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*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • jennypenny133
    jennypenny133 Posts: 13 Member
    So I started out today pretty down on myself. I've been doing MFP (and just being healthier in general) for 90 days now, which I should be really proud of but instead I was focusing on the fact that I wanted to be down 30 pounds at 90 days and I'm still about a pound away. Definitely the wrong mindset, I know. Anyway, I'm feeling much better...the weather is great, I did the first day of C25K (while pushing the stroller...), and I have Zumba tonight.

    I agree with you Renaejae, I'm starting to love Mondays because it's a new start every week!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    How do you like the little snack I was offered on Romanian airline, healthy huh? It was this or 'cake'. Notice it hasn't been opened!

  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Ron, here are the Tardis pics!


    This is how I spent the past 4 days, on & off... Glad they are finally done! The boys love them :)

    Uhgg... can't get the links to work!
  • 5'3, 190lbs with 60lbs to lose. Don't know what that will look like on my frame. Need all the love and support I can get,
  • Jennypenny133, be encourage, take i step at a time and don't look back you will get there. If you fall get up but don't look back stay focus one day at a time.
  • OK here is the UGLY, my name is Heidi, I'm not from Austin lol that is my last name. I am a 38 year old that has been on the "diet" cycle for most of my life. four years ago, I had the lap band done and I lost about 67 pds and gained all 57 of it back. I have more then 100 pounds to lose and TODAY is a bad day for me. I got out of the shower this evening and looked at my naked body. I was disgusted by what I saw... my legs were nasty BIG and if I moved them they just jiggled and my belly just hung down and was full of cellulite. I am so sad today and I don't know what to do to get out of this funk. I feel like a big fat old mother that isn't ever going to like the way that she looks in the mirror. .... I need encouragement, not just hey keep up the good work but real encouragement and real story's like mine. Will I ever look good or even feel good about myself again?
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    My today was wonderful! I ate decently, cause I was on the go (which always works out in my favour as long as I'm not with family - they are fast food fiends), and I also did a great workout tonight! I'm really proud. My weigh-in is tomorrow.

    Christines... If you find you eat after dinner, maybe try exchanging snacks for a hobby, reading, a long bath, or something else that would e enjoyable without the calories.

    Stephaniez... Find that strength again! I can barely lift 15 lbs let alone 10 kg!!

    Laura... I don't know what jambalaya is. :laugh: I googled it and it looks like something I would like to eat RIGHT NOW!

    Tru... :smile: Your "slack 2 days" comment made me smile. Yes, I suppose that would be a start! Right now I do various workout videos (mainly Jillian Michaels), elliptical, and weights. Thanks for the support. And YES! I love youtube for workout videos. Unfortunately, since my computer was "fixed" the sound isn't working 100% and videos are glitchy, so I would have to workout in another room with another computer to do that. I always get library DVDs, but they just sit on the shelf...

    Heidi... I can tell you've had a bad day. I have a sign above my computer I am reading right now (that I made) that says "Life is what YOU make it! How will your today be?" I made it on a day when I was having a REEEALLY crabby, everything is wrong, day when I realized that my attitude is my CHOICE. Books that have helped me with this attitude are "The Only Diet There Is" by Sondra Ray, "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, and "The Power is Within You" by Louise L. Hay. I've read many more, but these 3 come to mind. Good luck.
  • sweetmissie
    sweetmissie Posts: 27 Member
    I'm new at this but I want to be apart of something I feel so left out because of my weight the time has come I want to live again
    I stop living a long time ago I only go to work because that's a most when I'm off i stay home don't have friends because I feed like because am fat people laugh behind my back I'm alway in pain my knees ,back, feet hips everything hurts can't live like this anymore so this is my year I know I say this every year for the past 30 year but I can feel it in my bones that this is my year by Christmas I must be less 80 lbs
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Meg- the 'img' needs to be lower case.
    @Ron, here are the Tardis pics!


    This is how I spent the past 4 days, on & off... Glad they are finally done! The boys love them :)

    Uhgg... can't get the links to work!
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    Oh so many new people!!! Hello everyone!!!

    So what goals has everyone hit recently? I reached my May goal earlier than I thought I would. Therefore, my new goal is to be 155 by my birthday (August 1). That will be about 19 more pounds.

    Okay so about the boyfriend.... He was VERY overweight for most of his life. Then around 21 years old (he is 30 now) he got fit. We've been together for 2 years and he has always been very active at the gym. He just hasn't cared this year. I've tried to motivate him. I've left him alone. He NEEDS to go. He is very cranky and crabby when he doesn't go and get rid of his... well it's not really aggression, but his energy, I guess? Anyway, still kinda at a loss. I made him go with me on Sunday and he was still in a bad mood. Whatever. I'm back to leaving him alone.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh so many new people!!! Hello everyone!!!

    So what goals has everyone hit recently? I reached my May goal earlier than I thought I would. Therefore, my new goal is to be 155 by my birthday (August 1). That will be about 19 more pounds.

    Okay so about the boyfriend.... He was VERY overweight for most of his life. Then around 21 years old (he is 30 now) he got fit. We've been together for 2 years and he has always been very active at the gym. He just hasn't cared this year. I've tried to motivate him. I've left him alone. He NEEDS to go. He is very cranky and crabby when he doesn't go and get rid of his... well it's not really aggression, but his energy, I guess? Anyway, still kinda at a loss. I made him go with me on Sunday and he was still in a bad mood. Whatever. I'm back to leaving him alone.

    We all need support, love and motivation but at the end of the day, we have to want to do it. You are being a great girlfriend. He will get back in the head space he needs to be in.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Feeling a bit bummed this morning. On Sunday did a cheat hop on the scales and it showed me down 1.5lbs. Hopped on this morning for weigh in and it was up 1lb. Frustrated as I know I'm eating right and I'm back exercising. I was expecting a big loss this week not a gain. Not going to give up but feeling really GGGGRRRRRRRRR about it.
  • uhohkerri
    uhohkerri Posts: 43
    well being kept busy with 7 kidos running a muck but having fun will check in when I get a chance to breath
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Feeling a bit bummed this morning. On Sunday did a cheat hop on the scales and it showed me down 1.5lbs. Hopped on this morning for weigh in and it was up 1lb. Frustrated as I know I'm eating right and I'm back exercising. I was expecting a big loss this week not a gain. Not going to give up but feeling really GGGGRRRRRRRRR about it.

    One word Steph - Water. Maybe had a high salt meal, or just not drunk enough. Happens to me every time I travel, I get back, weigh myself and I'm the same or higher than the previous week. A couple of days at home, the weight drops off and I then can get a true figure. Drink lots of water today and try again tomorrow. I doubt very much you've gained.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    are we all still here? I'm restarting this week and holy what a hard time but I'm sticking to the diet though the gym seems far and away..my husband is home and I"m on deadline...sigh
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Hey All... just popping in to say hi! Hope you're all having a good week. I seem to be having a good one so far. My SIL is in town visiting with my nephew, and we're spending a lot of time hanging out with them, so I've been making sure to get my workouts in early in the day. I'm hoping it stops raining for a little while later this morning (Pacific time :happy: ) so I can go on my lunch break run without getting soaked. I'm going either way though.

    @Stephaniezoun, don't get too discouraged! Like Ron (who I have learned likes to be right, and usually is :wink: ) has said before, it's sodium or low water intake.

    @Uhohkerri - Don't forget to breathe! LOL, have a good week with all the kiddos.
  • laura666666
    laura666666 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Just a quick check in tonight- I'm pooped. Day 3 done for the jog. It was easier to roll out of bed this morning.

    Steph- I'll post a jamalaya recipe at the weekend- its comforting goodness!!

    Keep up the work everyone, it will pay off in the end!!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I'm still, here, still crabby, still cycling to the station, still trying to take a leaf from thumper's mum and "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything"... So I'm not. I'm steering this black cloud away from all you guys so as not to rain on your parades.
    Hope you're all doing well, sounds like things are (generally) going great! X

    Ps update, he picked hemel, again, we found him a flat (thankfully furnished so no trip to ikea), he's been a self-centred *kitten* for best part of a month, he now doesn't want to move me in for (at least) 6 months (fine by me, but sick of him changing his mind and mucking me around). He's completely annoyed my mum to the point he's no longer welcome in her house OR my dad's house in swindon, she also doesn't want me using the car to get to him a his house, oh and she wants me to move out as I "can't put my life on hold for him", even though I can't afford to move out. Oh, and I also shouldn't let other people tell me what to do... Figure that out.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Today was baaad eating. And yesterday (fries and cake). But I did have a homemade fruit and veggie juice, AND made some good choices, but a workout would have balanced it out. I still have an assignment due this weekend that I haven't really started. 3 days to work on it, so my focus is more on that - but I am trying to still remember to make good choices - and not boredom eat or eat without thinking/realizing it.

    tnsummer... Remember, your b/f has to WANT it. You can want it for him all you want, but it won't make him want it until he makes up his mind that he does (note: speaking from own experience). Maybe get him a motivational book if he likes to read... A short one if he doesn't. :wink: Honestly, there are some powerful words published out there. Or ask him questions about what got him motivated in the first place, what is different now, and what his attitude is costing him, and potentially the relationship?

    Stephanie... I used to weigh in everyday, but I never let the scale affect how I felt. What I did was take a weekly average, and it made me feel like I have a better view of my week, than weighing in just one day a week, or going from day-to-day. Weight will always fluctuate for a variety of reasons.

    Laura... Looking forward to that recipe.
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    Well I think our good weather is over here in North Carolina. We're supposed to get crazy bad storms today. I'm much less motivated when the weather is bad.

    It seems that people are having some cheat days here recently in this thread. If you can't trust yourself to stick to your diet, then don't cheat. Be responsible. Just like if you can't trust yourself to go to the bar and not get drunk... then don't go to the bar. If you can't stop yourself from being VERY BAD once you cheat on your diet, then just don't cheat to begin with. I struggled with this at first. Your body will crave all the crazy things they put in food these days. Once you give in, the "withdrawl cycle" starts again. I'm not saying I don't enjoy a cupcake now and then. However, I found that when I first started making changes, it was easier to STICK WITH THEM if I just always did it. I didn't allow myself a cheat day for 1.5 months. Trust me, after a while you either don't miss the junk or it'll make your stomach upset to eat it.

    Come on guys! We're going to look amazing if we just keep at it!!!!!