30 Day Shred 7/13 to 8/13



  • I am in! Just did day 1 trying it out and want to do it 30 day straight since it's only 20 mins!!!!!! Woot Woot
  • wow this is perfect! I'm going off to college august 13th! I think i will start the dvd thursday because i have to pick it up at the library!
  • L1D3 completed! I really had to talk myself into doing it tonight. I am finding that having to watch the same old stuff over and over each time before we can begin to workout is so boring and very annoying. I mean one time about hearing her talk about who she is and why she made this dvd is great, but after that it gets old. Anyway....

    I noticed tonight that my endurance is picking up some, after only three days! So I am excited about that part. I was able to get thru level 1 a bit easier tonight which makes me rethink my earlier statement about it taking all 30 days for me to get used to doing level 1 before I could move on to level 2. I am still not sure if I am going to be able to do this every day though. I mean there are so many other exercises that I would rather do. I am the type of person that gets bored easily, so I am thinking that I am going to just do this every other day and then do other exercises with it like my stationary bike and my own personal ab workout (I don't think the ab sessions in the video are working me hard enough in that area since I am really used to doing my abs anyway) and me and my sister go to a local park three days a week and walk/jog about 2-3 miles each time. So I am thinking that will be good enough.

    I am still having a hard time with the scale numbers NOT dropping!! I guess I do need to stop weighing in everyday and just focus on the inches and how my clothes are fitting. Some how I feel I need that instant gratification though of looking down at the scales each morning and realizing that I have lost more weight. I need to refocus my brain and realize that even though the scale numbers aren't coming down, I AM GETTING SMALLER!

    Anyway, tomorrow I don't think I will be doing the Shred, it is walk/jog evening at the park, but we will see.
  • hawaiibound
    hawaiibound Posts: 158
    i'm in....and i would like anyone to add me as a friend and help keep me accountable...i'm a stay at home mom with TONS on my plate right now so i'm hoping to stay consistent!
  • I just started yesterday. So count me in.
  • I log it under circuit training. I only count the exercise and not the warm up or cool down. Is this correct?
  • cameron_en
    cameron_en Posts: 54
    Looks great! I'll be starting it tonight.

    I've got my video and my 5kg weights (~7lbs too heavy??) and I'm ready to go!
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    I have been doing this DVD on and off with my other exercise routines - I do level 2 for now - which I love. I found 5k weights way too heavy and went down to nice 2kg ones!! Much better!
    Good luck everyone!
  • FaithfullFit
    FaithfullFit Posts: 40 Member
    Great job everyone on completing day one!!

    Day 2 complete woohoo! I can do this seemed to be a little easier today
  • porter09
    porter09 Posts: 31 Member
    i have ordered it, really looking forward to starting it after all the good things that have been said about it.
  • twicearoundtheworld
    twicearoundtheworld Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in
  • cameron_en
    cameron_en Posts: 54
    Woah, now that was a tough workout, especially with the 5kg weights!
    1 day down, 29 to go!

    Isn't Jillian awesome?
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I started this morning! L1D1 down! I am exhausted now lol.
  • jlallen
    jlallen Posts: 42 Member
    2days down and let me tell you my but hurts :cry: actually all of me is sore, but cant wait to do day 3!! I tried to do 2 sessions yesterday but had to stop when we got to the floor my 18mth old was ready to pounce on me! Guess I'll stick to nap time:happy:
    DAY 3 BRING IT ON!!!:drinker:
  • baby_lovin_060206
    baby_lovin_060206 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm in I will start today. I no longer have my knee injury so hopefully I will finish this time.
  • L1D2 today! going to be doing it in a bit, once my breakfast settles :] actually kind of looking forward to it!
  • Connie1979
    Connie1979 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm a day late but shoot count me in , I'm in a Biggest Loser Contest and the prize is $10,000.........that can buy a lot of Bikinis...LOL:happy:
  • alimassa
    alimassa Posts: 275
    Got up this morning to do my first day as I got the video and the weights yesterday and the video wouldnt play in my Wii!!!! Soooooo sad!! My husband promised to fix it for me today so I can do it tonight.

    Nice work all of you that have started!! Keep it up..... we still have a few months of swim suit season left:grumble: :laugh:
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Way to go everyone!!

    L1D2 down... contemplating a second round this evening! I only have 42 days until my husband comes home from Iraq for the end of this deployment... and I have about 20lbs left to lose (since I gained 7 back last month when he was home on leave- they made him take leave late.... waaaay late)!
  • brwneyes71
    brwneyes71 Posts: 89 Member
    Way to go everyone!!

    L1D2 down... contemplating a second round this evening! I only have 42 days until my husband comes home from Iraq for the end of this deployment... and I have about 20lbs left to lose (since I gained 7 back last month when he was home on leave- they made him take leave late.... waaaay late)!

    Day 2 down for me!!!! I am ready for day 3 tomorrow!! Only 28 days to go!!!! Jillian is really working my butt :happy:
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