80/10/10--I'm doing it!



  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    albertabeefy, I'm PMing you in the hopes of clearing up misunderstandings.
    Happy to keep it out of this thread, sure.
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    80 carbs, 10 protein, 10 fat. Not what I'd call very balanced. I wouldn't get very far consuming 25 to 30 g's of protein a day.

    Generally, these diets are very high calorie so people can get their protein minimums.

    ...I still think it's a poor choice, though, the ideas behind it are based on really flimsy reasoning and bad interpretation of data. I put raw veganism right up there with WAPF and paleo in the hierarchy of ridiculous diet ideas but at least those diets are capable of providing a person with all the nutrition they need.
    Cholesterol, It's what cells need.

    Yeah, good thing our bodies synthesize it all by themselves and we don't need to eat it ever.

    But no, it's not "toxic."
    Vegans really are a weird cult.

    Not really. Most of us are just compassionate people who advocate for nonviolence. People who are doing plant-based diets or advocate for it for (misguided) health reasons seriously need to stop hijacking the word "vegan."

    You're comparing paleo to raw veganism?

    ^ That's what I'm saying ... I follow the Primal diet (close to Paleo). Honestly I don't even care if there is science or no science behind it ... I feel like a brand new person eating this way. The health benefits inside & out are incredible. But Primal/Paleo makes sense ... you don't really need science to tell you that in the paleolithic era they didn't eat bread, spaghetti, poptarts, etc.

    Raw veganism is just ridiculous, in my opinion. Mostly because the reasoning behind it makes absolutely no sense. I may take a little heat for this but I'll go as far as saying all vegan, vegetarian, raw, etc. diets are stupid in my eyes.

    Sorry but I'm glad I don't know you in real life. Vegan, vegetarian and raw are all stupid? Wow. Vegan, vegetarian and raw can all be extremely healthy diets.

    To me primal and paleo are not good choices. Sure, our ancestors ate that way but we have evolved. We don't HAVE to consume meat. Millions get by and are incredibly healthy without it. For some reason I get the impression from you that you think your way of eating is far superior to all others.

    Why do you think they are not good choices? I once too believed that we did not "have" to consume meat but I was just never satiated enough on an all-plant diet. We don't "have" to consume meat, and we also don't have to consume fresh fruits and vegetables. There are people who LIVE on junk food/fast food and don't eat anything besides potato chips and ice cream. If it was strictly a means of survival we could probably get by on eating grubs and drinking murky pond water for all we know. Of course none of these options are healthy but the point still stands.

    You are flabbergasted that the other poster does not in any way advocate a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, and you claim they are very healthy diets by millions of people yet in your same exact post bash primal/paleo and say that you're assuming she thinks her way of eating is superior to others. Call me an over-analyzer but I'm pretty sure you just did the exact same thing. Of course there are vegans/vegetarians who lead very healthy lifestyles, but it's completely possible and sustainable over long-term to have just as much of a healthy, balanced diet while still eating meat. Unless you are eating strips of bacon and fatty cuts of steak with every single meal and not eating enough fruits and vegetables I see no reason why it would be unhealthy. People assume without proper knowledge that primal/paleo is ALL about the meat....It's not. It advocates just as much vegetables as a vegetarian or a vegan would eat. I see nothing wrong with not wanting to consume animal products by way of moral or ethical reasons but to say that eating meat is bad because "we don't have to" is simply an illogical and unreasonable thing to say. I do NOT think that being vegan or vegetarian is 'stupid' (unless you're doing it assuming you will lose tons of weight and your health will rapidly improve) but I DO think 80/10/10 is (I know that is different than what you were discussing). Eating 30 bananas a day will surely screw up your health faster (and much worse) than a piece of chicken or a lean cut of steak will.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member

    Dietary cholesterol is, at strongest, only loosely related to blood serum cholesterol levels. And it has less to do with HDL vs LDL levels. It is also strongly debated, among medical professionals, how much it should be cut from the diet when someone has high serum cholesterol levels.

    Much stronger relations are total lipid (fat) intakes and activity levels. HDLs are carrying fats to be metabolized by the body, where LDLs are carrying them to be stored (simplified version). Obesity is also a stronger link to heart health. True, it is often connected to high cholesterol (and especially high LDLs). But that doesn't mean that consuming animal products in appropriate levels is toxic.

    I think I love you. No one has ever explained this in such a concise, understandable way (at least for me!) so thank you. I only had a vague understanding of it until now.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Look, you don't need a fad to eat Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian...Just DO It! ALSO, WHO SAYS YOU CAN'T do WHAT YOU WANT. There is a Program called Raw Until 4PM...Meaning eat all Raw Fruit/Veggies/Juices until 4 PM, then if you feel like having a COOKED Vegan or Vegetarian Meal, go ahead with (Steamed Potatoes or Rice and Beans...) it's ALL good and will help one stay Vegan or Vegetarian and MOSTLY RAW.

    People place all of these UNrealistic guidelines on themselves and end up failing. I'd rather eat 70-80% Raw than end up back consuming flesh and lousy food because I could not stay with some crazy Unreal concepts. Don't make stuff a fad, if I want a slice of bread, I'm eating it!

    ETA: I do not have the "weight" of all of these "Philosophical" reasons that some have for going Vegan or Vegetarian. I'm STRICTLY doing it for My HEALTH!!! So I will supplement and anything else it takes to stay HEALTHY. Yes, Vegetarian and Vegans have longer and healthier lives than meat eaters. And anyone who has had severe arthritis, colon or any other cancers and switched from S.A.D. will tell ya!!! So all you Fanatics can continue to argue "Validity", I just want to keep on LIVING a LONG QUALITY LIFE!!!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    Dietary cholesterol is, at strongest, only loosely related to blood serum cholesterol levels. And it has less to do with HDL vs LDL levels. It is also strongly debated, among medical professionals, how much it should be cut from the diet when someone has high serum cholesterol levels.

    Much stronger relations are total lipid (fat) intakes and activity levels. HDLs are carrying fats to be metabolized by the body, where LDLs are carrying them to be stored (simplified version). Obesity is also a stronger link to heart health. True, it is often connected to high cholesterol (and especially high LDLs). But that doesn't mean that consuming animal products in appropriate levels is toxic.

    I think I love you. No one has ever explained this in such a concise, understandable way (at least for me!) so thank you. I only had a vague understanding of it until now.
    omg someone explaining something sensible and someone recognizing they understand it *tear of joy* there is hope.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    80 carbs, 10 protein, 10 fat. Not what I'd call very balanced. I wouldn't get very far consuming 25 to 30 g's of protein a day.

    Generally, these diets are very high calorie so people can get their protein minimums.

    ...I still think it's a poor choice, though, the ideas behind it are based on really flimsy reasoning and bad interpretation of data. I put raw veganism right up there with WAPF and paleo in the hierarchy of ridiculous diet ideas but at least those diets are capable of providing a person with all the nutrition they need.
    Cholesterol, It's what cells need.

    Yeah, good thing our bodies synthesize it all by themselves and we don't need to eat it ever.

    But no, it's not "toxic."
    Vegans really are a weird cult.

    Not really. Most of us are just compassionate people who advocate for nonviolence. People who are doing plant-based diets or advocate for it for (misguided) health reasons seriously need to stop hijacking the word "vegan."

    You're comparing paleo to raw veganism?

    ^ That's what I'm saying ... I follow the Primal diet (close to Paleo). Honestly I don't even care if there is science or no science behind it ... I feel like a brand new person eating this way. The health benefits inside & out are incredible. But Primal/Paleo makes sense ... you don't really need science to tell you that in the paleolithic era they didn't eat bread, spaghetti, poptarts, etc.

    Raw veganism is just ridiculous, in my opinion. Mostly because the reasoning behind it makes absolutely no sense. I may take a little heat for this but I'll go as far as saying all vegan, vegetarian, raw, etc. diets are stupid in my eyes.

    Sorry but I'm glad I don't know you in real life. Vegan, vegetarian and raw are all stupid? Wow. Vegan, vegetarian and raw can all be extremely healthy diets.

    To me primal and paleo are not good choices. Sure, our ancestors ate that way but we have evolved. We don't HAVE to consume meat. Millions get by and are incredibly healthy without it. For some reason I get the impression from you that you think your way of eating is far superior to all others.

    Why do you think they are not good choices? I once too believed that we did not "have" to consume meat but I was just never satiated enough on an all-plant diet. We don't "have" to consume meat, and we also don't have to consume fresh fruits and vegetables. There are people who LIVE on junk food/fast food and don't eat anything besides potato chips and ice cream. If it was strictly a means of survival we could probably get by on eating grubs and drinking murky pond water for all we know. Of course none of these options are healthy but the point still stands.

    You are flabbergasted that the other poster does not in any way advocate a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, and you claim they are very healthy diets by millions of people yet in your same exact post bash primal/paleo and say that you're assuming she thinks her way of eating is superior to others. Call me an over-analyzer but I'm pretty sure you just did the exact same thing. Of course there are vegans/vegetarians who lead very healthy lifestyles, but it's completely possible and sustainable over long-term to have just as much of a healthy, balanced diet while still eating meat. Unless you are eating strips of bacon and fatty cuts of steak with every single meal and not eating enough fruits and vegetables I see no reason why it would be unhealthy. People assume without proper knowledge that primal/paleo is ALL about the meat....It's not. It advocates just as much vegetables as a vegetarian or a vegan would eat. I see nothing wrong with not wanting to consume animal products by way of moral or ethical reasons but to say that eating meat is bad because "we don't have to" is simply an illogical and unreasonable thing to say. I do NOT think that being vegan or vegetarian is 'stupid' (unless you're doing it assuming you will lose tons of weight and your health will rapidly improve) but I DO think 80/10/10 is (I know that is different than what you were discussing). Eating 30 bananas a day will surely screw up your health faster (and much worse) than a piece of chicken or a lean cut of steak will.

    I have said previously that no diet is better than another. We all choose our diets due to our own beliefs and our own health reasons. I have always said vegan, vegetarian, paleo, etc is not better than another as they can all be healthy (and they can all be unhealthy).

    I believe paleo is not the way to go for me.. maybe my comment didn't come off as a comment directed at me... me thinking it's not right for me. I have no issues with the paleo diet. My husband eats mainly a paleo diet. It's a diet that is not right for me. I have issues digesting meat and I choose not to eat animal products. I also have issues with gluten and wheat and most dairy products hence why paleo is not good for me. Neither are done for weight loss though. I get all the nutrients I need with a diet that includes no meat and very rarely anything that contains an animal product (maybe a egg or two once a month). I find I feel best when I eat a mainly raw vegan diet however I haven't and never will go as extreme as 80/10/10. I know people who follow that diet plan however it's just not something I could ever do. I do mainly raw because it makes me feel best. I can get my B12 without suppliements. I can get my protein, fats, fiber, etc etc in.

    My issues with the OP and their comment on a vegan and vegetarian lifestyle was they flat out said it was stupid which I definatley don't believe.. however, everyone is entitled to their own opinion for sure.

    I haven't, and never will tell someone my diet is better than theirs. My diet is better for me than any other diet however it might not be best for you or anyone else.
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    80 carbs, 10 protein, 10 fat. Not what I'd call very balanced. I wouldn't get very far consuming 25 to 30 g's of protein a day.

    Generally, these diets are very high calorie so people can get their protein minimums.

    ...I still think it's a poor choice, though, the ideas behind it are based on really flimsy reasoning and bad interpretation of data. I put raw veganism right up there with WAPF and paleo in the hierarchy of ridiculous diet ideas but at least those diets are capable of providing a person with all the nutrition they need.
    Cholesterol, It's what cells need.

    Yeah, good thing our bodies synthesize it all by themselves and we don't need to eat it ever.

    But no, it's not "toxic."
    Vegans really are a weird cult.

    Not really. Most of us are just compassionate people who advocate for nonviolence. People who are doing plant-based diets or advocate for it for (misguided) health reasons seriously need to stop hijacking the word "vegan."

    You're comparing paleo to raw veganism?

    ^ That's what I'm saying ... I follow the Primal diet (close to Paleo). Honestly I don't even care if there is science or no science behind it ... I feel like a brand new person eating this way. The health benefits inside & out are incredible. But Primal/Paleo makes sense ... you don't really need science to tell you that in the paleolithic era they didn't eat bread, spaghetti, poptarts, etc.

    Raw veganism is just ridiculous, in my opinion. Mostly because the reasoning behind it makes absolutely no sense. I may take a little heat for this but I'll go as far as saying all vegan, vegetarian, raw, etc. diets are stupid in my eyes.

    Sorry but I'm glad I don't know you in real life. Vegan, vegetarian and raw are all stupid? Wow. Vegan, vegetarian and raw can all be extremely healthy diets.

    To me primal and paleo are not good choices. Sure, our ancestors ate that way but we have evolved. We don't HAVE to consume meat. Millions get by and are incredibly healthy without it. For some reason I get the impression from you that you think your way of eating is far superior to all others.

    Why do you think they are not good choices? I once too believed that we did not "have" to consume meat but I was just never satiated enough on an all-plant diet. We don't "have" to consume meat, and we also don't have to consume fresh fruits and vegetables. There are people who LIVE on junk food/fast food and don't eat anything besides potato chips and ice cream. If it was strictly a means of survival we could probably get by on eating grubs and drinking murky pond water for all we know. Of course none of these options are healthy but the point still stands.

    You are flabbergasted that the other poster does not in any way advocate a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, and you claim they are very healthy diets by millions of people yet in your same exact post bash primal/paleo and say that you're assuming she thinks her way of eating is superior to others. Call me an over-analyzer but I'm pretty sure you just did the exact same thing. Of course there are vegans/vegetarians who lead very healthy lifestyles, but it's completely possible and sustainable over long-term to have just as much of a healthy, balanced diet while still eating meat. Unless you are eating strips of bacon and fatty cuts of steak with every single meal and not eating enough fruits and vegetables I see no reason why it would be unhealthy. People assume without proper knowledge that primal/paleo is ALL about the meat....It's not. It advocates just as much vegetables as a vegetarian or a vegan would eat. I see nothing wrong with not wanting to consume animal products by way of moral or ethical reasons but to say that eating meat is bad because "we don't have to" is simply an illogical and unreasonable thing to say. I do NOT think that being vegan or vegetarian is 'stupid' (unless you're doing it assuming you will lose tons of weight and your health will rapidly improve) but I DO think 80/10/10 is (I know that is different than what you were discussing). Eating 30 bananas a day will surely screw up your health faster (and much worse) than a piece of chicken or a lean cut of steak will.

    I have said previously that no diet is better than another. We all choose our diets due to our own beliefs and our own health reasons. I have always said vegan, vegetarian, paleo, etc is not better than another as they can all be healthy (and they can all be unhealthy).

    I believe paleo is not the way to go for me.. maybe my comment didn't come off as a comment directed at me... me thinking it's not right for me. I have no issues with the paleo diet. My husband eats mainly a paleo diet. It's a diet that is not right for me. I have issues digesting meat and I choose not to eat animal products. I also have issues with gluten and wheat and most dairy products hence why paleo is not good for me. Neither are done for weight loss though. I get all the nutrients I need with a diet that includes no meat and very rarely anything that contains an animal product (maybe a egg or two once a month). I find I feel best when I eat a mainly raw vegan diet however I haven't and never will go as extreme as 80/10/10. I know people who follow that diet plan however it's just not something I could ever do. I do mainly raw because it makes me feel best. I can get my B12 without suppliements. I can get my protein, fats, fiber, etc etc in.

    My issues with the OP and their comment on a vegan and vegetarian lifestyle was they flat out said it was stupid which I definatley don't believe.. however, everyone is entitled to their own opinion for sure.

    I haven't, and never will tell someone my diet is better than theirs. My diet is better for me than any other diet however it might not be best for you or anyone else.

    You have sensitivities to wheat, gluten and dairy, then say THAT'S the reason why paleo is not good for you? Do you know what paleo is?? I am doubtful that the answer is yes because paleo completely cuts out entire food groups that contain these specific ingredients. The entire premise behind it and the reason it was made was for people with food allergies (such as gluten and wheat) and intestinal inflammation. I'm sorry but your post does not make any sense.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    80 carbs, 10 protein, 10 fat. Not what I'd call very balanced. I wouldn't get very far consuming 25 to 30 g's of protein a day.

    Generally, these diets are very high calorie so people can get their protein minimums.

    ...I still think it's a poor choice, though, the ideas behind it are based on really flimsy reasoning and bad interpretation of data. I put raw veganism right up there with WAPF and paleo in the hierarchy of ridiculous diet ideas but at least those diets are capable of providing a person with all the nutrition they need.
    Cholesterol, It's what cells need.

    Yeah, good thing our bodies synthesize it all by themselves and we don't need to eat it ever.

    But no, it's not "toxic."
    Vegans really are a weird cult.

    Not really. Most of us are just compassionate people who advocate for nonviolence. People who are doing plant-based diets or advocate for it for (misguided) health reasons seriously need to stop hijacking the word "vegan."

    You're comparing paleo to raw veganism?

    ^ That's what I'm saying ... I follow the Primal diet (close to Paleo). Honestly I don't even care if there is science or no science behind it ... I feel like a brand new person eating this way. The health benefits inside & out are incredible. But Primal/Paleo makes sense ... you don't really need science to tell you that in the paleolithic era they didn't eat bread, spaghetti, poptarts, etc.

    Raw veganism is just ridiculous, in my opinion. Mostly because the reasoning behind it makes absolutely no sense. I may take a little heat for this but I'll go as far as saying all vegan, vegetarian, raw, etc. diets are stupid in my eyes.

    Sorry but I'm glad I don't know you in real life. Vegan, vegetarian and raw are all stupid? Wow. Vegan, vegetarian and raw can all be extremely healthy diets.

    To me primal and paleo are not good choices. Sure, our ancestors ate that way but we have evolved. We don't HAVE to consume meat. Millions get by and are incredibly healthy without it. For some reason I get the impression from you that you think your way of eating is far superior to all others.

    Why do you think they are not good choices? I once too believed that we did not "have" to consume meat but I was just never satiated enough on an all-plant diet. We don't "have" to consume meat, and we also don't have to consume fresh fruits and vegetables. There are people who LIVE on junk food/fast food and don't eat anything besides potato chips and ice cream. If it was strictly a means of survival we could probably get by on eating grubs and drinking murky pond water for all we know. Of course none of these options are healthy but the point still stands.

    You are flabbergasted that the other poster does not in any way advocate a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, and you claim they are very healthy diets by millions of people yet in your same exact post bash primal/paleo and say that you're assuming she thinks her way of eating is superior to others. Call me an over-analyzer but I'm pretty sure you just did the exact same thing. Of course there are vegans/vegetarians who lead very healthy lifestyles, but it's completely possible and sustainable over long-term to have just as much of a healthy, balanced diet while still eating meat. Unless you are eating strips of bacon and fatty cuts of steak with every single meal and not eating enough fruits and vegetables I see no reason why it would be unhealthy. People assume without proper knowledge that primal/paleo is ALL about the meat....It's not. It advocates just as much vegetables as a vegetarian or a vegan would eat. I see nothing wrong with not wanting to consume animal products by way of moral or ethical reasons but to say that eating meat is bad because "we don't have to" is simply an illogical and unreasonable thing to say. I do NOT think that being vegan or vegetarian is 'stupid' (unless you're doing it assuming you will lose tons of weight and your health will rapidly improve) but I DO think 80/10/10 is (I know that is different than what you were discussing). Eating 30 bananas a day will surely screw up your health faster (and much worse) than a piece of chicken or a lean cut of steak will.

    I have said previously that no diet is better than another. We all choose our diets due to our own beliefs and our own health reasons. I have always said vegan, vegetarian, paleo, etc is not better than another as they can all be healthy (and they can all be unhealthy).

    I believe paleo is not the way to go for me.. maybe my comment didn't come off as a comment directed at me... me thinking it's not right for me. I have no issues with the paleo diet. My husband eats mainly a paleo diet. It's a diet that is not right for me. I have issues digesting meat and I choose not to eat animal products. I also have issues with gluten and wheat and most dairy products hence why paleo is not good for me. Neither are done for weight loss though. I get all the nutrients I need with a diet that includes no meat and very rarely anything that contains an animal product (maybe a egg or two once a month). I find I feel best when I eat a mainly raw vegan diet however I haven't and never will go as extreme as 80/10/10. I know people who follow that diet plan however it's just not something I could ever do. I do mainly raw because it makes me feel best. I can get my B12 without suppliements. I can get my protein, fats, fiber, etc etc in.

    My issues with the OP and their comment on a vegan and vegetarian lifestyle was they flat out said it was stupid which I definatley don't believe.. however, everyone is entitled to their own opinion for sure.

    I haven't, and never will tell someone my diet is better than theirs. My diet is better for me than any other diet however it might not be best for you or anyone else.

    You have sensitivities to wheat, gluten and dairy, then say THAT'S the reason why paleo is not good for you? Do you know what paleo is?? I am doubtful that the answer is yes because paleo completely cuts out entire food groups that contain these specific ingredients. The entire premise behind it and the reason it was made was for people with food allergies (such as gluten and wheat) and intestinal inflammation. I'm sorry but your post does not make any sense.

    I'm guessing you missed the part where I also had mentioned that I have issues with meat and don't consume it and that is one reason why I won't go paleo. Maybe my punctuation was off a bit and that's why it was difficult for you.

    I do consume some dairy products and can handle a rare wheat product (same quantities and I'm ok with consumption).
  • Heya! I'm living a vegan lifestyle, but the 811 concept has been really interesting me latley. Good luck on your journey! I may want to try one day soon :)
  • bonjalandoni
    bonjalandoni Posts: 136 Member
    Hi, everyone

    New to the board here. I decided that, for the New Year, I would do 30 days of 80/10/10. I've been mostly raw for about a year and a half now, but I've lost my passion for it, so I'm hoping this will help. So far, I'm doing okay. I'm definitely not hungry. If anything, I find it nearly impossible to eat enough food to hit my targets! I've been coming in at closer to 15% fat most days, though, so I need to get that under control. I'd love to hear from anyone who has tried this approach or is currently living it. I'm especially interested in hearing how you structured your food intake and which foods gave you the most bang for your buck.



    People in the (back country) of the Philippines are doing a similar diet even now. They eat a lot of steamed RICE and vegetables or RICE with fish. They also eat a lot of mongo beans with RICE. If you are willing to eat a lot of rice (2-3 cups per meal) with vegetables (steamed, stewed, or grilled) or mongo or fish, then you can do it. You can seldom see any fat person in the community. Most of them are thin (lack of protein?)... Of course they are less bulky than the people in the city but most of them spend almost no time in the hospital in their whole lives. I have also seen this in vegans and they do have thin builds. Definitely not a diet for me as I like my meat very much but is good for people who just want the lean look. :-) Good luck.
  • Jude_V
    Jude_V Posts: 72 Member
    The really, really sad thing about veganism, and the thing that gets lost in all the debate is that, if we were all vegans (and that always seems to be the aim of vegans) you would only ever see a Cow, Sheep or Pig in a zoo. All those fields of quietly grazing animals with their calves and the lambs happily hopping around the pastures in spring time would be a thing of the past....
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    sorry for that inflammatory response, but this is a terrible idea.

    anything below 20% fat will cause you to produce MORE body fat. smh
  • Bumbumbelly
    Bumbumbelly Posts: 2 Member
    If your looking for tips and guidelines on a solid VEGAN lifestyle check our "Thrive" by Brendan Brazier.... World Famous Tri- Athlete. (and totally hot!! worth the photos alone on his webiste :). )

    Vegan should not be a fad diet but a life style, same with Raw and Vegetarian.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    The really, really sad thing about veganism, and the thing that gets lost in all the debate is that, if we were all vegans (and that always seems to be the aim of vegans) you would only ever see a Cow, Sheep or Pig in a zoo. All those fields of quietly grazing animals with their calves and the lambs happily hopping around the pastures in spring time would be a thing of the past....

    Is this a joke?
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Don't kid yourself, Jimmy. If a cow ever got the chance, he'd eat you and everyone you cared about
  • juliezum
    juliezum Posts: 92 Member
    I'm pretty sure that's how I ended up on this site trying to lose over 100lbs.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    The really, really sad thing about veganism, and the thing that gets lost in all the debate is that, if we were all vegans (and that always seems to be the aim of vegans) you would only ever see a Cow, Sheep or Pig in a zoo. All those fields of quietly grazing animals with their calves and the lambs happily hopping around the pastures in spring time would be a thing of the past....

    Is this a joke?

    It's quite accurate actually. The only reason you see that now is because they're raised domestically for food.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    If your looking for tips and guidelines on a solid VEGAN lifestyle check our "Thrive" by Brendan Brazier.... World Famous Tri- Athlete. (and totally hot!! worth the photos alone on his webiste :). )

    Vegan should not be a fad diet but a life style, same with Raw and Vegetarian.

    Seems legit, solid first post for a 18 month old account.

  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    The really, really sad thing about veganism, and the thing that gets lost in all the debate is that, if we were all vegans (and that always seems to be the aim of vegans) you would only ever see a Cow, Sheep or Pig in a zoo. All those fields of quietly grazing animals with their calves and the lambs happily hopping around the pastures in spring time would be a thing of the past....

    Is this a joke?

    It's quite accurate actually. The only reason you see that now is because they're raised domestically for food.



    I just can't... even...


    You don't really believe those grocery store package lies, do you? I've seen your posts around, you're a sensible guy.

    I've visited small local farms, AWA farms, they don't look like that. You just aren't getting the full picture of the life of a farmed animal if you keep only that image in your head.

    ETA: And it's completely besides the point. Animals don't exist so we can pen them and watch them graze and prance for our own amusement.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    The really, really sad thing about veganism, and the thing that gets lost in all the debate is that, if we were all vegans (and that always seems to be the aim of vegans) you would only ever see a Cow, Sheep or Pig in a zoo. All those fields of quietly grazing animals with their calves and the lambs happily hopping around the pastures in spring time would be a thing of the past....

    Is this a joke?

    It's quite accurate actually. The only reason you see that now is because they're raised domestically for food.



    I just can't... even...


    You don't really believe those grocery store package lies, do you? I've seen your posts around, you're a sensible guy.

    I've visited small local farms, AWA farms, they don't look like that. You just aren't getting the full picture of the life of a farmed animal if you keep only that image in your head.

    ETA: And it's completely besides the point. Animals don't exist so we can pen them and watch them graze and prance for our own amusement.

    There's the difference. I have no moral or ethical issue(s) raising animals for food. It really just makes hunting easier and food more available to the masses. I'm guessing you're not a pet owner either? (Neither am I.)