3 day military diet- information and a rant



  • nhatrang
    nhatrang Posts: 1
    I've done it in the past and lost 8 lbs. Now im trying it again. On second day as we speak. I think it helps build my self esteem so I can look ahead to a healthier lifestyle.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    So flippin unhealthy. Over here in Europe a similar diet is known as the "hospital diet". I know a lot of people that did this and I laughed as they gained all the weight right back when they ate normal again.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I've done it in the past and lost 8 lbs. Now im trying it again. On second day as we speak. I think it helps build my self esteem so I can look ahead to a healthier lifestyle.

    Treating yourself poorly makes you feel good?

    You can get good money for that.
  • DallasKendall
    I am active duy and we would never be told to try that diet, it is not safe. We have always been taught to do a lot of cardio and eat healthy, not low carbs.

    Actually, I'm joining the Army, and i needed to lose 11lbs in a week, my recruiter gave me this diet, he said it's ment to be a fast way to lose the weight, and i've done it now 2 times, i've lost 10lbs, and i don't really exersice. I'm now on my 2nd day of my third time and i'm working out and i've lost 6lbs. So yes it works, but you have to work out. And actually the 1/2 a banana on the third day is wrong, it's suppose to be 1/2 cup of califlower.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I am active duy and we would never be told to try that diet, it is not safe. We have always been taught to do a lot of cardio and eat healthy, not low carbs.

    Actually, I'm joining the Army, and i needed to lose 11lbs in a week, my recruiter gave me this diet, he said it's ment to be a fast way to lose the weight, and i've done it now 2 times, i've lost 10lbs, and i don't really exersice. I'm now on my 2nd day of my third time and i'm working out and i've lost 6lbs. So yes it works, but you have to work out. And actually the 1/2 a banana on the third day is wrong, it's suppose to be 1/2 cup of califlower.

    And this will make a difference because?
  • jmzalapa
    jmzalapa Posts: 1
    Here's the skinny (pun achieved) on this diet: in all branches of the service for both active duty and reserves, we have a biannual fitness assessment that makes sure the member is within weight standards for their height or the archaic "rope and choke" (waist measurement minus neck measurement to equal body fat composition relative to height) to determine body fat, as well as a physical fitness event assessment, involving push ups, sit ups and a timed run. As we can be discharged after 3 failures in a 4 year period, this weighs heavy on people who are borderline on weight and have the wrong body type for the rope and choke. This diet is one of the tricks of the trade to dop a little extra before we stand o. the scale. How this became a pinterest fad over the last few months, I will never know; its used only to get down to standards for an assessment, not as gospel to be part of a regular weight loss routine or habit, since you are basically starving yourself while tricking your body into thinking it isn't starving. Plus, most guys will continue an exercise regiment and utilize saunas in conjunction with this over a weekend before the assessment. Simple hard truth; if you want to lose weight permanently, good diet with lean protein and lots of veggies while being easy on carbs and cutting out processed food coupled with exercise at high intensity for at least 1 hour a day 6 days a week is the only sure fire way to lose weight and keep it off. Anything that makes you lose more than 2 pounds in a week without exercise is a temporary solution and the second you go back to your normal habits, the weight will come back. Hope this helps!.
  • nasus777
    nasus777 Posts: 1
    This diet was designed for cardiac patients who needed to lose weight quickly to prep for surgery. It was developed at UAB and is not called the military diet. Not intended for regular folks. I guess somehow it became the military diet online but the original name was cardiac diet again for obese cardiac patients needing surgery.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Military diet? Doesn't look like a military diet to me, there isn't any tabasco sauce anywhere in there! Drop the bread and ice cream and youve got the start of a primal diet, however.

    LOL I remember those days... no matter the crap food, always put tabasco sauce on it! I even had a bottle stuffed in my rack!! HAHA and when I say "rack" I mean bed...not the other "rack"
  • Brads2ndLife
    I tried the Israeli Army diet a long time ago. That was a killer.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    BTW, I've done this diet in the past... it doesn't work

    after the 3 days you go back to eating like normal and gain it all back.

    Calories are WAY too low and you will feel hungry. EAT, don't starve yourself!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Definitely not for me...I have to say though; I always get a good chuckle when they call these "military" diets or "marine commando" diets or whatever. When I was in the Marines I probably ate upwards of 4,000 calories per day, and I'm probably estimating low. Where do they come up with these names? They should just call this the "for the birds" diet or the "pass the **** out" diet...

    This, haha. My younger sister was in the USAF and learned how to actually EAT during those years. She looked fantastic following boot camp--muscular and in really great shape! Prior to leaving, she was frail and prone to under eating, perhaps even "skinny fat" as some would say these days. But during/after bootcamp she was eating ALL the food...so this crash diet being attributed to the military makes me giggle.

    The diet itself looks miserable. :noway:
  • laura6009
    laura6009 Posts: 24 Member
    Bump x:flowerforyou:
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    It's less about decreased calories and more about chemical reactions and metabolism boosting foods. The foods in the combinations listed change the way your body metabolizes them. That is why it doesn't work well if you substitute or mix it up. I lost alot of weight doing this. For a month I did the diet every week Wednesday-Friday. Then I went nuts on the weekend. I didn't work out and I lost and kept off 11 lbs that month... At least I kept it off til Thanksgiving/Christmas. Lol.

    I do believe if I had not doubled the ice cream portions and had eaten reasonably on my off days and combined with excercise I may have triple my weight loss.

    This has got to be a troll post! If not, I have studied human biology at university and can assure you that there is absolutely nothing about the combination of food that creates any kind of miraculous chemical reaction. Calories in, calories out. Simple.

    I don't are what you studied at university. Going to school doesn't make you smarter. All you do is memorize information they give you. Food combinations is a well known and proven form of diet (not the kind to lose weight but the kind to maintain health) and sure the foods in this military diet aren't the healthiest... But it's all in what you choose. You can find nitrite and nitrate free hotdogs made from shoulder roast. A healthy easy form of beef. You can find all natural ice cream.

    The fact is it works. Your university may not have taught you how it works but that doesn't mean it doesn't.
    You sound home-schooled.
  • NovaBirdRae
    I have never dieted before.

    I actually came across this on Pinterest, of all places. I don't typically put stock in diets, but I have gained a couple lbs lately, and wanted a quickly get them off and get back on track.

    Typically I eat healthy and maintain a good weight (5'2'' and 114lbs currently), but I've been on an awful bad habit of eating junk way too much. I like to be around 112lbs, so I figured 3 days would get me back on track.

    Honestly, I don't feel hungry on this diet.. I miss snacking, mostly out of habit...but it's only 3 days. It's been pretty easy so far.

    The food choices in the diet mostly make me cringe.. i hate hot dogs, and eggs..but again, 3 days and I'll be eating healthy again.

    I would not think this is something one would stick to for a long time...that's not really the intention.

    Anywho, after 1 day I've gone from 114 to 112...but I think that's mostly water. I'll finish getting through today and then give it up and get back on track eating healthy.

    Just thought I would share my experience.
  • JT_Taylor_99
    Definately not a real military diet.

    MREs provide an average of 1,250 calories (13% protein, 36% fat, and 51% carbohydrates) and 1/3 of the Military Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamins and minerals. A full day's worth of meals would consist of three MREs or 3750 calories
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 825 Member
    OMG! I did this diet with my mom when I was too young to know any better (junior high I think) but back then it was called the heart and stroke foundation diet.

    This diet keeps popping up under different names but it all boils down to gaining it all back when you start to eat like a normal person.
  • Mrboobles
    The idea of a "military diet" 3 day diet is to drop that last little bit of weight needed to come in standards on the annual physical fitness assessment. I was in the military for 12 years and always struggled to make weight. There was always that group of people trying to lose that last 5-10 pounds or 1-2" inches from their waist in a week to make weight. It's a crash diet not meant to be healthy, yet do what you had to do to be within standards.
  • plbilben
    plbilben Posts: 1
    Stupid diet for stupid people. That seems a bit harsh.
  • lafetrow
    lafetrow Posts: 1 Member
    My girlfriends and I just did this. It was pretty easy to stick to with only a couple changes here and there (cottage cheese, and hot dogs mostly) and we stayed pretty full and hydrated.

    We each lost 6 lbs.

    It's a good way to control portion size and a good reminder of what we should be eating.
  • tabatharowan
    I did this diet this week.... June 3 to June 5 and I lost 8.5 pounds.....so it worked for me....I'm resting for the 4 days and will start back again....and loved that it controlled portion size....having a hard time eating much more now.