'm going to try that, corn on the cob, cherry tomatoes, Update: I only had half of the chicken thigh so that brought my calories down. I'm so proud of myself, my daughter had a piece of this iced cookie, she didn't eat it all and I kept resisting it. I did it!!!

    Jackie - are you referring to a TENS machine? I used to work for a company that made them. They did work, but the only problem (and they really didn't tell you this) was that over time, you needed to use the machine more and more or at a higher voltage.

    Robin - thanks for sharing with us about your wedding dress. That's awesome!

    Friends of ours came over today for dinner. Vince grilled beef tenderloin, I had terriyaki chicken (made myself so the sodium wasn't as bad as if I'd bought it) - dark meat that the recipe calls for and also I tried chicken breasts, they were quite good to be honest. Corn on the cob (which I thought could have been better), veggies, I made brown rice but didn't have any, also made macaroni salad but didn't have any, made the key lime pie (didn't eat), had this iced cookie (didn't eat), and this apple crumble which I ate. Also had fresh veggies that I ate, celery, tomatoes, carrots and broccoli. I steamed the broccoli as I've heard that its really better for you to have it steamed, the nutrients are better able to be utilized by the body. Besides, I like it steamed better. Later that night, I had a few mints.

    Did an hour on the Wii doing balance games. Tomorrow, I'm going to do a bosu DVD that I have. I had 120oz of water today.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just stopping by on the way to bed to wish all of you a very happy Independence Day! Sorry I didn't get on this morning to do it, but just got home from a long, tiring, very fun holiday with my family. I started the day by singing at church. If you want to hear 4th of July music, you can check me out at http://www.1stcc.org/music.html Just scroll to the bottom to get to today's music.

    Anyway, hope all are doing well. I'm going to bed and see if I can sleep with the fireworks still going on in the neighborhood (even though we are having light rain.)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: After all the energy expended moving furniture from room to room and cleaning closets and shelves, we are relaxing watching "Independence Day"......it was DH's choice......it's not really my kind of movie (hence I'm posting and watching at the same time:laugh: ) and so far I can't figure out what it has to do with Independence Day.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I love science fiction--and i love this movie. I watched it, too (again).If you wqtched it to the end you found out what it had to do with Independence Day.

    Watching Julie and Julia now--such a good movie! Have a good night, all.
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi all!!

    Well, I blew it today...over by 231 calories. I ate half a Hershey's dark Chocolate bar plus had a slice of apple crumble at dinner.I'm really disappointed in myself:sad: I've promised myself I'll make up for it tomorrow:angry: I see now how easy it can be to lose the motivation.:grumble: I knew what I was doing and just said "who cares?":noway:

    I read through the posts and saw how well you all are doing. You've got to feel good about that:bigsmile: I'm so proud to be a part of this group. Thanks to everyone for sharing their struggles and successes:flowerforyou:

    I'm pretty shy about posting, and when I do I think what I've written sounds kinda dumb.:ohwell: I'll try to be less self conscious, because I'd love to join in more.:blushing: Thanks for being here,:heart: Ainslieglen
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Hi Everyone ,sounds like you all had a good day yesterday ,apart from the poor dogs ,years ago my chow used to be so terrified on Bonfire night ,but when we had our Lab,she didnt seemed fazed at all .
    Had another flare up yesterday RA seemed to be coming a lot more often now .

    Dont know if its on the news over there (dont think it will be) but about 5 miles from where I live there is a gunman on the lose he has seriously injured his ex ,killed her boyfriend and seriously injured a policeman ,and at the minute there is a helicopter out been out for ages now and the amount of sirens you can hear ,so hopefully he has been caught ,
    Hope the ex and the policeman are alright .
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Hello everyone,
    It’s not such a nice day today, a bit overcast, but we did have a lovely sunny weekend although it was very windy yesterday. We did our run a minute /walk a minute yesterday for two hours and I must admit I have a few aches today. DH then took me out for dinner which was very nice and the fact that I’d exercised so much saved me from going over my calories.:blushing:

    Laura – you are doing so well! Congratulations. I know you will meet your targets and get into the healthy BMI range next week.:flowerforyou:

    Robin – hope you all survived the 4th without any firework disasters.

    Renny – You look great in your new profile picture. :flowerforyou:

    Michele – All that food sounds absolutely delicious. Yum! :smile:

    Linda – Maybe upping your calories will help you lose more; you may not have been eating enough with all that exercise. It’s worth a try.

    Barb – love your story about the pizzas. It reminded me that when we were in Banff last year we went to a restaurant called Melissa’s for breakfast and a man came up with the coffee pot and asked if we wanted coffee. We asked if it was possible to have decaf and he said we would have to ask the waitress as he was just a customer helping out because they were busy. You Canadians sure are a helpful lot. :heart: I will certainly let you know all know if I am going to make it to Vancouver next year and we can meet up. We spent a night there last year and I loved it. I hope Mai Li's back gets better soon so you don't have to resort to 'your' sleeping pills.

    Barbie – you are so right about a pedometer. I got one before I went to France and it has certainly helped me up my exercise.

    Tiarapants – congratulations on losing another pound. Hope you’re feeling a bit better today. :flowerforyou:

    Jackie – I don’t have any personal experience of a TENS machine but I understand that they can be a great help.

    BarbieCat1 – you should feel virtuous – you were SO good :flowerforyou:

    Jeannie – glad you are enjoying your spinning classes. It sounds like hard work so it must be doing you good. :flowerforyou:

    Faye – be careful on that driveway :laugh:

    Robin – Glad to hear you can wear those clothes now. I know what you mean about your wedding dress. I was in exactly the same position when we got married last September. I wish I had been the weight I am now. Maybe I will try on my wedding dress and see how it looks now.

    Mookiemoomoo – good luck with your goals. 3lbs sounds ok to me.

    Viv – have great time in Bridlington. Stay away from those fish and chips.

    Mary – wish I could sing like you. My kids have always told me to stop when I try because it is so terrible.

    Kathy – I love Independence Day too.

    Ainsliegen – It’s lovely to hear from you again. Don’t beat yourself up too much about your little slip.

    Susiewusie – I didn’t know you were from my part of the country. We live near Durham now but I’m originally from Newcastle. My niece’s brother- in-law is an armed response officer with Northumbria police so I hope this man has been caught.

    Have a good day. Bye for now.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi all!!

    Well, I blew it today...over by 231 calories. I ate half a Hershey's dark Chocolate bar plus had a slice of apple crumble at dinner.I'm really disappointed in myself:sad: I've promised myself I'll make up for it tomorrow:angry: I see now how easy it can be to lose the motivation.:grumble: I knew what I was doing and just said "who cares?":noway:

    I read through the posts and saw how well you all are doing. You've got to feel good about that:bigsmile: I'm so proud to be a part of this group. Thanks to everyone for sharing their struggles and successes:flowerforyou:

    I'm pretty shy about posting, and when I do I think what I've written sounds kinda dumb.:ohwell: I'll try to be less self conscious, because I'd love to join in more.:blushing: Thanks for being here,:heart: Ainslieglen

    Don't worry about going over by such a small amount. Instead of feeling bad about it, think about how far you have come! You have lost over 20 pounds, and you are eating much healthier. You only went over by a little bit - did you know that it takes 3500 calories to gain a pound, and since your goal is at a deficit already, you shouldn't gain from that, but just possibly make your deficit a little less? Not only that, think about your previous eating habits, and how much you used to eat. Did you stop at half a candy bar in the past? In the past, I would have eaten the whole thing!
    Believe it or not, I was very shy when I started posting. It took being on here for 4 months before I got the courage to post my very first post. Then I was very hesitant, and thought very much about what I posted, and shuddered in fear of telling anyone very much about myself. Now I have even made my food diary public to my friends, and told some how much I weigh - both huge leaps for me! I still think that what I write generally sounds kind of stupid, but sometimes people tell me that I inspire them, so I keep posting. Just jump in and write to us - we love to hear from you!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Viv congrats on the lb:drinker:

    ThaiKaren Have to agree with Cyndi and Kathy... take the pounds off AFTER quitting smoking is THE healthy choice. Better for running with grand'uns too.:ohwell:

    Robin Glad to hear Keira came thru ok. Love:love::love: :love: that you sleep on the floor with ailing pets. Me too!
    :flowerforyou: Congrats on breaking the 150 lb barrier.

    Mimi "Sometimes people don't know who we are either when we're wearing the extra weight. Losing it feels like revealing who I really am." Beautifully said!:heart:

    Jeannie, Joining the Y is a GREAT step. They have tons of classes. Any that you find fun?:bigsmile:

    BC1 (belated) Welcome! Now there are 5 Barbara's tho' haven't seen anything from one recently and I post erratically. ". . .noticing a change in my mind set . . .feel as if a new leaf has been turned. . .feeling a new enthusiasm for goals and anticipating success. . . " YESS!

    Rebel my favorite non-animal fat is avocado oil, tastes like butter to me, sautes at high heat without breaking down. I avoid the stuff from Chile, it just looks too green.:sick: http://vegweb.com/index.php should have tons of nutty alternatives to meat dishes...

    NeedaMulligan (Love that name!) :laugh: Walking and logging (and punning) more faithfully ARE the path! You've got it!

    SusuieWusie Happy Birthday! Happy for the good news about your mam, the best bday present.:drinker:

    Jackie, Congrats on the carer's stipend.:drinker: Domestic pet peeves? I LOATHE vacuuming. :mad: See you've been Zumba-ing, is it a fun group?

    Gotta dash. Taking the General to a consultation, possible cataract surgery. More later.

    Hugs to all!:heart::heart: :heart:

    Gutt'n'butt 4th try day zero 07/05:grumble:
    Gratitudes 1-modern veterinary medicine 2-neighbors who abide by the no fireworks zone 3-Casaba melons and cottage cheese 4-Living in the US of A. 5-improved and improving communication with DH.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Well good Afternoon folks .....
    Cloudy spells and sunshine here. Blustery too. Washing is out and we're on the lookout for rain spots.

    Today I've been and come back from physio. If I thought the massage I had while in Bali last year was fierce...:noway: I hadn't met this guy!! He was very nice I must add ...while we were going through an exhaustive questionnaire we got on to "Had I ever had surgery?" ...."Yes" I replied. On being asked the date I duly told him - Gall bladder removal in 1976.:laugh: "As a child then" he said .....Bless. Anyway ....to cut things short ...:sad: he definitely got to the area of my shoulder causing the trouble and I've come away feeling as if I'll be black and blue. It is however feeling easier and I have exercises to do before we have another appt. in two weeks.

    Watching TV at the moment with Mum ...she's having a cuppa and pretending to not notice or remember that she's floated her mini cheddars in her tea! But ...:noway: it wasn't her that did it! Nooooo! :laugh: We're in weird conversation mode too and we've been in hysterics!!

    I'll be going to Zumba tonight and the hot tub's on stand by for when I get back ......maybe I'll dive in there before mum goes to bed ...definitely afterwards!.

    :smile: The scales were the same again this morning...not too bad after a weekend ...for me anyway!! Extra effort today ...maybe down tomorrow...maybe not!

    So ...it's bye from me ...back tomorrow!
    Take care All
    :heart: Jackie
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    I'm feeling much better today. Took my dad off to the doctor first thing and then took him shopping. I dropped him off at home and decided to have a bit of 'me time'. So I went round all the village shops and even sat and had a cup of coffee (it is so good to be able to have the odd cup now and then - I only ever drink it black with no sugar, so the calories aren't a problem).

    Finally decided to give 'the bean' a try. I blew it up and have managed to do 25 sit ups on it. Hopefully it will enable me to do these kind of exercises without damaging my back. My tummy wobbles about like an empty sack and I'd love to tighten it up somewhat. Oh, and I got my swimsuit! It's got a little skirt attached to it which just about hides the top of my thighs. I've decided that once I'm in the water I'm not going to worry about what I look like, but it's getting from the changing room to the pool that I'm self-conscious about. At the moment the swimsuit only just fits, so I'm hoping that, come September when I start my swimming classes, I will be a bit smaller. Actually, that's nonsense. I KNOW I will be a bit smaller by then!

    In the middle of the night, when I was doing my usual wide awake club (I'm the founder member! I've been an insomniac since I was a teenager), I lay thinking about a reward system. My plan is to set myself little goals and when I reach them to give myself a treat. I've decided that my treat for when I reach 100 pounds lost is going to be botox or something similar. (Shock, horror!) I don't really worry too much about my age lines s and wrinkles - I'm 51 and not 20, so I deserve some facial recognition in the way of little lines. However, I've got a vertical line between my eyebrows and would love to have that treated.

    Other than that my treats are a lot more down to earth. Going to the theatre to see a play; taking DH away for the weekend; having a manicure/pedicure. These are the sort of things that I seldom get to do these days and I would like to be kinder to myself.

    My DH has left me a whole pile of Latin translation to get through, so I suppose I'd better get started or I won't have time for another walk in the park later today. Sine labore non erit panis in ore.

    Have a healthy and happy Monday x
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just checking to get on the July thread. I can't believe time goes so fast and that we are in July already. We have been very busy and some health issues, but I hope to get back to posting regularly every day! We are also getting back into a routine of exercise. Have a good one!!:flowerforyou:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Can someone tell me why my profile picture cuts off my head?
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member

    In the middle of the night, when I was doing my usual wide awake club (I'm the founder member! I've been an insomniac since I was a teenager), I lay thinking about a reward system. My plan is to set myself little goals and when I reach them to give myself a treat. I've decided that my treat for when I reach 100 pounds lost is going to be botox or something similar. (Shock, horror!) I don't really worry too much about my age lines s and wrinkles - I'm 51 and not 20, so I deserve some facial recognition in the way of little lines. However, I've got a vertical line between my eyebrows and would love to have that treated.

    Other than that my treats are a lot more down to earth. Going to the theatre to see a play; taking DH away for the weekend; having a manicure/pedicure. These are the sort of things that I seldom get to do these days and I would like to be kinder to myself.
    Good for you. You deserve to treat yourself well.