Looking for other 40-50 age group w/ motivation to be fit.



  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    42 and counting, but started to take my life back in the fall and am dropping the pounds (14)! You can add me if you would like I am fairly new on here also, have only been using this for about a month. Would love some more friends for support.
  • 45 and counting. Please include me in this group.
  • Gorman12
    Gorman12 Posts: 13 Member
    I'll join! I'm re-dedicating myself to losing additional weight. I am 50 years old and ideally would like to lose another 25 lbs. It is a bit different, my body doesn't respond as easily.
  • kniknaack
    kniknaack Posts: 32
    I just turned 50 last November! You can add me if you like! :drinker:
  • I'm in I'll be 51 in Aug. Have over 100 pounds to loose!
  • melaniecmajors
    melaniecmajors Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I'm 38 almost 39.
  • Liz71459
    Liz71459 Posts: 15 Member
    Count me in! 53 and struggling to just get started.
  • grandmastime
    grandmastime Posts: 57 Member
    Add me. My Dr. said my lack of losing weight was because of hormones. HA. Now I work harder. I don't lose as fast as I would when I was say 20 but I am losing the weight anyhow. Having a good support team helps me alot.
  • Liz71459
    Liz71459 Posts: 15 Member
    I would like to help inspire people. I lost 100 pounds in a year.

    I'm already inspired!
  • rowl61
    rowl61 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Debbie. im 52 and have joined today. I need to loose 14-21 LB ,I have tried other diets and lost interest this looks easy with the calories written down all in black and white for us to see at a glance. Wish me (and you) luck
  • imgr8stmom
    imgr8stmom Posts: 30 Member
    count me in....44 here, and have lost 28 pounds since last May. Slow & steady!
  • reneewill
    reneewill Posts: 62 Member
    Definately interested. Im 48 and really trying to get AND stay healthy! Any tips and cupport would be appreciated!
  • Hello I am 52 and am definately interested. Everyone please feel free to add me. I am a runner, cyclist, love crossfit.
  • Going to be 46 on April 30th .. Started losing weight 1st of year in 2012 over did I guess and had a bad foot injury :( had to have surgery wasnt even allowed to stand on it for 3 months depressed me so much to not exercise at all... Just now getting back into my diet this week and slow to start on walking and exercising would love to have friends added for encouragement would love to encourage others. Feel free to add me I'm married with 3 kids 2 grand daughters from Oklahoma!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    i added you. i'm a 48 year old female
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'd love to be apart of this group. I am 46, I have lost my weight and am a runner, but fighting chronic pain and arthritis.
  • TT64
    TT64 Posts: 115 Member
    Hello! Looks like you have gotten a fantastic response! Please count me in, I'm 49 and on this new journey! I hear hormones are really problematic at this age, and I'd love to talk to others in the same postion! Please feel free to add me!
  • Thank-You not sure if it is auto or how to do only have 1 other friend not sure how we added each other been so long ago lol
  • sassygamma
    sassygamma Posts: 84 Member
    im in, been yo yo dieting for way to long, i need to get off the ride and take control. I pray that i can keep it going, i am in need to good motivation and friends who are going through the same thing...Im 51 years old, this is my year!!!
  • beacrys
    beacrys Posts: 72 Member
    54 and I'd love to be part of the group.