Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish: Last July, we moved from Sioux Falls SD to Bismarck ND. However, we still have not sold our house down there (that's a lot of house payments!!). However, right now, Sioux Falls is taking a beating from mother nature. Approximately 1.5 - 2" of ice everywhere and the snow is starting on top of it today. They are expecting 6-10 inches. On Facebook, I saw tons of pictures around town (some in our old neighborhood) of trees uprooted, broken trees, downed branches. Our realtor is out of town so he couldn't give me an update. Got hold of an old neighbor -- so far so good. My house was built in the 70's, there are LOTS of big old trees in my yard, but so far just small branches down. My wish -- it stays that way! It would break my heart to have to pour some more money into fixing the house up, just to take a bigger hit to my pocketbook when/if it ever sells.

    Hope your Wednesday is going well for you. I'll do some personals a bit later.
  • Hi I am new to this... usually I just read others post and relate but i ma now going to start posting a few things to get involved and build friendships and support.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @TLH - Oh my goodness, I hope you get your new scale soon. That silly thing has become the most important piece of equipment in my kitchen. I'm SO obsessed with weighing every bite of food, jeez, maybe I should buy a backup. :laugh: You're doing AMAZING with all that exercise, well done!

    @Helen - I sure hope the pup feels better fast! I know how worried I get when one of my boys (cats) is ill. I hover constantly and fret over them until they feel better. A co-worker bought himself a pair of Brooks for walking he swears by them. Tells me they are like walking in pillows. I'm a hard core New Balance lover. In fact, I think Kohl's has a sale on them this week. I'm due for a new pair as well.

    @Susan - Thank you so much {Gianthugs}. YOu are always so supportive and uplifting. I sure home one day I can have your strength of will! You are so my hero, woman.

    @Robin - Thanks! I'll post some pictures of my big boy in it when I get it. It arrives tomorrow and it's SUPPOSED(that can change in the next 5 minutes here in Oregon)tomorrow so I should be able to take him out in it.

    @Melancholy - So glad the grandson is doing better! Poor little tyke, how scary for him AND for everyone else.

    @Skinny Jeans - I hope the changes net the result you want. I'm learning it's like some kind of weird dance...getting the numbers exactly right to get the results you want.

    @GrammyWhammy - WTG on two days of being under! You're on a roll!

    @GrandmaKaye - YOu are doing so well with this. Dropping weight like crazy and fitting into new clothes, way to go! I laughed when you talked about hemming capri pants. My mom is 4'8" and she buys capris all the time because they are the perfect length for her as regular pants. So, at the end of summer she snags up all the capris on sale and wears them all winter as regular trousers.

    @Toots - I sure hope the DH has it figured out for him quickly. How frustrating and scary for him (and all of you) for feeling bad with few answers.

    Welcome to all the newlings. This thread has the most supportive and wonderful people on all of MFP.

    Wednesday wish - That my work is able to negotiate a longer contract so I don't have my 3 month layoff this fall....a LITTLE more money in the negotiation would be some great icing on that cake too!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Melancholy - glad the GS is better. I think its great you're joining TOPS and having group support as well as using MFP. You'll do even better with a live group behind you!

    jt - sorry about the headache - but I'm glad you're listening to your body! You were sensible to slow down and heed your body's you say, fun times, huh. :noway:

    Grammy - well congratulations to you for being under goal 2 days in a row - you are going to nail this program - I just know it - you have it in you to succeed! :smooched:

    grammakaye - envious of you! Both of your getting into smaller clothes and your sewing skills. I got a sewing machine last year and I still need to take lessons. I know, I know, there's lots of free stuff on you tube, but that doesn't make me less envious!

    tlh - sorry that you're struggling with double mortgages, that's such a budget killer! I hope it survived last nites storm (We had hail here) and that you are able to sell it soon!

    Newbies - welcome to this thread and make yourself at home! Post often and ask questions if you have any.

    Weds Wish - that I get a lot done today, considering that I'm getting such a late start on it!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Happy Wednesday folks, and welcome to all our newlings! :flowerforyou:

    Wednesday wish - that I knew for certain what to do about the SAGGIES :huh: I am working weights & toning exercises, and moisturizing like mad - and I know that there are some areas that will never get better (and some that will get a some bit better but not perfect) but YUK! Anyone have any better ideas?
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    Okay.. So I just came across this post, and it looks fantastic. Seems like a lovely group of people and I love the idea of posting thins on different days.

    So here goes, first attempt:
    Wednesday wish: that I can honestly keep this going. I don't want to do a week of exercise, healthy eating and then fail...again. I feel like, with the help of MFP I can really achieve my goals and become healthy. I wish I have the motivation to continue, the strength to keep going even when my body aches and the determination to be the person I have wanted to be for so many years

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I don't want to do a week of exercise, healthy eating and then fail...again.

    There will inevitably be times in this journey where you'll do *EVERYTHING* right and the scale won't move. You can't gauge your success on a number on the scale. You have to remind yourself that even if the number doesn't move what you did THAT week when you ate clean healthy food and exercised improved your health, made your body stronger, and prepared your metabolism for weight loss and success next week, next month, and next year. You'll have lots of NSVs (non scale victories) to show progress. Like inches lost, increased activity level, feeling great, clothes fitting better, and even a better complexion.

    Welcome to the group :)
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Just a quick check in... I want to join in the spirit of the thread by posting my Wednesday wish- That the motivation and optimism I feel at the beginning of a healthy eating plan would last longer than a week!!! And if we are going to go for "realistic or not" I wish it would last FOREVER!!!
    Have a great day all, and remember that healthy eating and exercise is body maintenance.... If we neglected our cars like we neglect our bodies, we would not NEED to work exercise into our lives....we would WALK everywhere!!!

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    wed wish- more energy
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    Wed Wish: I wish that my (grown) son wasn't leaving soon to go to work in North Dakota. He and his wife live about a mile down the road from us, therefore I see him quite often. I am proud of his new opportunity and wish him great success, but I hate to see him leave the state for work. I am pulling up my big girl drawers and trying to suck it up. :/
  • verdouxkai
    verdouxkai Posts: 24 Member
    WednesdayWish... Hmmm, that's a fun topic! Right now I wish that my husband didn't have to work late tonight, lol! I'm so tired and the thought of wrangling our 13 month old alone tonight is NOT appealing! She's not so bad, but definitely loves to RUN around the house! :)

    Today went well, we had a crazy overnight freeze here in Texas, so I didn't go workout at 5:30am as I had planned - BUT I went over my lunch break and got an hour on the elliptical done! I was so proud! I posted a photo on FB of my elliptical stats, but of course someone had to pipe up with "you KNOW those calories are over-exaggerated, right??" I was like..."really??" Out of all the things you could say, you pick that? Thanks a lot! Of course I know that I can't trust machine displays 100%, but jeez, go find someone else's bubble to burst, would you?

    Anywho, I didn't let it get me down! There's always going to be negative nancies in the world. ;)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wednesday Wish:
    That my taxes would do themselves. That's right, kaye, you aren't the only one who is waiting until the last minute. :blushing:

    Will check back later to post personals.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    WednesdayWish... Hmmm, that's a fun topic! Right now I wish that my husband didn't have to work late tonight, lol! I'm so tired and the thought of wrangling our 13 month old alone tonight is NOT appealing! She's not so bad, but definitely loves to RUN around the house! :)

    Today went well, we had a crazy overnight freeze here in Texas, so I didn't go workout at 5:30am as I had planned - BUT I went over my lunch break and got an hour on the elliptical done! I was so proud! I posted a photo on FB of my elliptical stats, but of course someone had to pipe up with "you KNOW those calories are over-exaggerated, right??" I was like..."really??" Out of all the things you could say, you pick that? Thanks a lot! Of course I know that I can't trust machine displays 100%, but jeez, go find someone else's bubble to burst, would you?

    Anywho, I didn't let it get me down! There's always going to be negative nancies in the world. ;)

    Verdou - Way to go on the elliptical - an hour is a tremendous accomplishment! I am appalled by your "negative nancy" friends comment on FB but you handled it so cooly - glad you spoke up !!!! :wink:
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Checking in. I know I'm missing a lot of personals, so congrats to those who deserve it, hugs to those who need it, and all that good stuff.

    I am feeling better. Going to start getting back into my routine on Sunday or Monday. The doctor said it's tonsillitis, and I'm on antibiotics for a bit. I've been mostly just taking it easy. Work was really stressful today, we had about 30 4 year olds between 3 staff this morning and I really wanted to say goodbye to my ovaries. On top of this, my friend in Tennessee, who is pregnant, was blowing up my phone about how she was going to the hospital and such. Turns out she had high BP and they put her on bed rest. Thank goodness little Brayden didn't decide to come, he needs to cook a few more weeks.

    Wednesday Wish: That taxes weren't so time consuming. We started doing them last weekend, and are finishing them (hopefully) tonight. I've never filed with owning a small business before, so it's taking us a bit longer. We always wait til the last minute anywho.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all. I hope you all had a great day. Mine started a little earlier then I am used to. I am helping out my brother right now and watching the kids on Wednesdays. I have to be at their house by six when they leave for work and then get the kids up and off to school. I then pick my nephew up form kkindergarten at 12:30 and spend the afternoon with him and then pick up his sister at 3:30 and keep them until my brother gets home at around 5. It was a fun day. I love spending time with them but they wear me out, lol. I did get to the gym after I dropped them off at school and got in a nice hour of working out. After school we came back to my house and they helped me give all the animals a bath. They couldn't beleive it when the cat let me bathe him. They have a cat who is very persnickety. I told them Thor behaved himself because he has been getting baths since he was a little kitten and knows better then to misbehave. The two dogs suffered through their baths very patiently as well. I think the lab would love her bath because of the way she gets a really good scratching all the way around but she hates being wet. I think if I was going to wish for anything today it would be that the animals were capable of bathing themselves:laugh:
    Well have a wonderful evening all.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Just need to say it's 28 minutes to midnight and I'm UNDER goal--2 days in a row!!!!.

    One day at a time. Good for you!!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: Last July, we moved from Sioux Falls SD to Bismarck ND. However, we still have not sold our house down there (that's a lot of house payments!!). However, right now, Sioux Falls is taking a beating from mother nature. Approximately 1.5 - 2" of ice everywhere and the snow is starting on top of it today. They are expecting 6-10 inches. On Facebook, I saw tons of pictures around town (some in our old neighborhood) of trees uprooted, broken trees, downed branches. Our realtor is out of town so he couldn't give me an update. Got hold of an old neighbor -- so far so good. My house was built in the 70's, there are LOTS of big old trees in my yard, but so far just small branches down. My wish -- it stays that way! It would break my heart to have to pour some more money into fixing the house up, just to take a bigger hit to my pocketbook when/if it ever sells.

    Hope your Wednesday is going well for you. I'll do some personals a bit later.

    Last April I moved from Atlanta to Las Vegas. I had 4 months of paying mortgage AND rent, which was not fun so I can totally relate. Luckily, it only took 4 months to sell. I was on a 1/2 acre lot and had already taken down 10 trees. Every time there was a storm I was so worried about the other trees. Plus, I had a pool that we went ahead and covered up. I was so lucky because my realtor lived in the neighborhood so she went by the house almost daily heading out of the complex. I'll say a little prayer that the house sells quickly.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Just a quick check in... I want to join in the spirit of the thread by posting my Wednesday wish- That the motivation and optimism I feel at the beginning of a healthy eating plan would last longer than a week!!! And if we are going to go for "realistic or not" I wish it would last FOREVER!!!
    Have a great day all, and remember that healthy eating and exercise is body maintenance.... If we neglected our cars like we neglect our bodies, we would not NEED to work exercise into our lives....we would WALK everywhere!!!


    I try to focus one day at a time. I started MFP last August and just received my 260 days of logging notice. There have been many, many days that were NOT pretty whatsoever, but I haven't given up. The old me would have given up and just kept eating. While it's taken me longer than I really want, I'm slowly learning. I know I'm learning for the long term because this has to be my life going forward. If I don't change my behavior, I will never get off this yo-yo weight loss/gain. I'm down 60 lbs, but it's taken me 15 months. Yes, I wanted to lose a 100 lbs in a year and some people do, but for me I had to be realistic too. I will also say my friends and this thread has truly been my rock. So many have gone through the hurdles I'm now facing and are helping me push through. They've been AMAZING!!! Hang in there!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I need to get back my exercise mojo back. No, I have not checked out the gyms like I thought I would do. I'm going to try and get out this weekend. Our weather is starting to really be so nice so I should have NO excuse for walking outside. I just need to get my lazy butt out of bed. Of course, I need to get healthy too. My sinuses are killing me and I sound like I swallowed a frog. Not good.
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Susan- Wise words of just taking it one day at a time. I also can relate to the exercise part. I know I would feel better if I just did it but I can't get the initial " uumph" to do it. Hope you feel better soon.

    I also cannot believe how much I have learned by logging my food. I have a whole new perspective for what I am eating.

    To those doing well- congrats and to those of us still struggling- hang in there, we CAN do this!