Team UK - July 2010



  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    I've just started having a Graze box delivered each week and they've given me a discount code for a free box to pass to anyone who wants to try it.

    If you would like to try it, entering code YW6MYLR will get your first box free and your second one half price (just so you know, this also gets me £1 off my next box). You can cancel easily at any time.

    Gem x

    Thanks Gem, I am going to give this a go :bigsmile:
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    Even with brownies & cake & fried stuff at my basically weekend camping event/festival I lost another 4lb this week. :D All the walking must've helped...
  • Really hungry this afternnon after eating my lunch before 10am this morning. It is supposed to be a rest day today but I only have 700 cals left for dinner so I am going to shoot out and do 5k after work. That will give me an extra 450 calories for pudding!
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi guys,

    Thought I would do a quick check in. Hope all are doing well, and a big welcome to all the newbies, you are in the right place for support and motivation!!!!

    Well I am on day 3 of my 4 day detox, and I have actually enjoyed it and already seeing results so am really motivated to continue!!!! Think its just what I needed as my weight loss had slowed down to practically a stop!!!! :grumble: :grumble:

    Think over the past few days I have realised that I need to stop eating for enjoyment, as I work in the town centre I am surrounded with yummy options like Pret, Eat, Greggs...:laugh: ... I am planning to start taking in my lunchies to avoid the temptation. It has also taught me about portion control.... think I have been piling far too much on my plate. :noway: :noway:

    So I feel I have learnt some very important lessions this week..... fingers crossed they will help me in the future!!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Morning all, managed to do 6 miles running last night so earnt a pudding and banked a few calories as well!

    I made some home made flour tortillas last night and for a first crack at it they weren't too bad at all, I also made some beetroot and sweet potato soup after my Mum gave me a load of fresh beetroot she didn't want. I will give that a try for lunch and see how it is. Not getting weighed until tomorrow but had a really good few days and I think I may well have lost most of the 4lbs that I put on over the past couple of weeks.
  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone

    I'm fairly new to MFP.... well I joined a couple of months ago but have only really been using it since Monday. I want to lose weight to get myself in a better place so I can start thinking about having a baby. I've been married to my gorgeous hubby since November 2008 and am very happy!

    I live near London and at the moment I'm job hunting as well as trying to lose weight!

    I've been naughty this week and weighed myself a few times this week and since Monday I'm already down over 3lb!

    I'm normally better at motivating others than motivating myself for weight loss so I'm hoping that this site is going to give me the motivation I need!

    Good luck with your weightloss everyone!
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Morning all :smile:

    Firstly, for everyone doing a detox at the minute (and I know there's a few of you) WOW! I've had a nosey at some of the diaries and I'm impressed! I'm thinking of trying a detox myself for a few days (although it's not so easy when you live with the folks and your mother tries to force feed you), so I'm looking forward to seeing your losses once finished!

    I'm being relatively good this week, although I have been craving the odd bit of chocolate... still within my calorie goal though, so I'm happy enough! The weekend will be tough though :frown: Lurgan Park Rally is on, and my car is going to be on display at it.... it's an early start, as we have to be on the stand for 9.30am, and the temptation to get a fried egg soda (already) for breakfast is overwhelming :sad: I'll be surrounded by chippy vans and confectionary vans all day! So I'm preparing myself in advance! I'll be doing a spot of shopping tomorrow night so that I can make myself a nice healthy packed lunch :happy:

    Anyways, I hope everyone has a great day xx
  • What does a detox actually entail?
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    so all we have 2 more days till the end of the month, are we all going to fit our targets?

    Have to say mine is touch and go.........

    I need to drop 3lbs this week and i am really regreting my 1 beer with lunch on tuesday.:grumble: however 12lbs was a push.

    I know i have lost weight this month and can so feel the diffrence. here's to Saturdays weigh in.

    James x
  • Morning all.

    Weigh in this morning and 3lbs off so back down to 10lbs overall, happy with that but I have worked hard for it this week.

    That now leaves me needing to lose 6lbs over the next 2 weeks to hit my holiday target of 196lbs, tough call but I will give it a go.
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    I had my 2nd WI last night at RC and I maintained. I was hoping for a small loss but considering I've had a couple of 'naughty' teas this week I can't be too disheartened, at least it wasnt a gain! I also didn't strictly write everything down last week and I really notice a difference in my results when I let that slip, so got to get back into that this week.

    TGI FRIDAYYYYYY :drinker:

    Any exciting plans for the weekend? x
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Oh and how it was doable this month
    hit 11 stone that's 12 lbs in 5 weeks. I can see the end of the tunnel:smile:
    whoop whoop team UK here we go again.
    I been here many times before as i'm sure a few will remember me.

    I managed to keep the 2 stone i lost last year off so here i go again to lose another 2 stone. Last week was my first week dieting and i managed to lose 4 lbs(very good start i think you all will agree). Now into week 2 and all is going well again.

    My target for this month is to do at least 5 hours of exercise a week and to get to my first mini target of 11stone. It is 8 lbs and could be tough but i feel it is doable.

    Anyway great to see the group so busy and I'll keep everyone updated on how the month is going. Keep up the good work people.

  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Thats great James well done!!!!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Well done James!

    I wish I could say the same for myself. I lost just short of 2lbs and that was for all month. It's kind of disheartening since I have been super good. I think it is at least partly to do with these weird food intolerances I seem to have since I moved to the UK. I mean, I feel like I have lost some weight and I haven't been doing much exercise other than walking (because my commute has been so long) so I know it isn't muscle weight... so yeah, something weird is going on scales-wise. I do seem to have random days though where my now loose clothes are super tight, so I'm thinking that is affecting my weigh ins.

    Anyway, I am off to Birmingham this week for a new job so hoping to get some more exercise in since I will be living on the hospital grounds (woohoo no commute! but boo living away from home). Also still thinking about the elimination diet.

    We went to see Cirque Du Soleil at Wembley tonight and it was pretty awesome :)

    Hopefully will see everyone on next month's thread :flowerforyou:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning all :smile:

    Well, I had a very naughty weekend... but admittedly, I was expecting it! Surprisingly, I wasn't as bad as I thought I would be, I made slightly wiser choices...

    So it's back to being extremely good in a bid to undo my naughtiness (when I stood on the scales this morning I was 3lb up)!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    Just incase no one knew where we went.... there is a new August Topic thanks to James :)

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