

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Sending prayers to all who were touched by the Boston tragedy. It is too horrible to imagine. It seems like we are glued to our TV's watching these types of catastrophic events play out way too much in today's world. Let us hope and pray that we can unite to put an end to these evil deeds.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    It appears everyone who went up to run from the club I volunteer with is OK per reports from friends and a local running store. TV is off; simply can't watch any longer. My thoughts are with the injured and their families......what a horrible, horrible thing..........
  • LoraFord
    LoraFord Posts: 5
    Hello ladies!

    I haven't posted for awhile and my goodness- so many pages! I have given up on reading everything!

    I see there has been loss and some trials that are being dealt with. To you ladies I send my positive thoughts and prayers :heart:

    Congrats to everyone who is achieving their personal goals :happy: Keep it up! You're doing great!

    The situation in Boston is heartbreaking :brokenheart: I can't make sense of the violence against innocent people that is so prevalent in our society anymore. Prayers to all those involved.

    My DH and I (and Buddy the dog) went hiking a couple of weekends ago to a place about 50 minutes north of the city. It was so GREAT to be outside in the sunshine and away from the concrete! It does seem there are many places like this you can get to easily. We have been in NYC for only two years and this summer will probably be one of exploring areas like this. I know I would like to try to get into hiking. DH is very excited about this! He was the Scoutmaster for our son's BS troop and they used to do a lot of hiking. Should be fun!

    I bought a HR monitor to use while I work out. I would like to keep my HR in the "fat burning" range as much as possible while I work out. We'll see what happens. If it helps get rid of my fat faster, woo hoo :wink:

    The weather here has been pretty nice the past couple of days. The cherry trees are blooming so beautifully :flowerforyou:
    Blue skies and sunshine makes me feel happier!

    Eating healthier certainly does change your taste for some things. I had calories left the other night and decided to have two Girl Scout cookies with my tea. I didn't enjoy them at all :sick: They tasted fake to me. I am going to say that is a good thing!

    Will sign off for now.
    Everyone have a good evening!
    Keep doing positive things :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Lora in NYC
  • patticlark1354
    Sounds like you will have a nice vacation in Alaska. that is on my bucket list! Good luck in the weight loss. :smile:
  • patticlark1354
    Hi my name is Patti, i am a starter not very good at keeping up with this computer age stuff but it sure beats going to weight watchers or over eaters! I work with a wonderful inspiring woman who has lost 60 -70 punds and just loves this sight.
    I live in NY and no not a big city, just a nice country setting.
    I have lost 32 pounds with a goal of 40 by may 3rd. That is unlikely at this point but I am determined to get in better shape. The trick will be to stay on track. My next goal will be to get another 30 pounds elimated. Smaller goals one rotten exersise at a time. Truth be told I hate to work out and know I must:yawn:
    Good luck to all my over 50 soon to be friends. By the way to the person who is done with kemo God bless you!
  • patticlark1354
    Hi Liz,
    I had some Aunts who played it on line. I am not sure where it was though, you might want to google it.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Bumping for later. I've been consumed by work and travel. Eating, exercise, and other good habits went underground for 10 days, but glad to be back on track now.

    in snowy Colorado Foothills
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Jake is home safely and we are all happy to be together again.

    :heart: Barbie
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Keeping things short:
    I am saddened by today’s events in Boston and can only pray for all the victims and their families. I’m at a complete loss of words. I find it all so heart wrenching and way too difficult to understand.:cry:

    Janemartin- happy to hear you have found a possibility, good luck with the appointment.:bigsmile:

    Jodios- I don’t think you ever get over losing a parent, but memories can really bring you peace. :flowerforyou:
    I also love Lindt dark chocolate with sea salt! :heart:

    Cheryl - Your DD is Stunning! I hope you are feeling better and your test went well.:smile:

    Meg – I hope some how your DD gets the message.:frown:

    Lucy – I was mainly walking and pricing a few things for a baby gift. :smile:

    Michele in NC – I have the same DVS’s , Leslie’s are quite the workout aren’t they? :smokin:
    I say Keep the deck , mine is wood and I have to re-stain it every year! So much for the 15 year stain that only lasts for one! I would love to replace it with composite, maybe someday.

    Barbie- Happy to hear your Jake is home!:bigsmile:

    Peace ~N~ Hugs
    Carol in WNY
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    @DeeDee we are adding a composite deck to our home. We have several friends with them they like it and love the zero maintenance. Also we think the ones we have seen look pretty good.
    Liz from Idaho

    We had ours changed over to a composite about 2 summers ago. It isn't maintenance free, but it is MUCH easier because all you have to do is wash it.:bigsmile: No staining or painting. Yay!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: It is holding up fine. Be sure that they do a good job with running support beams under it. The composite boards can sag. :grumble: Our support stringers are 12" apart and we have no sagging so far. :bigsmile: They had to add stringers when they installed our new deck. Enjoy!:flowerforyou:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Spent too long reading and logging, but just wanted to say how sad I am to hear about the bombs in Boston.

    I hope any loved ones are safe if they were in the area at the time.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie glad Jake is home again.

    8:00 a.m. I'm late, - still feeling a bit tired, so taking longer to do most things, and not got back to exercising just yet :embarassed: but I'm back on the doggy walk :bigsmile: and walking at lunch time, so I'm getting there. I've been left with a nasty cold sore on my lip :grumble:

    Must dash - have a good day my vit F friends :heart: :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    No time to read or post today, but wanted to say hi and wish you all a good Tuesday.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    No time to post this morning, just popping in to say hello!

    Have a great day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny again NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    Morning ladies,
    It is just horrible this tragedy in Boston,I pray for all the victims ,the ones who have passed away and the ones hurt...
    I can only imagine what the people there must have felt..
    This world is going to Hell in a hand basket.. It pain's me to have our grandchildren growing up in this kind of world....
    I went to the gym today and did the bike,and machines...
    I hope everyone can make it through the day with grace and dignity.. and remember to tell the people you love, I love you~because we just never know what this world will bring :flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I hope everyone can make it through the day with grace and dignity.. and remember to tell the people you love, I love you~because we just never know what this world will bring :flowerforyou:

    Well said, grandmallie. Your words of advice are wise, and I'm reminded to tell those I love frequently that they are loved and very dear.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Love and thoughts to Boston. I'm sure we all feel even more connected to them because of the fitness community. :heart:

    A small NSV for me today. I was looking in the mirror before heading off to yoga and was amazed to see two vertical lines down either side of my stomach. Just a light dent, but could it be the beginning of abs?!!!! I am still technically overweight, but have been stationary rowing for a few years now, but have never seen under the fat. Here's to the next 8 lbs I have to lose to get to 'normal' BMI !
    All sounds so trivial compared to the news, but I think we have to celebrate the small things.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone - just a quick pop-by to say hello. I made myself work out yesterday even though I didn't want to, and then I made a yummy vegetable soup to try to wash the weekend away with. I had a great time shopping with my sister on Sunday for her mother-of-the-bride dress - and we were successful! She's going to be lovely.

    It's been an emotional roller-coaster this week - a FB acquaintance lost her son unexpectedly - he was born with many issues as one-half of twins (his brother didn't make it) but had been doing terrific, learned to walk and communicate, was just zipping along at five and half years, had a little stuffy nose so she decided to keep him home and have the doctor take a look for allergies, no big deal. By the end of the day he had had three full cardiac arrests in the ER and was brain dead. Absolutely heartbreaking. He was declared dead on her birthday - and while they were taking him to the operating room to try to harvest his organs, Boston happened. Another friend lost her dear friend while talking to her on the phone - they were just having a normal conversation, then the friend said she wasn't feeling well; by the time the other friend got there four minutes later she had died from diabetic shock. Life is such an unexpected gift.

    And on that cheery note, treasure your day.


  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Tuesday morning to the terrific pals today!

    Patti - welcome, you will love this thread, even though it is hard to keep up with all the members, there is so much going on!

    To all - Even those above the border are grieving for the families who suffered in Boston, don't forget that two thousand of those runners are from Canada and more from other countries too. The community strength of the Marathon and its positive outcomes stretches well beyond the city and country borders.....so many run for research and disease causes, for health and social issues. This hurts everyone, and yet I know that the strength of community and the positive social impact of this event will never be diminished!

    Well, we had ONE day of summer, and then the rain blew back in.. :sad: . raining .cats and dogs....and my dog is NOT impressed. He does not hate rain, he hates being held in the back hall while he dries off! :laugh:

    I have three main focusses this week - get my marking done; get my walking in every day; and, eat clean!

    I have a harder time finding a food with fat that I can add to breakfast....does anyone add an oil or something to their smoothies?

    Also, I just bought a bottle of Camelina oil that is high in omegas....has anyone else found or used this?

    Trying to keep Barbie's saying in mind today...keep what I WANT MOST , which is a leaner healthy body, over what i at the MOMENT!

    Best to all, BJ SWOntario
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Jodios – YES!!! I knew I was right that bowling is NOT a sport - - activity, yes but sport, no (and I too can’t imagine watching it on TV, nor can I watch poker – yes, really, poker!). :tongue:

    JB in Portland – “mental and emotional indigestion” what a brilliant description! :smile:

    Lucy – no apologies necessary for “the rant”, we’re here to listen and support (and rant too, when indicated)

    Jmkmomm – walking on an incline is a great way to work your thighs (and buns too)!

    Rori – Welcome back, hope your conference in San Diego was a smashing success. Did you get to connect with any MFP gals while you were there?

    CityJaneLondon – Wow, that’s a wonderful NSV – your dedication is paying off and you’re right to celebrate the small things! :flowerforyou:

    M. – Yikes, what a day you dealt with. :cry: You are so right that we need to treasure each day.

    BJ – try adding avocado to your smoothies, it has “good” fats and adds no discernable flavor

    Brooke from Colorado

    “We lose ourselves in the things we love. We find ourselves there too.” - - Kristin Nartz :heart:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
    Well the sun is shining today and massive cleanup in going on here but we are supposed to have more rain and snow and maybe more ice tonight and tomorrow. Boo! I will go out to see my horse this afternoon and take advantage of the sun we do have.

    Lora - I agree with you about the GS cookies. My DGD is a girl scout and of course we had to buy some but I agree they did not taste real good, kind of waxy. I put the rest in the freezer and she can eat them when she is here this summer.

    I am glad to see all the comments about the composite decking as we need to rebuild our back porch and were thinking we might go with the composite but I was not sure it was worth the increased price.

    Prayers and healing angels to all in Boston. Congratulations to all with successes. Sue in SD