Looking for other 40-50 age group w/ motivation to be fit.



  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    I'm 53 (how the hell did that happen??) and I'm going to set a personal best for cycling this year.

    Age is an impediment not a barrier.

    You stalking me Si?? hehe.
  • tllinke
    tllinke Posts: 3 Member
    I am 44 and new to this Fitness "thing" would LOVE support for MYSELF and would be Happy to SUPPORT OTHER's! add me as a FP friend we can motivate that way as well. I log EVERYDAY! email tllinke@sbcglobal.net
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I'm 53 (how the hell did that happen??) and I'm going to set a personal best for cycling this year.

    Age is an impediment not a barrier.

    You stalking me Si?? hehe.

    You bet Lynette - wonky knees of the world unite!!
  • luckyroot
    luckyroot Posts: 31 Member
    Please feel free to add me to your friends list (anyone) I can use any and all motivation!! :-)
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    I'd love to be included and anyone can friend me. I'm 47 and my doc scolded me on my weight gain at my last physical-she said I had another 10 coming when I hit menopause so I better get a grip on it now! Since September I'm down 13 lbs and working out regularly which I NEVER did before. My husband is helping me start lifting heavy tonight so I hope it kicks me into a change since I'm stuck at my weight with no movement. I'm actually feeling better than in my 30's so who says getting older has to suck!!
  • hiya im new to this site..ive currently jus lost up to date 32lbs an lookin to loose another 28lbs jus lookin for friends an encouregment..recipes an meals...:)
  • Briggs1516
    Briggs1516 Posts: 8 Member
    count me in. I am getting ready to turn 47 in July and need to lose 60 lbs. it has been difficult due to medication I am on. However, since I started counting calories I am doing much better.
  • almendarezl
    almendarezl Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in. Turning 44 this weekend.
  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    Count me in, too. I am 48. BTW, going into menopause sucks...just in case you aren't already aware! :tongue:
  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    I'm in. Turning 44 this weekend.

  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    I'm in. Turning 44 this weekend.

  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    I need some "friends" on MFP to keep me motivated. Please "friend" me if you are willing.

    Thank you!

  • MMulder68
    MMulder68 Posts: 139 Member
    I just started fitness pal but have been working on the new me for 12 weeks. I just survived breast cancer and it made me realize that I had to make some changes. So I kick butt in the gym 5 times a week and my whole family is eating much cleaner. A former trainer of mine suggested my fitness pal to help me more with my food. I am so excited to see what is in store for me. I have struggled with weight all my life but have always been active. I am married to a wonderful man and have two boys. I love my life and just want to feel and look better. The major goal is to live a long healthy life.
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    Count me in. I'm 52 and stuggling with weight gained from menopause and thyroid. 3 weeks ago I started a new fitness program with walking and exercise videos. Do a lot of yard work too. Looking to keep motivated and help others stay motivated! Anyone feel free to add me as a friend :) ~ Terri
  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    I am 42 and your story is my story. Anyone who is experiencing the same; add me as a friend. This weight-loss/healthy journey is a trek!
  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    Add me! I'm 55 and just seriously started here on March 6 and learning the ropes of healthy eating after years of horrible eating habits (not eating enough or drinking enough water). Always have had time to take care of everyone else but have never taken time for me. NOW IS THE TIME! Is the group set up and how do we join it?

    Good question! For now, I just go to my profiles to see pages that I have visited. How do you join a group on MFP? :noway:
  • uknlv18
    uknlv18 Posts: 6
    Hi, just turned 49 here although I thought I was only turning 47 until I did the math! lol Got a lot of weight to lose and would like to have help and motivation, and give a bit as well. So add me if you would like to!!
  • paulanthony9596
    paulanthony9596 Posts: 131 Member
    You can count me in! I am 43 and could definitely use the encouragement and motivation! Please feel free to add me!
  • I'm in! I lost 55 lbs four years ago and gained 40 of it back in one year. I lost and maintained my weight originally by working with my Mom who was a avid believer in Weight Watchers. So, with proper portions, healthy shopping and a ton of exercise, I went from 186 to 130 in about 18 months. My Mom passed away last January and I have clearly lost my mind! No more though! I am eating 1200 cals/day, journalling every morsel and brisk walk 3.5 mph for 60 every day. I am 46 years old, (post menopausal, I hope) and ready to get fit!
  • Lizzym911
    Lizzym911 Posts: 301 Member
    52 and finding it so hard to lose...add me!