
  • nonnicee
    nonnicee Posts: 38
    Hello ladies, thanks to those of you that sent missing you messages regarding my absence from the topic for a while. Life sometimes overtakes us and leaves us no time for things we want to be doing. I have been lax in recording my food. I hope to be able to get that going again in the next day or two. I am taking my new daughter-in-law and my granddaughter to the Women's Show in Nashville on Saturday. I am sure we will have a BLAST!!!

    I scanned a few of the posts...it seems there has been some joy, some illness, some good news and some turmoil. I trust everyone's life is on the upturn.

    All the best,

    Mary in TN
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, yes I did have some flu like symptoms the fist couple of weeks I was on the medicine but no longer am. And it is probably the most common symptom. Most of us take Aleve an hour before our shot. I take Avonex which is the weekly shot. As an RN which has some pretty heavy legs it did not bother me at all to take an intromuscular (IM) shot. Other people are scred to do it and prefer the smaller needle but I didn't want to take a shot either every other day or daily. I know that they have been developing some of the medicine in pill form but am not quite sure if FDA has approved them yet. I'm glad he has a very reputable doctor. With something like MS you have to have a good doctor that you have complete faith in and also a good family doctor that can help with all health issues. The forum I am on is called Neurotalk. It has many different neurological illnesses on it plus many of the issues that we deal with such as SSD, medicines, a place for us to chat. The MS forum is big enough that we actually have 2 forums, one for actual medical issues and then another for us to have fun and discuss anything we want to. It's called 'The stumble inn' and I feel like it is my home. They understand how every day issues affect us, just like this one here.

    Joyce in DRY!!!! southern Indiana
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been reading all day and only got to page 12 so thought I'd stop for tonight and write a few lines. It's fun to read of all the adventures, and issues everyone is facing. It does make you feel like you're not the only one who is struggling with this journey.
    Barbie - I love when you share because you've been there done that. Keep on sharing with us.
    Meg - I can feel your stress in your posts. Hope things slow down soon so you can enjoy your life. Teenagers can be a bother but they do grow up eventually!
    Someone ask about finding the thread on the Iphone. If you go to Safari and search MyFitnessPal, the page will come up. You can click on community and when it comes up search for the Women ages 50+ April part 2 and you'll find the thread. I'd forgotten you can do that but tried it this afternoon and it worked.
    Eileen - so sorry for your loss. That is a lovely picture of you and your Mom.

    Ok, I didn't take notes on those 12 pages but I'm trying to get current. Will continue to read until I catch up.
    Have a great evening.
    Sue in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Sue in TX - great only gaining one pound on your vacation. Bet a lot of that is because of all the walking you did.

    cityjane - you are so right, friends ARE important and we have the rest of our lives to watch calories.

    Did an hour of the Jari Love Ripped and Chiseled DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning that I'll do some HIIT on the elliptical and then some speed intervals on the treadmill.

    kathy - welcome back! You've been missed

    LizPlus - you're more than welcome to join. Actually, I believe I recognize your name and you are already a member. Just click on the group's name under the tab "my topics" and you'll get right here. Follow Brook's advice when we get to 500 post (which happens almost every month)

    katla - thanks for more info about alternative med/your hubby. I especially like in that it doesn't cure the disease, it improves his quality of life. Quality of life is so very important, I really believe that. Can't help thinking about my father. When he was told he should go on dialysis his comment was "what, so you can give me 6 more months from pain from my arthritis? Look, I'm 80, when God wants me, He'll take me -- dialysis or no dialysis. And if God doesn't want me -- I'm not going" Sure, his kidneys shut down eventually, but he had a good 3 years before that happened.

    Robin - I'm proud of you for taking the day off even tho it meant no pay. I honestly don't understand how people can go in to work when they are sick and get others sick. Love your survival attitude. What I wouldn't do for flat abs like yours

    grandma111962 - welcome. Thank you for being so open about yourself. I feel like I know you a little bit better now.

    Lora in NYC - hope you feel better fast.

    yanniejannie - how lucky that your cousin skipped the Boston this year! Woohoo on your low and being so close to goal!

    Spent all day working on starting to clean up the pool. Does it ever look yukky! I started out by first finishing scrubbing the deck, the helped Vince with the pool. I didn't think I'd be outside that long or that the sun would be that bright, so I didn't wear any sunscreen. Now I know that whenever I go outside, I must put on the sunscreen. Maybe I'll need to buy more???? Decided to have this guy build a pergola for us. His price was pretty reasonable. Tomorrow I'll exercise and then if it's raining, I'll go to mahjongg, if not then I'll work on the pool.

    Mary in TN - have fun at the show

    Everyone, have a great evening

    Michele in NC
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    @ Renny: I loved your message, "Crying isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of having tried too hard to be strong for too long.” I haven't cried in a long time and the day after the bombings in Boston, I cried like a baby. This saying hit home with me because I feel that sometimes I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. My immediate family believes that I am the strong one of them all. Little do they know that I can cry at the drop of a hat but mostly I keep it all in to show strength which has led me down this path of weight gain. Now that I am retired and far removed, I am able to concentrate more on me. Sometimes I feel guilty for indulging on myself but somehow I am feeling good about myself. Am I a terrible person for feeling this way?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: This has been another fabulous day with dog walking, line dance class in the morning, and line dance performance practice in the afternoon.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Kathy (plantlady), I am beside myself with joy to see you again…..please don’t ever go away again.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for April (with mid-month comments)
    *work in the yard about an hour a day (most days but not as much as an hour)
    *finish writing my “important information” document (making very good progress)
    *answer the two e mails I have been putting off (haven’t even started)
    *be more mindful about interrupting (doing better all the time)
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    @cityjanelondo: I am so jealous ... just kidding. Enjoy yourself in Paris.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Another day when I'm playing catch up :ohwell: I've read all the posts and sending good wishes to everyone, Kathy Plantlady welcome back :flowerforyou:

    :noway: Wish me luck today, we are having a "team building" day (don't you just hate those and think they are a waste of time!) and we are all bringing in bits for lunch - sausage rolls etc and other snacky foods - and then all going for an Italian meal early evening. I know today is going to be quite calorific, but I will try to eat carefully. It's going to be hard :ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: No gonzamm you are not a bad person - we all need to think of ourselves a little more.

    Best get a move on - don't want to be late today!

    I will try and get back tonight - honest - I know I keep saying that but I've been so tired when I get home that I've crashed out in front on the TV :embarassed: Wish I could get some get up and go :bigsmile:

    Have a good Friday :heart: :heart:

    Viv York UK ( warming up a bit - but still no sunshine)
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Viv: Good luck on your team building!! What kind of job do you have?:smile:

    Michelle: Had to smile on your last comment to me! Yes, Fayrouz does shine brighter in the picture of the two of us. She is the shining star of any picture!:laugh:

    Gonzamm: I enjoy your sense of humor!:laugh:

    Mary: Lucky you to have your own pool! That would be wonderful!:tongue:

    Brooke: HUGS and Hope that life is looking up for you! :smile:

    Everyone else: HAVE A SUPER DAY. I love the week ends and it is going to be nice to have two days off!

    Phyllis in Egypt
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    morning ladies,
    well this will be another day no gym,used muscles yesterday i forgot i had, and my heel is hurtin:grumble: well so glad to see some friends that have been away, hope you enjoyed your vacation's and busy lives.but alway's good t hear from you..spent a bunch of the afternoon and I am still trying to figure out how to skype ...OY
    working today then off for the weekend...
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Sue :smile: Glad your back!!! How wonderful you climbed to the top of a Mayan temple, bet it was a beautiful sight! Congrats on only gaining 1 pound!!!

    Renny :smile: Balance is important in every aspect in life, it`s hard trying to find it at times.

    Marcia :smile: Good for your friend giving you the push you needed to remember your goals!

    Katla :smile: I have an acupuncturist, and she is wonderful! Several years ago my hands, arms, feet and legs started swelling and I went to 3 different Drs. they ran all the tests and everything came back fine, they gave me a fluid pill….I found Amy and in 2 months the swelling was completely gone (without having to take pills) and I`ve never had another problem. She also helped with my allergies, I still have them but not nearly as bad! I`m a huge believer in alt. medicine!!!

    Joyce :smile: You sound like a very strong lady!

    Meg :smile: I hope your schedule allows you to slow down soon!!!

    Rori :smile: Hope spring finds you soon and you will be wearing sandals soon! Poor kitty bouncing off the wall!

    Barbie :smile: I agree, if you`re moving you`re losing!!! You just have the best days, wish I lived closer, I would love to take a walk with you!

    Michele :smile: Looks like we could get storms today….and the temps are going to drop for the weekend, but still in the 60`s, nice springtime weather. I buy GS cookies from my granddaughter and donate them back to them to send to the troops overseas, I feel like I`m supporting my granddaughter and the troops and I`m not adding any calories for myself!

    Cityjane :smile: Have a great time on your trip to Paris! Glad to hear your hip is better after yoga!!!

    Kathy (plantlady) :smile: Welcome back!!! Hope you`ll pop in often!!!

    Brooke :smile: I love love love the quotes!!! 28 degrees…..brrrr…

    Gail :smile: Have a wonderful time at the wedding, I`m sure you`ll look fabulous!!!

    Jodios :smile: Hope washing all your winter sweaters will bring spring to you soon!!!

    Robin :smile: You look great in your profile pic! Hope you get to feeling better soon:flowerforyou: !!!

    Kathy :smile: Glad there was no flood!!! Good for you only having a bite of the chocolate rabbit!

    Grandma111962 :smile: Welcome! There`s always room for one more! Come in often and chat!!! You`ll find lots of support here!

    Grandmallie :smile: Sounds like you had a busy day! I bet it was fun watching DGD playing in the sprinkler!

    Lora :smile: Sure hope you`re feeling better today! Congrats on being 2.5 down, fantastic news!!!

    Yanniejannie :smile: Glad your cousin skipped the marathon this year! Congrats on the new low, only ten pounds to goal, I`ll be so glad when I can say that!!!

    Mary :smile: Have fun with your daughter in law and granddaughter this weekend!!!

    Gonzamm :smile: You are not a terrible person for feeling good and indulging on yourself! You need to take care of you in order to be there for others!

    Viv :smile: Have fun today with team building! If you find “get up and go” please send some my way!!!

    Phyllis :smile: Enjoy your two days off!!!

    Well…I`ve been on this computer way too long….
    I`ve got a few errands to do today and then it`s back to closet cleaning, I`m hoping I`ll have it all done by the end of April. It has been a little fun trying on all the clothes and having them hang on me, however my closet is starting to look bare….

    Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in maybe stormy later NC
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Another morning glued to the TV watching the unbelievable events outside of Boston unfold. If I didn't have to be in work, I'd probably still be watching. Just praying that they catch this guy alive so they can find out who was behind these terrorist attacks and see if there are others involved in the Boston bombings and/or future attacks. I can't wrap my mind around all of the violence in this world today. It is a scary world we live in. Something has to give! I fear for the future generations as these events are happening more and more. When I think of how innocent my childhood was, I cry for my grandchildren who don't have that privilege.

    Let us all pray for peace as stated by that innocent child who was killed at the Boston marathon.

    Lucy in DE.:brokenheart:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Thank you for the MS information. :love: I’ll pass it along to DH. A support group might be a very nice thing, if he’d actually participate.:smile:

    Gonzamm: Your words fit me pretty well, too. Retirement has allowed me to spend a little time taking care of myself, and has led me here. :smile: As to tears, I seldom allow myself to cry. :noway: I was trained from early childhood to hide that kind of emotion. My mom made it clear that I had to be the strong one. :ohwell: I don’t think you’re terrible at all. I think you’re healthy.:bigsmile:

    grandmallie: Do yourself a favor and stretch out those sore muscles while you’re resting. Yoga is great for that, but so is ordinary stretching.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I’m glad to know you’ve had such a good experience with acupuncture. I’m also a believer that western medicine is great for some things, but alternatives like acupuncture have an important place in health care. I love your Girl Scout cookie strategy!:flowerforyou:

    There is nothing on my calendar for today, and it is raining. :ohwell: I’m grateful that my trike is on the trainer in the garage, so I can get some exercise but I want to find something fun to do. Maybe I can talk some of the neighbors into a game of Mexican Train. (dominoes at a cut throat level) Michele plays regularly and I’ve always wondered how that got started.:smile::flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful and wet NW Oregon
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    So much for washing winter sweaters to bring on spring - it is snowing here - actually big white flakes sticking to the ground snowing. Add that to the flooding. what a mess.

    prayers going to Boston that they catch this guy

    Hopefully will be able to post more this weekend. Everyone have a great day Jodios
  • bump
  • sunnmuun
    sunnmuun Posts: 76 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    DeeDee thanks for your response that I sound like a very strong lady. When in fact I am a weak person that knows how to hide behind words. I rarely speak up against my husband. I am well to aware fo what happens to the walls in the house when he is angry. I know I should find out if my YMCA membership is current but know that it would be an unpleasant part of my day. Ia m to comfortable sitting on the couch from around 1 - 5 when it is time to eat then after supper till bedtime again. I hid much from my Mom, she died thinking I was strong.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Just wanted to pop in fast.Busy,busy.Bringing in boxes,change of address is done and utilites.
    Horrible flooding here.Roads closed.The town next to ours had to be evacuated.Rivers are high.
    Will catch up when I can.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Take care Jane:flowerforyou:

    Last night I vowed I was going to wake up feeling good, be bale to eat and take my nice walk. It started good:grumble: I ate a good lunch, we finished a movie then went for a walk. It's to cool to walk outside, well I could do it but my husband won't. So we went to the mall. After .6 miles I had to sit and rest. I can tell when my gate starts being pretty unsteady it is time to sit. So after awhile I got up to continue. I soon found out that .6 was going to be it for me. I was real light headed so I put my jacket on and sat down. Then I got that urge down below:noway: It's a long way to the bathroom. So I had better start walking cause it was going to be a slow walk. I wish I had brought my glasses along so I could have played solitaire in the bathroom. I just hate those tornado wind storm strength hand dryers in public bathrooms! When I was done then I had to find my husband. He had been trying to find me and was out in the car but I still had to walk a bit to determine that. So all in all my walk, bathroom adventure and then finding husband got me .9 miles in. Tomorrow will be better.:tongue::bigsmile:
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you ladies for the lovely comments; feeling better about myself.

    DeeDee: I am planning to clean out my closet over the weekend and am hoping I will be as estatic as you when trying on my spring/summer clothes ... LOL

    Katla: I haven't played dominoes in a long time. I used to play so much with my family and friends back home. I did find some here who plays but we just haven't met to have a game; will put it down on my bucket list ... LOL

    Phyllis in Egypt: Thanks for your thoughts. It was raining out here today and stayed in all day. So, what do I do ... cook and eat. Hopefully I didn't overdo it today.

    Carry on ladies, talk to you soon .. same time, same channel.