

  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    Unless you've rolled Satan around in some mud and then spitroast him your food is not EVIL DIRTY FOOD.

    It is just food that you choose not to eat.

    No it's food that makes you feel dirty and makes your body sick therefor makes it evil ;)
    Who is 'you' in this statement? It might make you feel this way as an individual. But it certainly doesn't make me or many other people feel that way. Please try and remember you are not the centre of the universe. k thanks.

    Actually on a forum like this using the words you and your implies you are talking about and including those that may read and comment.

    As for evil pizza... you hadn't had one in 5 months. If you have reduced your fat intake for a perios of time and then eat something that is greasy and high it fat it would seem common sense to me that it might cause some gastrointestinal issues. Doesn't mean pizza is evil. You can vilinize food if you want but looking at foods as good or bad isn't healthy.

    If you want to eat it eat it! There's not one word in there that indicates that I'm the centre of the universe but you carry on with your negativity towards others :) have a fabulous day
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Iv always ate my vedg and I always get gassy :) I'm such a "lady" hahah but I am just sharing my story :) sorry if that' makes people think I think I'm the centre of the universe. If somebody told me when I was eating it 7 days a week gaining 5 lbs a week what it does to you once your clean I would never of ate it . I don't where people have it it from that I think all food is bad I am saying take out pizza is disgusting,greasy, makes me feel dirty and overall ill. My friends who are doing the same lifestyle of eating an exercise also agree with me and said it done the same to them . Sorry for trying to help people that eat like I use to, I love feeling clean and fresh and my body generally feels dirty now so I'm spending the day detoxing! I'm striving for perfection in my life inside and outside of my body I'm never going to punish myself again by having a take away
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    next time don't forget to spray the dirty food with spray n wipe. It will clean it right up.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Clean eating can include also clean versions of kebabs, pizza and chocolate desserts (and can be delicious also). Things you can make the way it does not hurt you stomach or your waistline.

    If food is our enemy, we must turn it into a friend, not fight an endless war with something and waste out energy.
    We just have to turn it healthy and learn that sometimes the `bad` stuff are good (like healthy fats) in small portions.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Clean eating can include also clean versions of kebabs, pizza and chocolate desserts (and can be delicious also). Things you can make the way it does not hurt you stomach or your waistline.

    If food is our enemy, we must turn it into a friend, not fight an endless war with something and waste out energy.
    We just have to turn it healthy and learn that sometimes the `bad` stuff are good (like healthy fats) in small portions.

    Totally agree with this but I'm not saying food is our enemy I should of name the thread something Else I eat whole fats to skimmed or semi skimmed because the body needs them. I do eat pizza like said in pervious posts but when made by myself and Iknow it's healthy but take away pizza use to be my faveeeee food who knew it would make me so ill
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    next time don't forget to spray the dirty food with spray n wipe. It will clean it right up.

    I did use a kitchen towel to mop abit of the grease up does that count hhaha
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    next time don't forget to spray the dirty food with spray n wipe. It will clean it right up.

    I did use a kitchen towel to mop abit of the grease up does that count hhaha

    :laugh: maybe

    All things in moderation for sure, but the few times I had pizza when I was in the US I also felt pretty ****ty afterwards. I don't typically like greasy foods either though.

    Lesson learnt hey :smile:
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    next time don't forget to spray the dirty food with spray n wipe. It will clean it right up.

    I did use a kitchen towel to mop abit of the grease up does that count hhaha

    :laugh: maybe

    All things in moderation for sure, but the few times I had pizza when I was in the US I also felt pretty ****ty afterwards. I don't typically like greasy foods either though.

    Lesson learnt hey :smile:

    You only get the best if you be the best and act the best I suppose, but I'm dedicated so it's not far off hhaha
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Ya know, the OPPOSITE also happens.. when people eat so called"dirty" foods regularly and suddenly start consuming tons of "clean" foods their bodies react in a sometimes violent way. ANY change to the diet, especially in the amount of fiber or fat regardless of if it's a "clean" or "dirty" source can cause weird reactions in your body.. it's not because your pizza was "dirty".. this pizza simply had more fat than the "clean" pizza you were making for yourself at home.

    I find posts like this quite offensive actually. There are MANY people out there who can enjoy a healthy diet that includes the occasional pizza or take out food. I happen to not be one of them.. I steer clear of it entirely because that's what's best for ME at THIS POINT in my journey.... but I'm not going to get up on my soapbox and admonish all other people to do the same.

    I also think branding food "clean" or "dirty" is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard... and people who brag about their clean eating really do sound ridiculous...like they think they're so much more virtuous than all those who eat anything that THEY have branded "dirty"
  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member
    All things are fine in moderation.

    Disagree. Corn does not belong on Pizza. That is not fine.
    Agree, corn on pizza?!?...nope!
  • sexymuffintop
    next time don't forget to spray the dirty food with spray n wipe. It will clean it right up.

    I did use a kitchen towel to mop abit of the grease up does that count hhaha

    :laugh: maybe

    All things in moderation for sure, but the few times I had pizza when I was in the US I also felt pretty ****ty afterwards. I don't typically like greasy foods either though.

    Lesson learnt hey :smile:

    You only get the best if you be the best and act the best I suppose, but I'm dedicated so it's not far off hhaha

    Ive known some very dedicated bodybuilders that don't eat 'clean' 100% of the time, didn't stop them being good at what they did....just saying.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Ya know, the OPPOSITE also happens.. when people eat so called"dirty" foods regularly and suddenly start consuming tons of "clean" foods their bodies react in a sometimes violent way. ANY change to the diet, especially in the amount of fiber or fat regardless of if it's a "clean" or "dirty" source can cause weird reactions in your body.. it's not because your pizza was "dirty".. this pizza simply had more fat than the "clean" pizza you were making for yourself at home.

    I find posts like this quite offensive actually. There are MANY people out there who can enjoy a healthy diet that includes the occasional pizza or take out food. I happen to not be one of them.. I steer clear of it entirely because that's what's best for ME at THIS POINT in my journey.... but I'm not going to get up on my soapbox and admonish all other people to do the same.

    I also think branding food "clean" or "dirty" is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard... and people who brag about their clean eating really do sound ridiculous...like they think they're so much more virtuous than all those who eat anything that THEY have branded "dirty"

  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    next time don't forget to spray the dirty food with spray n wipe. It will clean it right up.

    I did use a kitchen towel to mop abit of the grease up does that count hhaha

    :laugh: maybe

    All things in moderation for sure, but the few times I had pizza when I was in the US I also felt pretty ****ty afterwards. I don't typically like greasy foods either though.

    Lesson learnt hey :smile:

    You only get the best if you be the best and act the best I suppose, but I'm dedicated so it's not far off hhaha

    Many many athletes would disagree with you

    "American swimmer Michael Phelps favours chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Usain Bolt’s love of McDonald’s chicken nuggets is well documented. Some save it for after the event: after winning gold in Beijing, Rebecca Adlington said she was longing for burger and fries."
  • sabrinalee8
    sabrinalee8 Posts: 45 Member
    I've been eating healthy and clean since April 2012 and I had a burger on my way home from a job interview 45 miles from my home. I instantly felt sick and bloated.

    I used to eat pizza, burgers, fried chicken on a daily basis too. Once I stopped, I realised what I was doing to my body and also how much money I was spending on that junk! I was shocked!

    I still have the occasional cheat day or cheat meal, so I don't feel like I'm depriving myself.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Ya know, the OPPOSITE also happens.. when people eat so called"dirty" foods regularly and suddenly start consuming tons of "clean" foods their bodies react in a sometimes violent way. ANY change to the diet, especially in the amount of fiber or fat regardless of if it's a "clean" or "dirty" source can cause weird reactions in your body.. it's not because your pizza was "dirty".. this pizza simply had more fat than the "clean" pizza you were making for yourself at home.

    I find posts like this quite offensive actually. There are MANY people out there who can enjoy a healthy diet that includes the occasional pizza or take out food. I happen to not be one of them.. I steer clear of it entirely because that's what's best for ME at THIS POINT in my journey.... but I'm not going to get up on my soapbox and admonish all other people to do the same.

    I also think branding food "clean" or "dirty" is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard... and people who brag about their clean eating really do sound ridiculous...like they think they're so much more virtuous than all those who eat anything that THEY have branded "dirty"

    Can you tell me something what did you use to eat to gain weight ? Do you eat it now ? How does it make you feel ? You don't eat that type of food no because it makes you feel low! After I eat food what made me gain weight I feel slobbish, dirty (not outside,inside) if you had 1200 calories of fatty food and 1200 calories of clean food what would you pick? Would you eat the 1200 calories of fatty food everyday because its in target? You do that an let me know how you feel I choose to eat clean because it makes me feel clean iv got a toddler so I eat as clean as I can I'm only 21 so I'm going to have the rest of my life feeling clean playing happily not getting tired enjoying my daughter can anybody tell me if they have done this all there life or have they been eating pizza and other fatty foods like that, that make you feel dirty because I know when I was eating it every day I was feeling run down, unwell , unhappy I couldn't run to save my life I couldn't bend down without getting out of breath now I eat clean I can do 200 squats without stopping no problem let me know if pizza eaters can do things like this too. I didn't mean this thread to be insulting or funny in any shape or form I was saying iv had a bad exsperience with something that made me feel dirty and disgusting an it has had affects on my body. Simple trying to share my bad exsperience so people can learn from it if you don't like it then dont read it simple as ..you come on here giving the 3rd degree and then say you don't eat it yourself .. Why don't you eat a nice big fat juicy pizza Tonyt and the report back to me tomorrow an let me know how you feel ok
  • Vivien27
    Vivien27 Posts: 6
    Hi what counts as a clean diet? I sometimes get random stomach cramps that can make me sick only relieved by horrible diarrhoea. Last week I ate dinner had ice cream after and within 10 mins I was in the bathroom l. That happened two nights running so third night no iceecream and no problems. Thing is I eat iceecream quite a lot so its not as if my body doesn't recognise it. I've been pretty bad since my birthday and Easter and am stuck since over treating myself so this clean food thing sounds interesting. Not that I always eat processed foods but I could do better. Death to the delicious sweets! Any advice would be welcome.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Must admit when I eat take away now in feel very grim. Your body does get used to good healthy food. If I have take away now I usually get a lamb or chicken kebab. Seem to be fine with that. Your body certainly gets used to not being abused. Last time. I had take away it was a bacon burger. Was up all night with tummy ache and just felt like a rock was sat in my tummy all day the day after and felt nauseous. Got to the point now where I'd rather treat myself to a big juicy steak! Yum!

  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    Evil food is the best-est. :drinker:

    No really though, any big change in diet can upset your stomach. I wouldn't say its evil, just a belly ache. BUT if you don't wanna hear about it then that is your choice. I will continue to eat some "evil (and dirty) food" once in awhile as long as it fits. Enjoy your journey.
  • verzanie
    verzanie Posts: 54 Member
    You obviously need to find a better take away..I very rarely eat take away pizza but when I do I love it as I buy from a very good restaurant and it's not greasy at all. I struggle with this concept of Evil food. All there is in pizza is flour, water, tomatoes, olive oil and yeast and whatever toppings you want. Now I don't think that's bad at all unless they drowned it in half a litre of oil in which case change restaurant!
  • sabrinalee8
    sabrinalee8 Posts: 45 Member
    All things are fine in moderation.

    Disagree. Corn does not belong on Pizza. That is not fine.
    Agree, corn on pizza?!?...nope!

    Pineapple on pizza is also wrong... Fruit on pizza is always a no no!
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