


  • Irene514
    Irene514 Posts: 62
    Ate a few slices of cheese and paté on toasts last night, as part of a wine and cheese evening with friends. Then we followed it with sushis... had like 15 pieces of various calories-packed kinds.... Cream cheese, fried, pineapple... you name it.

    And I had eaten so well all day, had even planned my perfect 300 calories dinner until my boyfriend called...
  • jourdanerin
    jourdanerin Posts: 69
    Well I no longer feel bad about unlogged cocoa last night. lol

    LOL! Glad my gluttony could bring you peace. :bigsmile:
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    I have been good so far, but every time I drive past my favorite Chinese buffet I want to stop. Also would love to eat a cheeseburger and fries about now. Guess I should go buy some frozen turkey burgers or better yet bocca burgers. I also would kill for a margarita; It isn't the same when you drink it without the alcohol. Lmao
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    Ate a few slices of cheese and paté on toasts last night, as part of a wine and cheese evening with friends. Then we followed it with sushis... had like 15 pieces of various calories-packed kinds.... Cream cheese, fried, pineapple... you name it.

    And I had eaten so well all day, had even planned my perfect 300 calories dinner until my boyfriend called...

    This happens to me a lot too. It is very difficult to stick to a diet when your partner is spontaneous with plans.
  • jourdanerin
    jourdanerin Posts: 69
    Thanks for the laugh. I just nearly cried.

    :laugh: you are more than welcome!
  • Absterdam
    Absterdam Posts: 50
    I had a 630 calorie "mini" dessert and 2000 calorie mac-and-cheese at my job. Over my calories in just one meal. -_-
  • ricewinona1
    ricewinona1 Posts: 6 Member
    Cinnamon Graham Crackers, 2 Cereal Apple Cinnamon Bars, 3 Bags of Cheetos, Wheat Thins Crackers, Kettle Corn popcorn, 1 bag of Cheddar Sun Chips, and Light butter popcorn.

    I wanted a deep dish pizzia but I left my money at home. Plus no evening workout. What a day! LOL
  • mrscarolbernard
    mrscarolbernard Posts: 32 Member
    Last week I mixed a tablespoon of sugar into a tablespoon of soft butter. Yum. Kinda like the first part of cookie dough.
  • MandiRae1005
    I had a McChicken and a small fry from McDonalds yesterday. BUT I did log it and still stayed in my calories for the day, and it's the first time I've ate fast food in almost a month so I'm trying not to beat myself up about it! Today is a new day!
  • jourdanerin
    jourdanerin Posts: 69
    My confession: I had to stop reading this thread because after reading all the posts on the previous page, I was literally about to head straight for the kitchen and starting baking cookies. *hehe* It made me so hungry for something unhealthy!!

    Today I've been okay but I just finished a rough spell. A couple of days ago, I had finished eating for the day (and was a little under for calories) when my friend called looking for someone to talk to so I ended up going to Red Robin with her and eating a spinach artichoke dip appetizer...pretty much by myself. And then yesterday I felt like I was eating everything in sight. *sigh* But this morning I weighed myself and I had lost some weight so now I'm feeling motivated again. :)

    P.S. Has anyone else noticed that sometimes if you get stuck you can actually eat more it gets you back on track with the weight loss?

    Sorry! Maybe I should've added that I set myself back a couple pounds AND ate so much sugar I felt sick. My belly still hasn't de'flated from all the sugar. - I do not suggest following my horrible 4 day derailment from the healthy eating train.

    maybe a "DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME" warning :)
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I don't mind binges, it just means that your daily macros are set too low if you get really bad food urges. The last big food day was a local food fair, so my day was: beer cheese sauce pretzel, two slices of pizza, 2.5 pasties, 3 chocolate chip cookies, some chips and guacamole, two scoops of salted caramel gelato, an éclair, a red velvet cupcake, and 2 shawarma. It didn't even feel like a binge and for me the more I eat the more I kick my *kitten* in the gym telling myself one more rep.
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    2 night ago I ate 7 chocolate chip cookies, last night I stopped ate 4. I'm weaning myself, LOL.
  • kookanddra
    kookanddra Posts: 92
    Last night my kids made homemade Pizzas for supper. One was all meat and the other was peperoni and a massive amount of cheese. I was also informed by my husband that I drank 8 beers. That suprised me because I felt like I had only a few until I looked in the frig and counted. Didn't log the evening because my beers alone put me over :tongue:
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    alright, i confess i have been trolling threads all week instead of working... much amusement in such things.
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    i have an unlogged cocktail and rice krispie treat from last night.
    and I never log the milk for my coffee, I always conveniently forget ;)
  • muah3iluvzu06
    muah3iluvzu06 Posts: 79 Member
    I may or may not of had 3 fudgesicles last night (120 calories for all 3), while yes, I was still under my calorie range, an apple could of did the job too, but I craving chocolate! haha.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    It's Friday. I'll be needing to confess to something by the end of the evening I'm sure.:devil:
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    You're not disgusting, I'm in the same boat. Being aware of it is the first step, though! I've definitely been eating too much. I ate (and logged) too much chocolate, nuts, seeds, peanut M&Ms, honey roasted peanuts, dried fruits (normally healthy, but not in the amounts I eat them), Nutella, cinnamon swirl peanut butter, bread, candy bars. Le sigh...
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Wednesday (I think) I ate 4 - 2oz pecan pralines (920 cals) - hell ya! I owned it and logged it.


    Last night, while making tuna/noodle casserole for dinner (I had a weird craving for mom's comfort food), I ate a big bowl of egg noodles with butter. Logged the noodles, not so much the 1/4 cup of butter the noodles where swimming in.
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    This one band camp...ooops wrong thread.