The official beachbody sucks thread



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,841 Member
    I assume Beach Body is another fitness craze spinning calisthenics Ina "new" and exciting way, never before done and with EXTREME results.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Beachbody is just a gimmick to take advantage of those who struggle with losing weight.. why do I have to buy a shake to lose weight? That makes no sense and definitely not a lifestyle that someone can maintain for life. They'd be out of house.. what a waste of money! I've dramatically changed my body in four months without Beachbody or "Shakeology".. the notion that you have to buy into their products to have the body you want is freakin' hogwash.

    I'm not suggesting that beach body works or not. I'm only saying I would like to see only posts that spin it in a positive setting.
    Would you be willing to change your success story to include how Product Partners LLC, the makers of Beachbody has plays an integral part in your journey? are funny.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Why is this not in chit chat fun and games? :grumble:

    Additionally, yes.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Why is this not in chit chat fun and games? :grumble:

    Additionally, yes.

    Because OP and his wife are actually trying to sell you on their fitness "company".
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Please lock this thread. Its not nice to make negative comments to beach body. I would very much like to see only positive posts and threads about beach body. I'm not a beach body coach. I simply believe in the only free and equitable way to obey beach body mention them is in a positive light. This post does none of that for beach body.
    Thank in in advance for the ethical treatment of beach body and its parent company Product Partners LLC.

    This site is not in relation to beach body. As such we are more than welcome to make any comments about their programs, products, and anything related to them. They are an MLM company, for me that says enough.

    This post was never intended to support beach body or portray them in a positive light so i have no idea why you find it necessary to point that out? :yawn:

    Great thing about myfitnesspal? It's a community where we can express our feelings about numerous topics with a few stipulations; one being without an agenda to sell and promote products for personal profit.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Between torrents and friends I have spent zero dollars. The work outs are fantastic... the money they wont for them is way out of my personal price range however. I have no interest in the shakes or a "coach" though .
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Why is this not in chit chat fun and games? :grumble:

    Additionally, yes.

    Because OP and his wife are actually trying to sell you on their fitness "company".

    This makes my previous post all the more sad. Darn you people! I do not need your help or your advice!

    Stop tryna take mah munies!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I just have to say: I am very impressed with the detective work of mfp and the clever ways you all save money$:)
  • cebiginalaska
    cebiginalaska Posts: 280 Member
    Gotta love all the spam from the "Coaches" trying to push their stuff and make a profit from you buying "from them". My "coach" send me emails some how with adds for their products and I just "SPAM' them with the spam button.

    I have the "free" membership for Beachbody. There are some stuff that I like but the team beachbody site.
    I like the way you can track all your measurements and they have a percentage way of tracking your weight (10% completed!)
    MFP looks better but the percentage thing is cool not a big fan of the Shakeology or the cost of their products.
  • soldier83
    Just thought I'd post this thread in honor of all the beachbody haters. There is so much praise on this website it makes me natious. So I figure i would start a thread for others like me to vent or at least put why they dislike something so more un knowing suspects dont get suckered into a 120 dollar workout DVD :)

    This would be a much more valid argument if you weren't a coach for BB in the past. Over priced, maybe. Programs that are just as good out there, maybe. Supplements that are just as good as shakeology for less, maybe. The only problem is you've admitted (even in youtube videos you mentioned how much weight you lost and others you know lost with P90x) that they work. How much a person pays for something doesn't mean they are bad in any way.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    Is that body by vi or visalage or what ever the same thing? I remember that 40 year old caligurlie was always answering questions with walls of copy pasta from visalage

    Different company, same idea, get people to sell their stuff for a commission. Also Advocare, they are all very similar. Honestly I am a BB coach, I love the products and the company. I never sell on MFP and I never really try to sell in general, it just happens. That being said I am a degree holder in Phy Ed, and Nutrition, I am also a certified Personal Trainer and working towards my Group Fitness Certification..

    Some of there stuff is pricy, however they also have great workouts for $20 so it just depends what you want.. To each is own.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    Ugh. Why does it matter how much someone paid for a workout program if said program got them off their butt and got them excited about exercising and they lost some weight/inches/body fat. I'm pretty against Shakeology and coaches in general, but the videos I think are great. I haven't paid for them, I've either borrowed them or found them streaming online, but they work.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Well I am a noob at working out...I just got Turbo Jam about 2 weeks ago. I paid almost 100 bucks for the VIDEO (not the "program" of losing "10lbs in 10 days" gimmick, or the "awesome diet plan that promises to get me to lose 10 inches in 10 days".) When i purchased from BB, I wanted the videos, with no intention to use any of the marketing "add ons". I know enough about diet/nutrition that if they are guaranteeing 10lbs loss in 10 days, that is basically water weight - which I have already lost.

    I LOVE Turbo Jam. I feel stronger, and I look forward to working out. I am even struggling to take a 1 day break from it I love it so much. For the first time ever, I love to work out.

    I HATE the "extras" (shakeology)...and in all honestly, since i used my brain when ordering, i saw the shakeology thing...and I just thought to myself "oh an expensive protein shake with promises" thank you.

    Use common sense when buying these "programs" - there is no quick fix. bottom line. I spent $100.00 FOR THE VIDEO. This is my money, and I can spend it however I want...if people don't want to spend 100 bucks on a workout dvd, then don't (I have been over weight all my life...and at this point, I can not put a price on health)! I am not a coach...and I do feel the coaches are ridiculous as well and are not honest. They are sales people. Not coaches. I was even offered to become a coach..and I had to laugh.

    Just use common sense, avoid the "gimmicks and add ons" when buying, and everything will turn out beautiful! :D

    Shame on OP btw.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I think it's a general consensus that people hate more on the shakes and buying food (similar to programs like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers programs)
  • jalloggio
    jalloggio Posts: 141

    love how people are doing all this research on me and my wife.....creepy much?
  • bluebear_74
    bluebear_74 Posts: 179
    I'm close to the end of my 2nd week of Insanity, part of me likes it, another part misses my cross trainer. So far i've stuck to it, but I really wish it was more flexible (I guess I can change it up myself but I want to follow it since it's my first time).

    Anyway, I didn't pay for it either ($100+ umm no thanks) and skip all the ad type stuff.
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    I have loved every beachbody program that I've done, but I haven't given a penny to the company. Hooray for pirate bay.

    This.... lol, although wouldnt say i 'loved' them...
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member

    love how people are doing all this research on me and my wife.....creepy much?

    Sorry Dude, but when you post on here and have an open profile, people are going to look at it. Isn't that what you wanted? Didn't you want us to go to your profile, see what a great trainer you are, and sign up to send you money every month so you could tell us what exercises to do and what to eat? You even direct us to your Facebook page and website. One of them has a link to a company that sells supplements, much like BB?

    If you are going to throw your hat into the marketing ring, you have to take the negative with the positive. If your 'business plan' is to start a thread bashing a product that a lot of people on here use and have been successful on, then it isn't a very well thought out plan.

    I personally haven't used any of the BB products, and have no intention to use them, (in case any coaches are thinking of sending me a PM), but if they work for some people and have helped them regain their health, then more power to them.

    Certified trainers are a dime a dozen today. Anyone can go online and get certified to be a personal trainer. It means nothing.

    Now if you have gone to college and have received a degree in PT, or nutrition, etc, then you may have some credibility, and be able to start a business. I would suggest starting off working for a reputable doctor, or PT clinic, or even working as a trainer for a fitness chain, before jumping online and starting a personal training business.

    I am not trying to be rude, just telling you like it is. And your methods so far are not going to work very well.

    Lots of people on here have figured out what worked for them and have shared their knowledge with others to help them out as well. But once you put a price tag on your advice, then you open yourself up to all kinds of scrutiny. If you can't handle that, then stay off internet forums.

    ETA, and if you used to be a BB coach, and are now going on public forums bashing the product, you might want to look thru your paperwork when you signed up with them to see if there is any fine print against doing such a thing. You may be setting your self up for a lawsuit. Just sayin.
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member

    THIS is my REASON why I quit P90X..I wasted almost a half of a year doing silly lifting moves..

    Figured out my OWN lifting program (Thanks to my wonderful Husband...jalloggio) and THESE are MY results!!

    You want REAL results?? get a REAL program!!!


    thats my rant!

    So, are you going to share your secrets with the class? :o)
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