Husband's attitude



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm not sure why he sounds so angry about it. Have you considered just getting a side salad from pizza hut and eating it with one slice of pizza. That will help you fill up better, and everyone can enjoy their meal.

    I just looked at Pizza Hut's website. No salads mentioned. They have a Veggie-lovers Pizza.

    However, some cannot enjoy just ONE slice of pizza (we have one of those in my family).

    They have a garden salad and a chicken caesar salad. I know because I've ordered them.
  • GettinMyLifeBck
    GettinMyLifeBck Posts: 201 Member
    Not selfish at all!! Im in the same boat with you but I would suggest for you to ask your daughter to pick you up a salad. It seems pizza hut should have a salad or something!! Stick to the game plan...My fiance explained that he feels punished when I don't eat what he wants and in return I feel punished being the same weight so I would go and don't eat it!!! Only eat it if you want it
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    Sounds like my know pizzahut has a salad bar right?
    Not all of them.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    It's your daughter.

    Meet her and her partner and let him sulk at home.

    This is, of course, assuming that your pizza place doesn't offer salad itself. Most do. And then your husband could ask for a doggie bag to have the rest of the pizza himself.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    Back to OP
    this sounds more like the emotional aspect of the food, and the socializing , thant the pizza, did you guys used to go out and eat more ? i know other times i have tried to lose weight , when everyone was not on board it was hard, this time i am so LUCKY everyone in the house is on board, and we all are eating smarter.

    it may be he feels like youre drawing"attention" to his less than stellar eating habits, or that your need to eat"special" and he doesnt want it ..
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I just looked at your profile, and I notice that you say there that your husband refuses to travel with you if you need walking aids as a result of your original size (well done so far, by the way!).

    And now he's refusing to go out with you even for a 12 - 20 mile trip if you don't eat what he says, which would be difficult for you as it's not great from your healthy eating perspective?

    I dunno. Seems like he's throwing obstacles in your path.
  • Kealihc
    Kealihc Posts: 39
    first off, *****ing about your husband and wanting people to back you up...doesn't make for a healthy relationship. i can't believe some women...sorry.
    second. lighten up...there are a few different options here and he just wants to enjoy your company without you having to worry about what you eat 24/7...i know it's important to be healthy, but one meal...two pieces of pizza isn't going to undo all of your hard work. also...this side salad idea, it's a pretty great one!
    so i guess i don't understand the problem...your both being semi-babyish
  • LyndaTay
    LyndaTay Posts: 48 Member
    No you are not being selfish at all. He is! My husband wanted the same pizza the other night. I ordered it and went to pick it up. I was going to find "something" to eat when I got home. Instead, when I got home my husband had a huge salad made for me. He used all of my salad stuff, threw in a cutie and some left over pork chop as well as a couple of buffalo chicken bites.
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    Most restaurants will not allow one to bring outside food in. I'm not actually aware of any that will allow a person to do that. In bringing in outside food you risk creating a scene, which I'm sure none of you want.

    Sometimes, as adults, we need to do things that we may not want to. That's just the way it is. This dinner isn't about you. It is about your family. I'm sure this isn't the only thing that you've ever been expected to do for your family that you didn't want to do. Every time we take my schizophrenic, heavily medicated, and disabled father-in-law out for fish and chips I want to scream. I do it anyway. Hubby is making a big rib dinner tonight, and I'm out of calories. I'm going to eat it anyway: out of respect and love for him and his efforts (I'll just work my tush off tomorrow).

    If there aren't any lower calorie choices, have your piece of pizza. Enjoy the company of your family.
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    Gods, sounds a bit like my ex-husband. Including the "drinking lots of beer" bit.

    Which are both reasons, among many others, why he's my EX-husband.

    It sounds like there are bigger control issues here, OP. The pizza thing is a topic -- better figure out what the underlying issue is.
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    Well until you lose enough weight you are going to face this again and again. Even if he is being supportive. Eat one piece of pizza and then a salad w-ff dressing. It is all about the choices.
    He might be worried or just frustrated. Not that that is an excuse but it is your decision. If you know you are going to eat pizza and you want to eat it then plan ahead, workout. One day isn't going to completely undo you.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I did look at the nutritional info and really, it's not bad. So, I got Pizza Hut tonight for the family. I had two slices of delicious thin crust, minus the crust (which I never eat) and it was heavenly and filled me up. I'm well within my allowance for the day.

    I'm kinda glad I read this thread. I guess saying "I can never eat that again" is not going to be my response anymore. I feel a whole lot less constrained and a little proud of myself for breaking out of that diet mindset that has always defeated me : "if it tastes good, spit it out".

  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    He is the selfish one, not you! My husband brought me home carrots the other night. He tries to support me. He should be happy you are trying to lose weight and help you any way he can.

    One thing I have learned thru my weight loss is take care of yourself. I use to take care of everyone else!
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    bump to read later...
  • Leslie,
    You are doing an amazing job ! Do this for YOU!! You are a much better person than you give yourself credit for! I am very strong willed , and I was exercising way before my hubby did ! I made a commitment to me , to do what was right for my body , my hubby years ago was a smoker and drinker when he saw how important it was for me to be healthy, he decided to start working out , he's run several marathons, I applaud you for this tremendous weight loss so far and more to come, don't worry about 5 pounds , you are dedicated, conscious , and you care about you ! I still say your hubby sees what you have done and weight you have lost and he's envious! Do it for YOU ! You are worth it ! I know all about the knee thing because I as well have osteoarthrites in my knee and now I think my shoulder!
    If you need a shoulder to vent I'm here .
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    It's not all about you and four piddly pounds. Go out to dinner with your family, drop the drama ( your hubby is being childish, but both of you are at fault here.) Eat a snack before you go, and if you don't have the willpower to stop at one slice,work it off later, or take a week or two longer for those last four pounds ....I'll bet your hubby is tired of all the obsessing about calories, portion size, all that. Don't make the rest of the family feel bad....because the message you are sending is that your diet is more important to you than they are.

    To YOU it's 4 piddly pounds to her it's a goal. And her health is MORE important to her than listening to her husband act like an *kitten* because she wants to have a salad instead of pizza. Who gives two figs what he's tired of, this IS about her.
  • pnubn1
    pnubn1 Posts: 339 Member
    Well..if he's gonna be a big damn baby about it....go to PH...order a salad.....take big forkfuls of it and ENJOY it. Just who does he think he is? Your father? He should be happy and proud of you. Sounds like he's a bit of a hater.
  • mamadolce6499
    mamadolce6499 Posts: 20 Member
    Now the correct response from your husband should have been "More pizza for me"
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I did look at the nutritional info and really, it's not bad. So, I got Pizza Hut tonight for the family. I had two slices of delicious thin crust, minus the crust (which I never eat) and it was heavenly and filled me up. I'm well within my allowance for the day.

    I'm kinda glad I read this thread. I guess saying "I can never eat that again" is not going to be my response anymore. I feel a whole lot less constrained and a little proud of myself for breaking out of that diet mindset that has always defeated me : "if it tastes good, spit it out".


    I'm not being facetious when I say that I'm proud of you!

    That was a horrible mindset to have locked yourself into and now you can move past that :flowerforyou:
  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    I think each of you is being unreasonable in different ways. He is being unreasonable by not being supportive, but you by asking him to go out of his way to get you a separate meal. Why not just have a snack / salad at home before you depart to fill up on? That won't inconvenience him whatsoever, and you get what you want out of the deal.