The SWaT Team Challenge - Month 2



  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Hello Everyone! I'm in again. I plan on doing 20 miles this month. I didn't make 30 last time, so I want to set a realistic goal. I'm going to be on vacation next week. I'm hoping the hotel has a treadmill so I can keep up with all of you. Good luck all!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    ok, did another 1.5 miles before bed, woo:yawn: nite nite
  • I am in again. i need to be better at posting my miles.
  • Count me in again too I want to set my min goal for 20 miles this month and I hope I far surpass that.
  • rjm8185
    rjm8185 Posts: 81 Member
    Nice to see so many people coming back for another month, and a few returning, and a few new walkers, Great.

    Good Luck everyone.

    Those 1 or 2 miles a day sure mount up. Everyone's different so we are not here to compete with each other, only ourselves, somedays we don't feel like doing much but every bit helps.

    So I hope you all do your best and achieve your goals and targets and if you've set yourself little extra challenges that great too.

    Best of Luck Rob
  • I am in again. i need to be better at posting my miles.
    Post ing my miles is my ONLY motivation lol~if I didn't have that ticker I probably wouldn't go anywhere!!! It's great that you don't need it to motivate you...KEEP IT UP!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I got 6 miles done today--2 miles of the workout I found at the RealAge website this morning and the 4 mile Walk Off Weight workout this afternoon.

    Had 3 servings of fresh, cut-up veggies with my lunch and plan on fixing a BIG salad to go with dinner so I will get my 5-7 servings in. Had some strawberries with my AM snack, too-I love this time of year! So many fresh fruits and veggies to eat!
  • Robin304
    Robin304 Posts: 64
    I did my 6 miles today. I do Leslie Sansone's WATP 2 mile Brisk Walk in the morning before work and then the 4 mile Super Challenge from the same DVD in the evenings. I'm going to keep working on jogging in place during the brisk walking portions of the work out as an extra challenge this month. Seems like the Sansone DVD's are the only exercise programs I stick with. I've signed up for a half marathon in November that I had planned to walk only, but who knows, maybe by then I could actually run part of it. There's a 5k in October I'm going to try first though.....and it all started because of Rob and this challenge.

    Have a great evening everyone!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    so I did 2 miles with Leslie this am and 2 in the pm, and 2x 1 mile walks with Mr. Plum total for 6 miles.
    started the sit up challenge yesterday and my base number is 50.
    I NEED to eat something now, I think my potassium level is low- been getting leg cramps in the wee hours of the morn
    ... later peeps:flowerforyou:
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    I did 2.66 miles on the treadmill tonight and to think I wasn't even feeling good!!! So proud of me:tongue:
  • hello!
    so I did 2 miles with Leslie this am and 2 in the pm, and 2x 1 mile walks with Mr. Plum total for 6 miles.
    started the sit up challenge yesterday and my base number is 50.
    I NEED to eat something now, I think my potassium level is low- been getting leg cramps in the wee hours of the morn
    ... later peeps:flowerforyou:

    uhhh I get leg cramps too and my sister, who is a nurse, says I am vitamin deficient. I know I am low on iron for sure but I don't think that would cause my leg cramps. I eat lots of bananas so I think I am fine on potassium...who knows but it sucks and I hate the next day that my leg is SO sore!!! Great job on your walking by the way! I did my walk tonight but I did not want to! My neighbor pulled me out of the house, bless her heart!!!

    forgot to tell you I was doing the 200 crunch challenge last month and lost track...I am just doing my own now, this week I am doing 30 everyother night and next week I will up it and so on. Let me know how it goes for you and maybe I will try it again.
  • jaxi54
    jaxi54 Posts: 12
    Hi everyone! So glad to see everyone back for month 2 and happy to see new faces to keep us going! I'm going to go for 65 miles this month. I did it last month so hopefully I can come in a little over. Scared to set my goal higher because I know if I get behind I'll use it as an excuse to quit. lol

    I've been stuck at the same weight for a bit so I'm going to try upping my calories a bit. I've always been scared to do that but I'm gonna give it a try. :noway:

    I started off the challenge with the WATP 5 fat burning miles. I like that one, it's really fast paced and sweaty! lol :laugh:

    I really like that dvd as well ~ I do that one most of the time!

    Jaxi :flowerforyou:
  • jodi_bannister
    jodi_bannister Posts: 90 Member
    Hello everyone!! My goal for this month is 50 miles again.

    I am Jodi and I live in Derbyshire in England. I am 29 years old and have been married for nearly 8 years. I am originally from the US and have lived in England for 7 years. I love it here!! I have a part time job at a Country Club/Leisure Centre working in the crèche looking after children while their parents are using the facilities. In a couple of weeks, I will be staring another job as an office administrator, so I will be working from 8.00-7.30 five days a week with a two hour break from 2-4. I will use this time to use the gym and pool at work. I think I will need to as I am not really used to sitting down all day in an administrative role.

    I am also doing the Dump the Rump challenges set on another thread which includes things like sit-ups, push-ups, hula hooping and jumping rope. There is one that is moving during the ad breaks when you are watching TV, but I don't really watch much TV so I replaced that one with doing squats and lunges.

    Best of luck to everyone for this month's challenges.

    Jodi xx
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    Good morning! I did my 2 miles last night, too hot out during the day.

    Looks like everyone is motivated and ready to tackle some new goals. Thats great! Im off to a good start on my mini goals. Im excited this morning to see the scale finally move after a 2 week standstill. So im in a good mood this morning. I was ready to change my screen name to maynard12. (stuck at 12lbs)

    Have a Great Day everyone!
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    so I did 2 miles with Leslie this am and 2 in the pm, and 2x 1 mile walks with Mr. Plum total for 6 miles.
    started the sit up challenge yesterday and my base number is 50.
    I NEED to eat something now, I think my potassium level is low- been getting leg cramps in the wee hours of the morn
    ... later peeps:flowerforyou:

    uhhh I get leg cramps too and my sister, who is a nurse, says I am vitamin deficient. I know I am low on iron for sure but I don't think that would cause my leg cramps. I eat lots of bananas so I think I am fine on potassium...who knows but it sucks and I hate the next day that my leg is SO sore!!! Great job on your walking by the way! I did my walk tonight but I did not want to! My neighbor pulled me out of the house, bless her heart!!!

    forgot to tell you I was doing the 200 crunch challenge last month and lost track...I am just doing my own now, this week I am doing 30 everyother night and next week I will up it and so on. Let me know how it goes for you and maybe I will try it again.

    I've been having cramping also in my legs and feet. I set my diary to show my potassium and calcium im getting in the foods I eat. Its been interesting to learn what has alot of potassium in it. Coffee, V-8 veg. juice, and cucumbers for example. I wish I could share my cucumbers with everyone right now. My garden is doing really, really good.

    Also taking a good multivitamin w/iron. Its so hard to get the right amount of everything you need with just eating.
  • jaxi54
    jaxi54 Posts: 12
    Morning everyone! My plan yesterday was to get up at 6:30am and do my WATP then to get it over with before my daily interruptions got in the way but didn't manage that very well. :ohwell: So, I found myself a slot of time at 7pm but it was still early enough that I wasn't tired ~ I managed Leslie's 5-mile walk!

    After this post, I'm on my way down to do it all over again! :bigsmile: Wishing everyone a great walking day ...

    Jaxi :flowerforyou:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    uhhh I get leg cramps too and my sister, who is a nurse, says I am vitamin deficient. I know I am low on iron for sure but I don't think that would cause my leg cramps. I eat lots of bananas so I think I am fine on potassium...who knows but it sucks and I hate the next day that my leg is SO sore!!! Great job on your walking by the way! I did my walk tonight but I did not want to! My neighbor pulled me out of the house, bless her heart!!!

    forgot to tell you I was doing the 200 crunch challenge last month and lost track...I am just doing my own now, this week I am doing 30 everyother night and next week I will up it and so on. Let me know how it goes for you and maybe I will try it again.

    A while back I was severely low on iron. I had bad leg cramps and very bad restless leg syndrome. They all stopped as soon as my iron levels were back up. Low potassium and calcium can also be culprits as already mentioned. But don't rule out the iron.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Almost forgot! I did the 2 mile Walk Strong and my legs feel like jelly. It's intervals of walking and exercises using hand weights. Mostly squats and lunges. I'm glad it ended at 2 miles! lol I think I need to do that one more often.

    Everybody's off to a great start! Keep it up and have a great weekend!

    Sandy :smile:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I did a 1 Mile WATP workout this morning and then the WATP 5 Fat burning Miles this afternoon. I did the 4th mile holding my grandson while Daddy got a bottle warm for him (Mommy went to the store so of course he decided to be hungry!) Didn't do the arm movements while holding him but he seemed to weigh a TON by the time that bottle was ready!
    Little Isaac really likes the beat of Leslie's workouts, too. He'll be counting to 8 and back again in no time! LOL!
  • My600PdLife
    My600PdLife Posts: 57 Member
    Okay, so last month I challenged myself to 30 miles and only did 10. This month I'll again challenge myself to 30 miles. I've already put in 7 so that's a better start than last months. :)
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