Petite girls r u struggling w last 10 pounds??? 5'1" - 5'3"



  • <<<<<<<<< struggling with last couple pounds
  • maui637
    maui637 Posts: 4
  • OMG this is me Im 5'2 and the same weight as you and I just can not lose the last 10 lbs no mater what i do! I've been running and trying to count calories and it seems like nothing is working!
  • PINKinquisition1908
    PINKinquisition1908 Posts: 180 Member
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    It's work, but I expected it, given my age, size, height, weight, and activity level.


    Fast 5 helped me get down to 98 (not my lowest weight and well within my natural range). I lost about 5 pounds after 30 days. Although it helped, I have stopped it and am considering other types of Intermittent Fasting. In the meantime, I'm weighing myself frequently. I'm 99, 18 percent body fat, per my scale.

    The only way for me to lose is to eat in a simple, structured manner that almost ensures I won't over-eat.
  • luvsyoga
    luvsyoga Posts: 90 Member
    Sigh.... that's me.
  • petitehealth
    petitehealth Posts: 148 Member
    SW: 130 CW:118 GW: 110
    I've struggled with the dreaded 10 lbs for about 2 years. Am I aiming to high? (Or should I say low)
    Looking to share food logs with other petite ladies. I'm 5'2 trying to manage a 1200 calorie goal. I recently plateaued and realized that I wasn't eating enough calories considering I exercise 4-5 times a week. I've upped my calories and have started losing weight again.
    Also started blogging healthy recipe ideas at Please add me as a friend if you'd like to share food diaries/motivation. Thanks!
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    bumping for later
  • riddlen26
    riddlen26 Posts: 3
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    5'3" here. sw:147.5 on 1/11/13; as of today 128lbs.........original goal 120, may change to 115. Just looked at stats; lost 4.5 in past month.

    Method: cals. 1200 usually, sometimes a bit lower, but never over 1400.........NO bakery type items.........very little of some veg. (carrots.potatoes, corn), tons of the rest, all fruits, bread rarely, I use Trader Joe's wheatberry bread, don't drink my calories except for milk. Don't eat out, make your own food.

    Gym.......maybe an hour and a half 3x/wk......... light exercise class----but I do it holding weights, treadmill, elipitical, row, bike, weight machines, Occ, do kettleball video work out. Learn to love planks.

    Wear a pedometer....try for 10,000/day. Get a food scale........use it and go with grams when possible. Be honest.

    AND I'm age at which many have concluded it's difficult if not impossible to lose............
  • This is my problem exactly! I am 120 trying to get to 110 and I'm 5'2. Ugh I have no idea what to do anymore!
  • I feel ya
  • nel131
    nel131 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5"2 I am at 114lbs. Sounds crazy but I want to lose FINAL 10 lbs. I have no idea what else to do. I do High intensity interval training and running long distance on off days. Any ideas?
  • faiora
    faiora Posts: 6 Member
    Something a nutritionist told me yesterday -
    You need to make sure you're eating enough protein if you get stuck losing weight. Protein will help with building lean mass even if you aren't doing heavy strength training, and the lean mass will in turn help get rid of the fat. Make sure you're getting at least a hundred grams of protein per day, and it's fine to have a fat intake higher than your carb intake.
    I actually have been prescribed a protein intake of closer to 150 grams (I'm 5'10 and have a lot of lean mass already).
    Good luck! And of course, do your own research in case it doesn't apply to you the same way. :)

    Edit: I should mention, my nutritionist does DXA scans for me, so this advice is based more on improving body composition than on losing "pounds." But this is the way to lose fat specifically, without losing lean mass. Apparently a lot of diet programs (Like Dr. Bernstein and such) work by reducing your caloric intake so far below threshold that you're actually losing lean mass along with fat. Then it becomes really hard to lose more weight and keep the weight off, because you don't have the lean mass in place to help regulate.
  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    This is my problem. I am 5'3", and I have ten more pounds to lose before I reach my goal weight. I weigh 150 pounds and I am trying to lose down to 135-140. I am 66 years old.
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    I am totally with everyone with this problem. I am 5 ft 1, have managed to get to 131lbs but for months I lose a lb, put on a lb, lose a lb, get the picture. I have tried upping my calories, lowing my calories, changing my foods, changing my exercise and still can't get the weight off. :sad:
    So frustrating!!!
  • samanthlg
    samanthlg Posts: 4
    Hi fellow lil' ones!
    I'm 5'3 - I started this journey in 2009 at 155 lbs. I'm now 125 lbs. I've gotten down to 112 lbs and maintained for a year, There have been a lot of road blocks, moments of failure and moments of success. A couple of things I have found (my own opinion, obviously):

    1. That magical number isn't going to bring you eternal happiness. A sense of accomplishment? maybe. True happiness? never.
    2. Wearing a zero doesn't match up to the hype I thought it would. I was surprised to learn that zeros also come in all shapes and sizes.

    3. Every day is shaped by a million little decisions. This applies to every area of your life. If you want to be successful, whether it is professionally, romantically, or physically, you MUST internalize the principle that every decision you make brings you closer or farther away from the person you want to be and the goal you have in mind. Successful people are simply doing the things they don't feel like doing.

    try not eating that mini gluten free cookie that you think won't hurt you - watch the power of that small decision transform your thinking.

    Enough Preachin' GREAT JOB LADIES!!!!
  • Brendagoez
    Brendagoez Posts: 1
    I'm 5'2 and weigh 115 and am 56 years old. I've been struggling for two months to get back to my normal weight of 108. My boot camp instructor told me to eat 1400 calories daily because I'm so active. I jog/walk between 12-15 miles per week and attend boot camp class twice a week. I'm exercising 6 days a week. I gained 2 lbs. following her calorie instructions. Last week I cut back to 1200 calories to see if that would work. I'll know tomorrow when I get on the scale. I'm frustrated beyond belief!
  • ragoosauce
    ragoosauce Posts: 1 Member
    Ughh.. I'm so happy I saw this thread! I weighed 150lbs (at 4'11") about 2 years ago now. Last year, on Weight Watchers, I got down to 133. Now, at 138, I cannot get down to 133!!! I've gotten to this point at least 5 times since my weight loss journey began around 2007. This is extremely frustrating and I know that it's what I'm eating and my discipline. I am having the worse time making my portion sizes smaller and sticking to it along with watching how much sweets I eat on a daily basis.

    My doctor wants me down to 130, but I don't know if that's what my body really wants?

    Any advice ladies? Every little bit will help!
  • Brenda_DLC
    Brenda_DLC Posts: 1
    I'm 5'2 and weigh 115 and am 56 years old. I've been struggling for two months to get back to my normal weight of 108. My boot camp instructor told me to eat 1400 calories daily because I'm so active. I jog/walk between 12-15 miles per week and attend boot camp class twice a week. I'm exercising 6 days a week. I gained 2 lbs. following her calorie instructions. Last week I cut back to 1200 calories to see if that would work. I'll know tomorrow when I get on the scale. I'm frustrated beyond belief!