Team UK - July 2010

kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Good morning all.. :bigsmile:

Apologies for being completely rubbish on the topic last month..:ohwell: I am glad that some of you still posted..

For anyone new looking to join this group, feel free.. we just post on here what we are all up to, just a nice way of keeping in contact with people in the UK.

Looks like the iPhone app is kicking off big time in the UK.. i've notice a lot of people joining through it... Shame i've only got a blackberry so i can join in the fun by phone!!!

What are your challenges for this month? Im going on holiday on the 21st July... O.M.G... and i can tell you all one thing.. im gonna work my *kitten* off for the next 2 weeks! :laugh:

Looking forward to seeing you all back here :smile:

Love Katherine x x x :flowerforyou:


  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Morning Katherine, and all UKers :flowerforyou:

    I got back from a week's holiday in the earliy hours of yesterday morning. I haven't really been calorie counting for the past couple of weeks as I had well and truely got into holiday mode! I was planning on starting again yesterday when I got back from Spain but it was my birthday so I had the day off! Back on it today though. I hadnt actually put on as much as I originally thought, maybe a pound or 2.
    This month I want to get back into a routine of exercise and no takeaways!! I'll be happy with 1lb a week.

    Hope you've all had a good weekend and here's to a successful July :drinker:

    Gem x
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member

    Was wondering if we were going to have a UK Thread this month!

    Lucky you going on holiday soon! I'm so jealous! If we didn't have a wedding to save for we would deffinately be going away this year! :( Better hope we get some more UK sunshine!

    I have had a rubbish last few weeks so my aim this month is to get back into my exercise routine and stop eating rubbish on a weekend!! I am ok through the week (apart from the spritzers that I have been craving in the hot weather!! Lol) and then completely blow it on a weekend - AND get too lazy to exercise!! So this month my aim is to finally reach my 9st target ( I got to 9st 2lbs and started gaining again - boooo!)

    Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather and lets make July a good month!!
  • Morning all, hope you don't mind me joining you from a very sunny Lincoln. Been on here just over 3 weeks and managed to shift 9lbs so far in that time. I do a lot of running but I also do lots of eating, I am trying to tone down teh latter and loggin here has certainly helped that.

    It is helping me also to know what I should be eating rather than going on a mad purge of exercise and dropping down half a stone in a week only to have back on 2 weeks later. I am running a race in Scotland on 17th July and my first target was to lose 10lbs by then so just one to go in the next 11 days, I am sure I can do that.

    I am enjoying the sunshine but I do struggle to get out of bed when teh weatehr is like this, bizarrely in th ewinter I am usually up and out running at 5am!
  • Dietexpert
    Dietexpert Posts: 34
    Hello, I'm quite new to the site and struggling to lose my remaining 2 stone after having bariatric surgery 3 years ago. Is there a group to join like on Facebook or do we just look out for posts? Sorry, I'm not very good at using the computer for this sort of thing - It took me a few weeks to work out how to post photos on my's an age thing ha ha!

  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    Hello, I'm quite new to the site and struggling to lose my remaining 2 stone after having bariatric surgery 3 years ago. Is there a group to join like on Facebook or do we just look out for posts? Sorry, I'm not very good at using the computer for this sort of thing - It took me a few weeks to work out how to post photos on my's an age thing ha ha!


    Hi Helen! You can add people here on MFP as friends - click on their name and then click on add as friend. Then on your home page you can leave each other encouragement, etc. It's like a little mini Facebook right here! :happy: Feel free to add me as a friend as a first try!
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hey KP and all UK posters, hope you are all okay! :smile:

    My goals for this month, is basically to lose weight. I've struggling BIG time at the moment trying to shed the excess flab. :sad: When I first started, I did really well, but I seem to have hit this plateau now and I can't get away from it. *sighs*

    I'm just going to buckle down and hopefully do the best as I can. I've stocked up on the fresh meat and farm shop veg, went out on Saturday night and drank vodka and whiskey instead of lager, and also refused to get a takeout at the end of the night! The motivation is there to do well, it's just that the results are not coming as much as they were 3-4 months ago. :frown:

    Anyway, enough of me bringing everyone down. Hope you all manage to hit your goals/targets whatever they may be. Happy posting on MFP and have a great month of July!

    Lee. x
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176

    My challenge for the month is to hit my end month target of 13.3. Starting month weight was 13.7 :)
  • griffswoman
    griffswoman Posts: 30 Member
    Hi all from the Isle of Wight,

    My goal this July is to lose at least half a stone, first weigh in of the month is Friday will keep you posted. My motivation is high as i have lost 9lbs in my first fortnight as a member here
  • pinkwizz
    pinkwizz Posts: 29 Member
    Im very new to this, only been doing this for a week but have already lost 2.2 pounds without much excercising, gonna start that this week though and hopefully another 2 pound by the end of the week! *fingers crossed*! The support network is fantastic! Got quite a way to go still though, but i feel I can do it this time, the only thing im struggling with is food to eat in the daytime! i keep coming under my calories because im having slim fast shakes for lunch...

    Feel free to add me!

    Loves x x x
  • Naokoheart
    Naokoheart Posts: 161
    I am currently trying to get myself out of the 190 mark,its beginning to get on my nerves,after a month of regular exercise 6 days week,but the buzz from exercising,green tea and the sunshine keeps me happy,also not forgetting the wonderful motivation I get from fellow MFPers! That goes for all of you,hooray for the U.K group!
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Team UK, hope everybody is well and a big hello to all the newbies!!!

    My aim for July is to loose as much weight as possible!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Its my hen do 5 weeks on Friday, 17 girls in Ibiza, we are going to have a ball, but I really need to work on my Bora Bora Beach Bod!!!! :laugh: :glasses: :laugh: Was 10.6 on Friday, and aiming to be 10 or below!!!!

    My wedding is 9 weeks on Friday, so obviously want to look my best for that!!! I honestly cannot wait!!!

    Joining Weight Watchers tonight with my Mum as she wants to loose weight for the wedding and I think the pressure of a weekly weigh in will help keep me on track!!!!

    Good luck everybody for your targets in July!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    . will post properly later
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hi All :smile:

    Hope your all doing well and enjoying our nice bit of warm weather and sun.. I wish it would stay like this, I like it hot!! :wink:

    I'm sooooo nearly at my goal, keep touching it and then gain a bit back, I also have some more toning up to do to get the six pack back but I'm not quitting, come so far and will reach my goal.
    I have stepped up my exercise plan and dropped cals slightly I think I have a winning formula now so I am hoping to reach my goal this month and then try to maintain it, wish me luck :bigsmile:

    I'm pretty happy with my shape these days and my weight too but still aiming just a little higher so I can be really proud of myself.
    Last week I tried on my ''skinny jeans'' usually this is an upsetting experience for me but this time THEY FIT!!! (After 7 years!!)
    They are still a little too snug but they go on and do up no problem, nearly there!!

    I'm sorry I didn't manage to keep up with all of June's posts - AGAIN!!
    I will try my best again this month... But as a working single mum things are damn busy around here!!

    I wish all Old and New Ukers the very best of luck with your goals :flowerforyou:

    Never give up xxx

    Mel xxx
  • Hathor
    Hathor Posts: 15
    HI there

    New to the forums but saw the UK thread so thought I would say hello

    My goals for this month are 2000 kettlebell swings, on top of the obvious weight loss.

    I am currently on week six of a 14 week (98 day) fitness challenge, Am really enjoying it so far and find that being part of a team is extremely motivating!!!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Woohoo! Team UK July :flowerforyou:

    My goal for July is absolutely NO weighing. It's a bit risky because in the past when I've lost weight I've been so motivated week to week watching the numbers go down but this time around (because I'm not exercising the crazy amount that I used to) I have some weeks when it's not down as much then I get WAY unmotivated and eat rubbish... so hoping to lose that trend.

    Just started my new job and was very happy to find a new route today... cut my 2.5hr each way journey down to 1.5 each way! Also, I could go just a little further than my station on the same train and go to the gym and hopefully still get home at a decent hour. Not going to push it too much this week though... I need some energy and sleep to settle into the job. I'm still getting a good walk (all uphill) between the train and the hospital every day though.

    Other than that we are super excited because we just booked our flights for the wedding (in Australia) and honeymoon (Fiji, LA and New York) :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Goodluck to everyone this month and hope to check back in a few times and hear what everyone has been up to :flowerforyou:
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    whoop whoop team UK here we go again.
    I been here many times before as i'm sure a few will remember me.

    I managed to keep the 2 stone i lost last year off so here i go again to lose another 2 stone. Last week was my first week dieting and i managed to lose 4 lbs(very good start i think you all will agree). Now into week 2 and all is going well again.

    My target for this month is to do at least 5 hours of exercise a week and to get to my first mini target of 11stone. It is 8 lbs and could be tough but i feel it is doable.

    Anyway great to see the group so busy and I'll keep everyone updated on how the month is going. Keep up the good work people.

  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Hello everyone!
    Now that we are in July I am going to try something new - I think I am drinking too much caffeine and everyone is waxing lyrical about green tea - so tomorrow I am off to buy some to trade for my 6 coffee a day habit!! I cant give up my brew before bedtime tho!
    Anyway, exercise is still good but going to try to make more effort on the weight loss as we have had so many BBQs and meals with family and friends that every week in the last 2 weeks is a tiny tiny loss - better than a gain but then not as good as I would like at least 1lb a week - need to get back to that and so to do that I am going to need to get my food and booze back in the control cupboard!
    Good luck everyone!!!
  • Morning UK'ers. Rest day today after running 11 miles yesterday. I really need to work hard to keep my calories down on none running days as obviously I have no additional ones to eat up but I am also starving from yesterdays exertions.

    I think plenty of water will be the order of the day. Wish it was Friday so I could weigh in, I am pretty confident of hitting my first target of 10lbs this week, that would be a week ahead of schedule if I do.
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all,

    I hope no-one minds if I muscle in on the Team UK thread! Been on here for a while, but not managed to keep up with posting!

    My goal for July is not to gain whilst I'm on holiday next week! This is going to be a massive challenge as I'm going to an all-inclusive hotel in Marrakech, somewhere I've wanted to go for years!

    I have no idea how i'm not going to see the 'eat/drink as much as you like' as invitation to eat as much as I can possibly fit in my stomach.

    Good luck with all your goals this month!

    Sarah :bigsmile:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning :smile: Hope everyone is keeping well!

    I'm making a conscious attempt to keep myself motivated throughout July... My cousins wedding is on the 24th, and I have bought a gorgeous outfit! The dress already needs taken in a little, but I'm not going to get it done until the week of the wedding! I want to try to lose another few pounds so that I look even better in it!

    On a positive note, I'm wearing my new River Island jeans today :happy: when I bought them about 6 weeks ago I couldn't get them buttoned without almost passing out!! I'm so pleased that I can finally wear them comfortably and I've met my personal mini goal :happy:

    My sister was due her baby on Sunday, but there's still no sign of it yet! I'm really looking forward to becoming an auntie :laugh: I've been practicing pushing the pram around the house :laugh: My sister will also be on a mission to lose weight for the wedding after giving birth, so I'll have a bit more motivation too!

    My exercising isn't going too well as I'm still having problems with my foot, but I suppose every little helps... I'm also extremely busy with the cars at the minute, so finding the time to get out on the bike is proving very difficult.

    Over the past few weeks I've noticed my boyfriend has put on a little weight around his face and his belly (or as I call it, his little sump). I know that it's with him having a desk job now, but the boys in the office don't help matters by getting sausage and egg baps every morning. I have mentioned it to him, but he takes a little strop every time I do! At 19 stone he is getting very overweight, but it would seem he doesn't want to do anything about it! Even me losing weight and trying to be good doesn't motivate him in the slightest. I've harped on at him to come out with me on the bike (he's big into the bikes and has two Boardmans), but he'd rather watch the football!

    Anyway, it's time I went and did some work... later xx
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