


  • jourdanerin
    jourdanerin Posts: 69
    jourdanerin I get the confession thing but jourdanerin your are NOT a horrible disgusting person. What you did may have made you feel that way but it doesn't make you one. Here's to confession cleansing the soul and giving us a clean slate to start over with.

    I know I'm not :wink: I sure did feel like it while stuffing my face with ungodly amounts of sweets. I wasn't even hungry or craving them!!!

    This is mostly just a confession thread to get it all out in the open then forget all about it and start back on track.
  • hludwig980
    hludwig980 Posts: 102 Member
    I had a BLT for lunch today even though I had bags of fruits and veggies in my lunch bag.
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    I've been pretty good - I think the worst is dipping a hard roll into the Thousand Island Dressing that came with my bay shrimp salad. Otherwise - ate real clean.
  • MrsRogers2010
    I did not log my foods yesterday! I took my son to Waffle House (Waffle with butter & syrup, 3 strips bacon, and cheesy hashbrowns) for breakfast, then we went on his field trip. Afterwards, we had a baseball game so we had dinner at Legend's Steakhouse (Cowboy burger, fries, and at least 2 maybe 3 dinner rolls with their awesome cinnamon butter). I also had probably 4-5 can Dr. Peppers. I felt the shame, but didn't really care at the time due to being so worn out and hungry! I have 600 calories left for today that I will probably go over due to having baseball games tonight, and NOTHING planned for dinner at home! Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I did log my breakfast today which was a chicken biscuit from Hardees (wasn't even what I had ordered, just what they put in the bag!) And a co-worker brought me piece of double chocolate oreo cheesecake
    I am trying so hard to resist it and forget it!
  • NinjaKelly
    NinjaKelly Posts: 82
    This past weekend I went to the beach and my meals consisted of the following: (notice not a single vegetable of fruit)

    Breakfast- Belgian waffle with syrup and 1/2 bagel with cream cheese
    Lunch- Trasher French Fries and a frozen custard with sprinkles
    Dinner- Chinese Carry out consisting of 4 fried crab rangoons and general tso chicken with pork fried rice. 4 strawberry margaritas

    Breakfast-Belgian waffle with syrup and 1 bagel with cream cheese
    Lunch-Chocolate cupcake and frozen yogurt with sprinkles
    Dinner-Wendy's Baconater cheese burger and medium fry

    I managed to gain 3 pounds that weekend :sad: but worked them off this week. No more splurging on the weekends for me :noway:
  • jenbod72
    jenbod72 Posts: 3
    I know I've hit rock bottom when I reach for a pop-tart. Yes, it is shameful and why do I do it! haha!
  • mikeatmichael
    mikeatmichael Posts: 92 Member
    Went to an open house yesterday after work and had six hors d'ouvres even though they had sliced fruit available, and didn't log them because I wasn't sure what they were. I tried to make up by having a bottle of water instead of a glass of wine to drink, but then I went home and skipped my evening workout.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I confess that I know I am GOING to over-eat this weekend. I have been steadily keeping below my cals for the past few days, especially so that when my kids take me out for birthday dinner on Monday (they had so better be planning to take me) I can over-eat and minimise the damage.
    Course, if they don't take me out then I shall have the added benefit of being able to bake my own cake and eat it all myself, in an attempt to cheer myself up for having a horrid birthday and horrid kids!!!! :sad:
  • n3wlif3styl3
    I need to confess something

    today I went crazy and feel gross now. It wasn't enjoyable and I just lost control...

    chocolate milk
    cinnamon toast breakfast bar
    tortilla with peanut butter
    oreo blast ice cream (a little over a serving)
    take 5 candy bar
    crispy crunch candy bar
    saltine crackers (3)
    lasagna (3 servings :( it was a "healthier" lasagna but I ate too much for it to be healthy)

    this was all before 5pm...

    What's worse is I don't keep these kind of things in the house (candy bars, ice cream, cereal bars) but my roommates do and they never eat them...I do.

    I consumed a lot of sugar. I hadn't gone grocery shopping so I ate what I could find and too much of it.

    Starting over NOW.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I haven't sinned yet but i'm going to apologise in advance because i wil be in two days.

    it's a bank holiday here in the UK and on sunday i am going to over load at my first barbecue of the year.... burgers, hot dogs, cheese, potatoes, ribs, chicken, mojiotos... mmmmmmmmm.

    here's to feeling guilty and hungover on monday!

    Yup. :drinker:
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    ok im sending hugz to the person that started the confession thread !!!!

    I had 4 pieces of LOADED pizza and 3 dessert squares at our admin lunch on Wednesday....I felt SO guilty that i went to the gym that night and worked my *kitten* off...i ended up in the green for calories BUT i did gain this week (i weigh every Friday morning)

    whew...i do feel better for having confessed my food sin :drinker:
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    oh i tracked it all the best i could but who knows if i was too low...i'd say probably LOL
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    Good for you for starting again n3wlif3styl3
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I had to stop at the store on the way home from work to pick up some things, and I somehow managed to wander into the chip aisle... I normally don't buy them because I know I'll just eat them but I had such a bad day at work that I just gave in. I bought some chips and salsa and came home and ate about half the bag as well as half the jar of salsa. I had a beer on top of that! I know the snacking was driven by my frustration and stress and I'll probably regret it later, but in that moment I just didn't care.
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    i love this thread. this proves we are ALL human. for gosh sake... enjoy life. dont count every friggan calorie. I do the same thing. NOT very often but i have done it. And im not ashamed to admit it!!!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I confess that I would like you to make me some of those s'mores crescent rolls :flowerforyou:
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    In the past 96 hours I may or may not have consumed (and logged) the following:

    2 Sprinkles cupcakes
    2 Homemade Brownies
    5 Homemade Smores Crescent Rolls
    1 slice 3-layer strawberry cake
    1 Banana Peanut Butter Cream Whoopie Pie
    3 Mocha lattes
    1 pint cookies n' cream icecream
    1 large box hot tamales candies
    1 small bag of Sour Patch Kids

    3 orders of French Fries (one with cheese)
    6 McDonald's Nuggets
    6 slices Homemade French toast with bananas, peanut butter, syrup, powdered sugar AND CHOCOLATE CHIPS!
    6-8 slices of CiCi's Alfredo Pizza
    3 Beef Sliders
    3.5 buttery Texas Roadhouse Rolls dipped in cinnamon butter

    AND a chocolate chip cookie from McDonalds.

    I think that's it.
    I may or may not have used the excuse that it was cheat day, then used the excuse that I had an upper respiratory infection/bronchitis and was sick and did not feel good and therefore could eat whatever I want.

    Yes, I am a horrible disgusting person for eating that much crap in such a small window of time. Now I have openly admitted to it and may return to my healthy-eating :)

    Anyone else have a confession??? (it makes you feel better, I promise)

    That is impressive!

    I think I ate like
    10 almond M&Ms
    5 tater tots
    7 buttery round crackers
    1 ounce of cheese
    2 ounces of chicken breast
    almost a 2 liter of diet coke
    and there is currently a dinosaur shaped chicken nugget on my toddler's plate calling my name

    Its a healthy sort of day :-)
  • vivian1616
    vivian1616 Posts: 27 Member
    I LOVE the fact that this thread was started yesterday and it's already 7 pages long!! Tells me it was a much needed thread, so thank you to OP. :D

    My confession is that I totally ditched logging anything from last Thursday til Sunday because I was at the lake with 8 other friends, and I knew we were going to be eating and drinking lots of stuff that was bad for me and I fully intended to enjoy every single minute. I have no idea what my calories were, but I did put on about 3 pounds by the time I weighed in on Monday morning. I regret nothing. It was a great weekend away with the girls.
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    After my workout today I went to the local cupcake shop and ate a strawberry-lemonade cupcake and it was good. And while I'm so far coming in under my calorie goal (and likely will since I worked out for 2 hours) I still feel a little guilty and it's good to get this off my chest.
  • hfester
    hfester Posts: 114 Member
    I'm a French teacher and today was French Food Friday. I avoided the crepes but had mousse au chocolat with strawberries and bananas. It. Was. Amazing.

    Noooooooooonnnnn, je ne regrette rieeeeennnnnnnnnnn!!!!