Women Fit For Forties



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I went over on calories yesterday but not by a lot (150), I'm feeling like I lost some of those 5 pounds that I had gained - I hope it shows on the scale tomorrow morning - I haven't wanted to get on the scale yet.
    I did step at the Y this morning - they seem to have gotten the air conditioning fixed so the floor wasn't slippery like it was on Tuesday (of course it also wasn't humid outside either). I'm still definitely not enjoying the group showers while they remodel the women's locker room. :huh:
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    Well, I'm finally back from vacation. I tried really hard to behave while I was away, and I worked out every day, but I still managed to gain about 3lbs. I'm a little bummed, but its onward and hopefully downward (weight wise) from here. I went to the gym this morning and worked up a big sweat.

    I hope that everyone had a great July 4th Holiday, and that we're all resolved to jump back on the wagon (for those who fell off, like me). :flowerforyou:
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    Man the board was really slim yesturday......anyway, off to work....hoping to get in a great walk/jog after work, maybe even get a walk in on lunchbreak....talk to you all later.......happy Monday ladies!! :happy:

    P.S. really excited about my 2lb weight loss......will remotivate me for the week.....less than 2 weeks til Virginia Beach, Yeah!!!!!

    timbotina-- Great job on the weight loss. I think I found it though. :laugh: LOL!! Great job and keep up the hard work. :flowerforyou:
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    BTW.... For those of you that have completed, or are still working on the C25k, does it get much easier? I am repeating week one this week because I still feel pretty winded after my 60 seconds of running. I do really well for the first 2/3 of the 20 minutes, but I am praying for quick ends to the 60 second run segments towards the end. Is this common, or am I just that bad off? I got a little irritated with myself because I am doing harder workouts (strength and endurance wise) with my crossfit trainers, but the run is very difficult. Please advise. :flowerforyou:
  • BTW.... For those of you that have completed, or are still working on the C25k, does it get much easier? I am repeating week one this week because I still feel pretty winded after my 60 seconds of running. I do really well for the first 2/3 of the 20 minutes, but I am praying for quick ends to the 60 second run segments towards the end. Is this common, or am I just that bad off? I got a little irritated with myself because I am doing harder workouts (strength and endurance wise) with my crossfit trainers, but the run is very difficult. Please advise. :flowerforyou:

    I am on W6D2 and that was two 10 minute runs and I thought I was going to die.......... However I DID it, and I didn't quit. It does get easier though. My next day is a 25 minute run and that scares me. Now though I don't have problem with the 5 minutes run. I did have a few days I repeated when I thought I needed it. I am amazed with what I am doing now, and I really struggled the first couple of weeks. So - I guess use your judgement but do try to push yourself too - if that makes sense?!?! What I can't wait for is the time when I can throw my shoes on and run for 1/2 an hour or even an hour. I like the program alot and it has helped to build my confidence along the way. Hope this helps you!!! You can do it - don't doubt yourself!! :)
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    BTW.... For those of you that have completed, or are still working on the C25k, does it get much easier? I am repeating week one this week because I still feel pretty winded after my 60 seconds of running. I do really well for the first 2/3 of the 20 minutes, but I am praying for quick ends to the 60 second run segments towards the end. Is this common, or am I just that bad off? I got a little irritated with myself because I am doing harder workouts (strength and endurance wise) with my crossfit trainers, but the run is very difficult. Please advise. :flowerforyou:

    It took me about 3 weeks to finally complete week ONE! Then I was into wk 2 & had to stop because my knee was bothering me. I've rested from C25K for about 10 days now, so I'm hoping I can get right into wk 2 again without repeating wk one. I'm gonna try to give it a shot before the weekend is over! HOpefully tomorrow.

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I am in awe of you peeps who do the c25k! I could never do it! Too much jiggle and I hate running! LOL
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    BTW.... For those of you that have completed, or are still working on the C25k, does it get much easier? I am repeating week one this week because I still feel pretty winded after my 60 seconds of running. I do really well for the first 2/3 of the 20 minutes, but I am praying for quick ends to the 60 second run segments towards the end. Is this common, or am I just that bad off? I got a little irritated with myself because I am doing harder workouts (strength and endurance wise) with my crossfit trainers, but the run is very difficult. Please advise. :flowerforyou:

    It took me about 3 weeks to finally complete week ONE! Then I was into wk 2 & had to stop because my knee was bothering me. I've rested from C25K for about 10 days now, so I'm hoping I can get right into wk 2 again without repeating wk one. I'm gonna try to give it a shot before the weekend is over! HOpefully tomorrow.


    I am glad to know that its not just me. I was really disappointed with myself. I made it through the run segments, but barely and I was absolutely exhausted. I am going to keep running though because there's nothing like a personal goal and challenge. Please keep me posted on your efforts, and I will do the same. :flowerforyou:
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    Good morning ladies. Do any of you own, or use a body bugg, or Gofit Wear to track your calories etc? I was checking them out and it seems like a really cool gadget, but I don't want to buy another expensive gadget, if its difficult to use, or not particularly helpful. Do any of you have any advice to offer? Please shoot me any info you may have.

    Chris :flowerforyou:
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Good morning ladies. Do any of you own, or use a body bugg, or Gofit Wear to track your calories etc? I was checking them out and it seems like a really cool gadget, but I don't want to buy another expensive gadget, if its difficult to use, or not particularly helpful. Do any of you have any advice to offer? Please shoot me any info you may have.

    Chris :flowerforyou:

    I don't have anything as fancy as a Body Bugg, but I do have a Polar HRM... FT4. I love it... it's made a big difference.
  • ruggie
    ruggie Posts: 26
    My name is Jill and I am interested in joining this wonderful group. I have read through some of these posts and you are all truly amazing and an inspiration to me. I have lost 80 pounds through Weight Watchers and am working on my last 10. I am in a rut and can't seem to stay motivated long enough to lose these 10. It is so frustrating. I know I can't quit now. but I am barely hanging on. I am hoping the support and motivation that you all offer one another can become a part of my journey as well!!!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    BTW.... For those of you that have completed, or are still working on the C25k, does it get much easier? I am repeating week one this week because I still feel pretty winded after my 60 seconds of running. I do really well for the first 2/3 of the 20 minutes, but I am praying for quick ends to the 60 second run segments towards the end. Is this common, or am I just that bad off? I got a little irritated with myself because I am doing harder workouts (strength and endurance wise) with my crossfit trainers, but the run is very difficult. Please advise. :flowerforyou:

    It took me about 3 weeks to finally complete week ONE! Then I was into wk 2 & had to stop because my knee was bothering me. I've rested from C25K for about 10 days now, so I'm hoping I can get right into wk 2 again without repeating wk one. I'm gonna try to give it a shot before the weekend is over! HOpefully tomorrow.


    I am glad to know that its not just me. I was really disappointed with myself. I made it through the run segments, but barely and I was absolutely exhausted. I am going to keep running though because there's nothing like a personal goal and challenge. Please keep me posted on your efforts, and I will do the same. :flowerforyou:

    It took me about 4 months to complete C25k AND I found out that because I still have so much weight to loose that running was NOT going to happen for me as it was too hard on my knees. Any way, I ended up doing it on the ellipitcal since I could accomplish the burn and get going in a running mode without the impact!

    Take your time... listen to your body, you don't want an injury as it will only slow your progress down.... you will get there when you can in your own way! You could always try something else if your knees are screaming!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I am still hanging in there trying to sort things out! From the look of things, the rest of my summer may be hit and miss here. Kids, work, dogs, husband, yard, etc.... too many things going on.

    I managed to get 5 of the 6lbs off from my holiday weekend and now have 9lbs to loose in 5 weeks to make it to my birthday goal. I am still trying but, not so sure I will make this goal as I am developing plantar fasciitis. So, I am trying to baby my feet a little and get that under control which in turn is effecting my calorie burn. If I did not like to eat so much it would not be a big deal.

    The new dog Janie is so very sweet! I just love her so much. (yes, I am the one who was holding back on the new dog) It is amazing to me that she does not bother my allergies! I am so thrilled!

    Kids are busy this summer. My son is taking his driving test in 1 week and that sure adds to my stress load. He also has his diabetic checkup in august and his senior year will start Aug 16th. My daughter will be a freshman this year and is working a community service project which in turn pays the kids stipends each week. They both go and visit their dad July 31 and then my husband leaves for Sturgis August 6.

    blue I saw something you posted about not saving all your calories for dinner. Well, that is EXACTLY what I have been doing and yes, I am not usually hungry in the morning. I am going to have to figure out how I can switch this. Hard part for me that I need to overcome is my husband will lay in bed at night about 30 mins before he goes to sleep and EAT... It is has become a terrible habit for both of us.
    Anyone have any ideas how to change that?

    Well, I am off for another fun filled busy day at the spa. Lots going on today!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    BTW.... For those of you that have completed, or are still working on the C25k, does it get much easier? I am repeating week one this week because I still feel pretty winded after my 60 seconds of running. I do really well for the first 2/3 of the 20 minutes, but I am praying for quick ends to the 60 second run segments towards the end. Is this common, or am I just that bad off? I got a little irritated with myself because I am doing harder workouts (strength and endurance wise) with my crossfit trainers, but the run is very difficult. Please advise. :flowerforyou:

    It took me about 3 weeks to finally complete week ONE! Then I was into wk 2 & had to stop because my knee was bothering me. I've rested from C25K for about 10 days now, so I'm hoping I can get right into wk 2 again without repeating wk one. I'm gonna try to give it a shot before the weekend is over! HOpefully tomorrow.


    I am glad to know that its not just me. I was really disappointed with myself. I made it through the run segments, but barely and I was absolutely exhausted. I am going to keep running though because there's nothing like a personal goal and challenge. Please keep me posted on your efforts, and I will do the same. :flowerforyou:

    It took me about 4 months to complete C25k AND I found out that because I still have so much weight to loose that running was NOT going to happen for me as it was too hard on my knees. Any way, I ended up doing it on the ellipitcal since I could accomplish the burn and get going in a running mode without the impact!

    Take your time... listen to your body, you don't want an injury as it will only slow your progress down.... you will get there when you can in your own way! You could always try something else if your knees are screaming!

    I never thought to try it on the Elliptical! Thanks for the heads up on that! I start back to the gym in August & I'm excited to try the elliptical for the first time! I've never done it! LOL :laugh:

    Also, Colo - as for your goal weight on your bday, maybe if you tweak your meals a bit that will help the weight fall off. Sorry to hear about your feet! Also - maybe you have pool access? That would help a lot with your workouts while your feet rest. 9 lbs in just a bit over a month - you can do it! I'm rooting for you! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I just checked the calendar & my cruise is in exactly 90 days from today! WOW! Its coming up FAST! So I'm getting my butt back in gear & worked off! I want to lose 9 lbs this month so I can be at 220! I weigh in on Monday, so I'm going to work it as much as possible today & tomorrow! So I better get to it!

    If I can be at 200 by the cruise I will be ecstatic! I'd LOVE to be under that, but if I hit 200 that's 29 lbs in 90 days! That ALONE will be a challenge!

  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    My name is Jill and I am interested in joining this wonderful group. I have read through some of these posts and you are all truly amazing and an inspiration to me. I have lost 80 pounds through Weight Watchers and am working on my last 10. I am in a rut and can't seem to stay motivated long enough to lose these 10. It is so frustrating. I know I can't quit now. but I am barely hanging on. I am hoping the support and motivation that you all offer one another can become a part of my journey as well!!!!

    Hi Jill,

    I also got stuck in the Weight Watchers program. I like their program and it offers a lot of great information, but I absolutely LOVE MFP. I have never personally met any of the folks on this site but because of the encouragement and support that I have received, I keep charging on (even when I've had a really bad day, or I just don't feel like doing the right thing). If you're personally ready, and just need a supportive community, keep logging in and give the site a try. Just stick with it and talk to us when you're having a hard time. Please feel free to friend me if you like, and I wish you the best.

    Chris :flowerforyou:
  • carynmc
    carynmc Posts: 1
    I am 40 and will be 41 in Sept. I am at my heaviest weight ever!!! I have lost 20 pounds since April but still weigh more than ever before at 295lbs. I am the mom of two teen girls (19 and 16) and I want to be a good example for them. I am celebrating my 20th anniversary in December with a cruise...I don't have a set goal yet...just know that I want to feel great for the cruise, fit into a great dress, and not be worried about my weight the whole trip. I am super excited about this site and know it will help me reach my goals..
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I'm in.....anyone add me as a friend!!!
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Hi ladies! Another week gone... wow. The time is just flying. My 15 yo neice is still here w/ us. Needless to say, eating & exercise has been a challenge. I'm still plugging along the best I can though. She's not a very good influence on me!! LOL As for exercise, I'm only exercising in the morning... she wants to do other things w/ me when I get home from work... understandable. She spends the days "bored"... confirmed by her Facebook updates. So, if I'm tired & can't get up at 5am (because I stayed up later than I should because she thinks I go to bed to early)... I miss my work-out or only do a small one.

    Needless to say, I keep fluctating 2 lbs. I'm not too concerned about it though. I figure even if I can just maintain... I'll be happy. Plus we are going to Disney next week & staying in one of the resorts & going to all the parks. It won't be pretty! She leaves the week after that... so I will be fully commited again.

    Have a great week all!!
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi ladies! Another week gone... wow. The time is just flying. My 15 yo neice is still here w/ us. Needless to say, eating & exercise has been a challenge. I'm still plugging along the best I can though. She's not a very good influence on me!! LOL As for exercise, I'm only exercising in the morning... she wants to do other things w/ me when I get home from work... understandable. She spends the days "bored"... confirmed by her Facebook updates. So, if I'm tired & can't get up at 5am (because I stayed up later than I should because she thinks I go to bed to early)... I miss my work-out or only do a small one.

    Needless to say, I keep fluctating 2 lbs. I'm not too concerned about it though. I figure even if I can just maintain... I'll be happy. Plus we are going to Disney next week & staying in one of the resorts & going to all the parks. It won't be pretty! She leaves the week after that... so I will be fully commited again.

    Have a great week all!!

    Hang in there, and enjoy your time with your niece. I have teenage kids and a teenage niece, and I virtually have to pay them to hang out with me. :happy: Just enjoy the moments and keep up the maintenance. :flowerforyou:
This discussion has been closed.