Am I the only one who is repulsed by fast food?



  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    you're not alone! I am now! I walk past Mcdonalds EVERY DAY to and from work (and it's near my house, because my work is also near my house). and i'm not tempted ever to step inside (and when I do, say with friends, i don't order anything). I just shake my head at everyone I see turning into mcdonalds on my walk into work in the morning...(i know, i shouldn't care what other people do and if they want to eat at mcdonald's but just the thought of people eating there reminds me of ME eating there and ugh... no!)

    BTW to clarify what I think of as fast food is places like: Burger King, McDonald's, A&W, Wendy's, Arby's, Taco Bell etc.

    For some reason I don't class Starbucks as fast food - absolutely LOVE their egg white spinach feta breakfast wrap - hey, it's GOT to be healthier than a mcdonalds bacon cheeseburger and fries, right?!?!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Seriously... anyone else?

    Arby's, Mcd's, Burger King (especially), Wendy's, Taco Bell, you name it! It all makes me (physically) sick to my stomach. That and I don't find it appealing, even if it didn't make me feel ill.

    I can't possibly be alone here.

    No, you are not alone!! :happy:

    I haven't eaten in any of these places in years. Never had a burger in Wendy's, BK, McD,, and I never visited Taco Bell or Jack in the Box. I don't care for burgers, unless I make them myself, so maybe that has been helpful.

    So the two of us are weirdos according with some people in MFP. :ohwell:
  • 1bann
    1bann Posts: 3 Member
    Wow, way to know your options if you are left to eat fast food !
  • 1bann
    1bann Posts: 3 Member
  • HappyAlex1
    Miss the chips :(
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    I'm also repulsed.
    One of the many reasons I've chose never to eat that type of food again.
    I've been fast food free going on 6 years now and don't plan on stopping for the rest of my life.
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member

    Claiming that any fast food makes someone sick while they are perfectly fine eating chips and Starbucks sandwiches is hypocrisy. The insults are not necessary.

    and explain to me how you have such a deep understanding of that particular poster's digestive system?


    Now, to the other guys... I don't understand the arguing and negativity. You both obviously have your own opinions, but I think it would benefit all of us if you kept your ideas concerning this thread to yourself. MFP is about support. Call what you're doing whatever you want, but it's certainly not support.

    As odd as it may seem to you, I was seeking out some anti-fast food MFPers--wondering if they exist, really. I've been seeing a lot of "oh my god I miss fast food" or "Oh man I love Big Macs" and that's just not something I relate to.

    If you don't have anything productive or helpful to say, why say anything at all?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Claiming that any fast food makes someone sick while they are perfectly fine eating chips and Starbucks sandwiches is hypocrisy. The insults are not necessary.

    and explain to me how you have such a deep understanding of that particular poster's digestive system?


    Now, to the other guys... I don't understand the arguing and negativity. You both obviously have your own opinions, but I think it would benefit all of us if you kept your ideas concerning this thread to yourself. MFP is about support. Call what you're doing whatever you want, but it's certainly not support.

    As odd as it may seem to you, I was seeking out some anti-fast food MFPers--wondering if they exist, really. I've been seeing a lot of "oh my god I miss fast food" or "Oh man I love Big Macs" and that's just not something I relate to.

    If you don't have anything productive or helpful to say, why say anything at all?

    I don't consider reinforcing irrational beliefs about 'categories' of food is support. Telling people it's OK to be "repulsed" by particular brands of food is unhealthy and doesn't IMO represent good, functional, sustainable, healthy images and opinions.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Claiming that any fast food makes someone sick while they are perfectly fine eating chips and Starbucks sandwiches is hypocrisy. The insults are not necessary.

    and explain to me how you have such a deep understanding of that particular poster's digestive system?


    Now, to the other guys... I don't understand the arguing and negativity. You both obviously have your own opinions, but I think it would benefit all of us if you kept your ideas concerning this thread to yourself. MFP is about support. Call what you're doing whatever you want, but it's certainly not support.

    As odd as it may seem to you, I was seeking out some anti-fast food MFPers--wondering if they exist, really. I've been seeing a lot of "oh my god I miss fast food" or "Oh man I love Big Macs" and that's just not something I relate to.

    If you don't have anything productive or helpful to say, why say anything at all?

    I don't consider reinforcing irrational beliefs about 'categories' of food is support. Telling people it's OK to be "repulsed" by particular brands of food is unhealthy and doesn't IMO represent good, functional, sustainable, healthy images and opinions.

    based on your ticker alone you have no place offering opinions on good, functional, sustainable, healthy diets when you yourself don't even follow one.

    literally everyone on these boards who agree with you (magerum included) eat more whole foods than you do and recognize their value in a balanced diet.

    you preach moderation, but there's nothing moderate about your diet except for your total calories.

    you are not the white knight of moderation you see yourself as.

    you think you're a gift to the people of MFP because only YOU can cut through the clouds of BS to offer the truth.

    It's narcissistic at best, and blasphemous at worst. :tongue:

    (just kidding on the blasphemous part. just thought it was fun imagery)
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member

    Claiming that any fast food makes someone sick while they are perfectly fine eating chips and Starbucks sandwiches is hypocrisy. The insults are not necessary.

    and explain to me how you have such a deep understanding of that particular poster's digestive system?


    Now, to the other guys... I don't understand the arguing and negativity. You both obviously have your own opinions, but I think it would benefit all of us if you kept your ideas concerning this thread to yourself. MFP is about support. Call what you're doing whatever you want, but it's certainly not support.

    As odd as it may seem to you, I was seeking out some anti-fast food MFPers--wondering if they exist, really. I've been seeing a lot of "oh my god I miss fast food" or "Oh man I love Big Macs" and that's just not something I relate to.

    If you don't have anything productive or helpful to say, why say anything at all?

    I don't consider reinforcing irrational beliefs about 'categories' of food is support. Telling people it's OK to be "repulsed" by particular brands of food is unhealthy and doesn't IMO represent good, functional, sustainable, healthy images and opinions.

    So... What you're saying, is that because I don't like the same foods as you, I'm irrational? Oh, alright. That makes SO MUCH sense! I didn't "tell" anyone it's okay to be repulsed by fast food, I very simply asked if others feel the way I do. You have made it clear that you don't, so please tell me why you're still posting on this thread?

    I'm sure you feel like a real champ arguing over the Internet, but please stop. I won't respond to another of your comments.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member

    Claiming that any fast food makes someone sick while they are perfectly fine eating chips and Starbucks sandwiches is hypocrisy. The insults are not necessary.

    and explain to me how you have such a deep understanding of that particular poster's digestive system?


    Now, to the other guys... I don't understand the arguing and negativity. You both obviously have your own opinions, but I think it would benefit all of us if you kept your ideas concerning this thread to yourself. MFP is about support. Call what you're doing whatever you want, but it's certainly not support.

    As odd as it may seem to you, I was seeking out some anti-fast food MFPers--wondering if they exist, really. I've been seeing a lot of "oh my god I miss fast food" or "Oh man I love Big Macs" and that's just not something I relate to.

    If you don't have anything productive or helpful to say, why say anything at all?

    OP asked a question in an open forum. If you're seeking only answers that agree then I would suggest a private group populared with only like minded people.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I don't consider reinforcing irrational beliefs about 'categories' of food is support. Telling people it's OK to be "repulsed" by particular brands of food is unhealthy and doesn't IMO represent good, functional, sustainable, healthy images and opinions.

    Ummm... being repulsed by a certain food, kind of food, or (in the case of fast food) a manufactured and engineered food product isn't a choice. We don't choose what to be repulsed by, we just are. There is nothing irrational about the suggestion that fast foods aren't healthful and nutritious dietary choices. Nor is it unrealistic imagine a functional, sustainable diet exclusionary of fast foods. If you want to eat fast food, fine – it's your body, do what you want with it. But others are perfectly in their own rights to eschew fast foods.
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
    This is getting silly.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    This is getting silly.


    you're obviously right though. haha
  • lburnisky
    You are not alone. I can't stand the smell of the stuff. It makes me physically ill when I smell it. Now five years ago I would have said something completely different but since starting my journey to the new me, I have trained myself to associate the fast food with a negativity.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Yes, you are the only one repulsed by fast food in a world of over seven billion people, the ONLY one.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    Of course you aren't the only one. I am not repulsed by fast food. Maybe it's because I understand that there are options other than greasy cheese burgers and fries (or whatever other high cal item). I don't see anything wrong with my grilled chicken and baked potato (with butter) I get at wendys. I prepare similar meals at home and other than sodium there really isn't much difference. Moderation is key in my book and for people that are repulsed by fast food...well, don't eat it LOL!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,024 Member
    Lots of people taste buds are culinarily challenged, no doubt about it.:wink:
  • runner2runner
    runner2runner Posts: 1,937 Member
    You're definitely not the only one. Fast make me sick, literally. I remember last year when I was really hungry and the closest place at the time was a McDonalds restaurant. I went in and had a burger and chips (fries) and I felt physically sick afterwards. It was the most horrible feeling. Since then I haven't touched fast foods again.
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    I think McD's is disgusting. The only thing I'll get there (if I'm desperate...I work nights and there's only so many options if I didn't make it around to grocery shopping) is smoothies, coffee (fat free, no whip) or salads.

    I love BK, but haven't had anything but a breakfast muffin there in years.

    Taco Bell...yum. lol