Women Fit For Forties



  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    I am still hanging in there trying to sort things out! From the look of things, the rest of my summer may be hit and miss here. Kids, work, dogs, husband, yard, etc.... too many things going on.

    I managed to get 5 of the 6lbs off from my holiday weekend and now have 9lbs to loose in 5 weeks to make it to my birthday goal. I am still trying but, not so sure I will make this goal as I am developing plantar fasciitis. So, I am trying to baby my feet a little and get that under control which in turn is effecting my calorie burn. If I did not like to eat so much it would not be a big deal.

    The new dog Janie is so very sweet! I just love her so much. (yes, I am the one who was holding back on the new dog) It is amazing to me that she does not bother my allergies! I am so thrilled!

    Kids are busy this summer. My son is taking his driving test in 1 week and that sure adds to my stress load. He also has his diabetic checkup in august and his senior year will start Aug 16th. My daughter will be a freshman this year and is working a community service project which in turn pays the kids stipends each week. They both go and visit their dad July 31 and then my husband leaves for Sturgis August 6.

    blue I saw something you posted about not saving all your calories for dinner. Well, that is EXACTLY what I have been doing and yes, I am not usually hungry in the morning. I am going to have to figure out how I can switch this. Hard part for me that I need to overcome is my husband will lay in bed at night about 30 mins before he goes to sleep and EAT... It is has become a terrible habit for both of us.
    Anyone have any ideas how to change that?

    Well, I am off for another fun filled busy day at the spa. Lots going on today!

    As far as eating in the morning, I found that once I started eating breakfast (which was recommended by the nutritionist/fitness trainer I was working with) that my body started screaming for food in the morning. Also, once I started eating in the morning, I noticed that my weight loss got a kick start. Even if you only grab some fruit, try it for a week and see how it goes for you.

    My husband and I have banned food in the bedroom. It was the only way to end the evening munchies. I have a two story home and I go upstairs once it hits about 9pm just because that is about the time I start craving snacks. Trick is that I am way to lazy by then to come back downstairs for food, so I just wait until morning. This is the one instance where my laziness is truly paying off. LOL!!! :flowerforyou:
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    I am 40 and will be 41 in Sept. I am at my heaviest weight ever!!! I have lost 20 pounds since April but still weigh more than ever before at 295lbs. I am the mom of two teen girls (19 and 16) and I want to be a good example for them. I am celebrating my 20th anniversary in December with a cruise...I don't have a set goal yet...just know that I want to feel great for the cruise, fit into a great dress, and not be worried about my weight the whole trip. I am super excited about this site and know it will help me reach my goals..

    Welcome to MFP. It's a great place to make friends and to get the support you need to reach your goals. Feel free to friend me if you like.

    Chris :flowerforyou:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    I'm back, and it's good to be home with my friends at MFP......(I have been home for about 20 min.. and couldn't wait to check in with you all)....hope you all had a great weekend....I will be weighing in tomorrow.....so we shall see, anyway missed you all and your encouraging words.....talk to you alll again later.....(My skinny husband is giving me dirty looks as he is working hard to unpack as I am checking in with my friends at MFP)....HA!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning ladies....great to be back to this awesome site....Looking forward to the Mon-Sun week challange....going to go do some jumping jacks before the kids get up and see my fat flopping, HA!! We are leaving for Virginia Beach Sat. so I need to start packing (I work Thurs. and Fri this week) so I need to make sure we have all we need...we need to go out and buy my son some new swimming trunks...boy that kid is growing like a bad weed,....anyway happy Monday everyone.....:bigsmile:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    6-01-10 240.0
    6-07-10 237.0
    6-09-10 234.4
    6-14-10 233.6
    6-21-10 233.4
    6-28-10 230.6
    7-01-10 229.8
    7-05-10 229.4
    7-12-10 227.6

    I was scared to get on the scale this morning! I've been still under my calories every day, but not killing it in my workouts like I normally have. I've been slacking for about 10 days now! Also its TOM so I was ecstatic when it showed a loss! YIPPEE!

    Only 27.6 more pounds to go by my cruise! 88 DAYS! Thats approx .31 lbs/day or 2.3 lbs/week - could be doable, but quite a challenge! Hmmmmm.....

    A few friends of mine have started individual challenges with each other a few weeks ago & we decided to include others if they want to join in. So this weeks BMK challenge is:

    Jumping Jacks - 150 for the week (that's 25/day with one day of rest)
    2 days of 90 min straight workout (pretty easy if you go swimming or do yardwork etc)
    Eat 3 DIFFERENT fruits per day & 2 DIFFERENT veggies per day for at least 5 days this week

    ARE YOU IN? :smile: Good luck! Kelly
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Day one of the BMK challange in and I loved it....my daughter and I worked out with Jillian....she was mocking my breathing,,,,how cute.....now I think I deserve a snack , then off to take a long relaxing bath.....talk to you all in the morning....
  • esallen
    esallen Posts: 6
    This is great. Count me in!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning ladies....got 50 more jumping jacks in (going for 150 again today)...banana down...Got to get some packing done today and go get my and my kids hair done for vacation....so talk to you later...:happy:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Woooaweee don't know if I can do that challenge, but by goodness I am gonna try! Gotta modify the JJ's due to knee problems.

    Let's make today count, gals and guys!!!!!
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    I'm in! I need all the motivation I can get. Last summer, between April and July, I dropped about 55 pounds. I went from a size 18 to a size 10. I've gained it all back. I do Pilates everyday and am following my eating religiously. It will be harder this time than last because I'm not running yet. I had so much time on my hands that all I did, basically, was exercise. I really want to get back to that size 10 but it feels so unrealistic some days.

    My hubby asks me everyday if I worked out. The days I don't, he doesn't say anything but I can see "THAT LOOK"...like I disappointed him. I know he means well but it is getting on my nerves. He can stand to lose a more than a few pounds himself and I feel like he should just no ask me. Am I being too sensitive?
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    How's everyone doing on the BMK Challenge this week that is doing it with me? I did 50 jumping jacks yesterday & 25 today. Yesterday I had a banana, blueberries & cantelope, tomato, & romaine lettuce & grillin beans as well!

    Today I had a banana, strawberries, & blueberries, pickled beets, & mushrooms.

    My dad brought me a dumptruck load of dirt yesterday, so this afternoon I was busy hauling it around in my wheelbarrow. I'm adding yet MORE landscaping to my yard! I'm busy making a couple of burms on the corners of my yard to cover in flowers. I live on a corner lot, so its a lot to do! :smile: Today's work didn't even put a DENT in that dirt pile! WOW am I pooped! Over 900 cals worked off today! :bigsmile: So I have one of my 90 min workouts done for the week! :bigsmile:

    Saturday is "Aunt Kelly Day" with my neice & 2 nephews. We are going to Starved Rock State Park hiking all day! YAY! That will be my 2nd 90 min workout for the week! Of course I'm sure it will be much longer than 90 minutes! I'm packing lots of healthy snacks & a picnic lunch in the cooler to take with us! The kids are SO looking forward to it! SO AM I! :bigsmile: Its my brother & sis-inlaws anniversary weekend & I'm swapping houses with them. I got them tickets to a concert that is just a few miles from my house so they can stay here & just grab a cab after the concert. That way they can both have a good time & not worry about who is driving. :drinker: They live about 45 min from me, so I'm staying there with the kids! :bigsmile:

    Happy Wednesday to you all tomorrow! :bigsmile:


  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good morning ladies, off to work this morning...planning a healthy yet "Chellanging" day...I am weighing in on SAT (leaving for the beach on SUM) so with all the extra effort from the challanges and MTOTM will hopefully be over...I am hoping for a nice little loss to help me with what I expect a little weight gain while at the beach....talk to you all later....have a WONDERFUL day ladies!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning ladies, excited about my 1.5# loss....I will be weighing in one more time SAT before I leave for Virginia Beach (hoping to maybe loose another 1# -- because I am giving myself a 5LB weight gain during vacation---I am going to exercise it up at the beach but realistically eating out 3 meals a day.....I don't think my food choices are going to be as good as at home..and I am on vacation)...sorry to go on...anyway ladies...have a wonderful day.....talk to you all later!!...:love:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm feeling much more in control and back on track ... it has been a long time and it feels good. I hope I can keep it up. I exercised (a lot) 3 days in a row ... and I'm making fairly good food choices. Tonight and tomorrow will be challenging with 3-4 meals out at restaurants - I plan to only pick things to eat that I REALLY want ... not wasting calories on things that I don't really want. Happy Thursday everyone!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Evening ladies...did pretty good with exercise and food again today....trying to be good before vacation (:sad: --it's going to be temptation island, HA!!!)..anyway need to get some packing done...will try to check in again before heading to bed...
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I will be taking some time off

  • msnas
    msnas Posts: 5
    What the hey....nothing to lose but weight. I'm in.

    I just joined about a week ago. I'm 46, married with no children. I've been around my current weight for some time but was just told I have high blood pressure and need to lose weight and exercise more. I have a hard time getting motivated to join a gym so i'm starting out by walking during my lunch break.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good morning ladies.....off to work for a little bit and then it is back to finish packing....good luck on the scales to all who weigh in today....talk to you all a little later....have a GREAT day everyone!!...:flowerforyou:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Headed to the grocery store to get healthy snacks & such for tomorrow! Aunt Kelly weekend is here! Me & my neice & 2 nephews are headed to Starved Rock early in the morning to go hiking! Hopefully we can make it all day~~~its gonna be a HOT one again! :devil:

    After the grocery store I'm headed to my twin cousin's 40th bday bash (I'll get the kids there). So I have to avoid temptation of all the pizza & cake! I'm sure just one small piece will be ok since I'll be working my butt off tomorrow! :bigsmile:

  • msnas
    msnas Posts: 5
    Hey Ahmee2034, I get the same look from my hubby.