

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful friends. May your day be filled with your loved ones and blessed memories of our dear mothers who have passed. Cherish every moment that you have given as a mother to your children, with two legs or four- they have been changed for the better because of YOU! ❤

    I read all the posts yesterday! Took a few hours!

    Surgery went well and just have a bandaid and hand brace on. Pain
    is not too bad as compared to other surgery s I have had.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. This is the best board to be on! Let us know
    Where you live and a little bit about you too!

    I have been at the mercy of my family cooking since I an o e handed
    For awhile! Start physical therapy this week!

    It is 102 degrees on our back patio right now. Raining earlier this week
    And now blazing hot!!! Crazy Mother Nature!!
    I would love to hit the pool, but I can't get my left hand in water for more
    Than a few seconds. I would look funny walking back and forth in the
    Pool with my arm raised up high! Plus, I don't know how long I can
    Keep my hand raised!! Lol. Any ideas?
    Congrats to all the losers, well wishes to all that are suffering today!
    Smile to all you see today, it will bring happiness to your heart.
    Have a healthy day! Big hug❤. LindaS aka sundanceb????
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    yanniejanni I am so sorry you have had such a bummer time. That is my husbands response to me about Mother's Day. Of course he doesn't buy me anything for Christmas, birthday, anniversary, anytime. I have to find love in other things he does.

    We ahd a good time at my sister's with her son grilling out. I left off the bread and had only 1/2 of the baked potato knowing that desert was there. So since that meal was around 2:30 and I didn't get up until noon I need to have another nutritious meal this evening. I'll have to find some time during the finale of Survivor tonight!

    Hope you all have a good day today

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    hi Sundance; you could try putting your hand in a water proof bag and sealing your arm with waterproof tape. Others have done something similar with success. Good to hear that you are doing so well.

    peachstategal, caring for an aging parent is a tough issue; you love your mom - you do what you can :heart:

    grandmallie, feel for you having to cancel the cruise; good times are ahead - keep on smiling :smile:

    yanniejannie, sending you a great big {{{hug}}} as life can get us down sometimes :flowerforyou:

    jane, you have your plate full and we will hope that your hubby stays on speaking terms; sending you a {{{hug}}} too! :flowerforyou:

    MFP has sure been good for support on our weight loss journey and life's little struggles. I am always blessed by the kind hearts I find especially on this thread. I do hope that others were able to spend some quality time with their families and for those that could not we are here for you.

    As for me this Mother's Day was made complete when I received a visit from my newest grandson, Kashton. I will be keeping him one day a week starting this Thursday...Yay! here's a snapshot from the phone. I will work on getting a better pic on Thursday when he is all mine. :bigsmile:

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    here I am back again heavier than I have ever been. this has been a horrible year so,far. Had breast cancer surgery on Wed. But the good news is that it's non-invasive and they,think they got it - just will need radiation when healed to,be sure. so I need to,change my life- lose weight - get healthy -eat better- lessen my stress etc. This is my day to start. I guess I should start with tracking food and walking every day.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janehadji: I’m sorry your parents are in such need right now, and you haven’t anyone to share the load with you. I’m an only child, so when my parents were failing there wasn’t anyone else. DH was so supportive. I didn’t realize at the time how lucky I was. I understand now. I hope your husband realizes how hard things are for you right now and gives you the support you need.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: I understand your decision to cancel the cruise and would likely do the same in your situation. I hope you get to take the pups to Florida.:flowerforyou:

    Sundance: I’m happy to know your surgery went well and pain is tolerable. My “pool” idea may seem silly but here it is. Get a child’s wading pool, and fill it with cool water. Then put your chair and a little table with your favorite beverage beside it, an umbrella to shade you and sit there dangling your feet in the water. You might want to listen to your favorite music, too. :drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou:

    My psychology professor once said that the older you get, the more yourself you become. At the time I didn’t get it, but I do now. I’m surprising myself by the “self” I’m becoming. It turns out that I have a backbone, and can decide to lose weight and make it happen. I can also ask for what I want. DH asked me what I want for mother’s day and I told him flowers. He wanted me to be more specific, so I was, and he came home with the perfect flower arrangement. He also took me out to brunch today. That is the first time he’s done anything other than remind me I’m not his mother. I guess he can grow up and change, too.

    Katla in cloudy NW Oregon
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: Katla, I’ve lost 70 pounds and kept it off for three years as a direct result of an eating plan that includes a cleanse day a couple of times a month……that is what motivates me….we have done cleanse days on many typical “eating” holidays in order to stay out of the push to eat as a way of celebrating----instead we’ve enjoyed the chance to rest and spend time with each other.

    :flowerforyou: Sundance, the report from your surgery sounds great but the heat sounds oppressive….there must be some way to package your arm so you can go in the pool.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, once of life’s greatest challenges is to find a way to coexist with family members who repeatedly disappoint you.

    :flowerforyou: Janehadji, you have so much to deal with that it’s bound to be challenging to be upbeat and say “OK” to requests when you’re drowning in things to do.

    :flowerforyou: I’ve had an opposite challenge from many of you
    I’ve finally trained my husband to not buy me stuff for occasions and not take me out to eat…….it bugs me when he spends money we can’t afford to spend to buy things we don’t need.

    :flowerforyou: Smwert----I am happy to see you posting again and sorry to hear about your health and weight challenges…..do not be discouraged….just pick yourself up and head down the road with us.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Thanks. I am going for a walk right now to start on my road to recovery -slow and easy to start
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Happy mother’s day to everyone! We had a nice brunch, then went to the cemetery to see my mom, then to the nursing home to see dad, then a lot of gardening after a great nap. There is a Robin’s nest right outside our back door with 2-3 babies. We have named them Fos**** and Seymore :bigsmile: and will have to investigate further to see if there’s another one. Any suggestions for names?

    I am ignoring the flood in the basement. We had a major pipe break and flood 2 years ago and now it looks like the same thing has happened.:noway: I can’t deal with it today, so DH is in charge. The water is off and DD#1 has sucked up all the water she can get. No one can come out til tomorrow morning, so what the heck. I’ll just have another glass of wine.

    Lee: have a safe and fun trip!

    Eileen: the first mother’s day without mom is a tough one. Hugs and blessings to you.:flowerforyou:

    Peachstate: my mother was an antique dealer too and I also have a house full of antiques. I love garage and estate sales. We are having an auction here in June.

    Joyce: it’s fun to see what kids can come up with, isn’t it? How is it we lose all that creativity as we age? Sounds like you had wonderful moms in your life. I didn’t really know my mil either; she had already developed Alzheimer disease when I met her.

    Jb; cute!

    Grandmallie: wow such a huge change in sizes! You must be thrilled!:happy: Sorry about your cruise but I hope you end up having a great time in Florida

    Jane: glad you had a great day!

    Barbie: so glad you had the kind of day you enjoy!

    Sunshine: you just keep resting and getting well

    Michele: after the pergola, what comes next? Your house sounds like a constant construction site! You will love the pergola! We adore ours.

    Carol; I have never heard of chocolate covered saltines!

    Cityjane: you’ll have to post a pic of the garden! I write children’s poetry and would love to have it published. I speak German, used to be fluent, but not anymore; and I can get along in Russian..

    DeeDee: hope your mothers day was grand and your tiara was especially shiny today!

    Janemartin: hope you get to enjoy the babies today!

    Liz: have a great time with your family

    Mmin & Chris: welcome to our group!

    Juanita: snow!!!! In May!!!!! I don’t even have the words to comment!

    Katla; I too chat with my mom at the cemetery. At least I don’t have the trip you do ; she’s here in town.

    Renny: yes there are a whole bunch of foods that are called “goitrogens” that mess with your thyroid.

    Laura: great photo! I bet your son was thrilled

    Janehadji:I think you are way more than agreeable. I would not be nearly as agreeable as you are! You are so kind to spend so much time with your parents. I’m sure they are so grateful to have you. You can rant anytime here and we are going to support you. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I’m so sorry about your frustration and sorrow over your mom. Holidays are so hard because they come with so many expectations and when they aren’t the way we want them to be, it’s easy to be miserable. I have always hated Christmas and birthdays and actually any gift-getting occasion, but have learned to be more content with whatever comes on those days. I am sending you hugs and a virtual mothers day card to keep. :flowerforyou:

    LIndaS: happy mothers day to a very special mother. Glad you are on the mend

    Texas gal: what a great pic of your grandson!

    Smwert: oh my goodness! You should start with getting well and recovering! So glad they think it was all removed! Take care of yourself!

    Katla: I love your pool idea!

    OK ladies: enjoy what’s left of your evening. The water is still coming in despite that faucet being turned off so now we will turn of the main water to the house. Pass the wine.:drinker: I can’t have a bad mother’s day. Take care, Meg from Omaha who doesn’t need Katla’s kiddie swimming pool right now!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    I am just now getting a chance to log on. The day started with a breakfast at church, then lunch with my children at my house, then a quick visit to see my mother. I finally got home at 8 with take-out from Zaxby's. No walk, but I logged every single calorie of the day (it's not pretty, but tomorrow is Monday!)

    Smwert - welcome back. I'm so sorry about the cancer, but it sounds like you've got a good outcome.Congrats on taking charge of your health.
    Yanniejannie - I'm sorry your DH and children don't value Mother's Day as you do. Your MIL sounds a lot like mine (may she RIP). She told me to call her Mom, so I did on the phone and she said, "Sorry, you must have the wrong number. I don't have any daughters." Never called her Mom again.
    Grandmallie - way to go on making the hard decision to cancel the cruise. Being wise with money is often like being wise with food. We have to know when it's okay to splurge and when we need to rein it in.

    To the others that I did not respond to: I am going to approach this message board thing like I do cleaning the house. If I miss that spot in the corner this time, maybe I'll hit it next week when I clean. Eventually, if I clean often enough, I'll get to every spot.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello to everyone and hope all of your Mothers' Days were great. Most of you sound like it was a good one.
    I read back on the posts about 5 pages, so not really up to date, but have got so far behind I just don't think I can catch back up and still post.

    Meg - enjoy your summer. You are such a busy lady I'm sure you'll find something creative to do and keep busy anyway. I just can't see you sitting in the sun unless you're doing something. Hope the flood abates soon.

    Linda - glad to hear you're on the mend. I think I'd be wrapping that hand in a couple of bags and in the pool I'd go. Especially with the heat you mentioned.

    Juanita - NOntario weather sounds brutal this year. Hopefully it will be spring before July (what's that old joke - 2 seasons, winter and July).

    Renny - glad the chiro adjustments seem to be working for you.

    Had great Mothers' Day conversations with both my daughters. DD1 is in Toronto right now and won't be back for another week so I am planning on visiting Vancouver Island as soon as she is back. DD2 in Holland sounds like things are going well with her research and life in general.

    I'm pretty well caught up at work so will be booking some vacation time soon. I need to take 3 weeks before the end of July or lose it. I lost a week last year and don't intend to donate more to the cause. I also have a couple of conferences to go to shortly and that is always interesting.

    Hope you all have a great week, will check in if I get time but apologies for not doing many individual responses. I certainly do appreciate all of your support so and hope you realize I support you too.

    Lila in muggy Kootenays ( I think it might rain for a change).
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! Mine was very nice. We had Mom, Dad, my sister and her daughter and my daughter come up for dinner. I finished cleaning and baking with half an hour to rest before they got here. The rest of the day was very relaxing. DH cooked and my sister helped me clean up after the meal. I sent all of the food that I didn't want around to tempt me home with everyone, so tomorrow it is back to healthy meals for me! I even got a long walk in between the rain showers.

    Meg- Sorry you have to deal with the water leak.:frown: :frown: Hope you are able to get it fixed quickly with no damage left behind!
    Wine sounds like a great idea under the circumstances!

    Need to get to bed. I am up very early and it is past my bedtime!! Talk to you tomorrow!

    Deb A in CNY
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Cheryl - isn't it just amazing the things you learn? I'm honestly not surprised that brown sugar has more calories than white since brown sugar also contains molasses.

    Made some more of the chocolate cookies for the guy who is going to build the pergola. Then Vince and I worked outside on putting down landscape fabric and river rock. You know what? Stone is hard work! But at least we have a little bit done.

    Didn't do any formal exercise today. Tomorrow Vince has a MD appt so he really wants me home for the guy who is going to build the pergola in case he has any questions or whatever. So I'm planning to do a Jari Love DVD but I'll use the bar weights at the Y

    Joyce - what a lovely post you made. Happy Mother's Day everyone

    cityjane - I didn't know you were a writer! How exciting

    jane - have fun with your family

    MMinMD - welcome! I'll check our Target for the edamame. They are the only ones who have the low fat brownie mix, so who knows? I never looked for them, but you never know. Thanks for the tip

    chrissie - welcome! I think we've all been down the path you've been down, but MFP sure helps get us back on track

    m3x43 - welcome

    katla - hope you had a wonderful brunch.

    I was going to make a meatloaf for Vince, but I rested after working outside and before I knew it, it was 9:15. Probably too late to start, so I'll do it another day

    Laura how nice that your son donated his hair and how great that your other son played the piano for Prince Harry's reception.

    jane - I'm so sorry your dad was back in the hosp and then had to go to a rehab place. What a wonderful daughter you are, taking your mom there and going to all the appts at the VA. You truly have a special place in heaven. Have a pity party any time you want...you're entitled to it

    grandmalle - so sorry you aren't going on that cruise, but it'll happen and when it does, it'll be great. Good things are worth waiting for!

    Linda - so glad to see you on here. Prayers for quick healing. Glad there weren't any problems with the surgery.

    texasgal - I just want to squeeze Kashton, but I'll let you do that for me. And give him an extra kiss from me, too

    smwert - welcome back! Sorry you went thru so much, but the prognosis sounds good.

    Well, I "broke" one of my Mother's Day gifts today. Put a hole in one of the fingers of my right work glove. Vince says pretty soon I'll be telling him that I wore out my kneepad....lol See how romantic we are?????

    Meg - a glass of wine sounds wonderful for you right now. I hated when we had water in our basement in our first house.

    drkatiebug - do you know that I've never been to Zaxby's? What kind of food do they have? I like your theory about cleaning/responding

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Michele, if you've never been to Zaxby's, don't start. It's fried chicken tenders and wings. It's my husband's favorite take-out place. Although it is a chain, It may be local to the south. There is absolutely nothing on the menu that is calorie friendly. I got the fried house salad with honey mustard dressing, more than half of my daily allotment of calories.

    Jane, I also want to comment on your post. It's great that you can be there for your parents, but take care of yourself, too. Hugs!
  • colograndma
    colograndma Posts: 67
    Hi there everyone, sorry I have not been posting this weekend. Have been very busy with family and also working in the yard. The profile picture is our first raised bed veggie garden. Now to stabilize it with concrete in every other hole and fill with good dirt. See the cinder blocks behind it.... more beds in the works. Good exercise :laugh:

    Praying for all of you, will catch up tomorrow.

    Night all :flowerforyou:

  • dovergopp
    dovergopp Posts: 9
    Hello everyone Well it must be the day for parent troubles I got home from work at 9:15 tonight and my husband said the nursing home called about his mother 10 minutes before I got home.. So we made a trip to the nursing home and met my SIL there to see what was going on. She fell out of bed again three times total second time in the last three weeks. She has dementia she is not able to do anything for herself anymore they lift her out of bed and put her in a chair and if she is in the chair or the bed her body is in the same position she is just skin over bone. So far she has been lucky that she hasn't broke any bones falling out of bed or hung herself she was stuck between the bed rail and the mattress . They put pillows around her trying to keep her in the bed, so far they will not put the bottom rails up(we Well I am done rambling. Take care everyone and much happiness on the scales.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    Good evening lovelies!
    Way behind in reading, don't know when/if I'll catch up.
    Back from road trip to line dance workshop in Pasco, WA. Barbie, Dancin' Dean is just as funny and high energy as John Robinson ... but a tad less shocking... ;)
    Haven't caught up my logs yet, will try to do tomorrow, but wanted to celebrate a tiny NSV.
    This evening, I was hungry but not sure what I wanted. Beer, cheese and crackers? Wine, sourdough and dipping oil? Not much in the way of vegs in the house, I ate 'em all up before leaving. What to do? Log everything you ate today at least. Whoops, WAY low on protein, now what do we have, salami? cheese? Yoghurt! A cup of fat free yoghurt, a few raisins and pistachios, a dollop of honey and I'm only 15 calories over and protein is GOOD!

    I can't believe I made that good a choice. Yay me!

    Barbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD of the healthier waist in 2013.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    I changed my user name to:smile: LindaS175- :smile: this is my name plus goal weight! :laugh:

    It was too confusing having 2 names.:noway: Our yellow lab Sundance,might not be so happy, :sad: but I am! LOL!:bigsmile:

    I am one handed,so relying on others to cook. I am going to do protein drinks, as this is something I can control!

    New day, new week, a chance to start over and be given the gift of a new day! Have a blessed week! :heart:

    LindaS175- San Diego:flowerforyou:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Good morning, ladies! I'm up bright and early today to meet two friends/colleagues at 6:45 to travel two hours for a professional meeting. I'll be at the mercy of whatever food they put before us, but at least there will be no snacks. Hopefully I will make it home in time to exercise today.

    Now I must get off the computer, dry my hair, and get dressed. I have to leave the house i
    By 6:15 a.m. I am not really a morning person. Ugh!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    Morning friends~
    im up and having a cup of tea.. took the day off from the gym, I know I know..I have gone the last 3 days in row..had to do my own blood work this morning.. lance your finger and drop on special paper... that was joyous....
    well I will be wearing my new scrub pants today:bigsmile: I am just soooo happy I am down that far to be wearing a large rather than 2x...
    I am sharing my meal from Saterday night with the DH, he gets the rest of the chicken parm for dinner tonight.. he says no you have it, told him I dont want to use 905 calories for dinner... will get him out a burger for tomorrow night.. I make his dinner for the night and his lunch for the next day every morning...to say he is spoiled is an understatment:laugh:
    Hope everyone has a spectacular day :heart: :drinker:
  • beachlover0103
    beachlover0103 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi I'm new to this topic. You all sound so supportive and honest....I've been struggling since I joined mfp. Actually, I've been struggling to lose weight, keep it off and find balance in my life for years. I've never put my goals in writing but I think that is a good idea. Will think about what I want to achieve by the end of May and will report back later today. Thank you to who ever started this and l look forward to getting to know some of you and Herrington on as we all move towards our goals.

    Have a nice day. :)