10 pieces of advice you would have told the old you ?



  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 355 Member
    1.) Not EVERYDAY is a "vacation", so stop eating like it.
    2.) It doesn't need to be an "official workout" to burn calories.
    3.) No, you're body doesn't just "want" to be this weight, YOU are in control.
    4.) If you watched a TV show yesterday, you DO have "time".
    5.) When packing for a vacation, if the first things you reach for are "comfortable clothes" you know there's a problem.
    6.) You CAN eat out and you can even "splurge", you just have to pay ATTENTION.
    7.) You DESERVE to live the BEST life possible. WHY would you hold yourself back?
    8.) You aren't getting any younger, be GOOD to your body and it will take you far if you let it.
    9.) Getting out is fun. -And typically, there are cute boys involved.
    10.) It will make you happier and more confident than you ever realized. :)
  • jestersand
    jestersand Posts: 61 Member
    Just one....Boys were not worth none of this effort.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    1) you should have started lifting heavy from the get go
    2) be patient
    3) the scale is nonsense, BF% more accurate
    4) be patient
    5) its okay to eat chocolate
    6) yoga
    7) be patient
    8) don't weigh yourself everyday
    9) cardio is not the answer
    10) be patient
  • bottom
    bottom Posts: 52 Member
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Just one. Look in a mirror from the neck down once in a while. Just so you won't be taken by surprise.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
  • npayne90
    npayne90 Posts: 83 Member
    All the food (chocolate, bread, burgers etc) you eat during pregnancy DOSEN'T GO TO THE BABY, I think it was a excuse I was falsly convincing myself of when i was pregnant, after i got over the morning sickness. My baby came out 3kilos, and i had gained about 8kg, but was already about 10 kg overweight anyway. Now I have lost 20lbs.

    LIFT WEIGHTS! start now, not later after hours of research! I dropped 20lbs at 1200 cals, no weight lifting, but now ive on 1700cals, and ALOT OF PREOTEIN, about 100-120g a day, and lifting 3 times a week at home with 2 8lb dungbells. I feel great! and my body is changing.
  • acbabbitt
    acbabbitt Posts: 50
    Bump for later :)
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
  • MakingApril
    MakingApril Posts: 178
    -Don't let anyone knock you down
    -Belive in yourself, don't listen to anyone else
    -Don't let depression take over your life
    -Know what people are bad in your life, only take in the good
    -sometimes change is good
    -Try new things, you'll like them
    -Family is important, try not to distant yourself.
    -GO TO SCHOOL, you will make friends

    I can only think of 8 but you get my point ;3
  • GrannyGwen1
    GrannyGwen1 Posts: 213 Member
  • klakers3
    klakers3 Posts: 189 Member
    Bumping to read other people's advice :)
  • acrowder99
    acrowder99 Posts: 63 Member
    1. Quit eating so much, you're gonna regret it
    2. Quit drinking so much booze, you're really gonna regret that
    3. Start working out, it's easier to maintain than to get back to where you started
    4. You won't regret items 1, 2, & 3, you aren't robbing yourself of fun you are robbing yourself of life
    5. Just do it; even if you don't feel like it (not to copy Nike or anything but really)
    6. Spend more time with family, you never get those days back.
    7. Stop procrastinating
    8. Don't sweat the small stuff (again, cliche but true)
    9. Pick a career to enjoy it, not for the money - once you pick a career just for the money it's really hard to go back
    10. Don't be so insecure the only one watching you that close is you.
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Bumpity bumpity boo... gonna add my own later.
  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    1. You can't eat whatever you want just because you work out.
    2. Being thin doesn't require never allowing yourself to eat "bad" foods.
    3. You can eat fat and carbs and still be thin.
    4. Don't eat so much processed food! You'll feel better eating whole, natural foods!
    5. Your genetics are not an excuse for being overweight.
    6. Lifting weights is not going to make you look too bulky.
    7. Explore the produce section and don't be afraid to try new foods! You'll discover that you like quinoa, bok choy, chard, and kale.
    8. If you gained a pound and half overnight, it's probably just water weight fluctuations.
    9. Losing weight is a slow process. Don't get frustrated because you didn't lose 5 pounds in a week.
    10. Beware of crash diets and diet fads and don't waste your money on diet pills and supplements.
  • emlosingweight
    emlosingweight Posts: 4 Member
    1) Get ahead of yourself and start on a Sunday, Saturday....whenever. Why wait? The perfect time to start is NOW.
    2) Don't set yourself gargantuan tasks and give up when you fail, just set small achievable ones every day
    3) Set yourself non food-related rewards at regular intervals to sexy up the challenge (pedicure, massage, new jeans, swimsuit etc.)
    4) Remind yourself daily that it's not a diet, or a detox, it's a lifestyle change.
    5) Remind yourself of what you've achieved so far - keep a diary for all victories small and large, scale and non-scale. It's important to encourage yourself.
    6) Swap coffee and sugary drinks for peppermint tea or better, water. You will learn to love it and it has zero calories. It will also keep your hands and belly full.
    7) Take up boxing and skipping. Best cardio workout and time will fly.
    8) Walk to work every day. It is not only great exercise, but you can catch some Vitamin D, it's meditative, you can catch up on some TED talks and learn new things plus you will save money on the bus fare. All round win/win/win.
    9) Incorporate exercise into social gatherings, walks along the beach, cycling with friends, swimming pool trip with Mum, playing frisbee with nieces and nephews. Two birds/one stone.
    10) You deserve to be happy. Stop denying yourself happiness and freedom. It'll all be okay.
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
  • Bump!
  • wannabe1959
    wannabe1959 Posts: 80 Member
    deal with that 10 lbs when it is 10 lbs. Cause pretty soon you dont notice it and then all the sudden it is 20 lbs. Then you dont notice that and it turns inot 100 lbs pretty darn quick. Deal with it
  • elsapm
    elsapm Posts: 51 Member
    I love this thread...bump :smile:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member

    :drinker: :heart: :love: :heart: :drinker: LOVE the simplicity and TRUTH of this--LOVE IT!!!!!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    1. you don't have to be hungry to get fit.

    2. you don't have to feel deprived to get in shape.

    3. you don't have to feel jittery or weak while eating healthy.

    4. you don't have to expect to get cranky re: from being hungry.

    5. you don't have to 'diet' to lose lbs.

    6. healthy eating can be delicious!

    7. it's nice not drinking a couple/few glasses of wine a few nites a week, those empty calories and hangovers are a drag anyway.

    8. I repeat the most important thing I'd like to tell my 'old self' is is you honestly don't have to be hungry to lose weight!!

    9. it can feel good to move more :)

    10. Gonna repeat you don't need to be hungry or deprived or weak to get in shape :)
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    1. You can't eat whatever you want just because you work out.
    2. Being thin doesn't require never allowing yourself to eat "bad" foods.
    3. You can eat fat and carbs and still be thin.
    4. Don't eat so much processed food! You'll feel better eating whole, natural foods!
    5. Your genetics are not an excuse for being overweight.
    6. Lifting weights is not going to make you look too bulky.
    7. Explore the produce section and don't be afraid to try new foods! You'll discover that you like quinoa, bok choy, chard, and kale.
    8. If you gained a pound and half overnight, it's probably just water weight fluctuations.
    9. Losing weight is a slow process. Don't get frustrated because you didn't lose 5 pounds in a week.
    10. Beware of crash diets and diet fads and don't waste your money on diet pills and supplements.

    :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • i just started my journey, but this is what i have learned so far:

    1-if you don't start now, you won't like what you look like later,
    2-drink water, because sometimes you think you're hungry when you are just thirsty,
    3-never give up when you give in to temptation, just get back on track
    4- believe you can do it, and everyone will support you (even your nephews who won't give you a piece of thier chips, because they know you dont need it, lol)
    5-trust the process (i think Dolvet said that on TBL)
    6-splurge and buy the new, smaller, clothes even if its just from a thirft shop, they'll seem new to you, and you'll feel like you accomplished something
    7-measure everything! and then write it down
    8-know that the hunger in the beginning will subside, allow your body to catch up to the chages you are making
    9-know that it didn't take you forver to gain it, so don't expect it to come off quickly either,
    10-NEVER!!!!! let yourself fall off the wagaon and get this big again, no matter how great the food tastes, its not worth the feelings that come with feeling like this. You can always find something else to replace the food that will be much more fufilling than eating it in the first place, and probably more fun. always know that you have people you love you and want to see you healthy, and know you can do this!
  • First, last and most important thing...STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF. I was the queen of I can't do it and I "wish". Now I realize, I stopped myself before I could even start.

    I never before could point at one single thing about my attitude but you just made me realize this!! This is actually so true! I mean what can I accomplish if I just set it in my head that I will not fail!! It is very empowering to me. Thanks..:flowerforyou:
  • luvdogz
    luvdogz Posts: 56 Member
    Bump for later!!
  • The old me was thin, the new me needs to lose 90 lbs...
    1. You will become invisible
    2. Your self esteem will be shot
    3. You will feel "unworthy" and put off goals and desires.
    4. You will miss out on things you love (playing sports)
    5. Shopping is no longer fun, in fact it sucks.
    6. You will no longer feel attractive with your husband.
    7. You will avoid old dear friends.
    8. You will become consumed and addicted to food.
    9. Everyday activities are so much harder.
    10. Babies are not an excuse to gain weight.

    That was so depressing and eye opening to myself... :(
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    My advice to the old (and sometimes still) me:

    1. Start somewhere, anywhere. Doing something is better than doing nothing.
    2. You are stronger than you think you are (physically, mentally, emotionally).
    3. You don't "crave" sweets. You like the taste of them, but they do not contain crack cocaine. You can walk away from them.
    4. When your legs and feet ache from inactivity, they really WILL feel better when you move. The more you move, the less you hurt. You've proven this to yourself before.
    5. Weight loss is not one-size-fits-all. Keep trying until you find the right combination for you. You don't need anyone's validation on your lifestyle choices besides yourself (and possibly your doctor or nutrionist).
    6. Stop using food to "medicate" yourself. The situation will not change by eating a donut. Seriously.
    7. Enjoy the journey. Stop looking at a time in the future "when I've lost weight." Enjoy now. ENJOY NOW!
    8. Stop the "all or nothing" attitude. You do not have to do this thing perfectly. You will stumble sometimes. It's part of life. Get over it and move on. Three steps forward and two steps back is STILL forward progress.
    9. Food is fuel. Nothing more, nothing less. Stop assigning other attributes to it beyond that. It is not your BFF, medication, happiness, love, joy, celebration. It is just fuel. You don't have emotional feelings about gasonline, do you? You shouldn't have emotional feelings about food either.
    10. Be cautious of whose advice you choose to follow. Not everyone on MFP is an expert. Or IRL for that matter (Dr. Oz??) Weigh their advice and do your own research. Make informed decisions.

    Edited to correct misspellings and typos.
  • jenf330
    jenf330 Posts: 66 Member
    1) There is no one single magic solution.
    2) Becoming a temporary vegetarian will not make you skinny (even though the logic that most vegetarians are skinny was solid, yet flawed).
    3) Going to two yoga classes a week will not make you skinny (even though yoga people can be pretty skinny. I know! it was worth a try).
    4) Deciding to "trust your hunger" will DEFINITELY not make you skinny.
    5) Deciding to go organic will also not make you skinny. But you will discover some tasty new fruits and veggies.
    6) And even though walking is good, 20 minutes a day while not dieting isn't going to do you any good.
    7) The theory that you can drink more Red Bull Vodkas because they make you dance like an idiot (and therefore, burn more calories) should never be revisited.
    8) You're not going to play the Zumba XBox game 5 days a week. Don't lie to yourself like that.
    9) The elliptical is 5 STEPS AWAY FROM THE COUCH. What are you doing laying down??
    10) Seriously, nothing is magical. Get off your butt, work out CONSISTENTLY and HARD, count calories to know how much you're eating EVERY DAY, get enough sleep and water, and cut back on the drinks. ALL AT THE SAME TIME (this isn't a weight loss tip buffet).
  • I am just starting out (AGAIN!!!) but I think that I have learnt some lessons from previous failed experiences......

    1. SLOW, STEADY AND CONSISTENT always wins the race. You are not going to achieve any kind of progress by doing 1 super tough workout in a week and then lying on your bed for the rest of it. Please just commit to 20 minutes of workout you can handle now and then just do it! EVERYDAY! The day will come when you will be doing those super tough workouts but right now remember you are a beginner!

    2. Please STOP looking on the internet for various ways of losing weight. There are many options but the science behind is actually quite simple. EAT WELL AND MOVE !!! Don't complicate things by overthinking and doing nothing in confusion.

    3. Please quit your ''all or nothing'' approach to life! Take baby steps. Something is ALWAYS better than nothing.

    4. Please maintain an online AND an offline diary. You need the motivation that you get on mfp but you also need offline one so that you can always track your intake when you don't get time to be online. And please be honest to yourself about it.

    5. You love doing Pilates and yoga. Stick to them for a while. You can always try new things but at least do something that you surely love right now. It will get you into a routine of working out.

    6. You love working out alone and gym is not meant for you. But again find things that work for you and stick to them.

    7. Please eat on time. You starve yourself and then binge. Why do you do that?

    8. Just keep repeating '' I am going to succeed'''

    9. It's a time taking process. Respect it.

    10. It's a wonderful journey to take.... don't dread it, don't hate yourself.... instead just enjoy every little lesson and success.
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