Couch to 5k Anyone?



  • Kat_1
    Kat_1 Posts: 10 Member
    I didn't realize there was a 5k to 10k program. I must check that out! I tried a modified version of the C25K a few months ago and have finished 2 5K races and one triathlon since. I don't think I have ever run 10K at once in my life... but I would like to. So excited to try it.
  • cldaughe
    cldaughe Posts: 40 Member
    I will definitely check this out on my BB. Thanks for the info! :)
  • jendykstra67
    jendykstra67 Posts: 252 Member
    I'm repeating week two because I only got one run in last week. So w2d1 (again!) will be tomorrow. I wish I was moving ahead to week three, but I just wasn't able to keep up with it last week due to life interfering with my plans.

  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    Went back to Week 3 Day 1 again and was able to get through the 3 minute job maintaining at least a 6.0mph. Progress!!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I am on week 7 right now....just did day 1 this morning.....but the whole week is the same so It should be a breeze. I think after I finish the 9 weeks though I am going to go back and work on speed.

    I never knew there was a 5k to 10k program......I'd like to do that too.....but I think I wanna work on speed first.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I was supposed to start Week 3 on Saturday, and today was supposed to be day 2, but I am recovering from a large infected boil on the back of my thigh. After 4 days of intense pressure/pain, it finally drained last night and although it is still tender, I am feeling much better. I haven't been exercising at all, as I could barely walk, but I am hoping to re-do Week 2, day 3 on Wednesday and if that goes well, to start Week 3 this Saturday.
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    I am on week 7 right now....just did day 1 this morning.....but the whole week is the same so It should be a breeze. I think after I finish the 9 weeks though I am going to go back and work on speed.

    I never knew there was a 5k to 10k program......I'd like to do that too.....but I think I wanna work on speed first.

    Podrunner has followups to the C25K program located here:

    They have a gateway to 8K and a Freeway to 10K program to extend your training if you want to keep going with a structured program.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did Week 7 Day 1 at the gym yesterday and I couldn't finish 25 minutes of running.
    It was the same as Saturday, Week 6 Day 3 and I was fine on Saturday! I am bummed, I don't know why, really, I was hungover on Saturday and I had a corndog for lunch! Yesterday I was hydrated, had fruit, I am not sure why I couldn't. It wasn't my legs that hurt, it was I felt like I couldn't breathe. I guess I can try again Wednesday, maybe I will take it outside...
  • EmilyV80
    EmilyV80 Posts: 60 Member
    I did Week 3 Day 1 yesterday and it went really well! I felt so good when I was done too. I think I'm going to start doing JM's 30 day shred on my off days. And probably walk after the 30ds since it is only 20 minutes.
  • jendykstra67
    jendykstra67 Posts: 252 Member
    I just finished W2D1. I'm repeating this entire week because I missed two of the work-outs last week. This was actually the fifth time I've done this series of run/ walks (three times during week one, once last week and today). Today was by far the easiest time I've had so far. I really enjoyed the jogging parts of the work-out and I wasn't tired at all until the very end when I decided to push it and add two more series of run/ walks. So I did a total of 10 runs and 10 walks plus the 5-minute warm up walk and a 5-minute cool down walk. Not bad for somebody who couldn't even run a halfway up the block a month ago!

  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Tomorrow morning is Week 9 day 1 for me. Almost graduation time!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I start week8day2 tomorrow morning :)

    Hope you all are doing great!!
  • cldaughe
    cldaughe Posts: 40 Member
    I have researched the C25K program and think it is definitely something I want to do. My concern, before I get started, is that I need some solid running shoes and comfortable shorts. Does anyone have any suggestions in terms of brand or store? I figure, if I have the gear, I might as well get started with this.

    Also, how are you keeping track of the time intervals? I have a blackberry and am wondering if there is "an app for that?" :) if not, I am guessing most people just wear a watch?

    This is my first official day on MFP and I am ready to get moving and hopefully, running! :)

    If your Blackberry can play MP3 podcasts you can download the series from

    I've used these podcasts throughout and he gives you voice prompts to let you know when to walk and run. MUCH easier than trying to use a watch to time yourself.

    Thanks for the link. I just downloaded all of the c25k podcasts and hopefully, within the week, I'll have new shoes and be on my way to the 5k!!!
  • jendykstra67
    jendykstra67 Posts: 252 Member
    I tried to download the podcasts, but my internet is insanely slow. And I'm sick of the songs on my ipod, so I ran with no noise in my ears today. Wow, that was a totally different experience. My route takes me through the park, so I actually heard birds singing! It was very relaxing to have silence while I ran. And I don't know why, but this run seemed to go a lot faster than the others. I think it might be in part because I wasn't subconsciously thinking about how many songs had played.

    Do any of you run without any outside "noise" (music, etc.)? What do you think about the difference between running with music and without?

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    W7D1 completed today....and no, I did not do 2.5 miles in 25 minutes! :ohwell: Good job everyone...keep it up! Soon we'll all be graduates!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Do any of you run without any outside "noise" (music, etc.)? What do you think about the difference between running with music and without?

    I am indoors on a treadmill now, and have not been outdoors for a few months...but I have never listened to anything while on a walk, walk/jog, jog when outside. I just never have tried it. Yes, I agree the time goes faster. There is always something to look at, focus on, basically, other things that distract me.... and take my mind off what I am physically doing. It also helps me to clear my mind when there is silence. It's just me and the road. I have used poles, signs, houses, driveways, trees, etc for distance markers. Something about seeing those up ahead will challenge me and then I push myself harder which sometimes energizes me to go even further. I am inside now b/c of the heat, but I look forward to being outside again.
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Do any of you run without any outside "noise" (music, etc.)? What do you think about the difference between running with music and without?

    I am indoors on a treadmill now, and have not been outdoors for a few months...but I have never listened to anything while on a walk, walk/jog, jog when outside. I just never have tried it. Yes, I agree the time goes faster. There is always something to look at, focus on, basically, other things that distract me.... and take my mind off what I am physically doing. It also helps me to clear my mind when there is silence. It's just me and the road. I have used poles, signs, houses, driveways, trees, etc for distance markers. Something about seeing those up ahead will challenge me and then I push myself harder which sometimes energizes me to go even further. I am inside now b/c of the heat, but I look forward to being outside again.

    Where I run if it weren't for my iPod all I would hear would be the sounds of cars going by. I wish I had a nice peaceful place to run that wasn't a 20 minute drive from home.

    Finished W9D1 this morning and covered a total of 3.8 miles including the 5 minute warm up and cool down walks.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I'm back on track. I re-did Week 2, Day 3 this morning as planned, and will start Week 3 on Saturday! Yay!

    Congrats to those of you nearing the end of the program! :happy:
  • EmilyV80
    EmilyV80 Posts: 60 Member
    Yesterday was an off day so I did JM's 30 day shred. It was not easy and I'm sore today. I'm hoping it doesn't make my run tonight harder. If it does, I may have to hold off on Jillian for a little while.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Finished W9D1 this morning and covered a total of 3.8 miles including the 5 minute warm up and cool down walks.

    this is A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!! :drinker: what are your thoughts from Day 1 to now?

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