

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello all,

    I'm back AGAIN, It's been a tough year and took myself away from taking care of me. Now it's time again. Love all my friends that are still here!

    I'm looking for help on what to eat. I am borderline diabetic now. My Mom who passed in 2010 was taken away from me because of this disease I don't want that happen to me. I have more health problems now but just getting healthy will help.

  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Hi, I have been trying to join this group but there is no tag to hit to join..that I can find.:frown: .are you taking any new people on in this group..If I can join tell me how?

    Thanks, Liz :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Running late this morning so I won't try to reply right now:grumble: . Plus I'm on I'm iPad and it's a challenge on here:angry: to post!
    I'm thinking about you all, sending good thoughts out to everyone!!!

    Have a fantastic day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny NC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Barbie – you are sooooo right, I’ve gotten incredible input/advice this day! I am going to return to keeping a gratitude journal, I remember when I first did so I found my attitude improved immeasurably ! How nice you and DH are working on the garden together :flowerforyou:

    Sue in TX – Glad you had such a nice trip!!!

    Katla – how nice you have a “souvenir” plant for your garden! Ongoing reminder of health and wellness, rebirth and growth!

    Renny – what an important NSV – learning to slow down and recognize the milestones along the way! Awesome

    Jmkmomm – HUGS to you for your insight and wise words. It is true each of us must find our own path. No kids in my life, so the decisions effect fewer. :smile:

    Meg – You are a wise and strong woman, thank you much for your supportive words!

    Rori – Thanks a ton for the PERFECT affirmation. I will apply it this and each day

    Michele – thank you for the tissue!!!!! :wink:

    LizPlus – You just joined by posting (and welcome). Now anytime you want to come back to read and share just go the top of any page to “Community” and the go to “My Topics” and you’ll find the forum. Be sure to note anytime the total messages hit 500 because then another thread will begin (link to it on the last message of each thread thanks to Barbie who keeps us all on track).

    Brooke from Colorado

    “The only difference between fear and excitement is your attitude about it.”
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Liz Plus, other newbies and various lurkers: Welcome to the virtual kitchen table! We are very active talkers and you 'join' by posting. The thread will then appear in your 'My Topics' and you just have to click on the latest post they show to find us again.

    When we get to 500 posts in a thread and it locks, Barbie sets up a new one and you can link to the new one from the end of the old one. You’ll see this at the end of the old one:

    < continued at this topic >
    < last part of this topic is here >

    Click on the link for ‘continued’ and it will take you to the new thread.

    To those struggling with current or on-going circumstances, sending prayers for each of you. The lyrics of a song I know seem appropriate: When today seems so uncertain, when we cannot find our way, make us thankful for the unseen, unknown, blessings on their way.

    Ended up at work until after 9p last night, so no exercise yesterday except for the short bits back and forth in the office. It was prepaid penance for taking a couple of days off, I suppose. We’re going to my nephew’s wedding this weekend. It will be so good to see extended family on a joyous occasion!

    Many things to do before the airport, but will try to keep up here and there. I know I will need some down time from the activities. We’re planning extra security time at the airport given the Boston situation.

    Everyone have a good weekend.
    Gail, metro ATL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele in NC, Meg, Rori, and others who are interested in Oriental medicine and/or MS:

    Health is an interesting puzzle. I have a hiatial (sp?) hernia when requires daily medication with its own set of side effects and you can believe I take the medicine and work on the side effects with supplements to combat their “dark side.” I also ALWAYS get my flu shot as early in the season as I can. My DPT and other immunizations are up to date. Western medicine is pretty good at disease prevention. That said, I also try to live a healthy life as much as possible. When I realized my weight was responsible for the pain in my knees, I decided to do something about it. Luckily I found MFP and all of you to help me along. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I didn’t know much about Chinese medicine until DH was diagnosed with MS, even though my cousin has long been an acupuncturist and herbalist. The treatment options DH was offered by the neurologist who diagnosed his condition consisted of some anti-spasm pills and the sage words that it will keep getting worse forever.:grumble: Then he grudgingly offered shots which cost thousands, make you sick, and “probably won’t help but you can try.” :noway: We turned to my cousin for advice and she referred DH to a highly respected Doctor of Oriental Medicine in our area. (My cousin lives in another state.) The woman has been a godsend and is more highly trained and skilled than someone who simply does acupuncture. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    With MS, the body attacks it’s own nervous system and causes damage. DH has some difficulty with balance and walking. He has good days and bad days, and sometimes an uncomfortable level of pain. He will soon begin seeing a neurologist who specializes in MS. We don’t know what to expect from this. They may have some forms of treatment that he is willing to endure. We’ll just have to see.:ohwell:

    The Chinese treatments that DH gets work to improve his symptoms. They include acupuncture, herbs and gua sha, a form of massage that uses a tool to scrape at the surface of the body. All of these treatments help him minimize his symptoms. Although they do not combat the underlying disease, they have greatly improved his quality of life. He feels better, moves more easily and gets more enjoyment out of life.:love::flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon, who is grateful for Oriental medicine.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Its raining - again. Part of our town is flooded and school was cancelled. I actually have a light work day and wanted to run some errands but the roads I need to take have high standing water. They say it will get warm today (in the 70's) but it's only 51 right now. The are forecasting snow showers for tomorrow morning. Ughhhhh :sad:

    I'm doing chores around the house instead. I'm washing all my winter sweaters - maybe that will bring on spring. I felt tired this morning so decided to forego a workout - it's been 1 1/2 weeks since I've taken a rest day. I think I'm getting a mini workout lugging clothes up and down 2 flights of stairs though :laugh:

    Welcome to all the newbies

    Congrats to all those with NSV and SV (Sue - just 1 lb on a cruise - very impressive!)

    Sending out hugs to all who are struggling and virtual chicken soup to those who are not feeling well :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone has a great day

    Jodios :smile: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am home today (without pay:explode: ). I asked if I could work from home and was told no. They said it was my choice to take a day without pay or come in anyway. :noway: Um...., Strep is contagious. I was told by my doctor to stay away for 24 hours until the antibiotic had taken affect. So, as much as it will hurt my paycheck:sad: I did the 'right" thing and stayed home. I just don't understand the philosophy with today's computing capabilities. (And everywhere else I have worked in this company has had no problem with the occassional virtual day, only this stupid job I have now has the issue with it:grumble: )

    Okay, so I cringe everytime I see my profile. It is definately motivation but it is also hard to look at. I wish I had a shape. I have always had a boyish shape. No waist at all. :ohwell: Even when I am mostly muscle (my Body fat in that pic was 25%)

    I hope everyone is hanging in there. Because I will survive!!!!!!!

    Robin (who got extra cuddles from Bodi and Ritter this morning,:laugh: )
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies!:smile:

    We survived the heavy rains!!:happy: Even though I got no sleep and it was very nerve wracking, I'm very happy to report the creek by us filled up close to the top but did not overflow!! Just a little seepage in the basement, way less than I thought we'd have. I do count my wonderful neighbors among my blessings since we all try and support each other and our neighborhood association really comes together as well. As a matter of fact, we have a meeting tonight and although it will be stressful, we do work together to communicate with the city for finding solutions.

    Thanks to all who offered kind words of support and validated my feelings regarding my stepdaughter's engagement announcement! Happily the only stress eating I did yesterday was a few bites of DH's chocolate bunny leftover from Easter. Luckily, there was no other junk food in the house!! After I get a nap in, I will get in some exercise today!! I can break through this plateau I'm on because I know I'm not alone! I could feel the heaviness of depression sinking in the last few days but I thank God for all of you here and am striving to stay positive. Even set up a job interview for next week.

    Wessecg- I have been keeping Jackson in my prayers and am very happy for you and his loved ones that he is making such

    Carol- Thank you for sharing your words with us re:what you remind yourself daily! I too give thanks daily for the blessings I do

    Katla- My older sister has MS and my aunt (who has passéd on many yrs ago) had MS, so I understand the challenges your DH
    faces daily! I'm so glad you have discovered the Oriental medicine to help him get some relief!:flowerforyou:

    Jodios- Sounds like you are having the same weather that I am right now. Stay safe!

    Robin- Hope you feel better soon! Isn't it nice to get extra cuddles from our furry babies?:smile: I love your picture and would kill
    for those muscles esp. your arms! Mine are so flabby right now I won't wear anything with short sleeves! Nothing to
    cringe about but I know we can be very hard on ourselves sometimes!

    Keeping all of you in my thoughts and sending good karma your way!

    Kathy:drinker: (Kathyzoo that is, see we have another Kathy here as well :smile:
  • grandma111962
    grandma111962 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Have you got room for one more?

    I live in West London, with husband; our babies have all grown up and flown the nest now. I have been really ill over the last few months, but must be feeling better because I am here!

    I need to lose weight, get fitter, and get myself a life; thought this would be a really good place to start!

    I have 3 children, the oldest is 29, married to hubby in RAF (currently out in Afghanistan), with 2 children; they actually spent some time in Las Vegas a couple of years ago for a year, son in law was working with American AF on a project put in the desert!

    Next one is a son, he is 25, has high functioning Autism, but lives independently. Tragically, his 5 yr old son died at the end of March following a catastrophic infection.

    The baby is only 18, but has been married since she was 16. Sadly, she is terminally ill and blaming me (she has a genetic condition called EDS Type 4, but also has overlaps on types 1,2,3,5,6. She also has Total Autonomic Failure. She inherited the gene from me. The one positive is that she is happy with her (much older), husband, a state musician in the Army.

    I have found life very difficult to manage, and have recently suffered s number of strokes too, so am somewhat fragile emotionally. I am also gaining weight by the day! In part because I enjoy my food, but also because my bottom has been firmly glued to the sofa for months, and finally because the meds I am taking are known for making people gain weight.

    I have this week started to go for little walks in the park where we live but I struggle to go out alone (I know, stupid, was never a problem before)!

    Anyway, that's me!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Welcome grandma 111962:flowerforyou: We always have room for one more! Thanks for sharing your background with us! Good
    for you getting out to the park! This is a great thread to come to for encouragement!
  • luvbuttons
    You did it. Now wasn't that easy? Sharon from Michigan

    Hi, I have been trying to join this group but there is no tag to hit to join..that I can find.:frown: .are you taking any new people on in this group..If I can join tell me how?

    Thanks, Liz :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, I have had MS since 1997 and have been on Avonex since then. Although I have had two relapses since then my MRIs have looked the same. Yes, the shots are expensive but we budget for them. All of the drug companies offer financial assistance programs. I am on disability now and with my Medicare D the price goes down drastically once I am in the catastrophic stage which comes pretty early in the year. I belong to an MS forum and there are other members there that use herbs and acupuncture
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    didnt get to the gym today,because the DH took my car because his car had a bolt in the tire, so guess who had to take it to the garage?Moi! well I did that this afternoon after doing 2 loads of laundry, and mowing the lawn, did the riding mower and push mower, and burned a few calories that way.. I dont mind doing the lawn.. got a couple of cute pics of the DGD in her bathing suit running around in the sprinkler lol,it is 84 out in Ohio:noway:
    got stuff made for taco's used meatless stuff, hope it tastes good. haven't eaten alot today so guess that's good, and I felt like a diet soda today, so I bought some, havent had in 3 months or so,it tastes good, but actually I am preferring water now.:wink:
    well will be back later, hope all is well with everyone...:flowerforyou:
  • LoraFord
    LoraFord Posts: 5
    Good afternoon all:smile:

    Just checking in.

    Not feeling very well today. I seem to have some stomach thing:sick: Hoping it only sticks around for the day.

    The weather yesterday was sooo perfect. Today it's back to grey and cloudy, tomorrow rain:ohwell: Definitely feel for those of you still dealing with snow. Eventually the warm weather will be here to stay:glasses:

    Today was weigh in day- :happy: :happy: down 2.5 lbs:happy: :happy:
    Seems like what I am doing is working! It is so great too because my DH is right there with me (and losing as well). It makes it so much easier to do it together!

    Welcome to all the new ladies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I just found this thread last month and enjoy taking part. There is much motivation here!

    :heart: To those of you with struggles right now my heart goes out to you:heart: You will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

    Congratulations to those who have achieved SV and NSV:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Great job!

    Wherever you are, have a wonderful evening!

    Lora in NYC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Quick note: With all the worry about people from our running club, I forgot my own cousin who runs Boston as does his wife He is a school principal and avid runner; we are just a month apart in age. Spoke with his mother today.......they skipped it this year for the first time in five years.

    Attended a nice luncheon today for one of our exercise group who is moving away to Florida. I made a spinach salad; the little bit that was left was kept by the hostess for her husband's dinner, so I guess it was liked.

    Brooke : hope you have regained your balance and found some peace

    Exermom and Dee Dee: I'm in shorts too, for the first time this spring!!!!

    Cityjane: Turkey Burgers sound delish---have some ground breast in the fridge......and spinach. Enjoy Paris!

    Barbie: admire your 1hr. in the yard; I really need a goal like that. Never line danced but used to do folk dance every Friday evening; more difficult now with my dau. at college, plus it's been moved to a questionable part of town

    Had a new low on the scale today which means I'm 10 lbs. from goal!!!!!

    New people----welcome............

    Yanniejannie...........mid-Atlantic, sunny mid 70's (FINALLY!!!!!)
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Gail – Thanks for the song lyrics! Hope you have safe and uneventful travels, and a wonderful reunion with family and friends at the wedding

    Jodi – You are getting a great workout from the laundry/stair climbing, it all counts! Hope your clean sweaters = Spring arriving (and sticking around)

    Robin – Wow, sorry you’re dealing with such BS but you’re doing the right thing for your co-workers by staying home while contagious. Glad you got the extra “fur-kid love” from Bodi and Ritter, know that helps me when I’m feeling blue and/or sick

    Kathyszoo – How wonderful to hear the flooding has managed to pass you by. Good for you too for only having a bit of a bunny in response to the stress. Good luck on your job interview (fingers and toes crossed that if you want it you get it)

    Grandma111962 – Welcome, please check in here often for support and wisdom from other ladies on their health journeys. Based on what you’ve described it’s understandable that the stress has taken its toll, but how great for you that you recognize its effects and are doing things to turn your health around. Little walks will turn into bigger and bigger walks, you’re starting and that’s what’s important! Logging your food and exercise will be enormously helpful as well

    LoraFord – Hoping your stomach bug is gone by the time you read this! How nice that the scale is being kind to you (and DH), keep up the good work

    YannieJannie – What a blessing your cousin and his wife are safe and sound. Thank you for your kind words, each day is/will be better! Congrats on your scale victory – look forward to when I’m 10 pounds from goal like you

    :ohwell: To all who are (or could be) in shorts today, I say “No Fair!!!!”:sad: It’s a balmy 28 degrees right now, wish Ma Nature could make up her mind :huh:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “If you are going to doubt something, doubt your limits.”
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    well I got a good scolding for the taco fiasco.. cant make it with that again:blushing: well hey I tried... I dont feel like turning on the tv it gets way to depressing, so I have the radio on, we have an ecuminical station here in Ct, that is just wonderful.. It plays everything from frank sinatra,tony bennet,Doris Day to the Beatles,and tidbits of wisdom, it has a live stream if any of you are interested, it is WJMJ -88.9 here in Ct. but look it up and try it out, it truly is a relaxing station, and my boys just love it:happy:
    supposed to get a little rain overnight through 9 am tomorrow and then should be ok for the weekend,
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Laura I think your bug has made its way to Indiana. No more diarrhea today but the stomach is still churning and just feels awful. I am also really cold. I know I have to eat, just not sure what. I did enjoy shredded wheat yesterday. I may try that.

    Welcome to our newcomers, just join in with what you can. There are lots of ladies here that seem to personally respond to each one of the posts. I admire them for that, just that I can't do it. With time I am gradually learning about the different women here. We are all a wonderful gift to each other

    Joyce from stormy southern Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla, I have had MS since 1997 and have been on Avonex since then. Although I have had two relapses since then my MRIs have looked the same. Yes, the shots are expensive but we budget for them. All of the drug companies offer financial assistance programs. I am on disability now and with my Medicare D the price goes down drastically once I am in the catastrophic stage which comes pretty early in the year. I belong to an MS forum and there are other members there that use herbs and acupuncture

    Thanks for the details. I’ll share this with DH and perhaps it will help him make decisions with some level of background knowledge. I’m glad to hear that you’ve been so stable. I'm supportive of the shots but he has said no thus far. The new doctor is in a practice with a VERY good reputation. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    One of the things that worries DH is that he's heard the shots make a person feel like they have the flu for several days. Do you experience this? Do members of your forum?
