You know you're fat when...



  • at restaurants, you order a salad with your meal to feel good about yourself even though you don't even eat it! lol
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    -when your friends say that your running looks like excited walking
    -when your friends say that you should put air quotes around the word "run" whenever you use it in a sentence because you don't actually do Webster's definition of running
    -when your friends ask you why you move your arms so much and grunt when you run yet don't go anywhere
    -when your friends ask you to throw your head back and put your hands on your stomach when you laugh so that you look like Santa Clause
    -when your friends say, 'you're my favorite chubby friend'
  • grabenson7
    grabenson7 Posts: 88
    When you go out all the time in joggers !
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    When the waiter gives the other person the salad and assumes you ordered the fattening meal.
  • theedge56
    theedge56 Posts: 64 Member
    When you order a diet soda with your super-sized value meal lol.

    Doesn't the diet soda cancel the meal out?
  • MizPassion
    MizPassion Posts: 245 Member
    Just an observation:
    Some of these are just physical realities and we're working on them. I've experienced some of them and many of them are just NSVs waiting to happen! (I just realized I don't do the pillow thing anymore, and it made me feel great!)

    Some of these you can change today by letting go of your own insecurities (me too, no judgement). Decide to step out and take a risk, be in the photo, go to the gym and know that you "belong", go out with your friends, smile etc.

    A HUGE step in my journey has been finding confidence, I've seen many people lose weight and actually become less happy! Lots of people think they'll be happy or people will like them more or they'll be more successful or whatever once they're thin, but you're still you, and that can be a let down for some people. If you can be confident NOW, chub and all, the svelte figure will just be an added bonus; but please don't wait to be thin to live your life to the fullest!

    Agreed. I've been taking more photos than ever. Tomorrow isn't promised, and that is a reality. Question, what is a NSV?
    I agree as well. Changing distorted thoughts is a big component regardless of one's weight/physical appearance. I was one of those people who gained a lot of weight after becoming extremely fit.
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    -when your friends say that your running looks like excited walking
    -when your friends say that you should put air quotes around the word "run" whenever you use it in a sentence because you don't actually do Webster's definition of running
    -when your friends ask you why you move your arms so much and grunt when you run yet don't go anywhere
    -when your friends ask you to throw your head back and put your hands on your stomach when you laugh so that you look like Santa Clause
    -when your friends say, 'you're my favorite chubby friend'

    cajosor, it sounds like you could use a few new friends : )
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    When your stomach doesn't stop moving after you stop if it's experiencing aftershock...
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    -when your friends say that your running looks like excited walking
    -when your friends say that you should put air quotes around the word "run" whenever you use it in a sentence because you don't actually do Webster's definition of running
    -when your friends ask you why you move your arms so much and grunt when you run yet don't go anywhere
    -when your friends ask you to throw your head back and put your hands on your stomach when you laugh so that you look like Santa Clause
    -when your friends say, 'you're my favorite chubby friend'

    cajosor, it sounds like you could use a few new friends : )
    This is what I say to myself lmfao My friends are horrible people!
  • MizPassion
    MizPassion Posts: 245 Member
    When you have to lie down and suck your gut to fit into the deadly skinny jeans lol
    did you get them to fit?
  • MizPassion
    MizPassion Posts: 245 Member
    -when your friends say that your running looks like excited walking
    -when your friends say that you should put air quotes around the word "run" whenever you use it in a sentence because you don't actually do Webster's definition of running
    -when your friends ask you why you move your arms so much and grunt when you run yet don't go anywhere
    -when your friends ask you to throw your head back and put your hands on your stomach when you laugh so that you look like Santa Clause
    -when your friends say, 'you're my favorite chubby friend'

    cajosor, it sounds like you could use a few new friends : )
    This is what I say to myself lmfao My friends are horrible people!
    This is cruel. I admit I lol'd at Santa Claus.
  • Kamatayan
    Kamatayan Posts: 21 Member
    For those of you who get comments from complete strangers... I'm sorry. I can't imagine how that feels.
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member
    when all you've got one sleeping position that doesn't ache
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    -when your friends say that your running looks like excited walking
    -when your friends say that you should put air quotes around the word "run" whenever you use it in a sentence because you don't actually do Webster's definition of running
    -when your friends ask you why you move your arms so much and grunt when you run yet don't go anywhere
    -when your friends ask you to throw your head back and put your hands on your stomach when you laugh so that you look like Santa Clause
    -when your friends say, 'you're my favorite chubby friend'

    cajosor, it sounds like you could use a few new friends : )
    This is what I say to myself lmfao My friends are horrible people!
    This is cruel. I admit I lol'd at Santa Claus.
    Now I feel bad. People think my friends are horrible :(
    Mind you, only the first 3 things have been actually said to me & this was when I was fit playing volleyball!
    Me and running just don't get along lmfao I don't think i should run unless I'm being chased & even then--if someone's chasing me, it must be an important reason & i just should stop. Lol
    I'm just the sarcastic kind. Don't think I'm like bullied or anything! Far from it!
  • laynerdm
    laynerdm Posts: 16 Member
    When you go shopping for a brand of jeans you used to wear and the sales lady says "Oh Hon, they don't make those in your size!"
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    cajosor, I don't run. Running hurts. Not my legs, not my feet, not my lungs. It hurts my chest. I've tried a bunch of different sports bras, I've tried layering them, I've tried a sports bra over my real bra. Nothing works. So I'll chase the kids in the yard or run from my neighbors very nasty little dog but running for fitness isn't happening. I've seen people get a lot of enjoyment out of running and also a lot of health benefits from it too so this is kind of a disappointment for me.
  • fredhack
    fredhack Posts: 16 Member
    You feel comfortable making fat jokes about yourself !!!!!
  • rudarbe
    rudarbe Posts: 164 Member
    you know you're fat when you're watching a movie in the theaters, and instead of you watching the movie you're watching if you're breathing too loud.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    chafing of inner thighs.

    yup :sad:
  • AnderMama88
    AnderMama88 Posts: 49 Member
    A girl you thought was much bigger than you says "like 5 people came up to me today at the library thinking I was you!"

    You have a panic attack when your boyfriend tries to pick you up.

    You don't want to wear your hair down because you hate how your neck looks.

    Get asked if your pregnant 3 times in a month.

    Your legs ache after going grocery shopping.