
  • Sunnyjb
    Sunnyjb Posts: 220
    Welp, that's the end then. You'll probably weigh at least 50 lbs more now.
  • slickskc
    slickskc Posts: 2
    you've lost 33 pounds and you are going to give all that up b/c you took a bite? Celebrate that you did not continue to bite but that you realized your error and you stopped!!! Don't give up that is just what *evil* wants us to do and we are better than that!!
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Come on now ! Stop beating your self up. And why are you feeding your daughter pancakes covered in sugar and fat ? Maybe, if you give her healthier food it will help you in the long run too. You have lost 33 lbs. That is tremendous. Keep going we all give in totemptation, this is life

    Ummmmm.....what is totemptation?

    Its not a what, its a who. She is calling you "totemptation" and exhorting you to quit just like the rest of us.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Welp, that's the end then. You'll probably weigh at least 50 lbs more now.

  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Ok, now that you got that out your system, pick yourself up and dust off the powdered sugar and get back on it. As they say, a bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn. Make the turn. Good luck!

    I did not have powdered sugar, come on, I am not that crazy.

    Actually, I think you are that crazy. C'mon, eat powdered sugar. I double dog dare you.
  • RCMPWannaBe
    RCMPWannaBe Posts: 84 Member
    One bite won't set you back! The thing is to keep going! You can't beat yourself up over one minor slip up - just keep treating every day like a new one, with fresh starts!
  • mhk0719
    mhk0719 Posts: 255
    It's OK!! There's temptations all around and it's ok to give in. You gave in to those few bites - go out and walk for an extra 15mins. :) Don't give up!!! Giving up is easy - don't take the easy way out. :)
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    w00t! You've just proved you're human. Glad to know :)
    And even better, you stopped at a small piece of pancake and didn't raid the fridge and cabinets after. I would say that's a good thing.

    Everybody trips up. Not once, not twice, but many many times. The only way to fail is not get up again.
  • Excuse_less
    Excuse_less Posts: 874 Member
    Moderation !!!! Have a dang pancake once in a while. Not every day of course but you'll drive yourself crazy if you're deprived 100%
  • skparker2
    skparker2 Posts: 132
    My first reaction was, "She can't be f******g serious..." But then I read some comments & she could be kidding. Idk.

  • aliciaaw
    aliciaaw Posts: 180 Member
    I'm with Sweet 4 Tee , just shake it off!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    It was ONE BITE! Are you going to give up on everything because you took one bite of "forbidden fruit?" I'm sorry, but that is ridiculous.

    Your body needs carbs. A carb free diet is not healthy. There are simple carbs and complex carbs. You should be consuming at least complex carbs from whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables. If you consume the right balance of all things you will be less tempted to "cheat" and take a bite of your daughter's pancakes in the first place. Deprivation is never a good way to diet because it's not sustainable.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    This thread has made me want pancakes, dammit.
  • amaira515
    amaira515 Posts: 22 Member
    Don't beat yourself up, you are obviously doing well with 33 pounds down.

    Also not all carbs are bad. Your body needs them in fact! You just have to pick healthy ones i.e. complex v.s. processed/empty. Make pancakes but make them out of whole wheat flour instead of white.
  • jonathanharwood
    jonathanharwood Posts: 15 Member
    Who gives a crab if you eat a carb......you do realize carbs are a part of normal diets....
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    My first reaction was, "She can't be f******g serious..." But then I read some comments & she could be kidding. Idk.


    She is a He
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    *peeks in* You still here?
  • Its ok, we all mess up. But the good thing is, we can start right back where we left off. ive messed for a couple of weeks, but have finally got started back. It sounds like you're doing great anyway!!! Keep up the Good Work!!!!
  • Excuse_less
    Excuse_less Posts: 874 Member
    Moderation !!!! Have a dang pancake once in a while. Not every day of course but you'll drive yourself crazy if you're deprived 100%

    Or you could just give up and call yourself a failure...............I'm fine with whatever you decide lol
  • kittyx2
    kittyx2 Posts: 33 Member
    Don't beat yourself up & certainly don't give up. Even though low carb diets really help people drop the pounds, being too carb restrictive can be almost unrealistic for most of the population. So keep up the good habits you've established, but allow yourself to have a pancake every now & then. It's only when we're having pancakes, donuts, sugary cereal, bagels every day for breakfast that we are truly hurting ourselves.

    And congrats on the 33 pounds you've lost so far, that's a great accomplishment!