30 Day Shred 7/13 to 8/13



  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I tried it tonight - it's a good workout. I like the way she mixes up the various kinds of exercise and keeps you moving. I used 2 lb wts tonight - I don't have 3 lbs, so it will be a big jump to 5 lb weights. Good luck everyone!
  • Like others, I have had the dvd but cannot get motivated to do it in the morning. I'm so starting tomorrow with you guys! Its time to banish the belly fat!
  • 01698lily
    01698lily Posts: 3
    I'm going to buy the 30 day shred at walmart tomorrow - then I'll join!
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I started the 30 Day Shred, but it will take me 60 days to finish. I do it every other day. I know the results will not be as much, but I need the rest day. I do the elliptical everyday now, too.
  • I finally got the weights to go with it...I'm definitely in!
  • amandal15
    amandal15 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm in! My husband is doing it with me. Starting tonight! Woohoo!

    For those who have already done it before, how do you log it into mfp?
  • FaithfullFit
    FaithfullFit Posts: 40 Member
    first day done 29 to go yay!!!
  • alimassa
    alimassa Posts: 275
    What is it under in exercise so we can log it ?? Any one, any one, Buler, Buler.... :laugh:

  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    Hi fellow shredders!

    I log it as circuit training -general.

    I'm on Day 3 of level 3 and LOVE the results I've seen from doing the shred. I swear I see changes in my body everyday I keep at it. It's really motivating!

    One tip - the knee circles in the warm-up for level 1 and 3 can be bad for your knees. I substituted the neck circles from level 2. If you start to feel some pain in your knees, I suggest you do the same.

    Good luck to everyone starting the shred!!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I have been trying to get started on this for the past few weeks. I would love to get started today!
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Yay! I pulled gluteus maxiumus out of bed this morning and did the Shred! I feel great! I logged it in as Calisthenics, vigiorous for 20 min. How is everyone else logging it? I know that you get the same calories burned if you log it as Strength Training. Are you logging 20 min or 30? I was wondering how to account for the stretching? Hmmm... this is my 4th go at this workout and I love it. I did all 3 levels, 3 times now starting the 4th! Whoo Hoo!
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    Wow! 1 day down, 29 to go. Who would have ever thought that jumping jacks and jump rope so be intense? lol. Looking forward to tomorrow.
  • i'm in! every time i start the shred i never end up finishing it and stop after about 3 days. but this time i think i am motivated enough to really stick with it! because for one thing, i'm curious to see what kind of results i can get, and also i really want to work on getting nice and toned :] good luck everyone!
  • jlallen
    jlallen Posts: 42 Member
    I started yesterday and LOVE it!!! I am a little sore today though :). Can't wait to hit it again!!
  • val09
    val09 Posts: 14 Member
    Count me in. I've started the shed a couple of times before and have only stuck ad
    It for a couple of days. I'm hoping that I'm motivated enough to stick at it for the next 30 days. Also I'm planning to do my training first thing in the morning. Good luck to us all!
  • brwneyes71
    brwneyes71 Posts: 89 Member
    first day done 29 to go yay!!!

    Day 1 down!!!! That Jillian is no joke with her circuit training. But I am in it till the end. I am looking forward to seeing the lbs drop off. Good luck everyone. 29 more to go...

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  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Day 1 is done :) wohooooooo I also agree that her video is great because it changes up from strength, to cardio to abs than back again and again.

    Boy was I sweating when I was done!! WoW! Right at the beginning I was already hurtin lol my poor arms are sooo weak lol I can just imagine how sore they will be tomorrow.

    I have a question for everyone who is doing the shred... are you doing any other exercise/work outs while you are doin this. Today I did 30 minutes on the treadmill as well as the shred. I will most likely be doing other stuff along with it.

    I am logging it as 20 minutes of circuit training which I believe it came out to 175 calories burned
  • Started yesterday and woo wee am i sore. Still gotta keep on keepin on. Cant wait to see some results. Good luck to all.. :)
  • I log it under Circuit Training.
  • Last night made my second night of the Shred. I started on July 10th but too the 11th off because my legs had just gotten way to sore and I have two year old twins to run after, I didn't want to over do it by doing a second night in a row. However, I did continue with it last night and found it a little easier to do however I was so tired from cleaning house all evening that I don't feel I put my all into it. Tonight I will continue doing it since I am not really that sore anymore. I think working thru what pain I had left last night really helped, that and I made sure I stretched property this time.

    I am not seeing the pounds drop off yet. As a matter of fact I was loosing more weight BEFORE I started doing the Shred. However, I think that is because the Shred builds muscle and alot of people have been saying that they didn't loose really that much weight while they were doing it but they did loose alot of inches. Either way is fine with me, but I need to quite weighing myself everyday because when I don't see those numbers go down I start being hard on myself, regardless of the fact that I can see a difference in my clothes and other people tell me that they can tell I have lost alot of weight.

    I also do my stationary bike with the Shred so I am not only doing the Shred. I usually make sure I burn at least 200 calories on my bike along with doing the Shred, most of the time I burn about 400 to 500 additional calories on my bike in addition to doing the Shred but I do make sure I am doing a minimum 200 on my bike. I also walk about two miles three days a week. I would recommend that you do some other exercises besides the Shred if you want to loose pounds instead of mostly just inches.

    Tonight will make night #3 for me on level 1. I am starting out at such a high weight that it may take me all 30 days to get used to level 1 (starting out at 308 pounds) that is alot of weight to sling around..lol....but if it does, I am ok with that. The whole point of me doing this is to get healthier, get moving and feel better about myself. Good luck to everyone else!
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