10 pieces of advice you would have told the old you ?



  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    1. Patience
    2. Positivity
    3. Learn to love yourself regardless
    4. As long as you let go, move on, and pick yourself up, you still have a fighting chance
    5. This is not a competition
    6. I don't need to lose as fast as possible
    7. I didn't have to sustain on that little and worked that much
    8. You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great
    9. You think you can or you think you can't, you're right
    10. Do it for your health too
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    1. please eat
    2. you will be ok soon
    3. do this for your family
    4. don't be blonde anymore..go natural
    5. don't worry.. the jiggle will go away
    6. get off the scale
    7. stop worrying about what other people think
    8. think about how much better you will feel
    9. bone skinny is NOT pretty
    10. seeing your hip bones stick out is gross!
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    1. You're going to f@#k up. A LOT. In every way you can possibly imagine and then some. Don't worry about it.

    2. Every day is another chance to make the world a better place.

    3. Keep going, don't give up or get lazy

    4. the mental illness WILL make it harder to do everything. You can learn to live with it and be successful in everything you do in spite of it.

    5. If at the end of the day you can look back and say " I did my best" then that day was a success

    6 . Every one has bad days. Everyone makes mistakes,

    7. It doesn't matter as much what you do over the course of a day, a week or even a month it's the habits you maintain over the course of the years that will make or break you

    8. Lighten up

    9. laugh, for the love of god laugh because if you don't you will cry.

    10. STOP thinking of yourself as 'fat'. It's not helping.
  • Julyfly70
    Julyfly70 Posts: 59 Member
    Just one piece of advice, really: Start as you mean to continue. If you can't see yourself living without pasta for the rest of your life, then eat pasta. Just make sure it fits into your calorie budget and that you always eat standard, full sized servings - not super-sized, no seconds. I can't overemphasize the importance to your long term success of retraining your eyes and your stomach to accept standard servings as normal. That's very hard to do if you don't continue to eat the full range of foods you hope to eat for the rest of your life.

    The same principle applies to exercise. If you can't see yourself spending 2 or 3 hours a day in the gym 5 years from now, then don't do it now. The sooner you settle in to a diet and exercise routine that you can sustain for the long term, the more likely you are to stick with the program long enough to reach your goals. And and easier and more secure the transition to maintenance will be.

    LOVE THIS!!!
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    1. Stop waiting for life to "happen" to you, You have to "happen" to it.

    2. Love and RESPECT yourself. You ARE worthy!!

    3. Get rid of toxic people in your life. They are never going to give you the love and support you need and it is NOT wrong to protect yourself and leave them behind.

    4. Be thankful for even your bad days because they are still better than what someone else is probably going through. ( Trust me on this one. I have MS and have had some really awful days, months, and years.)

    5. If you are unhappy in life you must do something to change it, NOW. Don't waste another minute being miserable.

    6. You are not perfect. Never going to be and not meant to be. Your mistakes do not define you.

    7. You ARE capable of so much more than you ever thought. Don't let fear and doubt hold you back.

    8. There is NEVER a good reason not to take care of yourself. No one else is going to do it for you.

    9. Stay true to yourself and always do what you believe to be right, even if it's not the "popular" choice.

    10. MOVE!!! Exercise is hard but do it anyway. It will change how you see and feel about yourself. Don't wait to start. DO IT NOW!!! :smile:
  • heather_elise85
    heather_elise85 Posts: 69 Member
    - you have to want this or its not going to work
    - eat to live don't live to eat
    - trust what your body tells you not your mind
    - give it time, it will happen
    - sometimes it takes a few steps back before you go fwd again
    - you can only do this for yourself
    - learn the facts about fitness and food, know what you are putting into your body
    - small changes make for big ones
    - try not to think about the number, just know you are going in the right direction
    - (this one is for myself - i know many may disagree) don't have a # goal have a healthy fitness and healthy food goal, the rest will work out as it is supposed to
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    only one...

    Now is the time!
  • KEAVES13
    KEAVES13 Posts: 90 Member
    Just one piece of advice, really: Start as you mean to continue. If you can't see yourself living without pasta for the rest of your life, then eat pasta. Just make sure it fits into your calorie budget and that you always eat standard, full sized servings - not super-sized, no seconds. I can't overemphasize the importance to your long term success of retraining your eyes and your stomach to accept standard servings as normal. That's very hard to do if you don't continue to eat the full range of foods you hope to eat for the rest of your life.

    The same principle applies to exercise. If you can't see yourself spending 2 or 3 hours a day in the gym 5 years from now, then don't do it now. The sooner you settle in to a diet and exercise routine that you can sustain for the long term, the more likely you are to stick with the program long enough to reach your goals. And and easier and more secure the transition to maintenance will be.

    Love this! Definately an eye opener for me..maybe even the "AHA" moment I've been waiting for =))
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Log in your food before you eat it!!
  • debbylee_maxine
    debbylee_maxine Posts: 24 Member
    -Never give up!! (it's tattooed on my foot)
    -you can do it
    -if it's easy, you're not trying hard enough
    -there will be ups and downs
    -small changes every day
    - lots and lots of water
    -establish a support system
    -don't get discouraged
    -dont put it off any longer, start today

    That last line touches my heart.
  • JHP8
    JHP8 Posts: 7 Member
    I love: Sweat isn't bad and washes right off!
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    Great Thread.
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member

    What are 10 pieces of advice too tell the old fat unhealthy you ?

    I don't know about 10, but let's see... Hey, old fat me, let me help you out!!

    "Um, dumb@ss, there are 228 calories in every one of those 16 oz. Blue Moons you love so much."

    "One of those Blue Moons is quite enough, idiot. The other 4 are going to make you real sorry in about 12 months."

    "Ok, you already had the 4 Blue Moons, now put down that damn fork and stop eating nachos!"

    "Here's a photo of you a year from now. Still want to play "ok, just ONE more then we'll go" for another hour?"

    "Just because McDonald's opens their drive through all night does not mean you have to patronise it."

    "There are veggies on that menu, too, you know. Blow the dust of off the Healthy Choices page and read it."

    "Clothes you just bought are a little tight, eh? You've been saying that for 4 months, when are you going to get off your big duff and do something about it?"

    Wow, new, not-so-fat me is kind of a jerk. But you know what, old me had that coming. :noway: :grumble: :smokin:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    I just want to tell my old self - you have absolutely no idea how much healthier and more mobile you are going to feel. Your life will be transformed. It really will. You will be able to do things you have not been able to do for 25 years. More things.
    Start today - it's simple. Eat less, move more.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    1. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day
    2. When you eat fruit think of it as a dessert vs. a snack b/c 1 Granny Smith is equivalent to a Kit-Kat at 26g of sugar.
    3. Excercise at least 3X a wk. for at least 30 min.
    4. Walking is good.
    5. Stay away from soda's & drink stevia sweetend beverages.
    6. Fruit juice whether 100%, organic &/or all natural has waay too much sugar & it will impede on your weight loss goals.
    7. Aim for 20 - 50 g of carbs when you have high blod pressure or diabetes.
    8. Quinoa, rice (Brown or White) & soy are considered as glutens when your trying to be gluten free.
    9. Keep your sodium levels at 1500-2000 mg per day.
    10. Get 8 hrs. of sleep a day.
  • nm8962
    nm8962 Posts: 43 Member
  • Bulldogmomma3
    Bulldogmomma3 Posts: 58 Member
  • desireedeck
    desireedeck Posts: 2 Member
    Love it!!
  • desireedeck
    desireedeck Posts: 2 Member
    My favorite <3
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Great Thread.

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