
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh the saga of the home perm. I remember when I was a little girl watching my Mom give my sisters a home perm. I always helped by holding those white things and the curlers. It helped me learn my colors! Anyway this perm was advertised to have 'extra body'. Said so on the box!!!! So I am there looking all through that box and quite distressed because I couldn't find any extra body hidden in there.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies, seen a robin this morning , things are looking up maybe spring will come afterall. Well went for my colonoscopy today and all is well there! I lost 4 lbs which puts me under 200 for the first time in ages. going to wait till weight in day to record it because it could just be water weight from the 2 day of nothing but water and broth. Heres hoping at least 1 pound stays off ,
    Katla: I have had hand swelling at nite found the culprit was chocolate I can eat the very dark kind limited!! but any other kind just makes my fingers puffy and sore all night
    Well congradulations to all who are having good days and prayers for those who need them.

    Juanita in Sudbury still got snow but birds are returning Ya!!!!
  • dogladytwo
    dogladytwo Posts: 97 Member
    so far this month, too much Easter candy, and I ran my first 5K. :smokin:
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    HI everyone!
    Can someone remind me about a dance exercise video on youtube? Seems like I looked one up last month and can't remember where it is!


  • The end of the day when my calories are used up is sooooooooo hard to fight through. It's also when I take my meds that make me hungry! Not a good combination but not one I can change, either. I hope I am strong enough to overcome this!!!

    near Sudbury
  • carolstartingover
    carolstartingover Posts: 83 Member
    Want to keep up with at least 60 minutes of exercise per day along with weights every other day. I also want to lose 2 pounds per week and weigh on Sunday mornings.
  • sweetmissie
    sweetmissie Posts: 27 Member
    It would of been 0 lbs so 1 lbs is good keep on doing what you doing and 1lbs will be 2 lbs you see!
  • Shari325
    Shari325 Posts: 196 Member
    Thank you ladies for the warm welcome.
    I spent 20 minutes on the treadmill today, 5 minutes longer than I could tolerate last week. I pulled up this thread on my phone and read posts while I walked. It helped distract me from the pain in my hips and back. See, you're helping me already! :)

    Shari in NEOhio, where spring has finally sprung. It was 70degrees today and sunny.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Weigh in today 202..... not as good as I hoped. I was having almonds as my morning snack and may be retaining water from the salt. I am upping the exercise to an hour in the evening and half hour walk at lunch, grapes for my snack and cereal or hard boiled eggs for breakfast. Everyone have a great week, Rose

    How about keeping the unsalted nuts and seeds on hand?! You are back Rose and it is so good to see you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi dear friends! What a day. Lots going on at work; I taught for 3 hours today and it was exhausting. I walk around a lot and don’t stand behind the podium at all. No notes; just jabbering …so I thought my pedometer would show some good numbers, but it only showed ½ the steps I did Friday which was an office day! Harumph. It hardly registered my 1 mile walk. So I looked on line to see where to wear it and it says on your waistband directly under your armpit. So I’ll try that. Where do the rest of you wear yours>>>

    Tari: yeah the water is getting me too. I don’t do nearly as well as I used to and I hate drinking it at night because then I don’t sleep LOL

    Glenda; how nice of you to bake and spread some tlc!

    Yannie: welcome to our site!

    Jen: 20 minutes of daily exersize is a great goal

    Grandmallie: ignore the evil scale! You did not gain all that weigh in such a short time!

    Eileen: so glad you got to see your mom now because as you say, who knows how much longer her heart will hold out. My mom is gone and my dad is 88+ so I have the same thoughts. Bless you for spending time with them,

    Michelle: all I can say is “wow”. I’m so sorry you’re hurting and having such a hard time with Bryan. That is so weird. I guess you never know how people will turn out. Thoughts and prayers coming your way!

    50ish foodie: wow what a time you have had. I hope things settle down and you can have just some “me” time!

    Liz: good for you to realize how you were stuffing your emotions right back down your throat with food. I think most of us can relate to that!

    Barbie: you are so wise. I wish I were more like you. You seem to be very thoughtful and insightful! And I even your 30,000 steps!

    Cooky: I bet your painting looks great!

    Shari: welcome to our site! We are glad to have you join us. I’m so sorry to hear of all those health problems. Do you know what is causing so much pain? I hope PT hleps!

    Viv: when we build out house we had terrible issues with paint…never could find the right ones. I had an arguement with the homeowners association about paint too. There was nothing in the covenents that said anything about paint. Not even “paint your house.” But they kept saying the house had to be earth tones, which I hate. I finally made them try to find the word “paint” in the documents and when they couldn’t, I said “I’ll paint my house purple with green polka dots if I want to.” We finally picked out what we thought was a nice shade of blue for the outside. Then we get a call from the builders saying “You need to come over here and look at something.” No other explanation. Well we got there, went around to the back yard where there was a small crowd and saw that the entire back of the house was…..you guessed it….PURPLE!!!!! I know those people thought I was messing with them! Needless to say we changed it, but not for several days. Evil, aren’t I?

    Amanda: what do you eat for protein? Do you like tofu?

    Ohiomom: great weight loss!

    Debra: good idea to have small goals. Welcome!

    Cityjane: congrats on that weight loss!

    DeeDee: is that why we keep getting sick????? Where’s my hand sanitizer???

    Peachstategal: omg so sorry about your hubby! I hope he has great care and gets well soon. You are right about the smoking! I’m a nurse and trying to convince people to stop smoking is really hard. Good wishes and prayers to both of you

    Brooke: yes I did get out and walk a mile today. So nice after all that elliptical. No meds since early this morning!

    JB I love your poem, but I think DeeDee (queen of everything) is the right person to advise the prime minister!

    M: working in the garden sounds just grand! Enjoy!

    Oh my ladies I must run. I have been here over an hour. I wish I could get on during the day more. I did have a nsv….hubby bought me a pretty bracelet for Christmas and it fit nicely. Today it fell off my wrist! Soooooorrrrrryyyyy I am missing so many of you! Take care, Meg
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Just a quick check in!

    Worked at home today. Just couldn’t bring myself to go into the office. Back to the grind tomorrow.

    Barbie – good job on the veggie pizza! Isn’t it funny what people consider “healthy?” My boss is vegetarian, too, so I’m always conscious of menus when we choose a place to eat. I often just go to the vegetarian restaurants because it’s easier for me to adapt.

    Tari – I hate wallpaper, too. Just got rid of the last in my house. Our first tear-off revealed a wall of termite tunnels. Yay! Too many repairs to count. Just replaced the sheetrock.

    Welcome to all the new ladies! Glad that you’re here.

    PeachState – Sorry to hear about your DH. How scary. Good to know he’s doing better. Quitting smoking is tough.

    Blank Canvas – I’d say you’re doing great, too. Menopause is a bear.

    Amanda – Hope you get some relief for the IBS. I am always cold at work. Keep a wool shawl at my desk and even wear long underwear in the winter!

    Lisa – congrats on getting back into your dresses!

    Brooke – We’re getting rain and snow as well! That’s spring in the Intermountain West!

    JB – Will sounds a lot like my DH – especially that “beat around the bush” thing… ☺

    Spirit – sounds like a sodium thing. Quality of calories means everything!

    Wilka – you CAN do this. The steps are simple, and you don’t have to do all of them at once. Deep breath. It’s OK.

    Jane – hope your day got better.

    M – I work for a company that creates patient education and consumer health information. I work for the digital content team in multimedia development. I create/edit/produce content for websites and mobile applications and videos. All of it is reviewed by clinicians before deployment and on a rotating basis to make sure it matches current medical standards and guidelines. It’s pretty interesting. I love the work, but these two projects came to ahead at the same time and life is truly crazy right now.
    I am jealous that you are already in the garden!

    Jmk – hugs for you and your DH. What a tough and scary thing.

    Phyljen – Au Dahbi! SOOO jealous!

    Jackie – my scale sticks all the time, too. Good for you to keep exercise a priority. I figure that when my body is ready, it will happen. Check out Title 9 sports online. It’s a site that sells women’s fitness and active-wear and they have an amazing selection of sports bras. Good luck!

    Renny – your storm is coming our way! The wind is howling and it’s been raining all day.

    Mary – Jealous of your gardening! We have to get past these spring storms before I can plant…. Shrub pruning is in my future, though.

    Lucy – Love the FEAR thing! Great advice.

    Grandmallie – Glad you liked the meatballs! I love to cook SO much that I’ve made an art out of healthy substitutions. Like I said – a diet does not have to be twigs.

    Moxie – Watch out for that chocolate! ☺

    Brooke – Sodium is usually the culprit. Carbonation can do it too, if you drink a lot of diet soda…

    No home perms for me. I had naturally curly hair that was always askew. Just a lost of brushes and bows to try to keep it contained. But, was forced to wear a lot of pink dresses. I still shudder when I see them on little girls and wonder how many of them are forced to wear pink?

    Meylisa – glad you go the colonoscopy. Congrats on the weight loss!

    Dog lady – death to the Easter candy! My boss keeps bringing it to work! AACK!

    Janice – maybe you should try the 6-meal plan and spread the food out over the day. That might help with the cravings and desire to snack. Also water, water, water!

    Shari – glad you are on the treadmill, but maybe you should try the bike so your hips don’t hurt as much…

    That's all for today!
    Keep on loggin'!

    Jane in SLC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: The pets are home and delighted to be here.......they have been looking for Jake but will settle for me as long as I feed them and walk them. I walked by myself when I got up, then drove out to get Bernie and let him come into the house before the dogs got here. He wandered around looking for them and meowing. Then I got Brandy and Sasha, brought them home, and took them out immediately for an hour long walk. They were so excited to be back in their neighborhood.

    :bigsmile: I worked on pulling weeds in the yard for an hour this afternoon and when I came back into the house the dogs were thrilled to see me. I rewarded their patience by taking them for a short walk.

    :flowerforyou: Shari, welcome to our supportive community. If you read the posts every day you will get to know us and feel like part of the family. Your goals of walking on the treadmill and going to physical therapy will help you with the exercise you need. Don't compare yourself with others on this thread who don't have mobility issues, instead challenge yourself to build your own achievements.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, the people we stayed with over the weekend have their walls painted all sorts of different colors and I was inspired to come home and start painting here until I realized that I don't have a great eye for color and Jake and I have very different ideas of what would look good (I like bright colors and he likes subtle muted ones).....so I think there will be no painting.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, it's frustrating to be told that you need to change a food plan that's working.....do you eat eggs and dairy? I am still wearing all my extra layers no matter what the calendar says.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy in Ohio, it is very healthy to cheer for yourself reaching a milestone along the way rather than focusing on the fact that you have farther to go.......you're doing great and one day at a time you'll keep on doing great.

    :flowerforyou: Debraran, welcome, you probably already know that exercise can be very invigorating and a good way to spend the time when you get home rather than crashing.

    :flowerforyou: Teresa, if you are looking for support, you've come to the right place.....keep coming back

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, you are such a remarkable friend, replying to everyone.

    :flowerforyou: Peachstategal, my hubby has had heart problems for a long time and it was a talk with his cardiologist that led him to stop smoking......if your hubby stops smoking be prepared to be very supportive....he will feel like he's lost his best friend. My hubby has two stents and a defibrillator/pacemaker and is thriving.

    :bigsmile: Brooke, you are such a thoughtful friend.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, our pizza toppings were artichoke hearts, onions, green pepper, black olives, capers, tomatoes, mushrooms, and garlic.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: jb, love your list....I had a friend who said that she got all her exercise jumping to conclusions.....she didn't know there were other things she could do....she would have loved your list

    :flowerforyou: :heart: janemartin, hugs to you

    :flowerforyou: M, I'm a morning exercise person, too......I jump right into dog walking clothes before daylight

    :flowerforyou: Phyljen, glad you are home and had fun

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, it's wise when you're training to stay with healthy eating and not cut back on calories.....your body needs good fuel.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, my pedometer is one that I can carry in my pocket.....one pedometer I had years ago counted steps only when I wore sneakers or other lace up shoes and no steps if I wore Birks or went barefoot.

    :flowerforyou: Jane in SLC, ....the problem with pizza is that if I don't have it, I don't miss it, but once I have it, I want more.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I read and enjoyed all the posts but didn't have time to respond to them all......but please know how important you all are to me.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Evening everyone. I just finished working...very very very long day:grumble: I'm exhausted but needed my VitF fix. I can barely keep my eyes open any longer so won't be able to respond to many. I didn't even get to exercise today.:explode: Hopefully I just hold steady until I can get back to it (hoping I can carve out some time tomorrow).:noway:

    Peachstategal - so sorry about your DH. When my MIL had her health crisis she quit smoking that very day - but I know it was very hard for her. I will pray for him:brokenheart:

    Tammy - were you thinking about the Jessica Smith videos?

    Welcome to all the newbies - you found a great group of women to help you on your get healthier journey:drinker:

    For all those with SV and NSV - congrats:flowerforyou:

    To all those who are struggling - sending positive thoughts your way to help buoy you up:heart:

    Just had to comment on the home perming before I sign off...I have very curly hair. We used to iron my hair the old fashioned way - with a real iron on an ironing board. I also tried the giant soup can on my head trick (you're left with this crazy crease when you unwrap it. The things we do for beauty :smile: Jodios
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    If you are a dog lover check this out. My DD posted it on her face book page. Made me laugh http://youtu.be/nHlJODYBLKs
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    50ishFoodie - sounds like you had a wonderful time in FL. I'm so happy for you. So sorry about your mom. I have about the same rule about fashion as you, I remember my MIL telling this to me. If I'm unsure even the slightest bit about something, don't buy it. I've never regretted that.

    barbie - so glad Jake is healing so well.

    Shari - logging food is an excellent thing to do. I'm still vaery surprised at some of the things I learn thru logging, and you will be too. Good luck on your journey. We're always here for you. Oh, and welcome! Yea for you going longer on the treadmill! Way to go girl!

    Vinv - I didn't realize that you could click on the person's name and it would take you to the last post. I'll have to try that!

    ohiomom - wow! That's wonderful. Down 25lbs. Keep it up and pretty soon we won't be able to see you

    debra - can you maybe put a healthy snack in the car so you don't have to stop on the way home? Maybe a piece of fruit, even dried fruit

    teresa - being over 50 losing weight IS hard --- but not impossible

    cityjaneLondon - congrats on the loss

    DeeDee - I know that right now Vince is of the opinion that he really doesn't want to go to the wedding. I firmly want to go see my son, I really don't want the last time I ever see him to be that one time for a few hours at Jessica's. I keep thinking of Jesus' saying "father forgive them for they know not what they do". Well, Bryan needs to be forgiven for he doesn't know what he's doing. God forbid something bad happens in a few years, it's your family that you turn to. I want to be here for him. I highly doubt he asked his friends for money for the wedding. So what is going on with him, that I don't know. I'm right now thinking that maybe he's under a lot of stress. That shouldn't excuse his behavior, he made the decision. But I do think we need to work on forgiveness, he's young, immature, doesn't have the wisdom that comes with age. I'm rambling, sorry.

    peachstategal - so sorry about your hubby, glad they were able to fix him up. Well, if he has to give up smoking, he can think of the money he's saving....lol

    LisainUP - doesn't it feel wonderful to fit into dresses that you didn't fit into for a long time?

    Did about 20 minutesw of yoga today then the extremepump class. Tomorrow I'll do a spinning downloadable workout.

    spirit - you are so right quality of calories is much more important than quantity.

    wilka - You CAN do this, and we'll be here every step of the way.

    M - your garden sounds wonderful! I have the brownest thumb on the face of the earth, but I love to read about how everyone else is doing

    twoton (is it Tari? That name is sticking in my brain) - I forgot your name!!! Bad me. Anyway, I like how you're so optimistic. That's like me, Vince calls me "the eternal optimist". Today I don't think ANYONE ever thinks about giving an at-home perm. Either they go to a hairdresser or they don't have it. I guess I was lucky in that my mother was a hairdresser.

    Lucy in DE - Pretty soon you won't even notice the pain. I like the "fear".

    Juanita - glad your colonoscopy went well.

    Meg - I found that when I was wearing jeans, my pedometer wouldn't register all my steps. It did when I was wearing lighter pants, tho

    jodios - boy, did you bring back memories. Ironing your hair on the ironing board and using juice cans. thanks for the trip down memory lane.

    Went to mahjongg tonight. Maj'd three times. I won't go tomorrow since Vince wants to dig a trench behind the equipment pad for the pool so that when he drains the pump, the water will go into a pipe he'll bury and then into the drain rather than a big mess. He'll use the pickax, take a break while I shovel. Should be interesting.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janice: Celery is free and a good option when you have a strong need to eat something. It fills up your tummy and your body burns more calories to digest celery than it contains.:bigsmile: I ate some last night to quell the munchies. (The peanut butter or cheeses people put on celery are definitely NOT free.):noway:

    Jmkmomm: I can just see you wondering where to find the extra body in the Tonette box. :laugh: I don’t remember reading the box, so I probably wasn’t even in school yet. :smile:

    Barbie: We haven’t had much pizza because DH is avoiding gluten. Your toppings sound great. I haven’t had capers on pizza, but I might try them. I agree that one pizza tends to lead to craving more.:cry:

    Jodios: When I was about 15 I decided to iron my hair one day. It is wavy but not curly. The style back then was long and absolutely straight, like Mary Travers. My Auntie Irene was visiting, and was absolutely scandalized. She said things to me that are no longer accepted in polite society, and I was scandalized right back.:grumble: I probably gave her “the look.” But I laughed remembering it now. :laugh: By the way, I loved the doggy video.:flowerforyou:

    Michelle: I agree with you. I would want to go to the wedding and see my son get married, even if he had been difficult. I try to avoid regrets and I’d regret missing the wedding. The tough part is keeping up your spirits despite his recent actions.:flowerforyou:

    Yoga tomorrow! Yay! :bigsmile: Have a great evening and a good tomorrow.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, I was ever the curious one. I remember going to my sisters high school graduation. The band was playing '76 trombones' or whatever the song is. I turned to my Dad who as a preacher in a small town was well known and asking him where the 76 trombones were. I just couldn't see them all. My curiousity got me into nursing!
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Katla49: Thank you for you comment. I am determine to lose that weight not only so my husband can carry me over the threshold, but for my knees to congratulate me also ... LOL
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Hang in there ladytinkerbel ... I have been there several times. This time around it feels a little different ... maybe I just realized the harm I was doing to myself and wanted to truly fix it. So, here I am again. This message board has been so helpful and I love reading everyone's comments and tips on just living a better life. Welcome and thank you all.
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    50ishfoodie: Thanks for the idea to have my picture taken when my husband carries me over the threshold. Glad you enjoyed your visit to Florida.