HCG progress and updates - for people on it or thinking abou



  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    There sure are a hundred different versions of HCG arent there?

    Anyone who says 'their way' is the only way is living in a very small world.

    Isn't variety a wonderful thing!!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Yes it is... I chose the clinic I go to because I wanted more protein in my diet...I was running alot and did not want to chance losing any muscle... I eat between 900 and 1200 calories a day and sometimes around 600 or 700 as long as I feel good I can but on days I want more I follow the higher calorie plan... I have lost over ten pounds in 3 weeks and I have lost alot of inches...The clinic measure today and I have lost all over 10.5 inches ... I am good with that sort of progress...It took me 3 and 1/2 months to lose 44 pounds on my own through plain old exercise and diet but I hit a stall so I decided to try HCG...it has pushed me through my plateau...thank god... i was about to give up... Whatever works and Variety is a great thing!!!!
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    There sure are a hundred different versions of HCG arent there?

    Anyone who says 'their way' is the only way is living in a very small world.

    Isn't variety a wonderful thing!!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Yeah, but I have a feeling that nothing works like the original plan. That is why I am staying true to the Protocol that was written by Dr Simeon.

    My naturopathic Dr swears by the manuscript!!!

    True but I think a person has to find what works for them... Most people also say if you lose weight quickly you are less likely to gain it all back... I do not believe that...I feel if you choose to make a lifestyle change you can live healthy and maintain... I lost alot of weight before using HCG in 3 and 1/2 months ... I get compliments all of the time on my legs and how althetic they look...I give running all the props for this... I am glad the original plan works for you...but I feel each person has to find what works for them...
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    My HCG scheduled eating is...

    ~breakfast ~Protein shake (I obtain this protein shake mix from the clinic for cheaper than gnc protein)...its great and low in carbs and sugars...

    ~2 hours later... 1/2 protein bar ( I also buy these from clinic..they are reasonably priced equivalent to gnc or health food store) plus they taste sooo good...lol

    ~lunch 2 hours after snack... 4.5 oz...of lean meat (protein rich)... Large handful of veggies on list...and fruit

    ~2 hours later ... 1/2 protein bar

    ~dinner 2 hours after afternoon snack and before 6pm... 4.5 oz of lean meat (clean,protein rich)...large handful of veggies. allowed fruit

    ~before bed...protein shake....

    I got my updated list of food and I am sooo excited...
    I wanted fried zucchini but as you know that is a no no... but I can have ground flaxseed covered zucchini slowly cooked in special oil... and it tastes soooo good... :) ... play with your food list... I just ordered the cookbook from the clinic and I tell you what it has been a lifesaver... I also craved chocolate covered strawberries but nothing strawberries sprinkled with stevia and drops of chocolate stevia couldnt handle.. it was delicious :)

  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Good morning everyone! Welcom to the end of July.

    I just wanted to add something about the 'variety' of HCG plans available. I was talking with my sis (best friend and confidante) and we both feel strongly that while many 'varieties' of HCG seem to work for many different people, the only time I have a problem with people going off protocol is when they say "the diet didn't work". If the diet didn't work and you didn't follow the protocol, then it isn't the diet's fault.

    Now, if you went off protocol and had success anyway, then, in my opinion, you are doing a "modified" HCG diet and how wonderful for you.

    I am down another 1.5 lbs today which puts me exactly 2lbs under last dose weight. Now - my sis has been following phase three very strictly and holding at her LDW. I have not been as strict. She had to watch her fruits/veggies for carbs and I have not yet run into that issue. She has not resumed her exercise program yet though and I am back to running 3 days a week. I have consciously avoided potatoes, rice, pasta, and bread, and most sugar with the exeption of the Ezekiel bread and a few bites of yummies here and there.

    I understand that this plan may not work for some people but for me this is nothing short of the 'MAGIC PILL' and I would have done it years ago if I'd know how relatively easy it would be!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    There sure are a hundred different versions of HCG arent there?

    Anyone who says 'their way' is the only way is living in a very small world.

    Isn't variety a wonderful thing!!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Yeah, but I have a feeling that nothing works like the original plan. That is why I am staying true to the Protocol that was written by Dr Simeon.

    My naturopathic Dr swears by the manuscript!!!

    True but I think a person has to find what works for them... Most people also say if you lose weight quickly you are less likely to gain it all back... I do not believe that...I feel if you choose to make a lifestyle change you can live healthy and maintain... I lost alot of weight before using HCG in 3 and 1/2 months ... I get compliments all of the time on my legs and how althetic they look...I give running all the props for this... I am glad the original plan works for you...but I feel each person has to find what works for them...

    Well, I am doing this with under the direction of a well versed Naturopathic Doctor. She told that even if you see people lose weight deviating from the Original Protocol that they will not stabilize well and will gain the weight back.

    The manuscript was written the way it was for a reason.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Good morning everyone! Welcom to the end of July.

    I just wanted to add something about the 'variety' of HCG plans available. I was talking with my sis (best friend and confidante) and we both feel strongly that while many 'varieties' of HCG seem to work for many different people, the only time I have a problem with people going off protocol is when they say "the diet didn't work". If the diet didn't work and you didn't follow the protocol, then it isn't the diet's fault.

    Now, if you went off protocol and had success anyway, then, in my opinion, you are doing a "modified" HCG diet and how wonderful for you.

    I am down another 1.5 lbs today which puts me exactly 2lbs under last dose weight. Now - my sis has been following phase three very strictly and holding at her LDW. I have not been as strict. She had to watch her fruits/veggies for carbs and I have not yet run into that issue. She has not resumed her exercise program yet though and I am back to running 3 days a week. I have consciously avoided potatoes, rice, pasta, and bread, and most sugar with the exeption of the Ezekiel bread and a few bites of yummies here and there.

    I understand that this plan may not work for some people but for me this is nothing short of the 'MAGIC PILL' and I would have done it years ago if I'd know how relatively easy it would be!

    I guess so, but my feelings are.............

    The Plans such as Dr Simeons Pounds and Inches, Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution, South Beach, etc, etc..............are written according to the plan for a particular reason ans should be adhered to as such.

    On an HCG support website I was reading on the other day, the failure rate of people not following protocol to a T is about 90%
    Most have problems stabilizing in Phase 3 and then most don't even do a Phase 4.

    One lady said when she entered into Phase 3, she kept losing and never was able to stabilize. She admitted to having had different veggies than protocol allowed.

    Also, the variations set up for the whole excuse of "It doesn't work.........." When they failed themselves and the Plan.

    Just my feelings and my 2 cents.

    I like to shut people up and show that a plan DOES work, but I have to work the plan the way its written in order for it to work for me.
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    I also am under a Doctors care and clinic who specialize in HCG...I am doing a modified version and it is working...I watched 3 friends do this version and they have kept the weight off for several years...I wanted to make sure this wasnt just a "fad" diet as everyone seems to think it is besides those of us who have watched the progress and success of others around us...
    on the modified UPDATED plan as we like to call it... I and others I know feel minor if any hunger at all...protects me from protein deficiency and is customized to my needs...protects my lean body mass due to calories...i feel eating breakfast or having the protein in the morning helps my metabolism...and because of the state of the program i choose i can stay on the diet as long as i would like without going off the program after so many injections...
    i respect your opinion july24lioness but i do think people can make this diet work with updated programs through well known clinics and doctors and nurses also...good luck and stay positive...
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    I did not mean to get negative comments about the protocol on either version... I do not disagree that the original version works it just isnt for me... i worked very hard to get lean before i hit a plateau and want to do everything i can to protect my muscle... i applaud you for being so outspoken for what you believe is the RIGHT version... but please have respect for those of us who have followed a modified UPDATED combined version of the original and medically proven updated version... Good luck and again i am sorry if i offended anyone...i have just had success and watched the success of others not just over a short period but for years so for you to suggest failure due to the modified version i choose to do that isnt right... failure is choosing not to change your lifestyle and continue on the journey...if a person puts in the effort they will succeed...
    lots of respect...
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I did not mean to get negative comments about the protocol on either version... I do not disagree that the original version works it just isnt for me... i worked very hard to get lean before i hit a plateau and want to do everything i can to protect my muscle... i applaud you for being so outspoken for what you believe is the RIGHT version... but please have respect for those of us who have followed a modified UPDATED combined version of the original and medically proven updated version... Good luck and again i am sorry if i offended anyone...i have just had success and watched the success of others not just over a short period but for years so for you to suggest failure due to the modified version i choose to do that isnt right... failure is choosing not to change your lifestyle and continue on the journey...if a person puts in the effort they will succeed...
    lots of respect...

    There are no negative comments, just people expressing their opinions..............I based a lot of this HCG stuff off my doctor since this is not my area of knowledge.

    I have a lot of hormonal issues that probably calls for me doing this by the book more so than others too.

    I respect your opinion also as well as FiveFatCats (she is the one that convinced me to give this a try). If the modified version works for you, Great - I wish you the best of luck...............

    Dr Simeons was a wise and very patient man. Started experimenting and researching the plan in the 1950's and then started using it as treatment in the 1970's.

    Now that is a long term study there!!!

    P. S - I have gotten my TOM for the first time since March today. That shows that this is starting to line out my hormones, at least a little bit. :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Here's the main difference as I see it. When you are following the protocol under the supervision and direction of a clinic, then you can do what they say and trust their experience. If they see something isn't working for you, they can modify your plan accordingly. When you are doing the protocol on your own, without the benefit of intense medical supervision, then you need to stick to what is "tried and true" - even it it's not updated - to minimize the chance of something not working.

    I like the idea of having a glass of wine rather than a fruit serving occasionally. I certainly appreciate the spirit in which the advice was offered. It would have made sense to have the glass of wine and stay on protocol, rather than the bottle of pino and the nachos and cheeseburger and fries that I consumed. Every bit of knowledge is good. We can choose to use it or not, so keep sharing!

    Thanks again everyone for your support. I can tell you I would have just ate myself into oblivion, but I somehow felt accountable to you guys and stuck to the program yesterday and today.

    I am back at my pre-stray weight.
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    Here's the main difference as I see it. When you are following the protocol under the supervision and direction of a clinic, then you can do what they say and trust their experience. If they see something isn't working for you, they can modify your plan accordingly. When you are doing the protocol on your own, without the benefit of intense medical supervision, then you need to stick to what is "tried and true" - even it it's not updated - to minimize the chance of something not working.

    I like the idea of having a glass of wine rather than a fruit serving occasionally. I certainly appreciate the spirit in which the advice was offered. It would have made sense to have the glass of wine and stay on protocol, rather than the bottle of pino and the nachos and cheeseburger and fries that I consumed. Every bit of knowledge is good. We can choose to use it or not, so keep sharing!

    Thanks again everyone for your support. I can tell you I would have just ate myself into oblivion, but I somehow felt accountable to you guys and stuck to the program yesterday and today.

    I am back at my pre-stray weight.

    You are such a positive person... I agree with your statements and positive attitude... good luck on your journey...stick with it..it's so worth it :)
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    I did not mean to get negative comments about the protocol on either version... I do not disagree that the original version works it just isnt for me... i worked very hard to get lean before i hit a plateau and want to do everything i can to protect my muscle... i applaud you for being so outspoken for what you believe is the RIGHT version... but please have respect for those of us who have followed a modified UPDATED combined version of the original and medically proven updated version... Good luck and again i am sorry if i offended anyone...i have just had success and watched the success of others not just over a short period but for years so for you to suggest failure due to the modified version i choose to do that isnt right... failure is choosing not to change your lifestyle and continue on the journey...if a person puts in the effort they will succeed...
    lots of respect...

    There are no negative comments, just people expressing their opinions..............I based a lot of this HCG stuff off my doctor since this is not my area of knowledge.

    I have a lot of hormonal issues that probably calls for me doing this by the book more so than others too.

    I respect your opinion also as well as FiveFatCats (she is the one that convinced me to give this a try). If the modified version works for you, Great - I wish you the best of luck...............

    Dr Simeons was a wise and very patient man. Started experimenting and researching the plan in the 1950's and then started using it as treatment in the 1970's.

    Now that is a long term study there!!!

    P. S - I have gotten my TOM for the first time since March today. That shows that this is starting to line out my hormones, at least a little bit. :happy: :happy: :happy:

    glad your hormones are lining out...just a thought...alot has changed in the knowledge of the body and in the medical world..i too rely on a clinic and my doctor who specializes since i have knowledge just for what works for me and my experience...good luck!!!
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    Not entering flame war.

    Just reporting:

    6 pounds down since Monday morning weigh in.

    Six pounds in 5 effective injection/VLCD days. That's good enough for me.

    HCG diet works. I tell people its simple but not easy.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Congratulations! Way to go. I like how you've put it: simple, but not easy.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Not entering flame war.

    Just reporting:

    6 pounds down since Monday morning weigh in.

    Six pounds in 5 effective injection/VLCD days. That's good enough for me.

    HCG diet works. I tell people its simple but not easy.

    Great job!!!

    There is no flame war...............just a difference in opinion, which is ok.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Does anyone know anything about Evoke hHCG?

    It has been recommended to me as some of the strongest homeopathic HCG out there..............
  • Hi Ladies,

    Im in the UK, Never heard of HCG before but i have done some research into it and it sounds great. I cant seem to find any retailer that will ship it over to the UK can anyone help xx
  • rjons
    rjons Posts: 5
    Could you please tell me what your eating protocol is.Tomorrow is D1 Vlcd I'm not really sure what to eat or not.....Thank you
  • I am very encouraged that though there are many differing opinions, everyone is staying constructive with their comments. :happy:

    I have never heard of Evoke HCG sorry.

    Rjons - My VLCD eating protocol was pretty strict to Simeon's plan. It concerns me that you are starting the program without knowing what to eat. This is a program that I recommend everyone research before starting. It is not my intention to hassle you but I hope you know what you are getting into.

    I, too, love the saying:


    Thank you lioness!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    The Simeon's manuscript "Pounds and Inches" is available for free online. Google the title and author's name and you can pull up a copy for yourself and save it to your own pc. It is the original basis for the entire HCG program. There have been additions and revisions by others along the way, but this will tell you what you wanted to know.

    BTW, if you have been loading and not taking HCG during that time, you are already starting off incorrectly, and are likely to have great difficulty with hunger during your first few days. If this is the case, it would be better to start over. Just mentioning this as the most common mistake I have heard about are those who start the loading phase and wait to start the HCG until they start the VLCD (very low calorie diet).

    Good luck to you.
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