Skinny gossip



  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    So I actually went to the website and I was there for only 2 minutes before I became filled with rage.
  • IkirPaulson
    IkirPaulson Posts: 40 Member
    I think what it comes down to is that everyone has a different opinion. There are many who think that their opinion is the only correct one and feel the need to have others agree with them. Therefore your goal weight of 165 may seem high to a person who has always been 100, but will seem insanely low to your overweight friend who doesn't want you to weigh less than her.

    Both will tell you you're wrong and you should change your goal. My point I'm trying to make is that what is lacking in the MFP forums is respect of different opinions. I, along with many other members who have posted topics, have felt the need to defend themselves against other members.

    I just want to address this with something you may not have thought of...
    having been as heavy as 300 pounds, and having constantly struggled since my early 20s to get or stay under 200 pounds, I have a goal weight (for now) of 165. This still falls above "normal" on the BMI scale, and many people would still see that as overweight, especially those who have spent their entire life at a "healthy" weight. But for me??? If I can reach and maintain 165? I will be THRILLED. For me to combat genetics and close to 40 years of bad habits and get down to that weight would be a monumental accomplishment, and I am not going to feel the least bit unhealthy if I don't have it in me to go any lower.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    So I actually went to the website and I was there for only 2 minutes before I became filled with rage.

    Yeah, it was a bit frightening. I feel worried for young people getting mixed up in that.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    It's cool. They're just jelly.

    Besides I guess i'm just less a fan of diabetes and heart desease. *shrug*
  • JGainingHealth
    JGainingHealth Posts: 194 Member
    As someone who is recovered from anorexia, let me tell you that yes, that website has "eating disorder" written all over it, and no, not all eating disordered and/or skinny people have attitudes like that towards people who are larger than them. I would have never in a million years engaged in those types of websites or said those kinds of things. Those are young women that are in need of some serious help. Saying the things that they do is just a defense mechanism to justify their disordered behaviors. Seeing websites like that makes me so sad. :(
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I think what it comes down to is that everyone has a different opinion. There are many who think that their opinion is the only correct one and feel the need to have others agree with them. Therefore your goal weight of 165 may seem high to a person who has always been 100, but will seem insanely low to your overweight friend who doesn't want you to weigh less than her.

    Both will tell you you're wrong and you should change your goal. My point I'm trying to make is that what is lacking in the MFP forums is respect of different opinions. I, along with many other members who have posted topics, have felt the need to defend themselves against other members.

    I just want to address this with something you may not have thought of...
    having been as heavy as 300 pounds, and having constantly struggled since my early 20s to get or stay under 200 pounds, I have a goal weight (for now) of 165. This still falls above "normal" on the BMI scale, and many people would still see that as overweight, especially those who have spent their entire life at a "healthy" weight. But for me??? If I can reach and maintain 165? I will be THRILLED. For me to combat genetics and close to 40 years of bad habits and get down to that weight would be a monumental accomplishment, and I am not going to feel the least bit unhealthy if I don't have it in me to go any lower.

    Well, I understand where she is coming from. Just because I've always weighed 100 pounds, does not mean that I don't understand that I have a different body type from other people. I am an intelligent person and I know that many people have different sizes in their bone structure and that means more space for muscles, fat, larger organs, etc. When a person has a larger frame it translates to a larger weight for many reasons. And there is not just small and large. There is everything from extra small all the way up to large. I am very much aware that most people should not try to get to my weight because even I did not try to get to my weight, it's just the way I am. Particularly with women, we also have a variance in body shape for many many more reasons. I don't think people should be judgmental of weight whatever the weight is. I am supportive of everyone reaching their own healthy goals.
  • mrstravisjones
    mrstravisjones Posts: 104 Member
    after viewing that site, i feel like i need to eat an extra sandwich in protest to their skewed image of 'fat'.
  • Th1st1me4sure
    Okay I confess. 3 years ago I lost quite a bit of weight in a relatively healthy way but when I plateaued I turned to sites such as these for help I ended up in a lovely cycle of starve/binging which suprise suprise failed to help me lose anymore and just made me depressesd.
    Luckily 2 years ago I came face to face with the final year before my Taekwondo black belt grading. I needed to be fit and just like that my goals changed from wanting to be bony to wanting to be bony to being fit and strong. My black belt grading turned out to be the slap across the face I needed. I changed my eating habits, abondoned those sites, got my black belt and havent looked back. These arent good sites however not all people who use them r judgmental. In fact I found most of them to b very open minded and inclusive.
  • IkirPaulson
    IkirPaulson Posts: 40 Member
    Okay I confess. 3 years ago I lost quite a bit of weight in a relatively healthy way but when I plateaued I turned to sites such as these for help I ended up in a lovely cycle of starve/binging which suprise suprise failed to help me lose anymore and just made me depressesd.
    Luckily 2 years ago I came face to face with the final year before my Taekwondo black belt grading. I needed to be fit and just like that my goals changed from wanting to be bony to wanting to be bony to being fit and strong. My black belt grading turned out to be the slap across the face I needed. I changed my eating habits, abondoned those sites, got my black belt and havent looked back. These arent good sites however not all people who use them r judgmental. In fact I found most of them to b very open minded and inclusive.

    Thumbs up for you!
  • IkirPaulson
    IkirPaulson Posts: 40 Member
    The trend in the US and many other western cultures is to be overfed. Being overweight is just as much a symptom of disordered eating as being underweight. Fat pride is seems to be more dangerous than Vlada's thigh gap when you really consider it...

  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I think what it comes down to is that everyone has a different opinion. There are many who think that their opinion is the only correct one and feel the need to have others agree with them. Therefore your goal weight of 165 may seem high to a person who has always been 100, but will seem insanely low to your overweight friend who doesn't want you to weigh less than her.

    Both will tell you you're wrong and you should change your goal. My point I'm trying to make is that what is lacking in the MFP forums is respect of different opinions. I, along with many other members who have posted topics, have felt the need to defend themselves against other members.

    I just want to address this with something you may not have thought of...
    having been as heavy as 300 pounds, and having constantly struggled since my early 20s to get or stay under 200 pounds, I have a goal weight (for now) of 165. This still falls above "normal" on the BMI scale, and many people would still see that as overweight, especially those who have spent their entire life at a "healthy" weight. But for me??? If I can reach and maintain 165? I will be THRILLED. For me to combat genetics and close to 40 years of bad habits and get down to that weight would be a monumental accomplishment, and I am not going to feel the least bit unhealthy if I don't have it in me to go any lower.

    Well, I understand where she is coming from. Just because I've always weighed 100 pounds, does not mean that I don't understand that I have a different body type from other people. I am an intelligent person and I know that many people have different sizes in their bone structure and that means more space for muscles, fat, larger organs, etc. When a person has a larger frame it translates to a larger weight for many reasons. And there is not just small and large. There is everything from extra small all the way up to large. I am very much aware that most people should not try to get to my weight because even I did not try to get to my weight, it's just the way I am. Particularly with women, we also have a variance in body shape for many many more reasons. I don't think people should be judgmental of weight whatever the weight is. I am supportive of everyone reaching their own healthy goals.

    I'm the same way, I know that not everyone can be or should be 100 pounds. But I am surprised by the eagerness of some not very informed people to jump on others. And there is much more aggressiveness from overweight people towards normal weight people, especially towards people who are at the low end of the spectrum.

    Some members are unwilling to take responsibility for themselves and are simply not open to other points of view. For example, there was the obese woman who sought sympathy after ordering three pizzas. I asked her what she expected to do with them? She was abusive.

    I was invited to join a group and someone who probably has been fat for a very long time was repeating the usual "slow and steady is the only way" advice and I said that approach did not work for everyone (and it's been identified as a "myth" of weight loss.). That individual took umbrage. She said that as an always-thin person I couldn't understand. Yes, I do, that's why I'm not fat while everyone else in my family is.

    So certain people are going to keep making the same mistakes no matter what you suggest.
  • fayeonherway
    The trend in the US and many other western cultures is to be overfed. Being overweight is just as much a symptom of disordered eating as being underweight. Fat pride is seems to be more dangerous than Vlada's thigh gap when you really consider it...

  • fayeonherway
    Being nosy...I went over to the site.

    Then I saw the thread on Kate Upton.

    I could use a hug.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I never heard of the site. Sounds like a group of people wrapped up in negativity. Maybe an eating disorder how-to site? Not a place I want to visit & I certainly don't care what they think or say.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Being nosy...I went over to the site.

    Then I saw the thread on Kate Upton.

    I could use a hug.

    Hugs :heart:
  • dimsumkitty
    dimsumkitty Posts: 120 Member
    I've read that site before. As far as I remember they don't promote anything more extreme than intermittent fasting, and they're just a support group for people who like a particular aesthetic... I think they're pretty down on actual eating disorders.

    Lots of their members are models who'd lose their jobs if they gained any weight, so it's good for them to have a place where they can talk about these things. I don't really approve of that kind of extreme in the average person, but then I don't approve of the bodybuilder look either. Your body, your choice.

    It does suck that MFP have some people who can be quite negative about people aiming for certain low weight goals though.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    well ive never been fat and i would never refer to myself as "skinny" because 1 im not and 2 thats not healthy.
  • fayeonherway
    I've read that site before. As far as I remember they don't promote anything more extreme than intermittent fasting, and they're just a support group for people who like a particular aesthetic... I think they're pretty down on actual eating disorders.

    Lots of their members are models who'd lose their jobs if they gained any weight, so it's good for them to have a place where they can talk about these things. I don't really approve of that kind of extreme in the average person, but then I don't approve of the bodybuilder look either. Your body, your choice.

    It does suck that MFP have some people who can be quite negative about people aiming for certain low weight goals though.

    I'm not sure what posts you have read on the site, but I just read the one on avoiding food and pretending you are sick on Thanksgiving. I'm no doctor/nutritionist, but pretty sure that's not healthy advice to give anyone and it seems a bit disordered.
  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member
    I havent looked at that site, but about your question on MFP..

    I have actually seen people here being somewhat hostile towards people whose goals are to gain weight. The LARGE majority of comments though are encouraging and helpful.

    The only times Ive seen people getting on someones case for having a low goal weight were times that I also thought the person was aiming for something unhealthy and possibly had body dysmorphic disorder or an eating disorder. The comments were meant to be helpful, though the person receiving them might not have perceived them that way.
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    I can kind of see their point. People on this forum claim not to take BMI seriously, mainly the larger ones. They dismiss its validity for themselves being overweight but as soon as someone has a slightly underweight BMI, people freak out. "EATING DISORDER EATING DISORDER."