
  • NWfluffy
    NWfluffy Posts: 48 Member
    Hey, ladies! Loving the 50+ category. That's me, but I'm far from retired - 3 kids at home 15, 13, and 5 so the cooking gets challenging because they and my husband all need WAY more food than I do :) This is my second trip with MFP. 2 yrs ago I lost 17 lbs, have since found them all. Been back almost a week & it's working great. Now I just have to get to the gym. I have 1000 excuses . . . Getting ready to road trip with my mom from CA where it's sunny and 70 back to NW WA where (as my husband told me earlier today) it's 36 and snowing!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Good evening ladies. I’m way behind on the posts but will try to respond based on the last couple of pages.

    I did get some time to relax today and that was nice.:smile: I did yoga in the morning and had another healthy eating day. I feel like I’m getting back on track. I’m even under my threshold again (Yeah!!!!).:heart:

    DH is watching the Masters right now so thought I’d try to catch up with you all while he is occupied.

    Cheryl – sounds like you’ve been struggling as well. I know you can get back on track. You’ve lost so much – working so hard to do that. You can do this. Maybe we should get together for a pep session.:drinker:
    Lin – hang in there I know exactly what you mean about the lawyers.:noway:
    Brooke – love all your quotes at the end of your posts:flowerforyou:
    Jmkmomm – hope you are feeling better:sick:
    Eileen – my deepest condolences. I’m so glad you were able to spend time with her. We are here for you when you need a friend to lean on. :brokenheart:
    Dee Dee – glad you are feeling better…stay healthy!:happy:
    Tari – hang in there. The first month I did MFP I ate really well and exercised like crazy and my weight actually went up. Then in month 2 my weight started to slowly creep down. I’ve noticed my eating has been getting even healthier over time (this last week being the exception). Stick with it. I’m confident we’ll be hearing good results posted by you soon:drinker:
    Meg – I’ve been right there with you. I called an audible and have been back on track the last couple of days. Things needed to slow down a bit for me to do that – hope you get that slow down too. You work so hard and do so much. – I really admire you.:bigsmile:
    Robin – hope you are feeling better:sick:
    Renny – great job – so impressed with your 10k walk. Another race – go for it!:flowerforyou:
    Jane – your friend doesn’t sound like much of a friend.:sad: Good luck finding a place.
    Barbie – I really appreciated your comment about 1200 calories of nutrition. I always learn something from you - keep commenting please!!!!!:wink:
    Carol in GA– so glad to hear that your DH is home and coping so well…why is it men get so angry in traffic. :explode: My DH is the same
    Carol in WNY – that was a lot of walking! I bet you’re popped. Congrats on the weight loss:flowerforyou:

    Well DH is sound asleep in front of the TV…watching golf puts me to sleep too! I’m going to wake him and head off to bed. Have a great rest of the evening. Jodios:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    My dear mom went to her heavenly home today. We are grateful since she was in so much pain for the last couple of weeks...No more pain for her. I am also SO glad I went to Wisconsin to see her last week. She was in good spirits when I was there and still smiling when I left as you can see in my status picture. It's hard, but was not unexpected.

    Eileen near San Diego

    :brokenheart: Eilieen sorry for your loss. Mums are special, and glad you got to see yours and she was in good spirits, as the photo shows. :brokenheart:
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Well folks I survived another week ... weigh in day. I am so proud of myself for losing this week. I had stepped up the exercise knowing I was going to overindulge this week. Being on MFP and journaling daily has helped me tremendously; otherwise it just wouldn't happened. Your support here has been a God send and has motivated me to stay focus. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you all.
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome back MWfluffy .. you can do this. You did it once; you know the drill. California or bust ...LOL
  • Hi ladies!

    I am still away at my DSIL and DBIL while my husband is at his high school reunion - they do it every couple of years. I will be picking him up later and we will be travelling home late tomorrow. Have been finding it hard to post - so set my alarm and will try to get in some support before they wake! I'll start at the last and work back!

    :smile: Jodios - glad you feel you are back on track and are under threshold again! Congratulations!

    :flowerforyou: NWfluffy - welcome you will find lots of support here!

    :smile: jannieyannie hang on in there the pounds will come off!

    Carol :laugh: great calorie burn avoiding the wind and rain!

    ItsFinallyHap :flowerforyou: Welcome!

    Grandmallie :flowerforyou: you do your best with exercise - I admire you for coping with your physical difficulties. :flowerforyou:

    :wink: RebelRenny - good luck training for the 10k! Just read your post about feet - hope they heel quickly.

    :grumble: Jmkmomm Men's stress driving crosses the Atlantic! On the way to our short break last Thursday evening there was an accident on the motorway. We were near a service station so made DH pull in - we had a coffee and comfort break. Watched the traffic updates and started again when it reopened. This time curbed the stress just as it was starting. I was just glad we weren't involved and prayed no one was seriously hurt. I don't get stressed about things I can't change. MEN - just love them though!

    Brooke:flowerforyou: another great quote thanks.

    :flowerforyou: Peachstategal - glad to hear DH is recovering well. Don't children bounce back quickly?

    :flowerforyou: Barbie - no over share - just sensible advice!

    Jane :flowerforyou: I so hope you find somewhere to live soon - what a worry for you! Hug

    Eileen :flowerforyou: So sorry to hear about your mum - such a hard loss to bear. Take time to heal , but no one can take away those special memories you hold in your heart. She will live on in those she loved and I can tell she was loved so much.

    Well I must cut this short as the house is stirring.

    The weather here is very wet - which is such a shame as the scenery here is outstanding. But it has not stopped us. We went out for two walks, but it puts such a dampener on it. Also had a NSV when myDSIL took me to two thrift shops. Bought four dresses ( in one shop - buy 1 get 1 free) for £11.00 (17.$) all designer brands. Three were size 10 and one an 8 ( think that is size 6 and 4 US) i would never of tried the size 8 on myself but my DSIL said it would fit. She also got me a free trial on the toning tables at the fitness centre she works at. Would certainly be interested if I lived near!

    Oh well must show my face. I am quite excited to seeDH again! It is only a couple of days, but I don't like being apart. He is the love of my life and I met him when I was19. We will celebrate our 38 wedding anniversary in August.

    Tthose I haven't responded to :flowerforyou: Not mentioned but not forgotten - hug!

    Keep smiling

    UK WALES. (At the moment in England lol)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :sad: :sad: Can't believe I had a long post but lost it flitting in and out of pages :sad: :sad: I think I wrote:

    Can't believe we are on page 9 already, I only missed a day - what happened.

    I didn't make it to my grandsons birthday party after all, I felt to ill to go as I couldn't stop coughing. I spent most of Friday and Saturday lying on the sofa, sleeping, I did finish a book I was reading for my book club, but spent most of the time sleeping and pottering about a little.

    This is what I mean about my body sabotaging my efforts, I think on Friday I was posing that I wasn't going to let Mr Bug get the better of me, well Mr Bug had different idea's and knocked me down flat. As I said I spent most of the time sleeping. At least I'm not coughing as much this morning, although I ache all over and feel drained.

    I need to get to work tomorrow though, we have a monthly meeting and I need to bet there, so today I'm trying to get myself back into the swing of things.

    :flowerforyou: Jane thinking of you, I hope you find somewhere soon.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I too appreciate your comments, it's only when you see something in black and white that it makes you think in more detail, and realise where you need to make changes. It can seem obvious, but it's always better to see it written down. Keep on sharing.

    I'm sure I replied to more people, but can't remember - note to self - write in word first and paste message into MFP !!!

    I need to get this old body moving, I have a bit of clearing/tidying to do seeing as I didn't do it yesterday.

    Happy Sunday dear Vit F friends.

    Viv UK (I think the sun is peeping, shhhh don't scare him away)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Hello all from sunny Hampshire! It looks like we are going to have the warmest day of the year today. About time.
    My DSIL is coming at lunchtime for a couple of nights. I like to get all the food prepared beforehand so I don't get too stressed on the day. Have made some slimming choices, but I know we will have a few glasses of wine so I will have to watch myself. I have made the popsicles but also have a higher calorie choice for husband and her. She is one of my greatest supporters and says I am an inspiration! She is slim, but occasionally has to lose 4 lbs or so to do her trousers up. I really enjoy her her company.
    Tomorrow I am going up to London to babysit my grandson for the afternoon, so she will be left with her brother. Good bonding time! I am so looking forward to seeing my grandson ( see my profile picture ).
    I am wearing my new 14 jeans today and a skinny, silky top. Who would have thought it!
    Yoga resumes on Tuesday after the holidays. Can't wait. We are all over 60, but some are in their late 70s. Such great company and we have such a laugh.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:smile: You are always an inspiritation:flowerforyou: !!!! I am very happy you share your knowledge and adivce with us!!!

    Meg:smile: Chocolate:huh: , I thought you didn`t like chocolate:huh: ! Hopefully since things are slowing a down a bit you`ll be able to get back on track!

    JaneM:smile: I agree with some if the others...some friend:angry: ! Sending prayers your way!

    Grandmallie:smile: I bet your happy hubby is home now:love: !

    Gonzamm:smile: Congrats for losing this week!!! Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is a great thing!!!!

    Jodios:smile: It brought a smile to my face reading your hubby had gone to sleep watching golf, mine used to go to sleep anytime he sat on the sofa:laugh: , he was either going full blast or he was asleep...I still miss him:cry: !

    Jo:smile: It sounds like you`re having a lovely time despite the weather! Congrats on the new dresses, the new sizes and the sale!!! Enjoy every day with the love of your life:love: !!!

    Viv:smile: Hope you get to feeling better:flowerforyou: ! Sounds like Mr. Bug was a bit mean this time:angry: ! Hope that beautiful sun comes out and shines for you today!

    Cityjane:smile: Have a wonderful time with your DSIL!!! Congrats on wearing your new jeans and skinny silky top, I bet you look just fabulous:bigsmile: ! Enjoy your handsome grandson, grandchildren are just the best!!!

    I`ve got to get myself ready to put on my tiara and go boss the boys over coffee today:devil: :laugh: , taking my Queen mug again, lest they forget who they`re dealing with:laugh: :laugh: :smokin: !

    Have a great Sunday ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny warm springtime NC:glasses:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    good morning my friends,I was so tired last night I conked off before my husband came to bed, but got up early and got to the gym, It is sunny today Yahhhhh.
    jkmomm,I to use the flavored stuff in water. I cant drink the bubbly flavored water,gives me heartburn..but the little squirt bottles work well, can make it as strong or as light as you want,I dont like the lemonade one, the fruit punch one is good, peach bellini is good, and I bought the coconut,pinnapple that I havent tried that.
    going to bake some treats for the DH for his lunches and does anyone have a good marinaide recipe for chicken breasts, would like to do them on the grill this afternoon
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Hey ladies. Ok, today is colonoscopy prep day and hopefully the kick off to getting me back on track. Plus I'll be riding today, always my best calorie burner. Hopefully my back can take it, for some reason it's been killing me and I've not done a thing to injure it. I wonder if it's because my ruptured Achilles has been hurting and I'm walking funny.

    MegBlair - what can we do to get each other motivated again. Sounds like we're both on the downward spiral.

    Jodios - I can use some pepping up. There's another gal on here that lives close to us. She rides too. Maybe we should meet and go for a walk around Sterling Lake.

    Well, I am off to do my barn chores then go with my senior to pick out her prom dress. For the first time in her high school career she has a date for a dance. Don't get it, she's 5'9, blond haired blue eyed, absolutely gorgeous and top of her class and the girl can never catch a boy's eye. Finally for the most important dance of all someone has asked her. Yay!!!:drinker:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Itsfinallyhappening – Welcome, you are on the first step toward your health journey. Check back/post/comment often you will get great support!

    Carol – “shhh, I don’t want my metabolism to hear” :laugh: Maybe THAT’S my problem this week

    Katla – That’s a brand of dark chocolate I’ve not yet tried. I’m currently (like you) nibbling away at a Lindt Extreme Dark Black Currant bar (one square = 50 calories), it feels so luxurious and decadent, one square is all I need!

    Yanniejannie – sounds like you (and your organization) had a win/win day!

    Michele – you seem to have quite a few exercise DVDs, care to share a few of your favorites? I’m going to check out my library and thrift stores so I can have some variety (I’ve only got 2 right now). I get bored cursing out the same two people all the time! :bigsmile:

    NWfluffy – Welcome, glad you’re back with MFP. Join us here often, we’re all on this journey together!

    Jodios – How nice you had a relaxing day! I often find my DH asleep in front of a televised golf game (or any other sporting event, including “bowling” which he and I disagree about it actually being a sport). :tongue: Glad you enjoy the quotes, since I’ve been collecting them for so long, it’s good to put them to some kind of use

    Gonzamm – Awesome that you planned ahead for your week (and it paid off!). MFP helps me to do that too, the logging of the food and exercise make a huge difference in keeping me aware and accountable

    Jo – How great that you scored 4 dresses! I love to hear you talk about your DH, I’m a sucker for a love story and you certainly seem to be living one :flowerforyou:

    Viv – So sorry to hear you’ve been feeling so awful, glad you’re resting and recuperating.

    CityJaneLondon – How wonderful you’ll be visiting with DSIL, and that she is such a good friend and support to you. Have a terrific time (and enjoy those popsicles)!

    DeeDee – Hope you have a glorious, royal day. Don’t forget to get your hula hoop on (while wearing tiara, of course)

    Grandmallie – Great that you’ve already got your workout done! As for marinades, my quickest “go to” is simply Italian Dressing. Another easy one is worchestershire sauce, garlic & onion powders and pepper.

    Wessecg – As for your back acting up, it can definitely be attributable to your stride being “off”. I know when I injured my knee my back reacted too. Hope you have a terrific ride and feel better – physically and emotionally – by day’s end. As for your daughter, I’m thinking she probably intimidates the boys and that’s why no dates so far. This boy seems to have some confidence! Hope she finds the perfect dress and has a great time

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Sweat is fat crying.” :cry:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Question for all: I’m new to using the pre-packaged “egg white product” in the little carton. Does anyone know how long they are good once they’re opened? Mine has a “use by” date all the way in May, but they’ve been opened for more than a week. Hate to waste them, but don’t want to kill myself or DH (death by egg white would be so embarassing, ya know?) :noway:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Be weird, be random, be who you are. You never know who would love the person you hide.”
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Newbies: Welcome. You’ve found a nice group of women.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Carol in WNY: Congratulations on the scale moving!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Michele: You bake so many good things. I never understand how you avoid eating all those goodies. :noway: Apple cider vinegar helps? Who would have thought? I like apple cider vinegar in things, but I’ve never tried consuming it directly. Do you sip it straight or mix it in water?:huh: :flowerforyou:

    Jodios: Good to hear that you’re back on track.:flowerforyou:

    Jo in Wales: What a great NSV! Congratulations on the new you.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Viv: Glad to hear you’re on the mend. :flowerforyou:

    Gonsamm: Congratulations!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Wessecg: Welcome back! I've missed you. Walking awkwardly to favor one side or the other would definitely bother my back. Your plans to ride and meet a friend sound great. I’m glad your daughter is getting to go to the prom. :flowerforyou:

    DH got a Brita water pitcher yesterday and the lid won’t stay on when he pours, so we’re taking it back and will get a different one. :angry: He offered to share with me, but I’m letting him have this without sharing. He needs to drink a certain amount of water each day to help combat high blood pressure, and the right sized Brita will allow him to measure it in the morning and keep sipping ‘till it is gone.:drinker: Our water tastes just fine and doesn’t need to be filtered for me. I’m glad he’s being proactive about this. :smile: We’ve been working hard to get his blood pressure under control since his stroke in February. We’re cooking all foods without salt and I add what I want at the table. He’s switched to salt substitute. He’s started driving again here in town and is making good progress in my opinion.:bigsmile: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Once upon a time there were a bunch of ladies trying to lose weight. They joined a fitness website where they logged their calories and wrote about successes and failures. They learned how to walk faster, how to lift weights and do push ups, and can often be found pedaling away furiously on recumbent bikes or jumping around in the living room while watching a DVD, trying to bring the heart rate up. Some have run marathons, others wish they could.

    Some of these ladies practice abstinence from trigger foods, while others practice moderation. One can be happy with a small piece of chocolate while the other will binge and later regret it. One can enjoy a mere half cup of popcorn while the other simply cannot resist devouring the entire bowl. To some, cake is a four letter word. Others can indulge on occasion without a care in the world.

    These women spent hours and hours learning how to balance their nutritional budgets and get the most out of every calorie. They learned how much fat there was in different foods, and about processed foods having way too much sodium. They learned what an empty calorie is and what "bump" means. They found out that too much sugar is disastrous, and how eating heaps of vegetables makes the body feel better. They talked back and forth about nutrients, pain management and the benefits of beans. They shared recipes. They inspired one another.

    Some are retired, others are overworked, but they all have one thing in common - to get their weight under control once and for all. Well, maybe they have two things in common - the other thing being to clean out their closets.

    The end.

    :smile: jb in misty Portland
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    nice and very true story JB:happy:
    well the DH and I were out doing yard work,I raked for an hr and helped pick up sticks.. also baked some cookies and cupcakes for him for his lunches.. He is off to Lowe's for some mulch. Oh and I mopped the floor for the second time in 2 days because the DH said it didn't look done:grumble: sitting here chatting and drinking my water.
    What I am looking forward to when I fly to florida in Oct. is to be able to sit an in airplane seat without being squished , told the DH that, and he said we will see,It takes alot of work to keep it off. Now I am trying my damndest to work at this and I get flack from snack master?Really what a ding dong he can be:ohwell:
    Hope everyone is enjoying there day..:bigsmile:
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Nine pages on a new thread...are you kidding me?!? I am not even going to try to catch up!! Besides, it is snowing to beat all this morning:angry: - most of the province has got a dump this weekend, making roads treacherous (hence, I skipped the 40 minute drive to church this a.m.) - and I really need to go shovel a bit before it gets too deep and unmanageable :explode: (I may already be to late for that!!)
    On a more positive note, it really does look pretty out there....sort of.....Christmasy!

    Spring? ......where are you?.....
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi vitamin F pals! :flowerforyou: It’s a cool day here in Omaha. I got a ton of stuff done yesterday; finished a test bank chapter and end of chapter questions for one book, finalized changes and sent a textbook chapter, found my photos of the Joplin tornado to use in the text book and even did some deep cleaning in our bathroom. We do a room a month with the exception of a couple months like December when it’s too busy. It’s amazing what I had in my drawers in the bathroom! Threw out tons!

    Today I’m working on the next text book chapter and we are going to friends’ for dinner. These friends always eat healthy and low fat; he’s got a body fat index in the single digits. So I never have to worry about eating there.

    Robin: hope you are feeling better today!:flowerforyou:

    Gonzamm: I didn’t realize you live in Germany. What part? I have been to Munich and Freiburg. Haben Sie Deutsch? Ich habe eine Studienreise gemach…vieleicht 1980??? (Do you speak German? I had a study trip maybe in 1980). Great job on the weight loss!

    Sharon: have you tried eating more? I think 1200 is pretty low. If your body goes into starvation mode, your metabolism slows down and that makes it even harder to lose.

    Sue: how much snow did you get? We heard parts of SD got upwards of 18”. We got lots of thunder and lightning, but only a little rain.

    Renny: I had a computer crash once and took it in….. vacuuming pounds of cat hair out made it work again. :laugh: You’re a goddess whether or not you run the race!~

    Jane: holy cow! I missed what’s going on! You are being thrown out of your place? Check your tenant-landlord law because you do have rights if you are a renter. At least here you can’t evict people unless they are really bad….not paying rent for months, damaging your property, or doing illegal things in your property. Keep us informed! Sending you hugs and best wishes. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I appreciate your sharing! It’s always good to hear what other people think or have read.

    Carol: glad to hear hubby is doing well and GD got over her surgery so quickly!

    Brooke: I agree; I need to slow down and take control of my life. “It isn’t that I’m not a people person – I’m just not a stupid people person” That just cracked me up!!!!!!! :bigsmile: “Death by egg white” never seen that one before! I think after a week, throw it away, but that’s just a guess. I have never used them.

    Jmkmomm: I can’t believe it’s been a month for your hubby either! Every day is a victory! I often put flavor enhancers in my water too. I think they are fine even though they probably have chemicals in them. I think anything (or nearly anything) you do to drink water has got to be beneficial!

    Katla: I have never heard of that brand of chocolate; where do you find it? I may have to get some if these chocolate cravings don’t go away soon. This is really odd for me; why I am craving something I don’t really like I have no idea!

    It’sfinallyhap: welcome to our group!

    Carol/cooky: I can’t believe you mall walked for that long! OMG Were you just exhausted???? Proud of you!

    Jannieyanny: I too love to eat out. I usually check the restaurant website and select what I’m having before going and then don’t even look at the menu. I once went to Joe’s Crab Shack without checking first. I ordered what I thought was the most healthful menu item…plain steamed crabpot. Low in cals….but when I checked, it had….are you ready for this….10,000 mg of sodium. :noway: No kidding!

    Michelle: I know…binging since Easter is horrible. I feel a little better now than I did in the last couple of weeks. I find that binging is often related to when I feel out of control of my life, especially at work. DD#2 made a lemon bundt cake yesterday for today’s breakfast and substituted plain yogurt for the oil, so that was less fat!

    Fluffy: welcome to our group!

    Jodios: I love your analogy of calling an audible! Hut hut! Meg get back on track! Let’s see if that works! Well, wait. It will work. I am in control! Great visual! Thanks for the support!

    JO: congratulations on your upcoming wedding anniversary. It’s so sweet to hear you call your DH the love of your life. And WOOHOO look at those shoes! :love: You go girl!

    Viv: get better soon!

    Cityjane: great job on the skinny jeans!!!

    DeeDee: you’re right…chocolate BLEH. :grumble: Why am I craving it???? Have fun bossing those boys around!

    Wessecg: I know…it’s so hard to get back on track. I’m taking tomorrow off (to work at home) and will be totally in control, so I hope that one good day leads to another. Maybe it will be the same for you! Hoping your prep and colonoscopy go well. I’m sure your daughter is thrilled about the dance. Sometimes those pretty girls scare the boys, especially if they are smart.

    Jb: great story! I can’t wait until the day when I can clean my closet of clothes that are too big!

    Grandmallie: did you intend that pun? It was hilarious (snack master = dingdong). :tongue:

    Well ladies, I need to get some research done on the book before getting ready to go to our friends’. It looks like it could bust loose and pour any second. If anyone wants to send me a kick in the butt to get back on track, they will be gladly accepted! Take care, meg from Omaha still in the drought:drinker:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies, just going to whisper this the sun is out!!!!!!

    jb love your story so well written and truly tell our story thank you for sharing.

    grandmallie I feel your pain my DH is also my biggest sabbatage he just dosn't get it after all these years that what is easy for
    him is a daily struggle for me! Only now with you dear ladies to help keep me on track everyday do I feel this may be
    the year he eats his words!! take care and hang in there

    juanita in sudbury
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Megblair: Ich spreche weniger Deutsch. Aber, Ich bin dabei lernen in der Schule Deutsch. I have been here almost 2 years and I mostly speak English with my husband at home; he is German born. I do go shopping by myself and am able to handle the language. The people where I live in Bremen-Lesum, up north, usually will jump in and speak to me in English. They are happy to find someone who can speak English and want to practice with me so my German goes out the window. Anyway, hoping to return to the states by the end of the year.