Abercrombie and Fitch CEO "hates fat chicks"



  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I just remembered the last time we went shopping in that store. The guy working the register couldn't count out my change. I had to tell him how much he owed me even though the register said it on the slip. He literally could not count the bills and change he had to give me. I had to tell him you have to give me a 5 and 3 ones and a quarter and a nickle in change. My husband whispered in my ear maybe he needs to take off his shoes and count with his toes? As we left I told my husband I guess he was hired strictly for his looks. Their sales people are horrible!
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    I'm glad I never had a interest in fitting into their clothing anyway. Most of it is boring, ugly, cheaply made garbage anyway. I'd rather shell out money to a company that invests time into making sure things don't rip after one wear...
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    As we left I told my husband I guess he was hired strictly for his looks.
    They do hire for looks. My former roommate was dating someone for a short time, and they went to an A&F store to shop one day, and the manager pulled my roommate's boyfriend aside and offered him a job because of his looks alone. Crazy!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    As we left I told my husband I guess he was hired strictly for his looks.
    They do hire for looks. My former roommate was dating someone for a short time, and they went to an A&F store to shop one day, and the manager pulled my roommate's boyfriend aside and offered him a job because of his looks alone. Crazy!
    That doesn't surprise me. All of the guys look like surfers and the girls are twigs. None of their employees can do anything more than stand around and look good. I swear that guy who rang us up was dumber than a brick.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    lol that's fine I can't get within 3 feet of that stanky store without having a coughing fit anyway.

    Why are their stores stinky? What do they smell like? Do they do this on purpose?..
    They drench everything in their perfume/cologne. Yes, it's done on purpose for marketing.

    whenever I'm in a mall and there's an Abercrombie and Fitch, I purposefully walk on the other side of the pathway because of the smell. I can't stand the smell! Bath and Body Works isn't even that bad!
  • 5erious
    5erious Posts: 469
    As we left I told my husband I guess he was hired strictly for his looks.
    They do hire for looks. My former roommate was dating someone for a short time, and they went to an A&F store to shop one day, and the manager pulled my roommate's boyfriend aside and offered him a job because of his looks alone. Crazy!
    That doesn't surprise me. All of the guys look like surfers and the girls are twigs. None of their employees can do anything more than stand around and look good. I swear that guy who rang us up was dumber than a brick.

    Looks like someone is jelly
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    theres a store down here that you midsized ladies may like.... Its called 5-7-9 .. literally everything in the store is a 5,7 or 9 lol... but they arent rude about it

    That's funny to me, because in the early to mid 90s, 5-7-9 was considered the "skinny chick" store. I was about 105 pounds then, and it was one of the only places I could get clothes that fit. I was typically a 3 or 5, but they had clothes in 0 and 1, also. That was the first place I ever saw a size 0.

    That A&F guy looks like he's one facelift away from having a belly button for a nose.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I can't shop at Lane Bryant because their clothes are just a little too big for me. It doesn't make me upset in any way, so why should we get upset if stores won't carry a larger size?

    Don't like it, don't shop there. It's that simple.

    I don't agree with him hating fat women, of course. However, he is entitled to his opinion and how he runs his business is how own business, really.
    Exactly. It seems that people here are essentially saying that they wouldn't care how he marketed his clothes if he didn't say it. That's not very fair to him and infringes on his first amendment right.

    Basically, Mr. CEO, it's okay to hate fat people and not make clothes for them, just don't flat out say you hate fat people.

    The first amendment comes from the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is a document designed to protect 'the people" from the government.

    CONGRESS shall make no LAW ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...

    A person refusing to buy a product from someone because of what they have said has NOTHING to do with the first amendment.

    Sorry, silly rant over. I just hate the misuse of the first amendment.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I can't shop at Lane Bryant because their clothes are just a little too big for me. It doesn't make me upset in any way, so why should we get upset if stores won't carry a larger size?

    Don't like it, don't shop there. It's that simple.

    I don't agree with him hating fat women, of course. However, he is entitled to his opinion and how he runs his business is how own business, really.
    Exactly. It seems that people here are essentially saying that they wouldn't care how he marketed his clothes if he didn't say it. That's not very fair to him and infringes on his first amendment right.

    Basically, Mr. CEO, it's okay to hate fat people and not make clothes for them, just don't flat out say you hate fat people.

    The first amendment comes from the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is a document designed to protect 'the people" from the government.

    CONGRESS shall make no LAW ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...

    A person refusing to buy a product from someone because of what they have said has NOTHING to do with the first amendment.

    Sorry, silly rant over. I just hate the misuse of the first amendment.
    Ok. Sorry, I'm not a legal buff. Edited.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I took my daughters in there one time, and they found a boatload of stuff on sale--I mean a ton things. As the nasty little sale person was ringing up our stuff (I mean tons, maybe 30 items or more--it was a huge sale), I asked him about their perfume, and he looked up at me, and gave me a snarl and smugly said...that's number 8 or something like that....

    I said, wow...are you having a good day, because your attitude is kinda, ummmm....not cool. He looked a bit shocked, straighten up just a wee bit, and keep ringing up our HUGE load of stuff and didn't bother to answer me. As I was watching him ring our stuff up...I was looking around at the weird pics and told my daughters, ya know what? I don't like the "tudes" up in here--my two daughters whispered to me and said--that's why we never come in here--it's weird up in here, mother--let's go somewhere else--to Lucky Brand instead. I said, you're right! The young dude looked at me and rolled his prissy eyes and continued ringing up our huge purchase. I just looked at him--with one eye brow raised. When it got to the last item, it gave me the total...which was a lot and he dared to say, hmmmph he gave me the total.... I looked at him and said:

    "Ya know what sweetie...I don't like your attitude--I've changed my mind--I'm not getting any of this stuff, I'm going to take my daughters to Lucky Brand instead and give them our money and business instead of you--so you can just cancel that big huge order and have fun putting all that stuff back....then I said--- HMMMMPH!

    He looked at me and said, oh my God, I'm sorry, I'm sorry--I'm soooo sorry!!!! I told him I am too--next time he'd better treat people like he wants to be treated, and not like your customers are doing you a favor honey and my daughters and I flounced out the store with prissy delight and shopped until we dropped at Lucky Brand instead (which is one of my daughters favorite stores).

    My daughters have NEVER stepped their skinny selves in that store since!

    Hmmmmmph :smooched:

    Love this.

    I think this is all a marketing ploy in some twisted way and that's what bugs me. Abercrombie's sales have been suffering for years and they are projected to actually lose money this year (well, up until recent consultants swooped in). The thing is, I think this story circulating is going to empower crude little farty children/teens to feel more elite and cool when they were Abercrombie.

    To me, this kind of story being read by an impressionable kid might be met with, dare I say it, enthusiasm. And I think that's the point. I think this story became a thing because Abercrombie wanted it to become a thing to engage their potential customer in conversation. It says, "if you're cool, and special, and not fat, come into Abercrombie and make it known to your peers". Can't say it's not brilliant, and can't say it's a new concept either, but It's still an unpleasant thing to deal with if you're a young, impressionable and overweight kid/teen who wants to be cool but feels filtered out of a certain store/look.

    As adults, we'll just take our money elsewhere. As kids/teens, some are likely to feel like they are coming up short always. And I say this coming from the standpoint of a former teen who wanted to be cool and wear Abercrombie but rarely fit into their clothes because I had boobs and a fuller behind (and I wasn't even fat at that point).

    Haven't read the article yet but will add my thoughts anyhoo! Don't ya love that?!? I am sure I could never wear their clothes but my daughters are tiny. I do believe in freedom of speech. i also believe it is my responsibility to teach my childrent o stand up for or against social injustice. To me, that's what this is. To cater to a small size is one thing. To say fat people can't be cool is totally different. To say you don't want them in your clothes because they are ugly. To offer men's sizes in those loarger sizes yells its ok for men to be overweight but not women. Perhaps I am stretching but I will be teaching my girls to be fiscally responsible and steer them to other stores. If they choose to shop there anyway, its their dime, not mine! As a former fat teen and knowing teens are their target market, I am even more offended. That is a most tender age and any teen who can't fit into those clothes is going to be the brunt of a mean girl's jokes. I can hear some snarky comments now. No place in my budget to support that!!
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    And as a public figure, he may have freedom of speech. But he should also practice responsible speech. As an elected official, I learned quickly how easily the media can spin what you say by leaving out most of it. If that happened, he should have immediately come out witha rebuttal.

    One more thing, he is talking about ugly people?!? Get some eye work done, dude! :tongue:
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I've never been interested in wearing clothing that is clearly intended for 14 year olds. (the only people I ever see in their stuff is young teens)

    I also try to avoid doing business with companies that are ****ing *kitten*. So it works out.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    eh....to each their own....

    i'd rather spend my money on running shoes and workout clothes.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    The CEO looks like he had face transplant surgery

    I haven't read all 4 pages but that's what I was going to say; the guy's had multiple cosmetic surgeries and he's starting to look grotesque.

    A&F is well-known for clerks who ignore you or give you the stink-eye if you should happen to trespass into their territory and you're not their kind. I say this as someone who could fit into their clothes, but I'm 60 and have grey hair and glasses, so I'm not their type, either. He's just reinforcing their image and the loyal customers who like to be part of the "In group" will eat it up and go shopping for more A&F clothes, so he got what he wanted.
  • MegWilbe
    MegWilbe Posts: 56 Member
    They hate poor people too...They BURN thousands of pieces of unsold clothing every year instead of donating them, because poor people wearing their stuff it bad for their image....
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    They hate poor people too...They BURN thousands of pieces of unsold clothing every year instead of donating them, because poor people wearing their stuff it bad for their image....

    If that's their business model then more power to them but.... this actually made my jaw drop. Wow.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    His looks win no prize, but a successful business person does not use personal taste.
    They cater to a market that they can probably ride for about 20 years until the brand becomes ubiquitous and they need to change.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Seems like a jerk.

    That said.. kind of odd you'd gripe about this particular stance of his, then say how ugly he is or how bad his surgery made him look.

    Just sayin'
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    4 pages in and not a single LFO Summer Girls reference...

  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    If you place value in someone who tried to define a perception, you will most likely see arrogance...

    in this case, Ambercrombie's your *****.

    Rather than glorify another for anything negative, for it only adds to their "awareness" within society, take your negative prejudice and change it to the positive. As in, for this individual, stop buying, looking, or thinking about their product.