This may sound evil, but....keeping it real.



  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    Don't have babies. It's not a requirement (although society would have you think so). Plenty of other folks out there breeding, no reason for you to do it if you don't want to.

    Many, many people are childfree.

    Breeding like we are cattle? I mean...really now? I commend people who know that having children is not for them but why the disrespectful term for something as beautiful as pregnancy/giving birth/child rearing. Thank goodness your Momma decided to be a breeder,eh? o_O

    Outrage duly noted. Breeders gonna breed, amirite?

    I have a kid, as it happens. I just don't think having kids is the big special payoff for being female. Don't want'em, don't breed'em.
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member

    Also, I am so glad you don't want children because the world would be even worse off than it is today if you reproduce.

    dramatic post is dramatic

    You hush! I wanted it to be dramatic! That's who I am.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member

    Also, I am so glad you don't want children because the world would be even worse off than it is today if you reproduce.

    dramatic post is dramatic

    You hush! I wanted it to be dramatic! That's who I am.

    lol..mission accomplished...carry on!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    They are worth it!! Worth every pound and every stretch mark.

    looking back to some comments, many are just uncalled for and the people making said comments that you shouldn't breed ( I hate that term) get your tubes tied, you should never have kids, blah blah blah, they need a high five to the face with a steel chair.

    That quote above, it's true. I was high risk. a history of miscarriages in the family, my high blood pressure, and just regular stress. I had to stop doing my aerobics, but I could walk. I gained 60 pounds, and had stretch marks for the first time ever. but, I did lose the weight. got down to 215 in about 6 months, but then work clashed with the gym, and here I am again.

    but, I cant imagine life without my buttercup. << see profile pic. if you're truly scared, go on birth control and do some research with doctors about working out. lots of water aerobics may be available.
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    They are worth it!! Worth every pound and every stretch mark.

    looking back to some comments, many are just uncalled for and the people making said comments that you shouldn't breed ( I hate that term) get your tubes tied, you should never have kids, blah blah blah, they need a high five to the face with a steel chair.

    That quote above, it's true. I was high risk. a history of miscarriages in the family, my high blood pressure, and just regular stress. I had to stop doing my aerobics, but I could walk. I gained 60 pounds, and had stretch marks for the first time ever. but, I did lose the weight. got down to 215 in about 6 months, but then work clashed with the gym, and here I am again.

    but, I cant imagine life without my buttercup. << see profile pic. if you're truly scared, go on birth control and do some research with doctors about working out. lots of water aerobics may be available.

    To be fair, I said if you don't want them, don't have them.

    Love your internet tough gal thing though. Aweseme. *highfive*
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    You know what, I like MFP. But funny thing about these message boards :say one thing someone doesn't like and this turns from a supportive community to a judgmental bash session. To everyone who has something negative to say about what I posted OPEN YOUR EYES...WHERE IN MY POST DID I SAY I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE CHILDREN BECAUSE OF MY BODY? I FULLY INTEND TO HAVE CHILDREN DESPITE EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE INCREDIBLE RISK DUE TO MY BRAIN CONDITION (YES I WOULD KNOWINGLY AND COMFORTABLY RISK MY LIFE TO HAVE A CHILD AND YET I MAKE ONE TRUTHFUL CONFESSION AND YOU ALL HAVE THE AUDACITY TO CALL ME SELFISH AND SAY I SHOULDN'T HAVE CHILDREN). I am simply acknowledging that possibly gaining the weight back sucks. PERIOD POINT BLANK. I was born with an incurable brain condition called Hydrocephalus and have had over 10 brain surgeries in 24 years. My boyfriend's father also had the same condition. If I were to post about being unsure if I should have kids, because there may be a chance that he/she will have the condition and suffer the same way I have...would you condemn me for that? I swear it's like folks sit on here and wait to see something they don't like and can't badger someone about. You folks really need to stop all this judgmental BS, because when it turns on u....and based on the way these message boards are.... at some point it will...u won't like it.
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    They are worth it!! Worth every pound and every stretch mark.

    looking back to some comments, many are just uncalled for and the people making said comments that you shouldn't breed ( I hate that term) get your tubes tied, you should never have kids, blah blah blah, they need a high five to the face with a steel chair.

    That quote above, it's true. I was high risk. a history of miscarriages in the family, my high blood pressure, and just regular stress. I had to stop doing my aerobics, but I could walk. I gained 60 pounds, and had stretch marks for the first time ever. but, I did lose the weight. got down to 215 in about 6 months, but then work clashed with the gym, and here I am again.

    but, I cant imagine life without my buttercup. << see profile pic. if you're truly scared, go on birth control and do some research with doctors about working out. lots of water aerobics may be available.

    Thank you for responding to the post without coming at me with a pitch fork and torch
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    Three kids within 4 years... I lost all the weight each time (and then some after my third). My abs look better now! I am told by some that they can't believe I have had children. Now, I think they are probably just being nice, but anyway.... TOTALLY worth it for me! :smile:
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    You know what, I like MFP. But funny thing about these message boards :say one thing someone doesn't like and this turns from a supportive community to a judgmental bash session. To everyone who has something negative to say about what I posted OPEN YOUR EYES...WHERE IN MY POST DID I SAY I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE CHILDREN BECAUSE OF MY BODY? I FULLY INTEND TO HAVE CHILDREN DESPITE EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE INCREDIBLE RISK DUE TO MY BRAIN CONDITION (YES I WOULD KNOWINGLY AND COMFORTABLY RISK MY LIFE TO HAVE A CHILD AND YET I MAKE ONE TRUTHFUL CONFESSION AND YOU ALL HAVE THE AUDACITY TO CALL ME SELFISH AND SAY I SHOULDN'T HAVE CHILDREN). I am simply acknowledging that possibly gaining the weight back sucks. PERIOD POINT BLANK. I was born with an incurable brain condition called Hydrocephalus and have had over 10 brain surgeries in 24 years. My boyfriend's father also had the same condition. If I were to post about being unsure if I should have kids, because there may be a chance that he/she will have the condition and suffer the same way I have...would you condemn me for that? I swear it's like folks sit on here and wait to see something they don't like and can't badger someone about. You folks really need to stop all this judgmental BS, because when it turns on u....and based on the way these message boards are.... at some point it will...u won't like it.
    Just ignore them they dont get it...and if I didnt say it enough already ...adopt. I am adopted that is why I keep saying it. :laugh:
    Best mom in the world only mom. Dont know wtf I am going to do when she is gone
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    You know what, I like MFP. But funny thing about these message boards :say one thing someone doesn't like and this turns from a supportive community to a judgmental bash session. To everyone who has something negative to say about what I posted OPEN YOUR EYES...WHERE IN MY POST DID I SAY I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE CHILDREN BECAUSE OF MY BODY? I FULLY INTEND TO HAVE CHILDREN DESPITE EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE INCREDIBLE RISK DUE TO MY BRAIN CONDITION (YES I WOULD KNOWINGLY AND COMFORTABLY RISK MY LIFE TO HAVE A CHILD AND YET I MAKE ONE TRUTHFUL CONFESSION AND YOU ALL HAVE THE AUDACITY TO CALL ME SELFISH AND SAY I SHOULDN'T HAVE CHILDREN). I am simply acknowledging that possibly gaining the weight back sucks. PERIOD POINT BLANK. I was born with an incurable brain condition called Hydrocephalus and have had over 10 brain surgeries in 24 years. My boyfriend's father also had the same condition. If I were to post about being unsure if I should have kids, because there may be a chance that he/she will have the condition and suffer the same way I have...would you condemn me for that? I swear it's like folks sit on here and wait to see something they don't like and can't badger someone about. You folks really need to stop all this judgmental BS, because when it turns on u....and based on the way these message boards are.... at some point it will...u won't like it.

    I guess, for me, the reason I'd be scared to have a kid wouldn't be for my body, or even for my life. I'd be terrified that I'd die during child birth, and leave that child without it's mother. As soon as I found out that having another child would kill me, I got my uterus taken out. It wouldn't be fair to my 2 children I already have, nor would it be fair to another baby, or their dad. It would be selfish of me to try to have a baby with that risk. <~~keeping it real.
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    You know what, I like MFP. But funny thing about these message boards :say one thing someone doesn't like and this turns from a supportive community to a judgmental bash session. To everyone who has something negative to say about what I posted OPEN YOUR EYES...WHERE IN MY POST DID I SAY I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE CHILDREN BECAUSE OF MY BODY? I FULLY INTEND TO HAVE CHILDREN DESPITE EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE INCREDIBLE RISK DUE TO MY BRAIN CONDITION (YES I WOULD KNOWINGLY AND COMFORTABLY RISK MY LIFE TO HAVE A CHILD AND YET I MAKE ONE TRUTHFUL CONFESSION AND YOU ALL HAVE THE AUDACITY TO CALL ME SELFISH AND SAY I SHOULDN'T HAVE CHILDREN). I am simply acknowledging that possibly gaining the weight back sucks. PERIOD POINT BLANK. I was born with an incurable brain condition called Hydrocephalus and have had over 10 brain surgeries in 24 years. My boyfriend's father also had the same condition. If I were to post about being unsure if I should have kids, because there may be a chance that he/she will have the condition and suffer the same way I have...would you condemn me for that? I swear it's like folks sit on here and wait to see something they don't like and can't badger someone about. You folks really need to stop all this judgmental BS, because when it turns on u....and based on the way these message boards are.... at some point it will...u won't like it.

    I guess, for me, the reason I'd be scared to have a kid wouldn't be for my body, or even for my life. I'd be terrified that I'd die during child birth, and leave that child without it's mother. As soon as I found out that having another child would kill me, I got my uterus taken out. It wouldn't be fair to my 2 children I already have, nor would it be fair to another baby, or their dad. It would be selfish of me to try to have a baby with that risk. <~~keeping it real.

    totally get it
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    They are worth it!! Worth every pound and every stretch mark.

    looking back to some comments, many are just uncalled for and the people making said comments that you shouldn't breed ( I hate that term) get your tubes tied, you should never have kids, blah blah blah, they need a high five to the face with a steel chair.

    That quote above, it's true. I was high risk. a history of miscarriages in the family, my high blood pressure, and just regular stress. I had to stop doing my aerobics, but I could walk. I gained 60 pounds, and had stretch marks for the first time ever. but, I did lose the weight. got down to 215 in about 6 months, but then work clashed with the gym, and here I am again.

    but, I cant imagine life without my buttercup. << see profile pic. if you're truly scared, go on birth control and do some research with doctors about working out. lots of water aerobics may be available.

    Thank you for responding to the post without coming at me with a pitch fork and torch

    You know I wasn't born with hydrocephalus but I did end up with it around 3 months old and ended up having shunts inserted. Do you still have on going complications from it? I had 2 kids and worked the entire time on my feet although I did end up with csections. My pregancies were very low key and uncomplicated. There is hope! :}
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    Better idea if you don't want to have a baby you can always adopt.
    There's plenty of orphans (babies/kids) out there that need homes and parents to care for them.
    That way you still have a child to take care of minus the child birth/gaining of weight.
    Amazing how no one thinks of me but me.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    I look better now than I did before I got pregnant with my son 20 years ago.

    With an attitude like yours.... please DO NOT have children. Go get your tubes tied & find a guy who can't have kids. PLEASE.

    Why are you such an angry person? The OP was just expressing her fear of gaining all the weight back after pregnancy. Think before you type. That just made you look miserable. That's not a good look.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm working really hard to get fit. By the time I get married and start thinking about having kids I will have gotten my goal body. So after all that work, I can't help but think how bad it would suck to have a baby and gain it all back plus some.

    This is the OP that you wrote. Am I missing the part about you being worried about your medical condition? Because all I'm seeing is *having kids vs having a goal body*. Don't be upset at people for correctly reading your own words.
  • kelmoseley
    kelmoseley Posts: 22 Member
    It's up to you. Your doctor will tell you basically if you worked out before you got pregnant then you can do it while you're pregnant. Don't allow yourself to gain more weight then that chart in the doctors office tells you a body should gain for a baby, for an average weight woman it was like 15 pounds. Don't gain excess weight and you'll be fine.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    It's up to you. Your doctor will tell you basically if you worked out before you got pregnant then you can do it while you're pregnant. Don't allow yourself to gain more weight then that chart in the doctors office tells you a body should gain for a baby, for an average weight woman it was like 15 pounds. Don't gain excess weight and you'll be fine.

    Avg weight woman is supposed to gain 25-30, not 15. Overweight women are generally encouraged to gain less, more like 15.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ... just don't say this to the scores of women out there who would kill to have their body "destroyed" by a healthy happy baby. Just keepin' it real...

    for realz
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    then watch what you eat. While you are eating for two, it doesnt mean literally eat for two adults. Exercise while pregnant, put that vitamin E and other oils to reduce stretch marks. Breast feed it increases your metabolism.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    Ah, and best tried and true (x3) advice for losing pregnancy weight? Breastfeeding. Seriously, yes. Do it. 500 calories a day! :smile: