Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    Thursday truth: I allowed myself a treat yesterday. I went to the ballgame in 38-40 degree weather. It was so cold, I wanted warm comfort food, so I had a hot dog and macaroni and cheese. I enjoyed it and back on track today. Because of busyness, I had ntsot gotten the workouts in that I had hoped to this week, but 2 thirty minute work outs today and I feel pretty good about weighing in tomorrow
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Second truth: I went for a 3 mile walk and ate only one piece of thin crust pizza. I filled up on salad so the Blizzard is accounted for and all is well. Thanks, Robin. You are probably right. In the long run, it probably doesn't matter that much.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Thursday evening is my TOPS night so it is my official weigh in day and after a week of working at it ( and a "little" help from TOM) I lost 5 lbs!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Second truth: I went for a 3 mile walk and ate only one piece of thin crust pizza. I filled up on salad so the Blizzard is accounted for and all is well. Thanks, Robin. You are probably right. In the long run, it probably doesn't matter that much.
    We CAN treat ourselves as long as we COUNT it and not use it as a way to fall of the wagon. I had 1/2 an order of french fries yesterday with no guilt at all since I was recording it and still keeping in my calorie allowance!!! SO, if you were able to do that with a Blizzard, then YOU GO GIRL!!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    My new walking buddy, MowMow, on his first stroll(er). He had a blast talking to little kids who went by, watching the ducks on the pond, and chilling while I walked

    photo (2) by KrisMowBook, on Flickr

    photo by KrisMowBook, on Flickr
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    My new walking buddy, MowMow, on his first stroll(er). He had a blast talking to little kids who went by, watching the ducks on the pond, and chilling while I walked

    You are the crazy cat lady!! This is hysterical, but good for you. I think MowMow is so lucky (and spoiled) to have you as his mama. He's a lucky kitty that's for sure. I love that you have a friend to go with you now even if you're doing all the work. You go crazy cat lady!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kris--OMG, that stroller is just too cute!! I can sympathize with your feeling like the "crazy cat lady" b/c I often feel like the "crazy dog lady." My DH thinks it's weird when I take gunner for a ride in the car to the gas station or through the starbucks drive-thru, but he just loves it. If I were a "cat person," I would definitely have that stroller. :laugh:

    @marca--awesome loss!! :drinker:

    @kaye--good job fitting in your treat--others are right, it won't make a bit of difference as long as it doesn't become a staple of your diet.

    @wendy--good job getting back on track with the workouts!

    @susancan--I agree with robin--your post hits home. I have had periods of time (sometimes months) where I don't lose anything in spite of working hard, which often leads to me giving up. Fortunately, I've managed to maintain during those periods and have never done more than a few pounds worth of damage.

    @alison--congrats on the new dress! Also, on my 1st trip to England, we stayed at a B&B right across from the British Museum and it was just about my favorite place in all of London. I mean seeing the First Folio has got to be tops for most English teachers, right?

    @tina--2 days of rest will be fine--in fact having 2 in a row actually makes my running progress better. I always have my fastest times when I've had 2 or 3 days off in a row.

    @kelley--good luck with the calorie change--I'm going through that right now as well.

    @robin--congrats on being down 2 lbs.

    Welcome to all of the newlings! :flowerforyou: To those I missed, I'll catch you on the next round.

    Thursday Truth:
    I fear my current weight reflects an actual gain rather than just a normal fluctuation. My lowest weight was 181, but I've been hovering up around 186 for the past few days, even reaching 189 earlier this week. :noway: I'm hoping the adjustment of my calories takes care of the problem and gets the scale moving back down.

    Still no cigarettes and my current e-cig has lasted since Sat. Hoping to make it last the whole week.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: It's been a good week for the most part. Eating was fine. I tracked every day. No exercise. I'm battling some kind of sinus infection or allergies. Eyes were watering all day and I'm completely exhausted. With the last 2 weeks traveling, I think I'm just tired. This week I plan to do nothing, BUT I do want to get some walks in. Weather is going to be gorgeous plus I see a little pool time too and get some sun!!!

    @SusanBeThin - Welcome to another Susan!! I'm right there with Robin. I started on my own back in January 2012 and joined MFP in August 2012. I've had some serious ups and downs, plateaus, etc. . . I wanted to give up so bad. I gained 10 lbs a few different times, but I've lost those and just keep inching along. I would love to give myself a deadline and lose these 100 lbs, but it's not realistic. I'm just taking it one day at a time. If I get a little off, I kick my butt back in gear and get right back on track. We're here for you so keep checking in.

    @TOPSmarca - Woo Hoo!!! You're such a big loser!!

    @Kaye - Nice job on one thin slice and filling up with salad plus getting in your walk. You've got this!! I'm afraid DQ is my downfall and I can't eat it. I may splurge on an ice cream cone from McDonald's at 170 calories, but I can't have a Blizzard. It would put me in a downward spiral.

    @Robin - Thank you again for your commitment to this thread. YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!!

    @Kelly & MowMow - You know how I feel about you guys. You're the bomb!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tina- 2 rest days are fine and you do need to give your body time to rest. If you really feel the need to do something on those days take your daughter for a walk around the block if possible or to a park. She will love it and you get to be outside.

    kaye- I also love blizzards and will enjoy one once in a while. I like the mini-blizzard with Reese's Peanut Butter cups. I can enjoy the ice cream with fewer calories than a small and it is just the right amount of ice cream and candy.

    Robin- Congrats on losing 2 pounds. Thank you for starting this thread. You have found a way to help many people on this journey. Your dedication to supporting those who are losing weight is amazing. This thread has created a "family" on-line.

    Truth- Yesterday, I blew off a meeting and decided to go Rock climbing again this week. This week I have been on a mission to successfully climb the hardest of the rock walls at my gym. I failed to make it to the top on Saturday and Monday but yesterday I made it to the top again. Then I was going to climb it again and ended up giving up- my arms were tired plus the belayer was tired of holding the ropes. I will climb it again and be successful but it requires a good balancing act and getting the hands in the right position.

    Truth 2- When I work out there are times that I go through the motions and not push it to the limits. This is something I need to change and give it 150% everytime I workout and that means pushing it to the max. I spoke to my trainer about this as well so hopefully he will help to push me in my own workouts. He usually develops a good workout for to complete on my own. However, I will stop very easily if I am getting frustrated, the knee is bothering me, I just don't feel like doing it etc. I need to find something that will motivate me to work harder during my own workouts and with my trainer.

    Tomorrow it is back to Earth Trek for more rock climbing and new challenges. I hope the rain stops by the time I need to leave school. Driving to work in the rain is bad enough but dealing with it on a Friday night will be even worse.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I'm the same way with not pushing myself but only when I work out at home. I think that's why I've just about given up on doing my at-home core work--just going through the motions. I am much better at pushing myself when I run outside or at the gym. I think when I go to all of the trouble of getting into my workout gear and actually driving to the gym, it doesn't seem logical to just "phone it in." However, when I do core work at home, I'm usually just doing it quickly while watching TV in my pj's. Congrats on making your goal of conquering that toughest wall again! :drinker:

    @susan--good job getting back on track with your food. I hope the sinus thing clears up quickly. Oh, and I am jealous of your pool time--our temps have been about 10 degrees below normal the past several days, plus lots of drizzly rain--lounging at the pool seems so far away.

    On the flip side, I'm thankful that we were spared some of the really nasty weather making the rounds. I hope all of the folks in MO, AR, MS, LA, and GA are safe and sound with all of the tornadoes touching down.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today has been a busy day. Today was bowling day for my clients we spend the day at the bowling alley. Being I work with the afternoon to it truly means all day. Fun way to make a living but I am really tired.

    Thursday truth: Food is going ok just frustrated which the weight would be coming off faster.

    @Robin congrats on.the weight loss.l

    Wishing everyone a good night.
    Liz from idaho
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thursday Truth: Well, I ordered the cutest dress and cardigan in the sale, from a shop that would be too upmarket for me at full price. I dithered for ages before getting them, but eventually took the plunge, and they arrived today. The dress is a tad tight (I need a friend to get the zip done up!) but it basically fits and is super cute. So hopefully that should do for spring parties and lunches providing I can break the plateau.

    you're looking great in your ticker, so i'm sure more good things will come.
    Thursday truth - I think I really *AM* the crazy cat lady. I've been checking the shipping info ALL day to see if the stroller has been delivered yet (it's scheduled for today). I just can't WAIT to stuff MowMow into it tonight and hit the pavement!

    haha my cat would cut me if i tried to put her in a stroller.
    My new walking buddy, MowMow, on his first stroll(er). He had a blast talking to little kids who went by, watching the ducks on the pond, and chilling while I walked

    photo (2) by KrisMowBook, on Flickr

    photo by KrisMowBook, on Flickr

    ohhh but he's soooooo cute.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    MowMow is adorable! I think my kitty would resist stroller rides, especially since my girls wold do most of the pushing! :laugh:

    Great job to the ladies posting losses and success fitting high-cal foods into their allowances.

    Truth: I actually ran today. Usually when the trainer barks at us to sprint to a building across the parking lot, I jog. Running for real feels beyond my legs. Today, I ran. Felt good to be able to do it and then go back into the workout routine.
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    MOwMOw - love the cat stroller!

    Skinny--great job with no cigs!

    Robin-yippee! On the 2 pounds

    Kaye- I can see how you could fall for the blizzard, but it was only one.

    Susan- I live in the Tx panhandle so I relate to all those sinus problems

    Good luck to everyone else.

    Thurs truth- I didn't realize the amount of food and calories I was consuming until I started logging my food.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday!!

    I plan on working on the basement somemore this weekend. We are going to tear down all bathroom walls to see if we can find water damage so far the first wall is down and nothing. I will try to go get to the gym but because I lose my memebership in 14 days I have been limiting my time there for an easier transition.

    @Helena- Hope the rain clears up so you can get in a ride. Glad your puppy is feeling better
    @Robin- Congrats on your loss and with no snacking at night
    @Tina- I would say take the 2 rest days. From my own personal experience of working full time, taking part time classes, raising a kid and fitness I realized I had to schedule homework and fitness each day to get it in. I know everyones life is different but that is what works for me.
    @ Kelly- Glad the trainer is going well
    @Topsmarca- congrats on the loss way to go
    @Tom- love the quote
    @Susancanbethin- I have that same demon that I struggle advice is try not to beat yourself up so much there will be good and bad days. Success is measured in so many more ways than what the scale says. Also I find trying to homemake my favorite snacks or find a healthier version. Example I love sour cream and onion chips...I have replaced them with the special K chips
    @MyM0w- The pic is cute and I laughed so hard thinking how others would look at you or like you said kids asking you questions. What a great way for you and cat to get fresh air also for you exercise. I will say in a good way you are a Crazy Cat Lady:bigsmile:
    @Kaye- You deserve a treat and I know you enjoyed the blizzard right:tongue:
    @Karen- Congrats on the no cigs. You quitting inspired me to talk more with my 16yr old in getting him to quit. I talked to him about e cigs he had heard of them. We talked he seemed to listen but ultimately it is his choice to stop.
    @Laurie- Have fun rock climbing like always
    @Shrink- Congrats on running. I chuckled at the comment " When the trainer barks"
    @Suzee- I agree with you I never realized how horrible I was eating til logging. I knew fast food was bad for me but I had no idea how many calories a day I was eating.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Friday Fitness:: Well instead of a rest day yesterday. I kind of kicked it up a notch lol. I have been doing the Leslie Sansone 3 mega mile walking DVD. And it's great and I get a good burn. But I downloaded and app "Nike Trainer Club" It is AWESOME!

    It has SO many different workouts, has videos to show you how to do them. Here was the workout I did yesterday

    Sweat+Shape 30 min:
    2min Light Jog
    1min Back Pedal
    2min Straight Leg Kicks
    1min Modified Push Ups
    30sec Modified Plank
    1min Modified Burpee
    2min Side Lunge
    30sec 2 feet forward/backward hops in place
    1min plank
    2min squats
    1min hip lifts
    1min opposite arm/leg extension
    30sec 2 feet lateral hops in place
    30sec modified tricep push ups
    30sec alternating step back lunges
    1min sumo squat with lateral raise
    1min reverse crunches
    15sec squat jumps
    1min hip lifts
    1min modified push ups
    30sec modified plank
    1min modified burpee
    1min opposite arm/leg extension
    15sec squat hold
    1min should press
    2min pretzel stretch
    1min lower back stretch
    2min standing hamstring stretch

    NOW I wasn't able to do ALL of them, but for the ones I couldn't do I at least tried and if I couldn't I would jog or walk in place.
    Unfortunately I didn't have my HRM with me when I did this, so I don't know the exact calorie burn. I logged it as calisthenics.

    I will not be doing this today as I am sore lol I might youtube a leslie sansone like 2mi walk video to do. Nothing major just something simple. But to at least get something in while at work.

    Thank you everyone for tell me it's ok to have some rest days. I'm just so afraid of having a rest day and then not getting back at it. But I know I can push myself to get up and work out when I need to.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


    I have class tomorrow from 8-3 and it's finishing up some of our check-offs that we have to complete before we can start clinicals Monday! Wish me luck, I'm nervous about it!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wow, its hard to believe it's Friday already! This was a tough week at work for us with all the storms and people being gone. I had to shift job duties for a few days and today is my "catch up" day for my actual job duties. Oh well, makes the time go quickly I guess.

    Yesterday I was suppose to do my C25K but my son was BEGGING for a haircut. So I thought I'd run him somewhere really quick, get in my workout and then to my sister's PartyLite party. Wrong! It took over an hour to get his haircut so I had just enough time to drop him off at home and get to my sister's place. I proceeded to then spend too much money, but it was a fun time and I stayed within my calories.

    Today I have a couple of appoitnments in the afternoon, but WILL be at the gym tonight -- weights and C25K are on the agenda. I've successfully run (aka jogged) half of the of run times so my goal today is to run at least 5-6 of the minutes instead of just the 4. I did order some new shoes that should be here next week so hopefully that will help with my calf cramps. My shoes are a bit older and these new ones are approved by the orthopedic society and are suppose to have great arch support. Tomorrow I will be hitting a zumba class for the first time in almost a month. It kills me, but its such a great burn that I think I need to make a habit of it at least once a week.

    @Tina -- Its hard to find a balance, but keep looking for options. If we don't find the right balance, its so easy for us to quit. and DANG girl --- that's a workout!!! Good job!

    @Susan -- ND is GREAT! :happy: I certainly understand the being away from family. For the last 21 years, I was living 4--7 hours away from my parents and siblings. Now I live much closer (3-15 minutes) to most of my family, but now my husband's family is 4 hours, 7 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours away from us. We just got face time so we're looking forward to using that to stay close. Now about the weather --- it's getting warmer! Not sure where you are from, but sometimes by the end of May, ND is in the 80-90s. Being cold should only last another 3-4 weeks.

    @Bohemian Coast -- a little tight might be some great motivation to keep going. Sometimes I think now that my pants are looser, I am fooling myself into the fact that I'm doing so good. Maybe I need to go buy some tight jeans again :blushing:

    @GrandmaKaye -- I'm impressed that you went so long without DQ. I'm not a big fan of ice cream, but I do think its important to let those things you love stay part of your life. You did exactly what I think we should do to be able to enjoy those higher calorie treats -- offset it with something better and work out. Good for you!

    Have a great Friday!!!
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member

    @Susan -- ND is GREAT! :happy: I certainly understand the being away from family. For the last 21 years, I was living 4--7 hours away from my parents and siblings. Now I live much closer (3-15 minutes) to most of my family, but now my husband's family is 4 hours, 7 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours away from us. We just got face time so we're looking forward to using that to stay close. Now about the weather --- it's getting warmer! Not sure where you are from, but sometimes by the end of May, ND is in the 80-90s. Being cold should only last another 3-4 weeks.

    We are in Louisiana, the home of crazy weather that changes at times from minute to minute. It can be hot, cold, rainy, and sunny all in the span of an hour... literally! He has packed plenty of warm clothing and they all loaded up and headed up early this morning. I am feeling better about it at the moment. It is just hard to let your babies go, even when they are grown.
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you to susan2396, skinnyjeanz, Robinsegg, and mnwalking for helping me to see the world outside of my own head. While I am not glad that you have to battle the same demons, it does help to know that I do not fight alone. I am feeling pretty good about things this week. My official weigh-in days have been on Wednesdays, but being that I was just refocusing my efforts this week I skipped it. I suppose I will take a peek at the scale on Monday and see what that old thing says about my progress. Even if the results are not what I long for, I know that I am giving it my full attention and effort this week, and I will not be swayed in my determination to rid my body of its flabby coat. Period.

    Friday Fitness: Another great morning workout with my old buddy, Richard Simmons and Sweatin to the Oldies! Our weather is looking to be be pretty today, so I plan to dust off my bike seat and take a ride this afternoon.

    Everyone, have a beautifully healthy day!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    OMG!!! I know this is a little heartless of me, but the babies are driving me crazy today!!! My office literally backs up to a pediatricians office and we have no insulation whatsoever. I know they're probably getting shots and I hate that for them, but listening to babies scream ALL day drives me a little nuts. I think its time to go outside and count to 10. Poor little things.