Skinny gossip



  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I just had a brief read through this site and was shocked to see that they don't classify Mischa Barton or Avril Lavine as 'slim', and stated that Nicole Ritchie 'gained too much' in this picture:


    Looks very much like a pro-ana website to me and I would avoid at all costs.
  • vixiepie
    vixiepie Posts: 3
    Live and let live.

    Differences of opinions are part of life, some people are more judgemental that others and some people still have a lot of growing to do before they become wise to the ways of the world.

    I can't see the site (link gone perhaps) but know that if these people do have Eating Disorders, then they are probably feeling very trapped and are not rationally thinking the way other people would. Eating disorders wreck lives and families, they are self obsessed and selfish...but this isn't who they are deep down, this is the eating disorder, and YES, it is a mental illness.
    If the site is just a forum for helpful advice, then I refer back to my first point, people will be people, we're not all the same and we all judge people and goals differently. I think that person on the site making ridiculous comments to judge a 'group' of people that use a website just shows a lack of knowledge and understanding and vice versa :)
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    If you want to avoid the meal all together:

    Pretend you are sick (food poisoning, stomach flu, etc.) – this is a great excuse to avoid eating at all, or to stick to very low calorie foods such as chicken broth. It also gives you a great excuse to completely avoid annoying family members and just stay in bed all day.
    If you have to drive somewhere for it, say you had car troubles (a flat, dead battery, engine problems) – then you can skip it entirely (if that’s even an option) or show up two hours later after everyone has finished. Of course, they’ll probably want to feed you leftovers when you finally do arrive –>; see next excuse

    this just made me shake my head while reading it on there page excuses to not eat thankgiving dinner so its better to stay alone and starve then spend time with the family then i rather stay the way i am. My whole family knows i am having a lifestyle change and have to watch my calorie intake so i can still eat with them but they dont pester me to eat food that i dont feel like i should of that would put me over my calorie goal
  • Walks32
    Walks32 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been having a good read over the posts and the thing that jumps out at me the most is that the girls seem to have even lower self-esteem and negative body image than anyone on this site! I think that proves once and for all self-confidence is in the mind, not the mirror, as these girls are really hating on themselves even though they are all well below what I'd consider my goal weight - it's actually really sad. However, I do admire their steely determination, I would like to have a smidgen of their will power though would like to think if I do ever get skinny that I won't recoil in disgust at those over a UK size 8 lol!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Live and let live.

    Differences of opinions are part of life, some people are more judgemental that others and some people still have a lot of growing to do before they become wise to the ways of the world.

    I can't see the site (link gone perhaps) but know that if these people do have Eating Disorders, then they are probably feeling very trapped and are not rationally thinking the way other people would. Eating disorders wreck lives and families, they are self obsessed and selfish...but this isn't who they are deep down, this is the eating disorder, and YES, it is a mental illness.
    If the site is just a forum for helpful advice, then I refer back to my first point, people will be people, we're not all the same and we all judge people and goals differently. I think that person on the site making ridiculous comments to judge a 'group' of people that use a website just shows a lack of knowledge and understanding and vice versa :)

    Sounds good in theory. I see from your profile pic you appear to be very slender and have a baby. Sadly, on that site, it appears that anyone pregnant would have been derided as having disgusting, floppy milk filled breasts and they would 'rather barf' than ever get pregnant. That level of disgust for the fundamental biological functions of the female body is scary. It's good to say 'it isn't them, it's the disorder' but it doesn't take away the damage expressing and being applauded for such opinions can cause others, including women who have lost babies as a result of being unable to sustain a pregnancy past 20 weeks and younger ones who are just trying to sort out how they feel about femininity. I think you look beautiful, by the way, as would anybody with a grasp on reality.

    The level of spite on the pages is scary, as it's not just directed at themselves, it's directed at everyone else. Being outright mean to others just isn't right.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    For those of you saying being fat is a lifestyle being grossly underweight and unable to gain a pound also a lifestyle choice? How about the 8 year olds that are 200 pounds? Did they choose that lifestyle? Perhaps one should think before typing :)

    That!! Never judge unless you have walked in a persons shoes. The US is a large diverse country. No one can or should paint the residents of it with one large brush. There are many reasons people are over weight including extreme poverty and there are many reasons that people have eating disorders. Just don't judge!

    Well, on a site that supposedly is dedicated to health and fitness some judgments are inevitable, and presumably here we are judging only people who have a degree of control over their condition, and I don't mean genes -- you have to deal with the genes you were given.

    If you are an adult on this site who purportedly wants to lose weight and you repeatedly ask questions that show you haven't done even the most basic nutritional and exercise homework and you don't keep of track of your food intake and weight and body fat and other relevant measures and exaggerate the exercise you perform than my judgment is that you are not committed.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    For the record, reading over this site makes me sick to my stomach. It is very much a pro ana site even though it claims to not be and most of the stuff I was reading on there was appalling. The site should be shut down for exploting those with eating disorders.
  • vixiepie
    vixiepie Posts: 3
    Oh dear, I haven't been on the page, so really can't comment on what they are saying - I think when you are in a place of deep physical and emotional starvation your world and the world around you is much darker. Don't get me wrong, I do not defend nor applaud such derogative behaviour, I guess I can just see it from their pov (mainly because I worked on an Eating Disorders ward and got an insight into this) but it doesn't mean I understand it completely. Had to lol at what they think about been pregnant, my boobs are a floppy mess, haha, but I wouldn't change them or my son for the world. I just hope these people get a reality check before they lose more than their personalities to their disordered eating if this is the problem.

    PS thanks for the lovely comment, my boy is my world! x
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    So trolling has been outsourced now?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Never heard of it and don't much care.

    “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.” ~ Oscar Wilde
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    What is on that blog (differentiating between the blog and the forums, which I did not read) is hate, pure and simple. If the subject was not being fat, but being black or being gay, you'd pick that up pretty quick. It is NOT okay.

    No. Being fat is a lifestyle choice. Being black and being gay aren't. That's why we're here. That's why this site exists.
    Praising Vlada's thigh gap as a goal to be aspired to is WAY more harmful than loving oneself (including one's fat) ever could be!!

    74% of Americans are overweight. If everyone "loved themselves, including their fat", 74% of Americans would stay overweight and risk dying young. Hundreds of people die young from obesity for every one that does from anorexia. From a pure utilitarian point of view, if there's a button that made everyone in the USA 10% more critical of their appearance, I would press it, because it would result in fewer people dying young.

    I appreciate that it was just a figure of speech, but I just want to point out how wrong that statement is.
    What's wrong is pretending like the only options in life are being fat or way underweight. Why do people have such a hard time grasping the concept of moderation?
  • JGainingHealth
    JGainingHealth Posts: 194 Member
    What is on that blog (differentiating between the blog and the forums, which I did not read) is hate, pure and simple. If the subject was not being fat, but being black or being gay, you'd pick that up pretty quick. It is NOT okay.

    No. Being fat is a lifestyle choice. Being black and being gay aren't. That's why we're here. That's why this site exists.
    Praising Vlada's thigh gap as a goal to be aspired to is WAY more harmful than loving oneself (including one's fat) ever could be!!

    74% of Americans are overweight. If everyone "loved themselves, including their fat", 74% of Americans would stay overweight and risk dying young. Hundreds of people die young from obesity for every one that does from anorexia. From a pure utilitarian point of view, if there's a button that made everyone in the USA 10% more critical of their appearance, I would press it, because it would result in fewer people dying young.

    I appreciate that it was just a figure of speech, but I just want to point out how wrong that statement is.
    What's wrong is pretending like the only options in life are being fat or way underweight. Why do people have such a hard time grasping the concept of moderation?

    Because our society is either obsessed with eating or denying themselves food. Unless you've never had a food/weight issue, moderation is something that takes a lot of re-programming, practice, and patience. Obviously I agree that that's what we should all be working towards... I think that people are arguing due to the comments of one extreme being better than the other.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Live and let live.

    Differences of opinions are part of life, some people are more judgemental that others and some people still have a lot of growing to do before they become wise to the ways of the world.

    I can't see the site (link gone perhaps) but know that if these people do have Eating Disorders, then they are probably feeling very trapped and are not rationally thinking the way other people would. Eating disorders wreck lives and families, they are self obsessed and selfish...but this isn't who they are deep down, this is the eating disorder, and YES, it is a mental illness.
    If the site is just a forum for helpful advice, then I refer back to my first point, people will be people, we're not all the same and we all judge people and goals differently. I think that person on the site making ridiculous comments to judge a 'group' of people that use a website just shows a lack of knowledge and understanding and vice versa :)

    Sounds good in theory. I see from your profile pic you appear to be very slender and have a baby. Sadly, on that site, it appears that anyone pregnant would have been derided as having disgusting, floppy milk filled breasts and they would 'rather barf' than ever get pregnant. That level of disgust for the fundamental biological functions of the female body is scary. It's good to say 'it isn't them, it's the disorder' but it doesn't take away the damage expressing and being applauded for such opinions can cause others, including women who have lost babies as a result of being unable to sustain a pregnancy past 20 weeks and younger ones who are just trying to sort out how they feel about femininity. I think you look beautiful, by the way, as would anybody with a grasp on reality.

    The level of spite on the pages is scary, as it's not just directed at themselves, it's directed at everyone else. Being outright mean to others just isn't right.

    I found that really disturbing and extremely difficult to understand that mindset also. Just leaves me speechless.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    Sorry if someone's brought it up already, but the Kate upton article enrages me. This woman is hardly a "cow" and anyone in their right mind would love to have her body (or for those into ladies, sleep with her body!)
  • dimsumkitty
    dimsumkitty Posts: 120 Member
    Sorry if someone's brought it up already, but the Kate upton article enrages me. This woman is hardly a "cow" and anyone in their right mind would love to have her body (or for those into ladies, sleep with her body!)

    Kate Upton is much too big to be a fashion model, since designers make samples in size 0, and that's usually the aesthetic people on that site are using. (In particular, if lots of people want to sleep with you, your look is probably too "mass market" for fashion.) I'm a bit dubious about her as a swimsuit model as well, since they're supposed to be muscular and toned. She is a supremely attractive example of a "curvy" woman on the upper side of healthy BMI (she looks like might be pushing overweight in those pictures, but they are quite unflattering). But different people have different aesthetic ideals, and not everyone wants to look like that just like not everyone wants to look like a model/bodybuilder.

    (Also, when I read that article, I was totally shocked that she was the same age as me 0_0. I would trade my body for literally anyone's to be that successful...)
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Look, if you want to spend your time criticizing other women's bodies why don't you join up at SG?

    This is really not the place for it.
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    here just to say i'd tap kate upton.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    Look, if you want to spend your time criticizing other women's bodies why don't you join up at SG?

    This is really not the place for it.

    It is not a criticism that I would have to gain 3 inches in my waist to have the same measurement as Kate Upton. Like I said, her body is great inspiration for people with her shape who still have a lot to lose. That is not me, so I don't need anyone telling me that I am not in my right mind for not wanting to look like her. I also don't want Vlada's thighs.

    As for SG? They do not fit my personal weight loss needs, particularly as a person who struggles daily with severe health problems as a result of being born with a genetic mutation. Just because I defend the skinny people doesn't mean I am disgusted by the fat people. I think every eating disorder deserves equal treatment!
  • dimsumkitty
    dimsumkitty Posts: 120 Member
    Look, if you want to spend your time criticizing other women's bodies why don't you join up at SG?

    This is really not the place for it.

    I think we were mostly objecting to the claim "anyone in their right mind would love to have her body". People don't have to be out of their minds to not want to look a particular way.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Look, if you want to spend your time criticizing other women's bodies why don't you join up at SG?

    This is really not the place for it.

    It is not a criticism that I would have to gain 3 inches in my waist to have the same measurement as Kate Upton. Like I said, her body is great inspiration for people with her shape who still have a lot to lose. That is not me, so I don't need anyone telling me that I am not in my right mind for not wanting to look like her. I also don't want Vlada's thighs.

    As for SG? They do not fit my personal weight loss needs, particularly as a person who struggles daily with severe health problems as a result of being born with a genetic mutation. Just because I defend the skinny people doesn't mean I am disgusted by the fat people. I think every eating disorder deserves equal treatment!

    You are defending the author of SG for calling her a cow, by providing your own reasoning as to why she should be compared to a cow.

    You are putting up a picture of a woman and making comments about her appearance that only relate to her being a standard for other women. She's not a ruler to measure other women by, she's a human being. She doesn't exist to please you or anyone else, and it DOES NOT MATTER what the hell you think of her waistline, or how it compares to yours.

    How is posting a picture of a woman and saying she has tits like a cow defending skinny people?

    The only thing you are defending is people's ability to make hurtful criticisms about other women's bodies for no apparent reason.