40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All!

    Just got home from work a little less than an hour ago. I was able to get in a great work out! Lifted for upper and lower body and core! Also got in 1/2hr on elliptical. Tomorrow's another late day in, but Jake will be here in the morning. Hoping to get a walk in there somewhere. We'll see. It's nice going in late, but it means I don't get out until late. Boo!

    Beeps and Sdereski- I actually hated turning 40, thought I would be in a different place in my life by then, but I just turned 46 yesterday and am loving life!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    So glad to read that, KellySue!

    I LOVED my teen years. I LOVED my 20's. I LOVED my 30's. I AM LOVING my 40's. Whatever decade I've been in, I've really enjoyed it.

    Yes, "40" is a big "marker" year, but it's always good to see birthdays come and go. I mean, really, what's the alternative?? DEATH.

    Um, nopey....
  • suezydereuzy
    suezydereuzy Posts: 13 Member
    46 years young here - mind if I join in?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Post away, suezydere!

    Lunch with the gals was AWESOME!

    Have a great weekend! And, Happy Mother's Day to all the US/Canadian mama's who post (regularly) here! Enjoy your special Sunday! I'm gonna....
  • stiggy64
    stiggy64 Posts: 40 Member
    Morning all!

    Been on the missing list again, sorry about that but been a really busy week.
    It's been a complete disaster gym wise, I didn't manage to go once so missed out on 3 of my SL5x5 sessions. Hopefully next week will be better and i'll be back on track. It was going well although in the last session I failed on my OHP set, I managed 4 sets but had to drop the weight for the final set. It was a bit disappointing but that is my weakest exercise and i've still gone from 44lbs to 71 so progress has been good.

    Anyway, in my last post I promised to give you all an update on progress so far so here it is, starting stats are in brackets:

    Weight = 183.8lbs (188.5)
    BF = 25.1% (26.6%)

    I've been married 25 years on June 11th and I am now lighter than at any point since I got married which is quite a sobering and inspiring thought. When I originally started on MFP a few years back my ultimate goal was 182lbs so i'm within touching distance now.

    Have a great weekend all :)
  • raingalgene
    raingalgene Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there, I'm a Nifty-Fifty (on the outside - I'm still 25 on the inside!) Can I join in too? Feel free to add me. :) Have a great weekend, everyone:wink:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    It is a cool, snowy day in Northern Ontario. We did have a few hot days and then the weather got cold again. :grumble:
    Was outside this morning cleaning up the yard and my flower beds when suddenly instead of rain falling, it was snow. It was cold enough to stay on the ground, and suddenly...it looked like winter again. :noway:

    Hoping it is all gone by morning.

    Had my family Mother's Day dinner today. Tomorrow will be a "me" day. The plan is to get my long run in the morning, lunch with my hubby and then we are going out for dinner with some of my husband's family.

    Did manage a short run yesterday.

    Hope you are all having a good weekend.
    Happy Mother's day to all the mom's on here. :flowerforyou:

    stiggy - congrats on the amazing progress you've made.
    Welcome rain; suezdere. :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Hi all,

    Hope the mama's had a great Mother's Day weekend (in Canada/USA, anyway).

    I did a FULL-ON "rest day" yesterday and it felt good. Weird, but good.

    Today, I lift....but, I may not even TRY and knock-it-out-of-the-ballpark, today....I might just ease back into it and see how the week goes. I'm in a calorie deficit, trying to whittle away these last few pounds, so THAT takes my focus, just now.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning! Well it certainly was a busy weekend. I didn't make it for that walk on Friday, but my very busy, crazy day here at work more than made up for it. We moved furniture, cleaned and ran around like "chickens with our heads cut off" so I probably burned more calories than I would in a regular work out. The great thing about it is, I actually had energy to get everything done and still be presentable at the end of the day when I had to address people at our movie presentation.

    I did enjoy a workout on Saturday between grocery shopping and getting my hair done. Sunday was a rest day and I spent the morning with my friends at church and in the afternoon I went to to see my family who I haven't seen since January when my parents left for Florida for four months. They were pleasantly surprised to see all of the weight I lost. It was nice to see my hard work has been paying off.

    Work out this morning was good. I made it through the complete weight circuit and cardio on the elliptical. :bigsmile:
  • Happy Monday, Y'all.

    I hit the gym this morning as soon as the kids were on the bus--got my heavy weight and some uphill jogging on the treadmill out of the way before work. My workout schedule was SO messy last week due to a sick child, and I'm normally very militant about my schedule so this jumping back into it this week, after a day of rest, was just what I needed. When my schedule gets thrown off, so does my diet. Not only do I not grocery shop properly, but I end up using convenience foods. Bleh.
    Such bad timing too, since I'm trying to switch from MFP's deficits to TDEE ala Scooby.

    Anyway... back at it! This morning was a great work out, EXCEPT that I think the deadlifts may have pushed my lower back too far :(
  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    Idk if I already responded but I would love new friends
    in my age category. I'm 43, on MFP daily. Diary is open2
    friends .. Cw 187 Gw135 was over 300 to start. I
    documented 316; however it may have been more. I look
    fwd to meeting new ppl in their 40s+. :)
  • jkelly1198
    jkelly1198 Posts: 5 Member
    I just survived a weekend with a house full of out of town guests and everything from 5 layer bars, bagels and cheeseball staring at me. Not to mention my Hubs 40th birthday bash complete with cake and high calorie booze and then... mothers day yesterday. Somehow I braved the scale this morning and did not gain. Woot! Go Me...Go Me...Didn't lose any, but no serious backslide. Eventhough I didn't sqeeze in my workout (the "get down meltdown" as I call it) I still maintained some self control. I treated myself with little bites, tastes and pieces of the "bad stuff" and stayed away from the mentality that if you blow it, you might as well go hog wild, "HOG" being the key word there... I am proud of my progress as slow as it is and I feel good about myself for taking control. I am not in my "skinny jeans" yet, but I can button my fat jeans now. :O I refuse to let the scales control me anymore. It was too discouraging! I am weighing weekly instead and bought a pair of cute red shorts in the size I "should" be wearing that I try on occasionally and take pics of my own round *kitten* in them. That is all the motivation I need. I hope to wear them with a sexy pair of heels by the end of summer!
  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    I just realised this is a chat thread .. now I need to catch up.
    sorry OP, my mishap. I'll jump in somewhere. :)
  • bkknauer
    bkknauer Posts: 28
    i would like to join in on the over 40 club! I too am loving my 40s for the most part. Had bariatric surgery at 41 and 2 1/2 years later in the best shape of my life. Do MSVB thrive class 5 or six mornings a week and try to stay at 1500 calories. I'm 5'9" float around 172-174 lbs and have for some time have a goodly amount of hanging skin but no cash for surgery right now. Would like to weigh less but seem to be more building muscle right now than losing plus eat to much at night. Current goals get stricter on food and add more cardio hubby gave me a bike for my last birthday and have only rode 2x would really like to figure how to add to lifestyle but struggle with having little kids still that cant ride yet maybe when smallest goes to preschool in july...hope all the ladies had a great mothers day!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Keep posting, gang!

    It's great to have "support" when >40+ and intending on living an active/healthy lifestyle!

    I LOVE IT!

    Got my lifting in-and-done....<60 minutes, today - YAHOO!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Well, I did a GREAT job of keeping my calories ULTRA-LOW yesterday, UNTIL I got home from my son's baseball game.

    I let myself get TOO HUNGRY. So, then I had my supper (which was bacon and eggs), but remained hungry.



    So, today marks "day 1", again....
  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    Oh Beeps - I hate when that happens! And my poor husband does it all the time - gets in late from the ballgames, and is STARVING - then is grumpy because I don't have anything to satisfy that kind of hunger in the house quickly!

    It's hard for me to keep up with all the posts! I guess I'll just jump in whenever I can. LOL

    Anyways, I don't think I shared my last two weighins the last two Fridays - I lost 7 lbs, then 2 lbs! Woot!!!

    I'm loving working out with the trainers 3x week - and have started doing cardio on my own for an hour a few more times a week. It's made a big difference.
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    Hi All,

    Hope all the moms a had nice mother's day weekend, I spent mine with my mother and my sister, did a little shopping, ate and ate...back to square one since yesterday. Thoroughly enjoyed my parents visit but glad to be back to my normal routine. Made it to the gym last night and felt great!

    On other news, our teenage daughter is away all week enjoying her 7th grade class camping trip and behold, my husband has decided to join me at the CrossFit gym tonight in our attempt at new kind of date night :heart: - BTW my husband is very athletic, weighs the same he did in high school and is very active, surfing, skiing, hiking, you name it - In 18 yrs of marriage it's the first time we are having date night at the gym and I'm very excited, can't wait to show him how much I've improved and what I am now capable of doing :blushing:

    Wishing you all a great afternoon, I'll report back tomorrow.
  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    newbeg - what a great idea for "Date Night"!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    helpers - congrats on your last 2 weigh-ins....sounds like you're making EXCELLENT progress? What are your overall goals??

    newbeg1nning - TRX on thursday nights are our "date nights" just now....it's AWESOME! We only paid for 8 group sessions, and this week will be week 3....so, it's just a fun thing to do for the month of May/June. We'll be back to "restaurant-time" in no time. I bet you'll LOVE crossfit with hubby!
