Couch to 5k Anyone?



  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Hello everyone

    I was introduced to C25K yesterday by a friend on MFP and I am quite scared but also excited, I walk loads and cycle quite a lot but am NOT a runner, tho i think my dogs would love me to be so I am gonna give it a go, have downloaded the podcasts and the ipod app (i love 'em!) and now all i got to do is start...... am thinking wednesday,it is my day off so yep wednesday day 1 week 1.

    Any advice on joint care very welcome, I aint as young as i used to be and i am a little worried about ankles knees and hips so preventative tips please!

    Also, I am apprehensive about looking a COMPLETE idiot blobbing around my village, ipod touch in hand...... what say you?

    I feel your pain (literally) on joint care. I blew out a knee about 20 years ago and was apprehensive about running again. Just listen to your body and don't try to "push through the pain" too much. I also take glucosamine/chondroitin supplements daily which seem to help.

    Also, as far as the iPod goes I would recommend a decent sport strap carrier for it. I have a nice comfortable one that uses velcro and lashes on quite nicely around my bicep and has the added bonuses of a little spool to wind excess headphone cable around and a rain resistant cover should you find yourself in a light rain.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    day 1 week 1, ooh I have started and managed! yipee! I bumped into the postman and a neighbour both of which wished to talk!!!! the cost of popularity LOL!

    app worked well am happy but felt a complete *kitten* bobbling along - not a pretty sight I am sure!
  • Autumn256
    Autumn256 Posts: 18
    Well, finished W6D2 today! It wasn't easy, already hot and humid here at 9 a.m. on Cape cod. The last few minutes were tough, but i just slowed my pace. So I made it, yeay! The 15 minute walk back was the hardest, actually. Day 3 is coming on friday. So far, have lost 4.7 pounds since starting back. How is everyone else doing today?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did Day 1 of Week 5, but it might have been Day 2 accidentally b/c my ipod is a shuffle and I had all of weeks 5 and 6 and I thought I was on Day 1 but I am not sure! It went ok, though, better than Day 3 of Week 4 so I think I will stick with week 5.
    For those who were talking about a joint care, I really recommend searching the boards about "The Chi of Running" there are some You Tube videos also, the science of the form really makes sense and really cuts down on the impact to knees/hips etc. I never got the book, I just got the info on this site and try to put it into practice.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I too finished W6D2, with Day 3 approaching ever-so-quickly! Today was the last 'easier' day compared to the last weeks of this plan. Although today seemed much harder than day3 last week. I was ready to stop on tthe first 10 min! (Which I though for some crazy reason it was 8jog3walk10jog3walk8jog...that's 42min includding the before and after walks!! What was I thinking!! LOL) But I said no, I dodn not come this far to quit. I will do this! My MIL started this week and I want to show her that if I can finish, so can she!!

    I plan to end Week9 the first week of August (which is my bday week) and then I'm gonna start all over the following week to work on distance. My old walk buddy just recently moved back into the area so I'm hoping I can get him to start this plan with me so we can go to the park together. He was one to always walk a tad bit faster than me and was always there to say 'Come on, kid, you're slackin' (even though he's not that much older than me.). He knew when to push and when to back off. I haven't seen him since my Wedding Oct 08 and haven't walked with him in close to 3yrs! It should be nice to have a buddy in this. My hubby can't do it due to his work schedule in the mornings, and I'm not able to do this plan in the evening, too humid. I actually need to start getting up around 6a, eat breakfast and be out the door for my walks by 7a at the rate the heat and humidity is coming. Yuck! Anyway, enough rambling, lol.

    Enjoy the week all and hope to see you all again soon! Bru

    Edited, I almost forgot, so yesterday, while on my C25k jog, I was going through the neighborhood and past one of the local lawn mowing service guys (older man and woman team) and on my return run, he says'Wow, I'm really gonna have to start watching for you in the fall, you should be skinny by then!' 'Um, thanks, I think' is all I could say...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Brunette, were you wearing your weight when he said that? I guess he'll hold you accountable! that's cute. I am still jogging really slow, there was a guy in an electric wheelchair in front of me on the path, and I didn't bother to pass him for awhile...
  • jendykstra67
    jendykstra67 Posts: 252 Member
    Hi everybody, I'm new here. I just finished W1D1... my first jog since high school! It's good to read everybody's progress because it helps to keep me motivated. My next workout is on thursday.

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Brunette, were you wearing your weight when he said that? I guess he'll hold you accountable! that's cute. I am still jogging really slow, there was a guy in an electric wheelchair in front of me on the path, and I didn't bother to pass him for awhile...
    No, I wasn't wearing it this time around :) Shooting for tomorrow evening.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Just finished Week 1!! I got up early again today to do Week 1, day 3. I figured I'd never get it done later in the day. I'm learning a little more with each run. Simple things, but each little bit helps: I have been running in my basement on a treadmill, so today I didn't bother wearing a shirt, just ran in my sports bra, and I brought down a towel and of course, water! I forgot my waterbottle on Monday - duh! Unfortunately, my MP3 battery was dead, so I did the run without my podcast today. I'll have to charge it up for the weekend when I start Week 2.

    I went to my regular Pilates class last night, and plan to go to my BodyFLOW class (mix of yoga, pilates and tai chi) tomorrow night. I started these classes about 5 months ago when I initially started the c25k, as I figured they would be a good complement to running. But then I got bronchitis, and although I kept up with the classes, I didn't re-start c25k until now.

    I think one of my favorite benefits of running is that I tend to eat healthier. I haven't eaten chips in front of the tv at night, and I've been eating more fruit / veggies. I figure if I'm going to put all this effort into running, why ruin it with junk food?
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Oh, and I forgot to mention that my last 2 weigh-ins at the gym (Sat and Tues) were both under 160! Not by much: 159.75, but still, I haven't seen 150's since before my kids were born, and my oldest one is nearly 5. I thought Sat's might be a fluke, so I waited until I had a second confirmation to say anything.

    But what I'm REALLY looking forward to is getting under 150, so that I am an entire notch lower on the doctor-style scales. Dare I say by Labor Day? It's 8 weeks away, which sounds do-able... ??!!??
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    I started week 7 this morning so no more intervals, just straight runs of gradually increasing times over weeks 7, 8, & 9.
    25, 28, & 30 minutes respectively.

    I actually covered just over a 5K run this morning (3.25 miles) with the warm-up and cool down walks figured in.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    good job! and welcome any new folks. and dmgaloha, I think you can do 10 pounds in 8 weeks. I like that Bodyflow class, I think it would be a good compliment to running, for all the stretching and strengthening, I should try and get that back on the schedule.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    asjerven, just got back from BodyFLOW. My favorite part is the relaxation at the end!! :yawn: I'm convinced to go for it (losing the 10 pounds by Labor Day, that is). I peeked at the scale while at the gym tonight, and I am down another 1/2 pound. :happy:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Week6 officially done :drinker:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm on week 5.....tommorrow I have to do day 3........I dunno that I can run 20 min straight though, but I gotta try.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did week 5 day 2 today. It turns out I actually did the Day 2 routine on Monday. oops. It went better today, it was cooler outside. I will do Day 3 on Saturday and just forget about the actual day 1 for week 5...
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Jrkingery ....WoW!! :blushing: I just took a peek at your photos!! :noway: You look amazing!!! *jaw dropped, litterally! Way to go!!! You look, wow! Just wow!!! :drinker:
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Jrkingery ....WoW!! :blushing: I just took a peek at your photos!! :noway: You look amazing!!! *jaw dropped, litterally! Way to go!!! You look, wow! Just wow!!! :drinker:

    Thank you, I've been getting that reaction a lot lately, especially from people who haven't seen me in a few months. My dental hygenist asked me yesterday if divorce prompted the weight loss. I think she was disappointed when I told her no.

    That profile picture is still about 10 pounds ago by the way. I'm due for another updated picture. They help to keep me motivated.
  • jendykstra67
    jendykstra67 Posts: 252 Member
    I just finished week one day 2. I survived the second workout and it was easier than last time! The weather is a lot less humid, so that helps. Day three will be on Sunday.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Day 3 of Week 5 was not easy for me, I am sorry to say I could not run the whole 20 minutes. I stopped for water and then I kept checking my watch thinking the 20 mins must be up and I just didn't hear the tone, so I started walking and the tone was 1 minute later! Oh well, I was close...
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