Body image self-assessment quiz



  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    40+ O.o Already knew I had it though haha
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member

    All of the questions were bound to give someone who is just embarking on their new healthy lifestyle a reason to answer 'always'.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Gah, I hate my sick sense of humor. I keep wanting to post some "loser" comments for fun, but looking at scores I think it might be taken the wrong way.

    lol. Com'on friends....we need to lighten up on ourselves!
  • Well I guess I do hate myself I scored a 57 :mad:
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    I scored 69.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
  • isitsororo
    isitsororo Posts: 116
  • siwilso
    siwilso Posts: 7
    49. It's weird to me I scored so high, because I really love myself and consider myself a confident person lol but I am very uncomfortable with my body.
  • blodk66
    blodk66 Posts: 60 Member
    Mine is a 7.
  • annbillingsley
    annbillingsley Posts: 60 Member
    :sad: I got a 54.
  • 65, but I was the same all the years I was in shape so I didn't need a quiz to tell me that really.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I scored 19. Not bad ^_^
  • lynn413
    lynn413 Posts: 40
    I scored 41 but 4 months ago it would have been much higher!
  • jennontheroad
    jennontheroad Posts: 142 Member
    I scored 5! I love my body. Even when it was bigger I loved it, I love it even more now that I am leaner.
  • I got a 49! Wait, high number = worse body image. Damn.

    This. :cry:
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I scored a 21. I pretty much hate myself naked or in certain clothes. When I'm around super attractive people, I don't feel very attractive.
  • I'M a 74... oh god
  • Oh my I got 44 :(
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I scored a 3.

    Besides that I'm at my goal weight and even slightly below, I think that at my age, I know for sure that there are lots more important things to worry about than my appearance.
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    Scored an 18 and I'm NO WHERE NEAR my goal weight. You gotta love the skin you're in.