You know you're fat when...



  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    When your landlord who you never speak to and has no idea about your nutrition tells you that you should stick to a diet of only "leafy greens"

    When you mention having gained weight recently to a new friend and they say, "Oh? You weren't always like this?"
  • sixthsense
    sixthsense Posts: 22
    You get stuck coming down a helter skelter with a two year old.....yes it happened to me :embarassed:
  • sockergurl04
    I knew I was fat when I saw fat rolls on my arms!! WTF!?! Glad they are gone!
  • lookitsbecc
    lookitsbecc Posts: 22 Member
    you start a diet a week ago and when your favourite brand of ice cream comes on offer it actually makes you feel depressed.
  • BackToFree
    BackToFree Posts: 58 Member
    When painting your toenails becomes a work out
    When random strangers make it a point to walk AROUND you at a restaurant so they don't "catch the fat"
    When you can no longer find work out clothes in your size
    When you can't got clothes shopping in "regular" stores
    When you have to consider the size of your hips while looking for new shower fittings for the bathroom renovation
  • Scott46617
    Scott46617 Posts: 23
    when your boobs become your best asset

    I can relate to this one. Unfortunately I'm a guy...
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    When you're sat down on 2 chairs at a garden party cos 1 doesn't look strong enough.
    Or, you pick the sturdiest looking chair, but when you stand up to go get more food, the chair is actually stuck on your backside, and you dont have enough hands to hold your plate and glass and pick the chair off your bum, so you kind of do a little waddle/shake to try to get it off.
    Ohhhhhh bad memories!
  • Scott46617
    Scott46617 Posts: 23
    When you order a diet soda with your super-sized value meal lol.

    This times a million. Darn you McDonald's! :sad:

    This, but you order two - so as to make a shameful attempt to fool the cashier into thinking it's for two people.
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    When you're sat down on 2 chairs at a garden party cos 1 doesn't look strong enough.
    Or, you pick the sturdiest looking chair, but when you stand up to go get more food, the chair is actually stuck on your backside, and you dont have enough hands to hold your plate and glass and pick the chair off your bum, so you kind of do a little waddle/shake to try to get it off.
    Ohhhhhh bad memories!

    Yup, that happened to me too. It was stuck on my butt, and then when I awkwardly removed said chair, I broke it. Oh well!
  • JanedoeTorrisi
    When your grandmother comments on your weight when you visit her... but you're the smallest of your siblings
  • CubicCutie
    CubicCutie Posts: 53
    You can't see what the scales say when you step on them.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    I agree with the whole list and wish to add: when you hide in the back of all photographs & all your underwear are too tight

    Yes, that was me last year. Not wanting to wear fancy dress for my brother's 60th and hiding from photos. I don't have any from that time so no 'befores' .
    All my underwear was too tight. I had burst out of my pyjamas and had given up on bras as I couldn't breathe!
    Now 43 lbs down! :drinker:
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    People keep asking when you're due...
    note to everyone: do not ask a woman if she is having a baby, unless you actually see the baby crowning and she appears to be in distress. kthxbai
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    you've lost 15 lbs and no one can tell the difference :sad:

    Depends on how tall you are. Took me 22 pounds to go down a pant size.

    i'm 5'1" it's going to take FOREVER to notice lol 20lbs down and still the same size AND i've been doing a squat challenge and NOTHING is going on back there lol
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    People keep asking when you're due...
    note to everyone: do not ask a woman if she is having a baby, unless you actually see the baby crowning and she appears to be in distress. kthxbai

    I go with the screaming "IT'S COMING" or the broken waters or maybe, just maybe, a baby popping out.
  • katecorb
    katecorb Posts: 8 Member
    chafing of inner thighs.

    I second this one!! I resorted to using "chub rub" for work so I did not rub myself raw!! No More!!!!
  • zdreamer
    zdreamer Posts: 69 Member
    Great outlook and attitude!
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    You need two attendants to push down on the roller coaster handles so that they can try to secure you in while you try to suck in the stomach :frown:
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    You lie down in bed and your neck disappears.

    You can't paint your toenails because your belly is in the way.
  • Hope502012
    Hope502012 Posts: 98 Member
    People keep asking when you're due...

    Ugh...this has happened to me more than once :-(