Not sure where to put this - My husband Sucks! LOL



  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Bear in mind, a lot will be water weight in the first week. I lost 3lbs in my first 4 days and was only eating the amount needed to lose 1/2lb a week.

    He's also heavier so will lose weight quicker naturally. It will slow down.
  • Gangwolf
    Gangwolf Posts: 40
    Ladies, keep in mind that it's not the number of pounds, it's the PERCENTAGE that actually matters. if your husband was 297, for him to lose 2.97 pounds is only 1% of his total body weight. If you weighed, say 190, and lost the same amount of weight, your percentage of loss would still be far higher than his.

    Of course, if his percentage is also higher, you're allowed to hate him.
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    Grrr! I hate men!

    No, not really, I just thought I'd add SOMETHING to the discussion other than "I'm jealous."

    My mom and dad will diet together and he always loses faster than here. My husband will lose faster than me too. It's just body chemistry but so discouraging. Hang tough.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Your husband is just a machine! I would give him a high five and celebrate with a beer!
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    Not trying to be harsh, but if you got rid of that 20 tsp of coffee creamer in the morning and replaced it with something else, I bet that would help.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    Lol... I laughed reading this. How much is he trying to lose? Trust me, when he gets closer to goal it will get harder, but men are different than women when it comes to weightloss, and sometimes it can be VERY frustrating.

    I recently came to the conclusion that my hubby is a bad influence... he doesn't really cook and likes to eat out. Currently he thinks eating a Wendy's Chicken Ceasar salad is "being good". He works out sporadically. It's like I have 2 kids - my hubby and my daughter, lol.

  • EmDork
    EmDork Posts: 14 Member
    I TOTALLY feel for you!!! My boyfriend and I started working out at the same time back in December. I am on a 1300 cal diet (not counting exercise cals), but he eats WHATEVER he wants (mostly junk), and A LOT of it (I saw him eat a whole package of Nutter Butters as a "snack" very recently). he had lost like 20lbs after a month or two, and I have lost 12lbs in 4 months. He is so smug about it I just want to punch him sometimes! Ugh!!!!
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Not trying to be harsh, but if you got rid of that 20 tsp of coffee creamer in the morning and replaced it with something else, I bet that would help.

    This is a lifestyle change - not a diet ...the 20 is over the entire course of the day Coffee I REFUSE to give. It works into my macros therefore that is my "treat" I measure that many in the AM and use throughout the day. I also drink over 72 ounces of water a day inbetween. But like I will NEVER be out of my diet so it is worked in.

    My weight loss has NOT stalled at all from it - 1 pound a week which is a healthy rate...but TX for the advice
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    I hate my husband for the same reason. He's a natural twig. He's 6'2" and fluctuate between 180-190 lbs. and when he's near the 190 mark, I hear, "I need to lose a few pounds." He needs to lose a few pounds, HE NEEDS TO LOSE A FEW POUNDS!!!!

    It's a good thing I dropped the weight. I used to look at him and say, "Who needs to lose weight? Have you taken a look at me lately? I gave birth to your children, so shut it."
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    You are the cook, just slip a little extra salt into his food to keep him to a reasonable weight loss. Once you reach your goal you can stop. :wink:
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Lol... I laughed reading this. How much is he trying to lose? Trust me, when he gets closer to goal it will get harder, but men are different than women when it comes to weightloss, and sometimes it can be VERY frustrating.

    I recently came to the conclusion that my hubby is a bad influence... he doesn't really cook and likes to eat out. Currently he thinks eating a Wendy's Chicken Ceasar salad is "being good". He works out sporadically. It's like I have 2 kids - my hubby and my daughter, lol.


    Honestly..I am glad you laughed :) It was not meant to be taken as me freaking out over it. (not my style)..just kind of a conversation of the many woes us woman deal with.
    ~ and yes I totally agree..I have 4 kids but only gave birth to 3 ;) LOL My husband is the same way "but it is a salad...aren't all salads healthy?" pffft!
  • 13tea
    13tea Posts: 55
    Try not to get down. Like you said you are the one who is doing the cooking and understands what it means in the long run. The 1st 10 is usually water. Hide the scale for a week. Give him a kiss and know little kids do grow up.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    You are the cook, just slip a little extra salt into his food to keep him to a reasonable weight loss. Once you reach your goal you can stop. :wink:

    ROTFLMAFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He already accuses me of poisoning him haha!!! He said I do it for a slow process so no one suspects anything LOL
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Your husband is just a machine! I would give him a high five and celebrate with a beer!

    High five he will get - beer not yet! ;)
  • MudRunLvr
    MudRunLvr Posts: 226 Member
    Only a woman would view someone else's successful weight loss as a reason to be angry with them. THAT'S what I think is disgusting.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    My husband and I started Insanity at the same time. He eats like a 12 year old boy, soda, sweets, mcdonalds... I cook almost everything I eat. I drink only coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day. He already looks like he's been working out for months and I still have my belly bulge. Grrrr. I feel your pain. LOL

    Know the feeling. I joke that my husband only has to blink and he will lose weight lol
    He also eats like your husband.. junk junk and more junk all day non stop. But blink and poof its gone lol :laugh: :laugh:
  • zumbalinda22
    zumbalinda22 Posts: 182 Member
    My husband and I started Insanity at the same time. He eats like a 12 year old boy, soda, sweets, mcdonalds... I cook almost everything I eat. I drink only coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day. He already looks like he's been working out for months and I still have my belly bulge. Grrrr. I feel your pain. LOL

    LOL awful isn't it?!?!? I read somewhere it is because our bodies were meant to have "fat" or excess to have healthy children...OK fine I get that but ummm I am DONE with having children can I please have the metabolism of a man now? LMAO

    I just said this to my daughter like 2 days ago! Been there, done that, now can I have a male metabolism?! My teenaged son starting watching his weight the same time I did. In 4 months, he lost 30 pounds; I lost 5. (don't get me wrong - I'm happy for him, and I understand that I'm like 37 years older than he is!) The frustrating thing is, he's not very active, and I go to the gym every day and watch every morsel I eat! With my husband, all he has to do is stop eating chocolate and he loses like 5 pounds in a week! I understand where you're coming from! : )
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    I know what you mean! My SO is watching what he eats (like I am) but has way more cheats. Infact one day he ate 7 pcs of pizza! and at the weigh in a few days later had lost 6lbs. I watched, counted everything and lost .2
    Mentally, I kill him... a lot..... lol
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    ..... men have an easier time of it than women. It's because they are weaker than we are and need it to be easy!

    This is awfully condescending of you.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Only a woman would view someone else's successful weight loss as a reason to be angry with them. THAT'S what I think is disgusting.
    Not true. I've met plenty of men who are just as spiteful and hateful.

    An ugly personality knows no gender limits.