How do you stop yourself from eating after you're full?



  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    When I'm full, I no longer have the desire to eat. Is this a common issue? Do people, besides those who binge, have issues eating after they're full?

    I used to be able to really pack it in...hence the situation I have found myself in. Now, if I overeat, its no fun. I feel really aweful...terribly uncomfortable. But learning to say "enough" is part of the game. Not quite there yet.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    hahaha. Its so funny that you posted this. I swear Friday I found myself at Wendy's. I got a hamburger and fries. When I got it home, I was so mad at myself for getting it instead of the grilled chicken sandwich. I had a good day all day. I literally, not joking, split the fries in half. I got some Resolve Carpet Cleaner and sprayed it all over the other half so I wouldn't eat them.


    My worst distraction is reading while I'm eating.
    Then I don't pay as close attention to what I'm consuming.
    Also, get up, leave the table and do something else besides stare at more food! :love:
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 276
    If I am out to eat, I convince one of my table mates (usually another woman) to share a meal with me. If that's not possible then I pack away half before I start eating. At home it's quite difficult because I overeat in private. When I make dinner at home, I pack my leftovers away for lunch tomorrow at the same time I'm making my dinner plate and split those portions also. Mentioned earlier I eat on a smaller plate. It is sometimes emotional torture but I have had to make myself throw food away.
  • ananda403
    ananda403 Posts: 32 Member
    I drink a glass of water before I eat and a salad before a meal helps start to fill me up. Especially when I'm eating something I probably shouldn't like pizza or Chinese take out. Also definitely only getting as much food as I need, good portion control. Another trick I use is because I have these really large square dinner plates so most of the time I use the small salad plates for my meals. The large plates look so empty and make me think I don't have nearly enough food but they can hold like an entire roast chicken so it's a little deceiving.
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    As my daddy says to me, "Use your willpower" That's all I got.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I pretty much try not to be in the situation where I have a full plate or bag of things I shouldn't eat next to me. I just make myself a smaller plate, or get a smaller portion, and I eat it all. Frankly if I listened to my hunger signals, I would not eat enough at this point. It doesn't matter one bit if I'm full or not, I have to eat my calories for the day... so it doesn't really matter when I eat them. Worst thing that can happen is that I'm not hungry for a snack later... then I have a bigger dinner. Win/win.
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    Just put the fork down, push the plate away from you, and back away very slowly... :wink:
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    smaller plates and bowls, at home
    and measuring cups and SCALE!!!
    so you portion it all out,

    plan on only eating half of what youre served at most restaurants.. ask for a box right away, or only order one meal and share with someone
  • amaranthine1018
    I just stop eating, don't have a problem with that, but I know people who cover their food with salt so they won't eat anymore.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    All this is great but what does "full" feel like?

    You think I'm being a smart *kitten*.

    I know what being so full you are almost sick feels like.....but there is no in between. None, nothing, I've tried to eat as slow as I possibly can, waiting for a light bulb or something....nothing.

    But to answer the originial question....I have gotten better about taking and packing my lunch for the next day measuring it out and THEN I eat what's left over, but I have to be careful how much I fix in the first place.
  • calaz84
    calaz84 Posts: 72 Member
    I read a study that you are full at a 5-6 and should stop eating then. I cant recall the exact numbers and what they all mean but you can google it.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    Lots of great ideas. I am so bad about continuing to eat when I am full. At home, I measure everything out but always take a few extra bites when I am standing in the kitchen. My sister does it too. LOL. And we have noticed that our mom does it as well so I guess we learned it from her. When the hubbie and I are out to eat I am always finished first so unless the food is coming home it gets smashed in the napkin.

    Oh yeah......gum chewing helps too : )
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    Interesting thread. What if you were raised to clean your plate and not to waste food?

    That is my problem. I hate to throw it away and sometimes my eyes are bigger then my stomach.

    You have some good tips in your post. Thanks for sharing.


    also, leftovers are NOT wasteful. eating more than you need, or are even comfortable digesting, is wasteful. leftovers are like free lunch.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    Interesting thread. What if you were raised to clean your plate and not to waste food?

    That is my problem. I hate to throw it away and sometimes my eyes are bigger then my stomach.

    You have some good tips in your post. Thanks for sharing.

    Good point. I try not to waste things at home. We keep everything until it's either gone or a science experiment in the fridge.
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    If you portion control there's no question of when you stop - when that portion is gone, you're basicallty done. Don't put more on your plate than one portion and you should be fine. It took me a while but I broke myself of "tasting" while I cooked. You'd be surprised how fast those calories add up.
  • tenintwenty
    tenintwenty Posts: 92
    I don't get full. Different problem. I stop myself from eating when I'm done by: 1) properly portioning out my food before I start eating, 2) if I don't feel satisfied after a meal I have tea. It gives me a distraction, and that warm feeling in my stomach makes me feel satisfied.
  • spetermann190
    spetermann190 Posts: 289 Member
    I guess I can't relate ... because if a I am feeling satiated I have no motivation to eat ... unless I am Working to gain weight ... then I wouldn't want to stop myself??
  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    I put my napkin on my plate and push it little bit away from me.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    After over a year I still cant stop my self from grazing and nibbling on my plate even if I'm full and its food that I've already portioned (so theoretically I can eat it I'm just full). Its hard learning to stop eating when your satiated vs. full. When I am satisfied with my meal (i.e. not hungry) sometimes the old habits sneak in and I want to eat more because I'm not full and then on the flipside when I am full I can still pick at my food. The best thing to do is remove the temptation - throw it out, put it away or walk away. For me nothing else helps. Unless the food is out of sight and therefore out of mind I want at it lol.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Why would anyone keep eating after they're full?!?!?! Is this a serious question? When I'm full, I can't fit any more food into my gaping maw! When I'm full, my bacon spills out of my mouth and crumbles onto the table. I literally could NOT eat after I'm full. It'd be Monty Python all over again.

    "ah, but sir, eet ees wafer-thin!"