Not pregnant... but thanks for asking?



  • janeoconnell71
    janeoconnell71 Posts: 13 Member
    this has happened to me so many times, i find it so upsetting and to be honest rude!! the last time i was asked was by a supermarket checkout girl, i got so flustered that i ended up telling her that yes i was 4 months pregnant and now i have to avoid that till at all costs haha:laugh:
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    One of my coworkers was starting rumors back in October that I was pregnant. I have never been fat enough to actually look pregnant, so I have absolutely no idea at all as to how he got that idea. In order to shut him up, I had to threaten to turn him in for harassment since he was also lying and saying that I was off having wild affairs, even though the rest of my coworkers know better than to believe that. He's the main reason I joined this website and I was only 130 pounds at the time. I'm probably one of the skinniest people who works where I do! :grumble: :cry: :sad: :huh:
  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    A woman who I see around (do not even know her name) did the pointing at the stomach and asking 'are you?' in the middle of a busy shop an hr before I was due to start the gym (I was actually wearing my gym clothes at the time)
    When I said no she starting calling me a silly girl, how and why did i do it? All the time i now have customers and shop assistants gawking at us. I told her I was overeating and being lazy so she recommended i try lipotrim, it got her down to 14stone.
    I wish i had no objection to extending my right arm into rude peoples faces.
    Think my nsv for that day was not to do what I would normally do and forget the gym and eat my feelings, I went to the gym that day and with every step on the treadmill it was her face underneath my foot.
  • Woolified
    Woolified Posts: 65 Member
    I've been here too.... As a nurse I often have to "boost" people back up in bed... One day the Physical Therapist and I were in a room, and she had mentioned she needed help lifting the patient, when I grabbed the other side of the sheet and started counting down, she yelped in surprise and said to me "NO! You don't want to hurt the baby" ... Yeah, that was awkward.
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523 Member

    I bet you she will go back to fish and chips and put on weight again. I wish I had the balls to have a go at people like that!
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    You will make progress. :-) Simply stick to it. Take your inspiration from the postage stamp. It is successful by simply sticking to it until the job is done!

    Great analogy!

    OP - I've been there... I hope to never be there again! *hugs* we'll get there.
  • DulceDollie
    DulceDollie Posts: 115
    Hey, add me to the list of ladies that this has also happened to. The first time was when I was 16, the second time was earlier this year (age 26). It was especially disheartening because I thought to myself, "Sheesh, after another 10 years you STILL don't have it together?!" But really it truly is not your fault, it is the fault of the tactless person asking. I NEVER ask a woman if she's pregnant unless she's 9 months along, and even then I am very, very careful. And in my experience, lots of skinny-ish women have also been asked. Remember you're not alone and don't feel bad!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    i was out for a walk, wearing a hoodie and had my water bottle in the pocket. I was waiting for the lights to change and some woman in a car at the lights looked at me out her open window and said "you're too f'ing young to be having a kid"

    Ummmm I was 32 and wasn't pregnant. I pointed this out and she got so embarrassed she ran the red to turn left and get away.
  • I have come to the conclusion that the male equivalent of asking a woman if she's pregnant, is asking a man if he's post op.
  • khayashi80
    khayashi80 Posts: 45 Member
    Been there, done that. Little kid sees me on the light rail and says - look daddy, she has a baby in her tummy! Dad looks at me mortified as he realizes that I am not pregnant but severely overweight. I calmly and sweetly as possible said, nope, no baby, I just ate too much candy and junk food. I was so embarrassed. It hurts, it's humiliating, and it knocks you down. I have used it to get where I am now, 19lbs from my goal. You can do it! *hugs*
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I was recently poked in the belly by a four year old and asked about my baby. Being 48 and having had SIX babies and seven pregnancies, I was discouraged. But I did tell her about all of my other children and that I am out of the baby business and trying to lose the baby belly.

    She was cute. The feeling I got was low down, dirty and humiliating. But it's a starting point. It solidified my urge to work out and eat right.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    this happened to me twice once in high school I was asked by my fellow class mate when I was do I said the same time he was. I was 5'1 and about 150. He was taller and bigger then me.

    The second time I was in the mall it was during the winter I think I was in my 20's I think I was about 175 I was wearing a fanny pack under my winter coat. Her reply was just OH.
  • cinrn68
    cinrn68 Posts: 215 Member
    This just happened to me a few weeks ago -- and the kicker is, it was from a former Labour & Delivery nurse co-worker!! I was floored that she was even asking me the question (as she pats my stomach and says "so I see you're expecting). I was so stunned, I couldn't get out more than a "no, just fat" reply!!

    Idiots. That's all I can say. Doesn't EVERYONE know that you NEVER ask a woman if she's pregnant???
  • This has happened to me maybe 2-3 times, always when I was at my heaviest. Since I didn't know the person asking, and would probably never see them again, I'd just smile and say, "I"m due in June." Haha! It was easier and less embarrassing for everyone involved. Once, in a grocery story, a girl came up to me and said, "You're the cutest pregnant lady I've ever seen!" I just said, "Thank you!" Then I went home and ran three miles.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
  • MimiLovesHorror
    MimiLovesHorror Posts: 47 Member
    Last summer I had an older woman offering her bus seat to me, because she thought i was pregnant.... in front of my boyfriend :)
    I've had so many "When are you due?" jokes while i was in college from my MALE class mates. Women were never cruel like that and never asked, but men found it so funny and amusing to tease me with how huge my belly looked :noway:
  • WrenTheCoffeeAddict
    WrenTheCoffeeAddict Posts: 148 Member
    I was working in a bar, wearing a top that I thought looked really nice. Two old guys at the bar were talking, and one says to me "Doesn't she look so maternal and radiant.." - the other looked confused and said "Mate, she isn't pregnant" - I threw that top out that night.
  • This happened with me 2 days ago. I was feeling a bit better after a bad case of stomach flu and through the unpleasant symptom of feeling extremely gassy (I was too scared to eat anything), I went to the mall and the lady at the security paused before using the metal detector and asked me,"are you pregnant?" I was offended and gave a sharp "no" and before I could say anything further she added, "you mean to say that's what your stomach really looks like?" I was so angry!!!
    Just prior to going to the mall I was feeling happy that I was sticking to the diet and the weighing machine showed that I was 2 kgs lighter! :sad:
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    This happened with me 2 days ago. I was feeling a bit better after a bad case of stomach flu and through the unpleasant symptom of feeling extremely gassy (I was too scared to eat anything), I went to the mall and the lady at the security paused before using the metal detector and asked me,"are you pregnant?" I was offended and gave a sharp "no" and before I could say anything further she added, "you mean to say that's what your stomach really looks like?" I was so angry!!!
    Just prior to going to the mall I was feeling happy that I was sticking to the diet and the weighing machine showed that I was 2 kgs lighter! :sad:

    im not sure if a metal detector has any harmful side effects towards pregnant women so i am willing to give the benefit of the doubt in case they have to cover their *kitten* if they dont ask.

    the follow up question is where i would surely have a problem with. im not saying i have never dug myself a hole and kept on digging but jeesh...
  • raspberryk
    raspberryk Posts: 39 Member
    I went into debenhams when my baby was about oh I don't know 8 months old, I'd lost a little weigh so I was asking about new nursing bras and she said did I mean maternity bra's. Er no, my baby is here, I am not pregnant. She said oh I thought he looked too old to be still feeding and thought you needed ones for your current pregnancy. No No No I am not pregnant. My belly wasn't/isn't even that big I was wearing UK size 14 clothes and I am nearly 5ft8.

    I only ever ask women who have that definite hard round beach ball belly.