80/10/10--I'm doing it!



  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I thought the 80 would be protein. LOL.

    me too. that would've been a challenge fo sho!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,045 Member

    I see what you did there.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    You took everything I said completely out of context or maybe I just didn't word it right. Either way that's not what I meant. For me and the way I live, any raw diet, vegan diet, etc. is stupid. It wouldn't work for me. In regards to this 80/10/10 crap and yes its total crap, it wouldn't work for me and probably not anyone else. Maybe short term but not long term. There isn't evidence to back up the opinions that vegans and the like have on meat and/or animal products being bad. All animal products have health benefits and that's a fact proven time & time again. Sure there are ridiculous studies that come out from time to time but its that way with anything. Since the beginning of time, people have ate meat. Maybe not everyone but the majority and we've all did just fine.

    Okay, let's back up before we have a misunderstanding. I just posted a huge thing about why I think eggs are cruel and you said "veganism is stupid because I think so." You can see where I was coming from, right?

    I don't think animal products are bad for humans to eat. There's never been any solid evidence that it is, either. I will never promote veganism for health reasons, and if you're saying that you think veganism for health is stupid then I agree with you. Shake hands?

    80/10/10 works for some people for short periods of time. Lifestyle-wise, I could probably do it for a month or so. I'm not carb sensitive and raw fruits and veggies make me happy. Health-wise, it is not sustainable long-term and the only health benefit comes from increasing fruit/veggie consumption which is easy enough to do without being raw or eating 80/10/10.
    As for Paleo/Primal, there is science behind it. Science that I believe to be true. Besides that, a lot of it is common sense. I simply stated that I didn't CARE if the science was BS or true, I know what it does for me and I've seen what its done for others. You can't say paleo/primal eating is bad ... fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and meat are all good for you. Processed garbage isn't good for you and really there is no benefit to eating grains. Everything found in grains that could be beneficial can be found in a vegetable or something else. The only thing I disagree on with the Paleo approach is the cutting out of dairy which is why I'm primal. You can look at thousands of people who eat primal/paleo and see how healthy they are .. many share their blood test before & afters, pictures, talk about problems that have completely vanished .. Clearly there is a link. So even if the science is BS, the people I've came across/met have shared their experiences which are true.

    Primal/paleo can be bad for you if it's not done right. Many people assume that it's a low carb diet centered around mostly fatty cuts of meat and that could get unhealthy pretty quick.

    As for the science and reasoning you believe to be true, and your results and the before/after of many other people... the exact same things also be found in raw food circles. The benefits mostly come from increasing the number of foods in your diet that come from nutrient-dense sources, decreasing reliance on processed foods, and eating a calorie deficit to loose weight. If being paleo/primal (or raw vegan for a short period of time) helps you do that, that is fantastic, but you don't need to be paleo/primal for it to happen.
    Basically all I was trying to say was I didn't care if paleo/primal had no science, I'd still eat the way I do. Never said there wasn't science or that I didn't believe it. Veganism, raw foodism, etc. makes no sense (common sense wise) nor have i came across research that would support their (the people who follow it) beliefs. Also I never said I cared if people ate a specific way and I've never tried convincing someone to eat how I do so the whole "stop liking things i don't like" doesn't even come close to describing me or how I feel. I couldn't care less if a person eats nothing but cookies everyday but if asked, I'll tell them its stupid because that's MY opinion.

    Vegetarianism and veganism are ETHICAL philosophies, NOT diet philosophies. Because of things like raw "veganism" and no-meat fad diets, people get confused about this. Please don't lump them together.

    You're saying veganism is stupid and that's your opinion, but I think your opinion about veganism may be misinformed.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Consumption of animal products IS toxic. That is the ONLY place Cholesterol is found. And, what is the number one cause of death in the US right now? Heart disease. What causes heart disease, you ask? Cholesterol. :)

    This is the "lipid hypothesis". Dietary Cholesterol is not the same thing as blood cholesterol.

    This. I'm orthorexic and eat 25/50/25 (c/f/p)--strict primal. Nothing "unnatural" enters my body and I'm in perfect health,
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Mcbwhitney- Do you have any counterpoints, or did you just really really want to post that picture?

    It is a very funny picture, I completely understand.

    Nope. I'm good living my life rather than dictating to others what they should do in theirs. :drinker:

    p.s. That drink is animal blood. Enjoy.

    Please explain how providing my own reasoning for my own choices is the same as dictating what other people's choices should be?

    I will drink and enjoy your pretend animal blood, because no animals actually suffered for it. :drinker:
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Quote: Consumption of animal products IS toxic. That is the ONLY place Cholesterol is found. And, what is the number one cause of death in the US right now? Heart disease. What causes heart disease, you ask? Cholesterol. :)

    Wow, that's simplistic. I don't think heart disease is that simple. It has many underlying factors. Plus, the roles of cholesterol and saturated fat in heart disease are actually quite a hotly debated topic in the medical and scientific communities now.
  • rabies
    rabies Posts: 62
    Question: Are we talking percentage of mass or energy here?
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Question: Are we talking percentage of mass or energy here?

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,045 Member

    It's okay, we get how you feel. Breathe.

  • rabies
    rabies Posts: 62
    Question: Are we talking percentage of mass or energy here?


    I'd need to eat 6400kcal/day in order to get enough fat not to mess up my metabolism. Crazy bulk, but I suppose it could work...

  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    You took everything I said completely out of context or maybe I just didn't word it right. Either way that's not what I meant. For me and the way I live, any raw diet, vegan diet, etc. is stupid. It wouldn't work for me. In regards to this 80/10/10 crap and yes its total crap, it wouldn't work for me and probably not anyone else. Maybe short term but not long term. There isn't evidence to back up the opinions that vegans and the like have on meat and/or animal products being bad. All animal products have health benefits and that's a fact proven time & time again. Sure there are ridiculous studies that come out from time to time but its that way with anything. Since the beginning of time, people have ate meat. Maybe not everyone but the majority and we've all did just fine.

    Okay, let's back up before we have a misunderstanding. I just posted a huge thing about why I think eggs are cruel and you said "veganism is stupid because I think so." You can see where I was coming from, right?

    I don't think animal products are bad for humans to eat. There's never been any solid evidence that it is, either. I will never promote veganism for health reasons, and if you're saying that you think veganism for health is stupid then I agree with you. Shake hands?

    80/10/10 works for some people for short periods of time. Lifestyle-wise, I could probably do it for a month or so. I'm not carb sensitive and raw fruits and veggies make me happy. Health-wise, it is not sustainable long-term and the only health benefit comes from increasing fruit/veggie consumption which is easy enough to do without being raw or eating 80/10/10.
    As for Paleo/Primal, there is science behind it. Science that I believe to be true. Besides that, a lot of it is common sense. I simply stated that I didn't CARE if the science was BS or true, I know what it does for me and I've seen what its done for others. You can't say paleo/primal eating is bad ... fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and meat are all good for you. Processed garbage isn't good for you and really there is no benefit to eating grains. Everything found in grains that could be beneficial can be found in a vegetable or something else. The only thing I disagree on with the Paleo approach is the cutting out of dairy which is why I'm primal. You can look at thousands of people who eat primal/paleo and see how healthy they are .. many share their blood test before & afters, pictures, talk about problems that have completely vanished .. Clearly there is a link. So even if the science is BS, the people I've came across/met have shared their experiences which are true.

    Primal/paleo can be bad for you if it's not done right. Many people assume that it's a low carb diet centered around mostly fatty cuts of meat and that could get unhealthy pretty quick.

    As for the science and reasoning you believe to be true, and your results and the before/after of many other people... the exact same things also be found in raw food circles. The benefits mostly come from increasing the number of foods in your diet that come from nutrient-dense sources, decreasing reliance on processed foods, and eating a calorie deficit to loose weight. If being paleo/primal (or raw vegan for a short period of time) helps you do that, that is fantastic, but you don't need to be paleo/primal for it to happen.
    Basically all I was trying to say was I didn't care if paleo/primal had no science, I'd still eat the way I do. Never said there wasn't science or that I didn't believe it. Veganism, raw foodism, etc. makes no sense (common sense wise) nor have i came across research that would support their (the people who follow it) beliefs. Also I never said I cared if people ate a specific way and I've never tried convincing someone to eat how I do so the whole "stop liking things i don't like" doesn't even come close to describing me or how I feel. I couldn't care less if a person eats nothing but cookies everyday but if asked, I'll tell them its stupid because that's MY opinion.

    Vegetarianism and veganism are ETHICAL philosophies, NOT diet philosophies. Because of things like raw "veganism" and no-meat fad diets, people get confused about this. Please don't lump them together.

    You're saying veganism is stupid and that's your opinion, but I think your opinion about veganism may be misinformed.

    I think we're basically going around in circles with each other with the same thoughts. Ok that's a little confusing, I suck at wording things. I pretty much agree with everything you're saying but when I write back, I'm having trouble wording things the right way. The only thing that I think we don't agree on is the science behind Primal/Paleo which is fine because not everyone is going to agree plus for every study that comes out saying one thing, there is always another right behind it saying the complete opposite. As for the last part about veganism & vegetarianism being ethical philosophies, I do understand that. I've came across people that believe its ethically wrong which I don't agree with, of course but I see why they do it and that's fine by me. There are also people that have texture issues with meat so they just don't eat it which I also understand. I don't eat meat fat because of texture issues so I guess I can sort of relate. My opinions are mostly in reference to people that use them for health and/or weight loss purposes. I just don't believe in taking meat and/or animal products out of your diet thinking you'll be healthier. I definitely don't think replacing meat for tofu or other soy based products is healthier/more effective for weight loss. So I think we're are kind of on the same page here.

    For the record, if you don't eat meat, I will think you're crazy but that isn't to say I won't like you still. :drinker:
    Sorry but ...........
    Bacon > vegetables :laugh:
  • rabies
    rabies Posts: 62
    You took everything I said completely out of context or maybe I just didn't word it right. Either way that's not what I meant. For me and the way I live, any raw diet, vegan diet, etc. is stupid. It wouldn't work for me. In regards to this 80/10/10 crap and yes its total crap, it wouldn't work for me and probably not anyone else. Maybe short term but not long term. There isn't evidence to back up the opinions that vegans and the like have on meat and/or animal products being bad. All animal products have health benefits and that's a fact proven time & time again. Sure there are ridiculous studies that come out from time to time but its that way with anything. Since the beginning of time, people have ate meat. Maybe not everyone but the majority and we've all did just fine.

    Okay, let's back up before we have a misunderstanding. I just posted a huge thing about why I think eggs are cruel and you said "veganism is stupid because I think so." You can see where I was coming from, right?

    I don't think animal products are bad for humans to eat. There's never been any solid evidence that it is, either. I will never promote veganism for health reasons, and if you're saying that you think veganism for health is stupid then I agree with you. Shake hands?

    80/10/10 works for some people for short periods of time. Lifestyle-wise, I could probably do it for a month or so. I'm not carb sensitive and raw fruits and veggies make me happy. Health-wise, it is not sustainable long-term and the only health benefit comes from increasing fruit/veggie consumption which is easy enough to do without being raw or eating 80/10/10.
    As for Paleo/Primal, there is science behind it. Science that I believe to be true. Besides that, a lot of it is common sense. I simply stated that I didn't CARE if the science was BS or true, I know what it does for me and I've seen what its done for others. You can't say paleo/primal eating is bad ... fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and meat are all good for you. Processed garbage isn't good for you and really there is no benefit to eating grains. Everything found in grains that could be beneficial can be found in a vegetable or something else. The only thing I disagree on with the Paleo approach is the cutting out of dairy which is why I'm primal. You can look at thousands of people who eat primal/paleo and see how healthy they are .. many share their blood test before & afters, pictures, talk about problems that have completely vanished .. Clearly there is a link. So even if the science is BS, the people I've came across/met have shared their experiences which are true.

    Primal/paleo can be bad for you if it's not done right. Many people assume that it's a low carb diet centered around mostly fatty cuts of meat and that could get unhealthy pretty quick.

    As for the science and reasoning you believe to be true, and your results and the before/after of many other people... the exact same things also be found in raw food circles. The benefits mostly come from increasing the number of foods in your diet that come from nutrient-dense sources, decreasing reliance on processed foods, and eating a calorie deficit to loose weight. If being paleo/primal (or raw vegan for a short period of time) helps you do that, that is fantastic, but you don't need to be paleo/primal for it to happen.
    Basically all I was trying to say was I didn't care if paleo/primal had no science, I'd still eat the way I do. Never said there wasn't science or that I didn't believe it. Veganism, raw foodism, etc. makes no sense (common sense wise) nor have i came across research that would support their (the people who follow it) beliefs. Also I never said I cared if people ate a specific way and I've never tried convincing someone to eat how I do so the whole "stop liking things i don't like" doesn't even come close to describing me or how I feel. I couldn't care less if a person eats nothing but cookies everyday but if asked, I'll tell them its stupid because that's MY opinion.

    Vegetarianism and veganism are ETHICAL philosophies, NOT diet philosophies. Because of things like raw "veganism" and no-meat fad diets, people get confused about this. Please don't lump them together.

    You're saying veganism is stupid and that's your opinion, but I think your opinion about veganism may be misinformed.

    I think we're basically going around in circles with each other with the same thoughts. Ok that's a little confusing, I suck at wording things. I pretty much agree with everything you're saying but when I write back, I'm having trouble wording things the right way. The only thing that I think we don't agree on is the science behind Primal/Paleo which is fine because not everyone is going to agree plus for every study that comes out saying one thing, there is always another right behind it saying the complete opposite. As for the last part about veganism & vegetarianism being ethical philosophies, I do understand that. I've came across people that believe its ethically wrong which I don't agree with, of course but I see why they do it and that's fine by me. There are also people that have texture issues with meat so they just don't eat it which I also understand. I don't eat meat fat because of texture issues so I guess I can sort of relate. My opinions are mostly in reference to people that use them for health and/or weight loss purposes. I just don't believe in taking meat and/or animal products out of your diet thinking you'll be healthier. I definitely don't think replacing meat for tofu or other soy based products is healthier/more effective for weight loss. So I think we're are kind of on the same page here.

    For the record, if you don't eat meat, I will think you're crazy but that isn't to say I won't like you still. :drinker:
    Sorry but ...........
    Bacon > vegetables :laugh:

    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Consumption of animal products IS toxic. That is the ONLY place Cholesterol is found. And, what is the number one cause of death in the US right now? Heart disease. What causes heart disease, you ask? Cholesterol. :)

    This is the "lipid hypothesis". Dietary Cholesterol is not the same thing as blood cholesterol.

    This. I'm orthorexic and eat 25/50/25 (c/f/p)--strict primal. Nothing "unnatural" enters my body and I'm in perfect health,

    Curious as to how you prevent pregnancy as all forms of contraceptives are out for you...?
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    80 carbs, 10 protein, 10 fat. Not what I'd call very balanced. I wouldn't get very far consuming 25 to 30 g's of protein a day.

    Generally, these diets are very high calorie so people can get their protein minimums.

    ...I still think it's a poor choice, though, the ideas behind it are based on really flimsy reasoning and bad interpretation of data. I put raw veganism right up there with WAPF and paleo in the hierarchy of ridiculous diet ideas but at least those diets are capable of providing a person with all the nutrition they need.
    Cholesterol, It's what cells need.

    Yeah, good thing our bodies synthesize it all by themselves and we don't need to eat it ever.

    But no, it's not "toxic."
    Vegans really are a weird cult.

    Not really. Most of us are just compassionate people who advocate for nonviolence. People who are doing plant-based diets or advocate for it for (misguided) health reasons seriously need to stop hijacking the word "vegan."

    You're comparing paleo to raw veganism?

    ^ That's what I'm saying ... I follow the Primal diet (close to Paleo). Honestly I don't even care if there is science or no science behind it ... I feel like a brand new person eating this way. The health benefits inside & out are incredible. But Primal/Paleo makes sense ... you don't really need science to tell you that in the paleolithic era they didn't eat bread, spaghetti, poptarts, etc.

    Raw veganism is just ridiculous, in my opinion. Mostly because the reasoning behind it makes absolutely no sense. I may take a little heat for this but I'll go as far as saying all vegan, vegetarian, raw, etc. diets are stupid in my eyes.

    Sorry but I'm glad I don't know you in real life. Vegan, vegetarian and raw are all stupid? Wow. Vegan, vegetarian and raw can all be extremely healthy diets.

    To me primal and paleo are not good choices. Sure, our ancestors ate that way but we have evolved. We don't HAVE to consume meat. Millions get by and are incredibly healthy without it. For some reason I get the impression from you that you think your way of eating is far superior to all others.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Question: Are we talking percentage of mass or energy here?


    I'd need to eat 6400kcal/day in order to get enough fat not to mess up my metabolism. Crazy bulk, but I suppose it could work...


    You can start by eating 32 oranges for breakfast.
  • rabies
    rabies Posts: 62
    Question: Are we talking percentage of mass or energy here?


    I'd need to eat 6400kcal/day in order to get enough fat not to mess up my metabolism. Crazy bulk, but I suppose it could work...


    You can start by eating 32 oranges for breakfast.

    Ouch, hello kidney stones!
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Ouch, hello kidney stones!

    Hello to kidney stones, goodbye to tooth enamel.

    Also I hope you've got a good supply of Tums handy.
  • rabies
    rabies Posts: 62
    You can start by eating 32 oranges for breakfast.
    Ouch, hello kidney stones!

    Hello to kidney stones, goodbye to tooth enamel.

    Also I hope you've got a good supply of Tums handy.

    I should be able to counter the acid by mixing them with a pound of sugar, right?
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    80 carbs, 10 protein, 10 fat. Not what I'd call very balanced. I wouldn't get very far consuming 25 to 30 g's of protein a day.

    Generally, these diets are very high calorie so people can get their protein minimums.

    ...I still think it's a poor choice, though, the ideas behind it are based on really flimsy reasoning and bad interpretation of data. I put raw veganism right up there with WAPF and paleo in the hierarchy of ridiculous diet ideas but at least those diets are capable of providing a person with all the nutrition they need.
    Cholesterol, It's what cells need.

    Yeah, good thing our bodies synthesize it all by themselves and we don't need to eat it ever.

    But no, it's not "toxic."
    Vegans really are a weird cult.

    Not really. Most of us are just compassionate people who advocate for nonviolence. People who are doing plant-based diets or advocate for it for (misguided) health reasons seriously need to stop hijacking the word "vegan."

    You're comparing paleo to raw veganism?

    ^ That's what I'm saying ... I follow the Primal diet (close to Paleo). Honestly I don't even care if there is science or no science behind it ... I feel like a brand new person eating this way. The health benefits inside & out are incredible. But Primal/Paleo makes sense ... you don't really need science to tell you that in the paleolithic era they didn't eat bread, spaghetti, poptarts, etc.

    Raw veganism is just ridiculous, in my opinion. Mostly because the reasoning behind it makes absolutely no sense. I may take a little heat for this but I'll go as far as saying all vegan, vegetarian, raw, etc. diets are stupid in my eyes.

    Sorry but I'm glad I don't know you in real life. Vegan, vegetarian and raw are all stupid? Wow. Vegan, vegetarian and raw can all be extremely healthy diets.

    To me primal and paleo are not good choices. Sure, our ancestors ate that way but we have evolved. We don't HAVE to consume meat. Millions get by and are incredibly healthy without it. For some reason I get the impression from you that you think your way of eating is far superior to all others.

    No we could just all consume fake "meat" made from soy which I don't believe to be particularly healthy. I eat meat because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to. I think you're trying to say that nobody should eat meat just because we don't have to. Good thing is I can do what I want to.

    & Yes I do believe if someone chooses to eat those ways for health reasons, its stupid. Restricting meat in hopes that you'll be more healthy or lose weight faster IS stupid and quite ignorant. If you read the rest of my posts, you'd see what I meant.

    Lastly, I don't believe my way of eating is superior to anyone actually. As I stated in a later post, I couldn't care less if someone lived entirely off cookies. If someone asks, I'll give my opinion but as far as thinking I'm better, not even close. However I do think my eating is better then people that eat nothing more then junk and I think I'm healthier then them, but that's actually a fact rather then an opinion so.
  • JustCallMeJaz
    JustCallMeJaz Posts: 29 Member
    These people are gonna look GREAT when all their hair falls out from lack of fat in their diets! Can't wait to see pics!

    Awesome!! LOL